/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html. * * cpp.c * * An implementation of a C preprocessor plus some support for additional * SWIG directives. * * - SWIG directives such as %include, %extern, and %import are handled * - A new macro %define ... %enddef can be used for multiline macros * - No preprocessing is performed in %{ ... %} blocks * - Lines beginning with %# are stripped down to #... and passed through. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char cvsroot_cpp_c[] = "$Id: cpp.c 11098 2009-01-30 10:32:59Z bhy $"; #include "swig.h" #include "preprocessor.h" #include static Hash *cpp = 0; /* C preprocessor data */ static int include_all = 0; /* Follow all includes */ static int ignore_missing = 0; static int import_all = 0; /* Follow all includes, but as %import statements */ static int imported_depth = 0; /* Depth of %imported files */ static int single_include = 1; /* Only include each file once */ static Hash *included_files = 0; static List *dependencies = 0; static Scanner *id_scan = 0; static int error_as_warning = 0; /* Understand the cpp #error directive as a special #warning */ /* Test a character to see if it starts an identifier */ #define isidentifier(c) ((isalpha(c)) || (c == '_') || (c == '$')) /* Test a character to see if it valid in an identifier (after the first letter) */ #define isidchar(c) ((isalnum(c)) || (c == '_') || (c == '$')) DOH *Preprocessor_replace(DOH *); /* Skip whitespace */ static void skip_whitespace(String *s, String *out) { int c; while ((c = Getc(s)) != EOF) { if (!isspace(c)) { Ungetc(c, s); break; } else if (out) Putc(c, out); } } /* Skip to a specified character taking line breaks into account */ static int skip_tochar(String *s, int ch, String *out) { int c; while ((c = Getc(s)) != EOF) { if (out) Putc(c, out); if (c == ch) break; if (c == '\\') { c = Getc(s); if ((c != EOF) && (out)) Putc(c, out); } } if (c == EOF) return -1; return 0; } static void copy_location(const DOH *s1, DOH *s2) { Setfile(s2, Getfile((DOH *) s1)); Setline(s2, Getline((DOH *) s1)); } static String *cpp_include(const_String_or_char_ptr fn, int sysfile) { String *s = sysfile ? Swig_include_sys(fn) : Swig_include(fn); if (s && single_include) { String *file = Getfile(s); if (Getattr(included_files, file)) { Delete(s); return 0; } Setattr(included_files, file, file); } if (!s) { /* XXX(bhy) may not need the seek */ /* Seek(fn, 0, SEEK_SET); */ if (ignore_missing) { Swig_warning(WARN_PP_MISSING_FILE, Getfile(fn), Getline(fn), "Unable to find '%s'\n", fn); } else { Swig_error(Getfile(fn), Getline(fn), "Unable to find '%s'\n", fn); } } else { String *lf; Seek(s, 0, SEEK_SET); if (!dependencies) { dependencies = NewList(); } lf = Copy(Swig_last_file()); Append(dependencies, lf); Delete(lf); } return s; } List *Preprocessor_depend(void) { return dependencies; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * void Preprocessor_cpp_init() - Initialize the preprocessor * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *kpp_args = 0; static String *kpp_define = 0; static String *kpp_defined = 0; static String *kpp_elif = 0; static String *kpp_else = 0; static String *kpp_endif = 0; static String *kpp_expanded = 0; static String *kpp_if = 0; static String *kpp_ifdef = 0; static String *kpp_ifndef = 0; static String *kpp_name = 0; static String *kpp_swigmacro = 0; static String *kpp_symbols = 0; static String *kpp_undef = 0; static String *kpp_value = 0; static String *kpp_varargs = 0; static String *kpp_error = 0; static String *kpp_warning = 0; static String *kpp_line = 0; static String *kpp_include = 0; static String *kpp_pragma = 0; static String *kpp_level = 0; static String *kpp_dline = 0; static String *kpp_ddefine = 0; static String *kpp_dinclude = 0; static String *kpp_dimport = 0; static String *kpp_dextern = 0; static String *kpp_LINE = 0; static String *kpp_FILE = 0; void Preprocessor_init(void) { Hash *s; kpp_args = NewString("args"); kpp_define = NewString("define"); kpp_defined = NewString("defined"); kpp_else = NewString("else"); kpp_elif = NewString("elif"); kpp_endif = NewString("endif"); kpp_expanded = NewString("*expanded*"); kpp_if = NewString("if"); kpp_ifdef = NewString("ifdef"); kpp_ifndef = NewString("ifndef"); kpp_name = NewString("name"); kpp_swigmacro = NewString("swigmacro"); kpp_symbols = NewString("symbols"); kpp_undef = NewString("undef"); kpp_value = NewString("value"); kpp_error = NewString("error"); kpp_warning = NewString("warning"); kpp_pragma = NewString("pragma"); kpp_level = NewString("level"); kpp_line = NewString("line"); kpp_include = NewString("include"); kpp_varargs = NewString("varargs"); kpp_dinclude = NewString("%include"); kpp_dimport = NewString("%import"); kpp_dextern = NewString("%extern"); kpp_ddefine = NewString("%define"); kpp_dline = NewString("%line"); kpp_LINE = NewString("__LINE__"); kpp_FILE = NewString("__FILE__"); cpp = NewHash(); s = NewHash(); Setattr(cpp, kpp_symbols, s); Delete(s); Preprocessor_expr_init(); /* Initialize the expression evaluator */ included_files = NewHash(); id_scan = NewScanner();; } void Preprocessor_delete(void) { Delete(kpp_args); Delete(kpp_define); Delete(kpp_defined); Delete(kpp_else); Delete(kpp_elif); Delete(kpp_endif); Delete(kpp_expanded); Delete(kpp_if); Delete(kpp_ifdef); Delete(kpp_ifndef); Delete(kpp_name); Delete(kpp_swigmacro); Delete(kpp_symbols); Delete(kpp_undef); Delete(kpp_value); Delete(kpp_error); Delete(kpp_warning); Delete(kpp_pragma); Delete(kpp_level); Delete(kpp_line); Delete(kpp_include); Delete(kpp_varargs); Delete(kpp_dinclude); Delete(kpp_dimport); Delete(kpp_dextern); Delete(kpp_ddefine); Delete(kpp_dline); Delete(kpp_LINE); Delete(kpp_FILE); Delete(cpp); Delete(included_files); Preprocessor_expr_delete(); DelScanner(id_scan); Delete(dependencies); Delete(Swig_add_directory(0)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * void Preprocessor_include_all() - Instruct preprocessor to include all files * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Preprocessor_include_all(int a) { include_all = a; } void Preprocessor_import_all(int a) { import_all = a; } void Preprocessor_ignore_missing(int a) { ignore_missing = a; } void Preprocessor_error_as_warning(int a) { error_as_warning = a; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Preprocessor_define() * * Defines a new C preprocessor symbol. swigmacro specifies whether or not the macro has * SWIG macro semantics. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *Macro_vararg_name(const_String_or_char_ptr str, const_String_or_char_ptr line) { String *argname; String *varargname; char *s, *dots; argname = Copy(str); s = Char(argname); dots = strchr(s, '.'); if (!dots) { Delete(argname); return NULL; } if (strcmp(dots, "...") != 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(line), Getline(line), "Illegal macro argument name '%s'\n", str); Delete(argname); return NULL; } if (dots == s) { varargname = NewString("__VA_ARGS__"); } else { *dots = '\0'; varargname = NewString(s); } Delete(argname); return varargname; } Hash *Preprocessor_define(const_String_or_char_ptr _str, int swigmacro) { String *macroname = 0, *argstr = 0, *macrovalue = 0, *file = 0, *s = 0; Hash *macro = 0, *symbols = 0, *m1; List *arglist = 0; int c, line; int varargs = 0; String *str; assert(cpp); assert(_str); /* First make sure that string is actually a string */ if (DohCheck(_str)) { s = Copy(_str); copy_location(_str, s); str = s; } else { str = NewString((char *) _str); } Seek(str, 0, SEEK_SET); line = Getline(str); file = Getfile(str); /* Skip over any leading whitespace */ skip_whitespace(str, 0); /* Now look for a macro name */ macroname = NewStringEmpty(); while ((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) { if (c == '(') { argstr = NewStringEmpty(); copy_location(str, argstr); /* It is a macro. Go extract its argument string */ while ((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) { if (c == ')') break; else Putc(c, argstr); } if (c != ')') { Swig_error(Getfile(str), Getline(str), "Missing \')\' in macro parameters\n"); goto macro_error; } break; } else if (isidchar(c) || (c == '%')) { Putc(c, macroname); } else if (isspace(c)) { break; } else if (c == '\\') { c = Getc(str); if (c != '\n') { Ungetc(c, str); Ungetc('\\', str); break; } } else { /*Swig_error(Getfile(str),Getline(str),"Illegal character in macro name\n"); goto macro_error; */ Ungetc(c, str); break; } } if (!swigmacro) skip_whitespace(str, 0); macrovalue = NewStringEmpty(); while ((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) { Putc(c, macrovalue); } /* If there are any macro arguments, convert into a list */ if (argstr) { String *argname, *varargname; arglist = NewList(); Seek(argstr, 0, SEEK_SET); argname = NewStringEmpty(); while ((c = Getc(argstr)) != EOF) { if (c == ',') { varargname = Macro_vararg_name(argname, str); if (varargname) { Delete(varargname); Swig_error(Getfile(str), Getline(str), "Variable-length macro argument must be last parameter\n"); } else { Append(arglist, argname); } Delete(argname); argname = NewStringEmpty(); } else if (isidchar(c) || (c == '.')) { Putc(c, argname); } else if (!