/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_FREE_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 SPARTA, Inc. */ /* */ /* * File: ipc/ipc_right.c * Author: Rich Draves * Date: 1989 * * Functions to manipulate IPC capabilities. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Allow IPC to generate mach port guard exceptions */ extern kern_return_t mach_port_guard_exception( mach_port_name_t name, uint64_t inguard, uint64_t portguard, unsigned reason); /* * Routine: ipc_right_lookup_write * Purpose: * Finds an entry in a space, given the name. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. If successful, the space is write-locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Found an entry. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME Name doesn't exist in space. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_lookup_write( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t *entryp) { ipc_entry_t entry; assert(space != IS_NULL); is_write_lock(space); if (!is_active(space)) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } if ((entry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name)) == IE_NULL) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_NAME; } *entryp = entry; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_lookup_two_write * Purpose: * Like ipc_right_lookup except that it returns two * entries for two different names that were looked * up under the same space lock. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. If successful, the space is write-locked. * Returns: * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME Name doesn't exist in space. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_lookup_two_write( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name1, ipc_entry_t *entryp1, mach_port_name_t name2, ipc_entry_t *entryp2) { ipc_entry_t entry1; ipc_entry_t entry2; assert(space != IS_NULL); is_write_lock(space); if (!is_active(space)) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } if ((entry1 = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name1)) == IE_NULL) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_NAME; } if ((entry2 = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name2)) == IE_NULL) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_NAME; } *entryp1 = entry1; *entryp2 = entry2; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_reverse * Purpose: * Translate (space, object) -> (name, entry). * Only finds send/receive rights. * Returns TRUE if an entry is found; if so, * the object is locked and active. * Conditions: * The space must be locked (read or write) and active. * Nothing else locked. */ boolean_t ipc_right_reverse( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_t object, mach_port_name_t *namep, ipc_entry_t *entryp) { ipc_port_t port; mach_port_name_t name; ipc_entry_t entry; /* would switch on io_otype to handle multiple types of object */ assert(is_active(space)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); port = (ipc_port_t) object; ip_lock(port); if (!ip_active(port)) { ip_unlock(port); return FALSE; } if (port->ip_receiver == space) { name = port->ip_receiver_name; assert(name != MACH_PORT_NULL); entry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name); assert(entry != IE_NULL); assert(entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); assert(port == (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object); *namep = name; *entryp = entry; return TRUE; } if (ipc_hash_lookup(space, (ipc_object_t) port, namep, entryp)) { assert((entry = *entryp) != IE_NULL); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); assert(port == (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object); return TRUE; } ip_unlock(port); return FALSE; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_dnrequest * Purpose: * Make a dead-name request, returning the previously * registered send-once right. If notify is IP_NULL, * just cancels the previously registered request. * * Conditions: * Nothing locked. May allocate memory. * Only consumes/returns refs if successful. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Made/canceled dead-name request. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME Name doesn't exist in space. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote port/dead rights. * KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT Name denotes dead name, but * immediate is FALSE or notify is IP_NULL. * KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW Name denotes dead name, but * generating immediate notif. would overflow urefs. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_request_alloc( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, boolean_t immediate, boolean_t send_possible, ipc_port_t notify, ipc_port_t *previousp) { ipc_port_request_index_t prev_request; ipc_port_t previous = IP_NULL; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE boolean_t needboost = FALSE; #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ for (;;) { ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL; kr = ipc_right_lookup_write(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked and active */ prev_request = entry->ie_request; /* if nothing to do or undo, we're done */ if (notify == IP_NULL && prev_request == IE_REQ_NONE) { is_write_unlock(space); *previousp = IP_NULL; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* see if the entry is of proper type for requests */ if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_RIGHTS) { ipc_port_request_index_t new_request; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (!ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { /* port is locked and active */ /* if no new request, just cancel previous */ if (notify == IP_NULL) { if (prev_request != IE_REQ_NONE) previous = ipc_port_request_cancel(port, name, prev_request); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); break; } /* * send-once rights, kernel objects, and non-full other queues * fire immediately (if immediate specified). */ if (send_possible && immediate && ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) || port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel || !ip_full(port))) { if (prev_request != IE_REQ_NONE) previous = ipc_port_request_cancel(port, name, prev_request); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); ipc_notify_send_possible(notify, name); break; } /* * If there is a previous request, free it. Any subsequent * allocation cannot fail, thus assuring an atomic swap. */ if (prev_request != IE_REQ_NONE) previous = ipc_port_request_cancel(port, name, prev_request); #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE kr = ipc_port_request_alloc(port, name, notify, send_possible, immediate, &new_request, &needboost); #else kr = ipc_port_request_alloc(port, name, notify, send_possible, immediate, &new_request); #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { assert(previous == IP_NULL); is_write_unlock(space); kr = ipc_port_request_grow(port, ITS_SIZE_NONE); /* port is unlocked */ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; continue; } assert(new_request != IE_REQ_NONE); entry->ie_request = new_request; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE if (needboost == TRUE) { if (ipc_port_importance_delta(port, 1) == FALSE) ip_unlock(port); } else #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ ip_unlock(port); break; } /* entry may have changed to dead-name by ipc_right_check() */ } /* treat send_possible requests as immediate w.r.t. dead-name */ if ((send_possible || immediate) && notify != IP_NULL && (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME)) { mach_port_urefs_t urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(entry->ie_bits); assert(urefs > 0); if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_OVERFLOW(urefs, 1)) { is_write_unlock(space); if (port != IP_NULL) ip_release(port); return KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW; } (entry->ie_bits)++; /* increment urefs */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); if (port != IP_NULL) ip_release(port); ipc_notify_dead_name(notify, name); previous = IP_NULL; break; } is_write_unlock(space); if (port != IP_NULL) ip_release(port); if (entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_OR_DEAD) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; else return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } *previousp = previous; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_request_cancel * Purpose: * Cancel a notification request and return the send-once right. * Afterwards, entry->ie_request == 0. * Conditions: * The space must be write-locked; the port must be locked. * The port must be active; the space doesn't have to be. */ ipc_port_t ipc_right_request_cancel( __unused ipc_space_t space, ipc_port_t port, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry) { ipc_port_t previous; assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port == (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object); if (entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE) return IP_NULL; previous = ipc_port_request_cancel(port, name, entry->ie_request); entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); return previous; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_inuse * Purpose: * Check if an entry is being used. * Returns TRUE if it is. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * It is unlocked if the entry is inuse. */ boolean_t ipc_right_inuse( ipc_space_t space, __unused mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry) { if (IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) { is_write_unlock(space); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_check * Purpose: * Check if the port has died. If it has, * clean up the entry and return TRUE. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked; the port is not locked. * If returns FALSE, the port is also locked and active. * Otherwise, entry is converted to a dead name. * * Caller is responsible for a reference to port if it * had died (returns TRUE). */ boolean_t ipc_right_check( ipc_space_t space, ipc_port_t port, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; assert(is_active(space)); assert(port == (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object); ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port)) return FALSE; /* this was either a pure send right or a send-once right */ bits = entry->ie_bits; assert((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); port->ip_srights--; } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1); assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); port->ip_sorights--; } ip_unlock(port); /* * delete SEND rights from ipc hash. */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) != 0) { ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t)port, name, entry); } /* convert entry to dead name */ bits = (bits &~ IE_BITS_TYPE_MASK) | MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME; /* * If there was a notification request outstanding on this * name, and the port went dead, that notification * must already be on its way up from the port layer. * * Add the reference that the notification carries. It * is done here, and not in the notification delivery, * because the latter doesn't have a space reference and * trying to actually move a send-right reference would * get short-circuited into a MACH_PORT_DEAD by IPC. Since * all calls that deal with the right eventually come * through here, it has the same result. * * Once done, clear the request index so we only account * for it once. */ if (entry->ie_request != IE_REQ_NONE) { if (ipc_port_request_type(port, name, entry->ie_request) != 0) { assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); bits++; } entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; } entry->ie_bits = bits; entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); return TRUE; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_terminate * Purpose: * Cleans up an entry in a terminated space. * The entry isn't deallocated or removed * from reverse hash tables. * Conditions: * The space is dead and unlocked. */ void ipc_right_terminate( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; mach_port_type_t type; bits = entry->ie_bits; type = IE_BITS_TYPE(bits); assert(!is_active(space)); /* * IE_BITS_COMPAT/ipc_right_dncancel doesn't have this * problem, because we check that the port is active. If * we didn't cancel IE_BITS_COMPAT, ipc_port_destroy * would still work, but dead space refs would accumulate * in ip_dnrequests. They would use up slots in * ip_dnrequests and keep the spaces from being freed. */ switch (type) { case MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME: assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); break; case MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET: { ipc_pset_t pset = (ipc_pset_t) entry->ie_object; assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(pset != IPS_NULL); ips_lock(pset); assert(ips_active(pset)); ipc_pset_destroy(pset); /* consumes ref, unlocks */ break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; ipc_port_t request; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); if (!ip_active(port)) { ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); break; } request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (--port->ip_srights == 0 ) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { wait_queue_link_t wql; queue_head_t links_data; queue_t links = &links_data; assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); queue_init(links); ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, links); ipc_port_destroy(port); /* consumes our ref, unlocks */ while(!queue_empty(links)) { wql = (wait_queue_link_t) dequeue(links); wait_queue_link_free(wql); } } else if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) { assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); ip_unlock(port); ipc_notify_send_once(port); /* consumes our ref */ } else { assert(port->ip_receiver != space); ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); } if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } default: panic("ipc_right_terminate: strange type - 0x%x", type); } } /* * Routine: ipc_right_destroy * Purpose: * Destroys an entry in a space. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked (returns unlocked). * The space must be active. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS The entry was destroyed. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_destroy( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, boolean_t check_guard, uint64_t guard) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; mach_port_type_t type; bits = entry->ie_bits; entry->ie_bits &= ~IE_BITS_TYPE_MASK; type = IE_BITS_TYPE(bits); assert(is_active(space)); switch (type) { case MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME: assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); break; case MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET: { ipc_pset_t pset = (ipc_pset_t) entry->ie_object; assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(pset != IPS_NULL); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); ips_lock(pset); is_write_unlock(space); assert(ips_active(pset)); ipc_pset_destroy(pset); /* consumes ref, unlocks */ break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; ipc_port_t request; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (type == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_lock(port); if (!ip_active(port)) { assert((type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); ip_release(port); break; } /* For receive rights, check for guarding */ if ((type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) && (check_guard) && (port->ip_guarded) && (guard != port->ip_context)) { /* Guard Violation */ uint64_t portguard = port->ip_context; ip_unlock(port); is_write_unlock(space); /* Raise mach port guard exception */ mach_port_guard_exception(name, 0, portguard, kGUARD_EXC_DESTROY); return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } } if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { queue_head_t links_data; queue_t links = &links_data; wait_queue_link_t wql; assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); queue_init(links); ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, links); ipc_port_destroy(port); /* consumes our ref, unlocks */ while(!queue_empty(links)) { wql = (wait_queue_link_t) dequeue(links); wait_queue_link_free(wql); } } else if (type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) { assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); ip_unlock(port); ipc_notify_send_once(port); /* consumes our ref */ } else { assert(port->ip_receiver != space); ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); } if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } default: panic("ipc_right_destroy: strange type"); } return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_dealloc * Purpose: * Releases a send/send-once/dead-name user ref. * Like ipc_right_delta with a delta of -1, * but looks at the entry to determine the right. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked, and is unlocked upon return. * The space must be active. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS A user ref was released. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Entry has wrong type. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_dealloc( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry) { ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL; ipc_entry_bits_t bits; mach_port_type_t type; bits = entry->ie_bits; type = IE_BITS_TYPE(bits); assert(is_active(space)); switch (type) { case MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME: { dead_name: assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); if (IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1) { ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); } else { entry->ie_bits = bits-1; /* decrement urefs */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } is_write_unlock(space); /* release any port that got converted to dead name below */ if (port != IP_NULL) ip_release(port); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t request; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); goto dead_name; /* it will release port */ } /* port is locked and active */ assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); ipc_notify_send_once(port); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND: { ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); goto dead_name; /* it will release port */ } /* port is locked and active */ assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1) { if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); ip_release(port); } else { ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_bits = bits-1; /* decrement urefs */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); } if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1) { if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK | MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); } else entry->ie_bits = bits-1; /* decrement urefs */ ip_unlock(port); ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); break; } default: is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_delta * Purpose: * Modifies the user-reference count for a right. * May deallocate the right, if the count goes to zero. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked, and is unlocked upon return. * The space must be active. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Count was modified. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Entry has wrong type. * KERN_INVALID_VALUE Bad delta for the right. * KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW OK delta, except would overflow. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_delta( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_port_right_t right, mach_port_delta_t delta) { ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL; ipc_entry_bits_t bits; bits = entry->ie_bits; /* * The following is used (for case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_DEAD_NAME) in the * switch below. It is used to keep track of those cases (in DIPC) * where we have postponed the dropping of a port reference. Since * the dropping of the reference could cause the port to disappear * we postpone doing so when we are holding the space lock. */ assert(is_active(space)); assert(right < MACH_PORT_RIGHT_NUMBER); /* Rights-specific restrictions and operations. */ switch (right) { case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_PORT_SET: { ipc_pset_t pset; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); if (delta == 0) goto success; if (delta != -1) goto invalid_value; pset = (ipc_pset_t) entry->ie_object; assert(pset != IPS_NULL); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); ips_lock(pset); assert(ips_active(pset)); is_write_unlock(space); ipc_pset_destroy(pset); /* consumes ref, unlocks */ break; } case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; queue_head_t links_data; queue_t links = &links_data; wait_queue_link_t wql; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) goto invalid_right; if (delta == 0) goto success; if (delta != -1) goto invalid_value; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); /* * The port lock is needed for ipc_right_dncancel; * otherwise, we wouldn't have to take the lock * until just before dropping the space lock. */ ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); /* Mach Port Guard Checking */ if(port->ip_guarded) { uint64_t portguard = port->ip_context; ip_unlock(port); is_write_unlock(space); /* Raise mach port guard exception */ mach_port_guard_exception(name, 0, portguard, kGUARD_EXC_MOD_REFS); goto guard_failure; } if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (port->ip_pdrequest != NULL) { /* * Since another task has requested a * destroy notification for this port, it * isn't actually being destroyed - the receive * right is just being moved to another task. * Since we still have one or more send rights, * we need to record the loss of the receive * right and enter the remaining send right * into the hash table. */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); entry->ie_bits &= ~MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE; ipc_hash_insert(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_reference(port); } else { /* * The remaining send right turns into a * dead name. Notice we don't decrement * ip_srights, generate a no-senders notif, * or use ipc_right_dncancel, because the * port is destroyed "first". */ bits &= ~IE_BITS_TYPE_MASK; bits |= MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME; if (entry->ie_request) { entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; bits++; } entry->ie_bits = bits; entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); } is_write_unlock(space); queue_init(links); ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, links); ipc_port_destroy(port); /* consumes ref, unlocks */ while(!queue_empty(links)) { wql = (wait_queue_link_t) dequeue(links); wait_queue_link_free(wql); } if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t request; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { assert(!(entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE)); goto invalid_right; } /* port is locked and active */ assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); if ((delta > 0) || (delta < -1)) { ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_value; } if (delta == 0) { ip_unlock(port); goto success; } request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); ipc_notify_send_once(port); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_DEAD_NAME: { ipc_port_t relport = IP_NULL; mach_port_urefs_t urefs; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) { port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (!ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { /* port is locked and active */ ip_unlock(port); port = IP_NULL; goto invalid_right; } bits = entry->ie_bits; relport = port; port = IP_NULL; } else if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_UNDERFLOW(urefs, delta)) goto invalid_value; if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_OVERFLOW(urefs, delta)) goto urefs_overflow; if ((urefs + delta) == 0) { ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); } else { entry->ie_bits = bits + delta; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } is_write_unlock(space); if (relport != IP_NULL) ip_release(relport); break; } case MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND: { mach_port_urefs_t urefs; ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0) goto invalid_right; /* maximum urefs for send is MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX-1 */ port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { assert((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0); goto invalid_right; } /* port is locked and active */ assert(port->ip_srights > 0); urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_UNDERFLOW(urefs, delta)) { ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_value; } if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_OVERFLOW(urefs+1, delta)) { ip_unlock(port); goto urefs_overflow; } if ((urefs + delta) == 0) { if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); ip_unlock(port); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK| MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); } } else { ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_bits = bits + delta; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } is_write_unlock(space); if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); break; } default: panic("ipc_right_delta: strange right"); } return KERN_SUCCESS; success: is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_SUCCESS; invalid_right: is_write_unlock(space); if (port != IP_NULL) ip_release(port); return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; invalid_value: is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_VALUE; urefs_overflow: is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW; guard_failure: return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_destruct * Purpose: * Deallocates the receive right and modifies the * user-reference count for the send rights as requested. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked, and is unlocked upon return. * The space must be active. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Count was modified. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Entry has wrong type. * KERN_INVALID_VALUE Bad delta for the right. