/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __ASL_COMMON_H__ #define __ASL_COMMON_H__ #include #include #define ASL_MODULE_NAME "com.apple.asl" #define _PATH_CRASHREPORTER "/Library/Logs/CrashReporter" #define _PATH_CRASHREPORTER_MOBILE "/var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter" #define ASL_SERVICE_NAME "com.apple.system.logger" #define CRASH_MOVER_WILL_START_NOTIFICATION "CrashMoverWillStart" #define DEFAULT_TTL 7 /* days */ #define SECONDS_PER_DAY 86400 #define ACTION_NONE 0 #define ACTION_SET_PARAM 1 #define ACTION_OUT_DEST 2 #define ACTION_IGNORE 3 #define ACTION_SKIP 4 #define ACTION_CLAIM 5 #define ACTION_NOTIFY 6 #define ACTION_BROADCAST 7 #define ACTION_ACCESS 8 #define ACTION_SET_KEY 9 #define ACTION_UNSET_KEY 10 #define ACTION_ASL_STORE 11 /* Save in main ASL Database */ #define ACTION_ASL_FILE 12 /* Save in an ASL format data file */ #define ACTION_ASL_DIR 13 /* Save in an ASL directory */ #define ACTION_FILE 14 /* Save in a text file */ #define ACTION_FORWARD 15 #define ACTION_CONTROL 16 #define ACTION_SET_FILE 17 /* = foo [File /a/b/c] */ #define ACTION_SET_PLIST 18 /* = foo [Plist /a/b/c] ... */ #define ACTION_SET_PROF 19 /* = foo [Profile abc] ... */ #define STYLE_SEC_PREFIX_CHAR 'T' #define MODULE_FLAG_HAS_LOGGED 0x80000000 #define MODULE_FLAG_CLEAR_LOGGED 0x7fffffff #define MODULE_FLAG_ENABLED 0x00000001 #define MODULE_FLAG_LOCAL 0x00000002 #define MODULE_FLAG_ROTATE 0x00000004 #define MODULE_FLAG_COALESCE 0x00000008 #define MODULE_FLAG_COMPRESS 0x00000010 #define MODULE_FLAG_NONSTD_DIR 0x00000020 #define MODULE_FLAG_EXTERNAL 0x00000040 #define MODULE_FLAG_TRUNCATE 0x00000080 #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_SEC 0x00000100 /* foo.T1332799722 (note STYLE_SEC_PREFIX_CHAR) */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_SEQ 0x00000200 /* foo.0 */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_UTC 0x00000400 /* foo.2012-04-06T13:45:00Z */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_UTC_B 0x00000800 /* ("basic utc") foo.20120406T134500Z */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_LCL 0x00001000 /* foo.2012-04-06T13:45:00-7 */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_LCL_B 0x00002000 /* ("basic local") foo.20120406T134500-7 */ #define MODULE_FLAG_BASESTAMP 0x00004000 /* base file has timestamp */ #define MODULE_FLAG_CRASHLOG 0x00008000 /* checkpoint on CrashMoverWillStart notification */ #define MODULE_FLAG_SOFT_WRITE 0x00010000 /* ignore write failures */ #define MODULE_FLAG_TYPE_ASL 0x00020000 /* asl format file */ #define MODULE_FLAG_TYPE_ASL_DIR 0x00040000 /* asl format directory */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STD_BSD_MSG 0x00080000 /* print format is std, bsd, or msg */ #define MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_BITS (MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_SEC | MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_SEQ | MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_UTC | MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_UTC_B | MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_LCL | MODULE_FLAG_STYLE_LCL_B) #define CHECKPOINT_TEST 0x00000000 #define CHECKPOINT_FORCE 0x00000001 #define CHECKPOINT_CRASH 0x00000002 #define LEVEL_ALL 8 typedef struct { char *path; char *fname; char *fmt; const char *tfmt; char *rotate_dir; uint32_t pvt_flags; uint32_t flags; uint32_t fails; uint32_t ttl[9]; mode_t mode; #if !TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR uid_t *uid; uint32_t nuid; gid_t *gid; uint32_t ngid; #endif size_t file_max; size_t all_max; uint32_t refcount; time_t stamp; size_t size; void *private; } asl_out_dst_data_t; typedef struct asl_out_rule_s { asl_msg_t *query; uint32_t action; char *options; asl_out_dst_data_t *dst; void *private; struct asl_out_rule_s *next; } asl_out_rule_t; typedef struct asl_out_module_s { char *name; uint32_t flags; asl_out_rule_t *ruleset; struct asl_out_module_s *next; } asl_out_module_t; typedef struct asl_out_file_list_s { char *name; time_t ftime; uint32_t seq; size_t size; struct asl_out_file_list_s *next; struct asl_out_file_list_s *prev; } asl_out_file_list_t; char **explode(const char *s, const char *delim); void free_string_list(char **l); char *get_line_from_file(FILE *f); char *next_word_from_string(char **s); size_t asl_str_to_size(char *s); asl_msg_t *xpc_object_to_asl_msg(xpc_object_t xobj); int asl_check_option(asl_msg_t *msg, const char *opt); /* ASL OUT MODULES */ asl_out_module_t *asl_out_module_new(const char *name); void asl_out_module_free(asl_out_module_t *m); asl_out_module_t *asl_out_module_init(void); asl_out_module_t *asl_out_module_init_from_file(const char *name, FILE *f); asl_out_rule_t *asl_out_module_parse_line(asl_out_module_t *m, char *s); void asl_out_module_print(FILE *f, asl_out_module_t *m); char *asl_out_module_rule_to_string(asl_out_rule_t *r); int asl_out_mkpath(asl_out_module_t *mlist, asl_out_rule_t *r); int asl_out_dst_checkpoint(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst, uint32_t force); int asl_out_dst_file_create_open(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst, char **pathp); int asl_out_dst_set_access(int fd, asl_out_dst_data_t *dst); void asl_make_timestamp(time_t stamp, uint32_t flags, char *buf, size_t len); void asl_make_dst_filename(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst, char *buf, size_t len); asl_out_dst_data_t *asl_out_dst_data_retain(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst); void asl_out_dst_data_release(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst); /* rotated log files */ asl_out_file_list_t *asl_list_log_files(const char *dir, const char *base, bool src, uint32_t flags); asl_out_file_list_t * asl_list_src_files(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst); asl_out_file_list_t * asl_list_dst_files(asl_out_dst_data_t *dst); void asl_out_file_list_free(asl_out_file_list_t *l); asl_msg_t *configuration_profile_to_asl_msg(const char *ident); int asl_secure_chown_chmod_dir(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode); #endif /* __ASL_COMMON_H__ */