(isspace(c) || (c == '\\'))) { Delete(argname); Swig_error(Getfile(str), Getline(str), "Illegal character in macro argument name\n"); goto macro_error; } } if (Len(argname)) { /* Check for varargs */ varargname = Macro_vararg_name(argname, str); if (varargname) { Append(arglist, varargname); Delete(varargname); varargs = 1; } else { Append(arglist, argname); } } Delete(argname); } if (!swigmacro) { Replace(macrovalue, "\\\n", " ", DOH_REPLACE_NOQUOTE); } /* Look for special # substitutions. We only consider # that appears outside of quotes and comments */ { int state = 0; char *cc = Char(macrovalue); while (*cc) { switch (state) { case 0: if (*cc == '#') *cc = '\001'; else if (*cc == '/') state = 10; else if (*cc == '\'') state = 20; else if (*cc == '\"') state = 30; break; case 10: if (*cc == '*') state = 11; else if (*cc == '/') state = 15; else { state = 0; cc--; } break; case 11: if (*cc == '*') state = 12; break; case 12: if (*cc == '/') state = 0; else if (*cc != '*') state = 11; break; case 15: if (*cc == '\n') state = 0; break; case 20: if (*cc == '\'') state = 0; if (*cc == '\\') state = 21; break; case 21: state = 20; break; case 30: if (*cc == '\"') state = 0; if (*cc == '\\') state = 31; break; case 31: state = 30; break; default: break; } cc++; } } /* Get rid of whitespace surrounding # */ /* Replace(macrovalue,"#","\001",DOH_REPLACE_NOQUOTE); */ while (strstr(Char(macrovalue), "\001 ")) { Replace(macrovalue, "\001 ", "\001", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } while (strstr(Char(macrovalue), " \001")) { Replace(macrovalue, " \001", "\001", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } /* Replace '##' with a special token */ Replace(macrovalue, "\001\001", "\002", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Replace '#@' with a special token */ Replace(macrovalue, "\001@", "\004", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Replace '##@' with a special token */ Replace(macrovalue, "\002@", "\005", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Go create the macro */ macro = NewHash(); Setattr(macro, kpp_name, macroname); if (arglist) { Setattr(macro, kpp_args, arglist); Delete(arglist); if (varargs) { Setattr(macro, kpp_varargs, "1"); } } Setattr(macro, kpp_value, macrovalue); Setline(macro, line); Setfile(macro, file); if (swigmacro) { Setattr(macro, kpp_swigmacro, "1"); } symbols = Getattr(cpp, kpp_symbols); if ((m1 = Getattr(symbols, macroname))) { if (!Checkattr(m1, kpp_value, macrovalue)) { Swig_error(Getfile(str), Getline(str), "Macro '%s' redefined,\n", macroname); Swig_error(Getfile(m1), Getline(m1), "previous definition of '%s'.\n", macroname); goto macro_error; } } else { Setattr(symbols, macroname, macro); Delete(macro); } Delete(macroname); Delete(macrovalue); Delete(str); Delete(argstr); return macro; macro_error: Delete(str); Delete(argstr); Delete(arglist); Delete(macroname); Delete(macrovalue); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Preprocessor_undef() * * Undefines a macro. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Preprocessor_undef(const_String_or_char_ptr str) { Hash *symbols; assert(cpp); symbols = Getattr(cpp, kpp_symbols); Delattr(symbols, str); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * find_args() * * Isolates macro arguments and returns them in a list. For each argument, * leading and trailing whitespace is stripped (ala K&R, pg. 230). * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static List *find_args(String *s) { List *args; String *str; int c, level; long pos; /* Create a new list */ args = NewList(); copy_location(s, args); /* First look for a '(' */ pos = Tell(s); skip_whitespace(s, 0); /* Now see if the next character is a '(' */ c = Getc(s); if (c != '(') { /* Not a macro, bail out now! */ Seek(s, pos, SEEK_SET); Delete(args); return 0; } c = Getc(s); /* Okay. This appears to be a macro so we will start isolating arguments */ while (c != EOF) { if (isspace(c)) { skip_whitespace(s, 0); /* Skip leading whitespace */ c = Getc(s); } str = NewStringEmpty(); copy_location(s, str); level = 0; while (c != EOF) { if (c == '\"') { Putc(c, str); skip_tochar(s, '\"', str); c = Getc(s); continue; } else if (c == '\'') { Putc(c, str); skip_tochar(s, '\'', str); c = Getc(s); continue; } if ((c == ',') && (level == 0)) break; if ((c == ')') && (level == 0)) break; Putc(c, str); if (c == '(') level++; if (c == ')') level--; c = Getc(s); } if (level > 0) { goto unterm; } Chop(str); if (Len(args) || Len(str)) Append(args, str); Delete(str); /* if (Len(str) && (c != ')')) Append(args,str); */ if (c == ')') return args; c = Getc(s); } unterm: Swig_error(Getfile(args), Getline(args), "Unterminated macro call.