# history.tcl -- # # Provides a history mechanism for entry widgets # # Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Faupell # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: history.tcl,v 1.4 2005/08/25 03:36:58 andreas_kupries Exp $ package require Tk package provide history 0.1 namespace eval history { bind History {::history::up %W} bind History {::history::down %W} } proc ::history::init {w {len 30}} { variable history variable prefs set bt [bindtags $w] if {[lsearch $bt History] > -1} { error "$w already has a history" } if {[set i [lsearch $bt $w]] < 0} { error "cant find $w in bindtags" } bindtags $w [linsert $bt [expr {$i + 1}] History] array set history [list $w,list {} $w,cur -1] set prefs(maxlen,$w) $len return $w } proc ::history::remove {w} { variable history variable prefs set bt [bindtags $w] if {[set i [lsearch $bt History]] < 0} { error "$w has no history" } bindtags $w [lreplace $bt $i $i] unset prefs(maxlen,$w) history($w,list) history($w,cur) } proc ::history::add {w line} { variable history variable prefs if {$history($w,cur) > -1 && [lindex $history($w,list) $history($w,cur)] == $line} { set history($w,list) [lreplace $history($w,list) $history($w,cur) $history($w,cur)] } set history($w,list) [linsert $history($w,list) 0 $line] set history($w,list) [lrange $history($w,list) 0 $prefs(maxlen,$w)] set history($w,cur) -1 } proc ::history::up {w} { variable history if {[lindex $history($w,list) [expr {$history($w,cur) + 1}]] != ""} { if {$history($w,cur) == -1} { set history($w,tmp) [$w get] } $w delete 0 end incr history($w,cur) $w insert end [lindex $history($w,list) $history($w,cur)] } else { alert $w } } proc ::history::down {w} { variable history if {$history($w,cur) != -1} { $w delete 0 end if {$history($w,cur) == 0} { $w insert end $history($w,tmp) set history($w,cur) -1 } else { incr history($w,cur) -1 $w insert end [lindex $history($w,list) $history($w,cur)] } } else { alert $w } } proc ::history::get {w} { variable history return $history($w,list) } proc ::history::clear {w} { variable history set history($w,cur) -1 set history($w,list) {} unset -nocomplain history($w,tmp) } proc ::history::configure {w option {value {}}} { variable history variable prefs switch -exact -- $option { length { if {$value == ""} { return $prefs(maxlen,$w) } if {![string is integer -strict $value]} { error "length must be an integer" } set prefs(maxlen,$w) $value } alert { if {$value == ""} { return [info body ::history::alert] } proc ::history::alert w $value } default { error "unknown option $option" } } } proc ::history::alert {w} {bell}