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_destruct( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_port_delta_t srdelta, uint64_t guard) { ipc_port_t port = IP_NULL; ipc_entry_bits_t bits; queue_head_t links_data; queue_t links = &links_data; wait_queue_link_t wql; mach_port_urefs_t urefs; ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(is_active(space)); if (((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) || (srdelta && ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0))) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } if (srdelta > 0) goto invalid_value; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); /* Mach Port Guard Checking */ if(port->ip_guarded && (guard != port->ip_context)) { uint64_t portguard = port->ip_context; ip_unlock(port); is_write_unlock(space); mach_port_guard_exception(name, 0, portguard, kGUARD_EXC_DESTROY); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* * First reduce the send rights as requested and * adjust the entry->ie_bits accordingly. The * ipc_entry_modified() call is made once the receive * right is destroyed too. */ if (srdelta) { assert(port->ip_srights > 0); urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); /* * Since we made sure that srdelta is negative, * the check for urefs overflow is not required. */ if (MACH_PORT_UREFS_UNDERFLOW(urefs, srdelta)) { ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_value; } if ((urefs + srdelta) == 0) { if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK| MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); } else { entry->ie_bits = bits + srdelta; } } /* * Now destroy the receive right. Update space and * entry accordingly. */ bits = entry->ie_bits; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); if (port->ip_pdrequest != NULL) { /* * Since another task has requested a * destroy notification for this port, it * isn't actually being destroyed - the receive * right is just being moved to another task. * Since we still have one or more send rights, * we need to record the loss of the receive * right and enter the remaining send right * into the hash table. */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); entry->ie_bits &= ~MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE; ipc_hash_insert(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_reference(port); } else { /* * The remaining send right turns into a * dead name. Notice we don't decrement * ip_srights, generate a no-senders notif, * or use ipc_right_dncancel, because the * port is destroyed "first". */ bits &= ~IE_BITS_TYPE_MASK; bits |= MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME; if (entry->ie_request) { entry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; bits++; } entry->ie_bits = bits; entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); } } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); } /* Unlock space */ is_write_unlock(space); if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); queue_init(links); ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, links); ipc_port_destroy(port); /* consumes ref, unlocks */ while(!queue_empty(links)) { wql = (wait_queue_link_t) dequeue(links); wait_queue_link_free(wql); } if (request != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_port_deleted(request, name); return KERN_SUCCESS; invalid_value: is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_VALUE; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_info * Purpose: * Retrieves information about the right. * Conditions: * The space is active and write-locked. * The space is unlocked upon return. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Retrieved info */ kern_return_t ipc_right_info( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_port_type_t *typep, mach_port_urefs_t *urefsp) { ipc_port_t port; ipc_entry_bits_t bits; mach_port_type_t type = 0; ipc_port_request_index_t request; bits = entry->ie_bits; request = entry->ie_request; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { assert(IP_VALID(port)); if (request != IE_REQ_NONE) { ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); type |= ipc_port_request_type(port, name, request); ip_unlock(port); } is_write_unlock(space); } else if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) { /* * validate port is still alive - if so, get request * types while we still have it locked. Otherwise, * recapture the (now dead) bits. */ if (!ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { if (request != IE_REQ_NONE) type |= ipc_port_request_type(port, name, request); ip_unlock(port); is_write_unlock(space); } else { bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); is_write_unlock(space); ip_release(port); } } else { is_write_unlock(space); } type |= IE_BITS_TYPE(bits); *typep = type; *urefsp = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyin_check * Purpose: * Check if a subsequent ipc_right_copyin would succeed. * Conditions: * The space is locked (read or write) and active. */ boolean_t ipc_right_copyin_check( __assert_only ipc_space_t space, __unused mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; ipc_port_t port; bits= entry->ie_bits; assert(is_active(space)); switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND: if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) return FALSE; break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE: if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) return FALSE; break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE: if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) return FALSE; break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND: case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND: case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE: { if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) break; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) == 0) return FALSE; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); /* * active status peek to avoid checks that will be skipped * on copyin for dead ports. Lock not held, so will not be * atomic (but once dead, there's no going back). */ if (!ip_active(port)) { break; } if (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE) { if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) == 0) return FALSE; } else { if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0) return FALSE; } break; } default: panic("ipc_right_copyin_check: strange rights"); } return TRUE; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyin * Purpose: * Copyin a capability from a space. * If successful, the caller gets a ref * for the resulting object, unless it is IO_DEAD, * and possibly a send-once right which should * be used in a port-deleted notification. * * If deadok is not TRUE, the copyin operation * will fail instead of producing IO_DEAD. * * The entry is never deallocated (except * when KERN_INVALID_NAME), so the caller * should deallocate the entry if its type * is MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Acquired an object, possibly IO_DEAD. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote correct right. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_copyin( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, boolean_t deadok, ipc_object_t *objectp, ipc_port_t *sorightp, ipc_port_t *releasep, #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE int *assertcntp, #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ queue_t links) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; ipc_port_t port; *releasep = IP_NULL; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE *assertcntp = 0; #endif bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(is_active(space)); switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND: { if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) goto invalid_right; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); port->ip_mscount++; port->ip_srights++; ip_reference(port); ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = IP_NULL; break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE: { if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) goto invalid_right; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); port->ip_sorights++; ip_reference(port); ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = IP_NULL; break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0) goto invalid_right; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); ipc_hash_insert(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); ip_reference(port); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; } entry->ie_bits = bits &~ MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, links); port->ip_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL; port->ip_destination = IP_NULL; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE /* * Account for boosts the current task is going to lose when * copying this right in. Tempowner ports have either not * been accounting to any task (and therefore are already in * "limbo" state w.r.t. assertions) or to some other specific * task. As we have no way to drop the latter task's assertions * here, We'll deduct those when we enqueue it on its * destination port (see ipc_port_check_circularity()). */ if (port->ip_tempowner == 0) { assert(IIT_NULL == port->ip_imp_task); /* ports in limbo have to be tempowner */ port->ip_tempowner = 1; *assertcntp = port->ip_impcount; } #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = request; break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND: { if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) goto copy_dead; /* allow for dead send-once rights */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { bits = entry->ie_bits; *releasep = port; goto copy_dead; } /* port is locked and active */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_right; } assert(port->ip_srights > 0); port->ip_srights++; ip_reference(port); ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = IP_NULL; break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND: { ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) goto move_dead; /* allow for dead send-once rights */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { bits = entry->ie_bits; *releasep = port; goto move_dead; } /* port is locked and active */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_right; } assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1) { if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); ip_reference(port); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; } entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK|MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); } else { port->ip_srights++; ip_reference(port); entry->ie_bits = bits-1; /* decrement urefs */ } ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = request; break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t request; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) goto move_dead; /* allow for dead send rights */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RIGHTS) == 0) goto invalid_right; assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { bits = entry->ie_bits; goto move_dead; } /* port is locked and active */ if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE) == 0) { assert(bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); ip_unlock(port); goto invalid_right; } assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1); assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK | MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE); ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = request; break; } default: invalid_right: return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } return KERN_SUCCESS; copy_dead: assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == 0); if (!deadok) goto invalid_right; *objectp = IO_DEAD; *sorightp = IP_NULL; return KERN_SUCCESS; move_dead: assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(entry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == 0); if (!deadok) goto invalid_right; if (IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 1) { bits &= ~MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME; } entry->ie_bits = bits-1; /* decrement urefs */ ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); *objectp = IO_DEAD; *sorightp = IP_NULL; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyin_undo * Purpose: * Undoes the effects of an ipc_right_copyin * of a send/send-once right that is dead. * (Object is either IO_DEAD or a dead port.) * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. */ void ipc_right_copyin_undo( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, ipc_object_t object, ipc_port_t soright) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(is_active(space)); assert((msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) || (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND) || (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE)); if (soright != IP_NULL) { assert((msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) || (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE)); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(object != IO_DEAD); entry->ie_bits = ((bits &~ IE_BITS_RIGHT_MASK) | MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME | 2); } else if (IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) { assert((msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) || (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE)); entry->ie_bits = ((bits &~ IE_BITS_RIGHT_MASK) | MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME | 1); } else if (IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME) { assert(object == IO_DEAD); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); if (msgt_name != MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); entry->ie_bits = bits+1; /* increment urefs */ } } else { assert((msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) || (msgt_name == MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND)); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); assert(object != IO_DEAD); assert(entry->ie_object == object); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); if (msgt_name != MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX-1); entry->ie_bits = bits+1; /* increment urefs */ } /* * May as well convert the entry to a dead name. * (Or if it is a compat entry, destroy it.) */ (void) ipc_right_check(space, (ipc_port_t) object, name, entry); /* object is dead so it is not locked */ } ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); /* release the reference acquired by copyin */ if (object != IO_DEAD) io_release(object); } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyin_two_move_sends * Purpose: * Like ipc_right_copyin with MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND * and deadok == FALSE, except that this moves two * send rights at once. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * The object is returned with two refs/send rights. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Acquired an object. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote correct right. */ static kern_return_t ipc_right_copyin_two_move_sends( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, ipc_object_t *objectp, ipc_port_t *sorightp, ipc_port_t *releasep) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; mach_port_urefs_t urefs; ipc_port_t port; ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL; *releasep = IP_NULL; assert(is_active(space)); bits = entry->ie_bits; if ((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) == 0) goto invalid_right; urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); if (urefs < 2) goto invalid_right; port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, name, entry)) { *releasep = port; goto invalid_right; } /* port is locked and active */ assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (urefs == 2) { if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); port->ip_srights++; ip_reference(port); ip_reference(port); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); request = ipc_right_request_cancel_macro(space, port, name, entry); port->ip_srights++; ip_reference(port); ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); entry->ie_object = IO_NULL; } entry->ie_bits = bits &~ (IE_BITS_UREFS_MASK|MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); } else { port->ip_srights += 2; ip_reference(port); ip_reference(port); entry->ie_bits = bits-2; /* decrement urefs */ } ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); ip_unlock(port); *objectp = (ipc_object_t) port; *sorightp = request; return KERN_SUCCESS; invalid_right: return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyin_two * Purpose: * Like ipc_right_copyin with two dispositions, * each of which results in a send or send-once right, * and deadok = FALSE. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * The object is returned with two refs/rights. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Acquired an object. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote correct right(s). * KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY Name doesn't denote correct right for msgt_two. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_copyin_two( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_one, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_two, ipc_object_t *objectp, ipc_port_t *sorightp, ipc_port_t *releasep) { queue_head_t links_data; queue_t links = &links_data; kern_return_t kr; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE int assertcnt = 0; #endif queue_init(links); assert(MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY_SEND(msgt_one)); assert(MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY_SEND(msgt_two)); /* * Pre-validate the second disposition is possible all by itself. */ if (!ipc_right_copyin_check(space, name, entry, msgt_two)) { return KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY; } /* * This is a little tedious to make atomic, because * there are 25 combinations of valid dispositions. * However, most are easy. */ /* * If either is move-sonce, then there must be an error. */ if (msgt_one == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE || msgt_two == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE) { return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } if ((msgt_one == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND) || (msgt_one == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE) || (msgt_two == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND) || (msgt_two == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE)) { /* * One of the dispositions needs a receive right. * * If the copyin below succeeds, we know the receive * right is there (because the pre-validation of * the second disposition already succeeded in our * caller). * * Hence the port is not in danger of dying. */ ipc_object_t object_two; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_one, FALSE, objectp, sorightp, releasep, &assertcnt, links); assert(assertcnt == 0); #else kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_one, FALSE, objectp, sorightp, releasep, links); #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return kr; } assert(IO_VALID(*objectp)); assert(*sorightp == IP_NULL); assert(*releasep == IP_NULL); /* * Now copyin the second (previously validated) * disposition. The result can't be a dead port, * as no valid disposition can make us lose our * receive right. */ #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_two, FALSE, &object_two, sorightp, releasep, &assertcnt, links); assert(assertcnt == 0); #else kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_two, FALSE, &object_two, sorightp, releasep, links); #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS); assert(*sorightp == IP_NULL); assert(*releasep == IP_NULL); assert(object_two == *objectp); assert(entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); } else if ((msgt_one == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) && (msgt_two == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND)) { /* * This is an easy case. Just use our * handy-dandy special-purpose copyin call * to get two send rights for the price of one. */ kr = ipc_right_copyin_two_move_sends(space, name, entry, objectp, sorightp, releasep); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return kr; } } else { mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name; /* * Must be either a single move-send and a * copy-send, or two copy-send dispositions. * Use the disposition with the greatest side * effects for the actual copyin - then just * duplicate the send right you get back. */ if (msgt_one == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND || msgt_two == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) { msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND; } else { msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND; } #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_name, FALSE, objectp, sorightp, releasep, &assertcnt, links); assert(assertcnt == 0); #else kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_name, FALSE, objectp, sorightp, releasep, links); #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return kr; } /* * Copy the right we got back. If it is dead now, * that's OK. Neither right will be usable to send * a message anyway. */ (void)ipc_port_copy_send((ipc_port_t)*objectp); } assert(queue_empty(links)); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_copyout * Purpose: * Copyout a capability to a space. * If successful, consumes a ref for the object. * * Always succeeds when given a newly-allocated entry, * because user-reference overflow isn't a possibility. * * If copying out the object would cause the user-reference * count in the entry to overflow, and overflow is TRUE, * then instead the user-reference count is left pegged * to its maximum value and the copyout succeeds anyway. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * The object is locked and active. * The object is unlocked; the space isn't. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Copied out capability. * KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW User-refs would overflow; * guaranteed not to happen with a fresh entry * or if overflow=TRUE was specified. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_copyout( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name, ipc_entry_t entry, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, boolean_t overflow, ipc_object_t object) { ipc_entry_bits_t bits; ipc_port_t port; bits = entry->ie_bits; assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); assert(io_active(object)); assert(entry->ie_object == object); port = (ipc_port_t) object; switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE: assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); /* transfer send-once right and ref to entry */ ip_unlock(port); entry->ie_bits = bits | (MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE | 1); ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND: assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { mach_port_urefs_t urefs = IE_BITS_UREFS(bits); assert(port->ip_srights > 1); assert(urefs > 0); assert(urefs < MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); if (urefs+1 == MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX) { if (overflow) { /* leave urefs pegged to maximum */ port->ip_srights--; ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); return KERN_SUCCESS; } ip_unlock(port); return KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW; } port->ip_srights--; ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); } else if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); /* transfer send right to entry */ ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); /* transfer send right and ref to entry */ ip_unlock(port); /* entry is locked holding ref, so can use port */ ipc_hash_insert(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); } entry->ie_bits = (bits | MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) + 1; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t dest; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE natural_t assertcnt = port->ip_impcount; #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ assert(port->ip_mscount == 0); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL); dest = port->ip_destination; port->ip_receiver_name = name; port->ip_receiver = space; assert((bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0); if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND) { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) > 0); assert(port->ip_srights > 0); ip_unlock(port); ip_release(port); /* entry is locked holding ref, so can use port */ ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, name, entry); } else { assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(IE_BITS_UREFS(bits) == 0); /* transfer ref to entry */ ip_unlock(port); } entry->ie_bits = bits | MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE; ipc_entry_modified(space, name, entry); if (dest != IP_NULL) { #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE /* * Deduct the assertion counts we contributed to * the old destination port. They've already * been reflected into the task as a result of * getting enqueued. */ ip_lock(dest); ipc_port_impcount_delta(dest, 0 - assertcnt, IP_NULL); ip_unlock(dest); #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ ip_release(dest); } break; } default: panic("ipc_right_copyout: strange rights"); } return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_right_rename * Purpose: * Transfer an entry from one name to another. * The old entry is deallocated. * Conditions: * The space is write-locked and active. * The new entry is unused. Upon return, * the space is unlocked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Moved entry to new name. */ kern_return_t ipc_right_rename( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t oname, ipc_entry_t oentry, mach_port_name_t nname, ipc_entry_t nentry) { ipc_port_request_index_t request = oentry->ie_request; ipc_entry_bits_t bits = oentry->ie_bits; ipc_object_t object = oentry->ie_object; ipc_port_t release_port = IP_NULL; assert(is_active(space)); assert(oname != nname); /* * If IE_BITS_COMPAT, we can't allow the entry to be renamed * if the port is dead. (This would foil ipc_port_destroy.) * Instead we should fail because oentry shouldn't exist. * Note IE_BITS_COMPAT implies ie_request != 0. */ if (request != IE_REQ_NONE) { ipc_port_t port; assert(bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_RIGHTS); port = (ipc_port_t) object; assert(port != IP_NULL); if (ipc_right_check(space, port, oname, oentry)) { request = IE_REQ_NONE; object = IO_NULL; bits = oentry->ie_bits; release_port = port; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME); assert(oentry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); } else { /* port is locked and active */ ipc_port_request_rename(port, request, oname, nname); ip_unlock(port); oentry->ie_request = IE_REQ_NONE; } } /* initialize nentry before letting ipc_hash_insert see it */ assert((nentry->ie_bits & IE_BITS_RIGHT_MASK) == 0); nentry->ie_bits |= bits & IE_BITS_RIGHT_MASK; nentry->ie_request = request; nentry->ie_object = object; switch (IE_BITS_TYPE(bits)) { case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND: { ipc_port_t port; port = (ipc_port_t) object; assert(port != IP_NULL); /* remember, there are no other share entries possible */ /* or we can't do the rename. Therefore we do not need */ /* to check the other subspaces */ ipc_hash_delete(space, (ipc_object_t) port, oname, oentry); ipc_hash_insert(space, (ipc_object_t) port, nname, nentry); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t port; port = (ipc_port_t) object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == oname); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); port->ip_receiver_name = nname; ip_unlock(port); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET: { ipc_pset_t pset; pset = (ipc_pset_t) object; assert(pset != IPS_NULL); ips_lock(pset); assert(ips_active(pset)); assert(pset->ips_local_name == oname); pset->ips_local_name = nname; ips_unlock(pset); break; } case MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_ONCE: case MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME: break; default: panic("ipc_right_rename: strange rights"); } assert(oentry->ie_request == IE_REQ_NONE); oentry->ie_object = IO_NULL; ipc_entry_dealloc(space, oname, oentry); ipc_entry_modified(space, nname, nentry); is_write_unlock(space); if (release_port != IP_NULL) ip_release(release_port); return KERN_SUCCESS; }