\n"); return args; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DOH *get_filename(DOH *str) * * Read a filename from str. A filename can be enclose in quotes, angle brackets, * or bare. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *get_filename(String *str, int *sysfile) { String *fn; int c; skip_whitespace(str, 0); fn = NewStringEmpty(); copy_location(str, fn); c = Getc(str); *sysfile = 0; if (c == '\"') { while (((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) && (c != '\"')) Putc(c, fn); } else if (c == '<') { *sysfile = 1; while (((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) && (c != '>')) Putc(c, fn); } else { Putc(c, fn); while (((c = Getc(str)) != EOF) && (!isspace(c))) Putc(c, fn); if (isspace(c)) Ungetc(c, str); } Swig_filename_correct(fn); Seek(fn, 0, SEEK_SET); return fn; } static String *get_options(String *str) { int c; skip_whitespace(str, 0); c = Getc(str); if (c == '(') { String *opt; int level = 1; opt = NewString("("); while (((c = Getc(str)) != EOF)) { Putc(c, opt); if (c == ')') { level--; if (!level) return opt; } if (c == '(') level++; } Delete(opt); return 0; } else { Ungetc(c, str); return 0; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * expand_macro() * * Perform macro expansion and return a new string. Returns NULL if some sort * of error occurred. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *expand_macro(String *name, List *args) { String *ns; DOH *symbols, *macro, *margs, *mvalue, *temp, *tempa, *e; int i, l; int isvarargs = 0; symbols = Getattr(cpp, kpp_symbols); if (!symbols) return 0; /* See if the name is actually defined */ macro = Getattr(symbols, name); if (!macro) return 0; if (Getattr(macro, kpp_expanded)) { ns = NewStringEmpty(); Append(ns, name); if (args) { int lenargs = Len(args); if (lenargs) Putc('(', ns); for (i = 0; i < lenargs; i++) { Append(ns, Getitem(args, i)); if (i < (lenargs - 1)) Putc(',', ns); } if (i) Putc(')', ns); } return ns; } /* Get macro arguments and value */ mvalue = Getattr(macro, kpp_value); assert(mvalue); margs = Getattr(macro, kpp_args); if (args && Getattr(macro, kpp_varargs)) { isvarargs = 1; /* Variable length argument macro. We need to collect all of the extra arguments into a single argument */ if (Len(args) >= (Len(margs) - 1)) { int i; int vi, na; String *vararg = NewStringEmpty(); vi = Len(margs) - 1; na = Len(args); for (i = vi; i < na; i++) { Append(vararg, Getitem(args, i)); if ((i + 1) < na) { Append(vararg, ","); } } /* Remove arguments */ for (i = vi; i < na; i++) { Delitem(args, vi); } Append(args, vararg); Delete(vararg); } } /* If there are arguments, see if they match what we were given */ if (args && (margs) && (Len(margs) != Len(args))) { if (Len(margs) > (1 + isvarargs)) Swig_error(Getfile(args), Getline(args), "Macro '%s' expects %d arguments\n", name, Len(margs) - isvarargs); else if (Len(margs) == (1 + isvarargs)) Swig_error(Getfile(args), Getline(args), "Macro '%s' expects 1 argument\n", name); else Swig_error(Getfile(args), Getline(args), "Macro '%s' expects no arguments\n", name); return 0; } /* If the macro expects arguments, but none were supplied, we leave it in place */ if (!args && (margs) && Len(margs) > 0) { return NewString(name); } /* Copy the macro value */ ns = Copy(mvalue); copy_location(mvalue, ns); /* Tag the macro as being expanded. This is to avoid recursion in macro expansion */ temp = NewStringEmpty(); tempa = NewStringEmpty(); if (args && margs) { l = Len(margs); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { DOH *arg, *aname; String *reparg; arg = Getitem(args, i); /* Get an argument value */ reparg = Preprocessor_replace(arg); aname = Getitem(margs, i); /* Get macro argument name */ if (strstr(Char(ns), "\001")) { /* Try to replace a quoted version of the argument */ Clear(temp); Clear(tempa); Printf(temp, "\001%s", aname); Printf(tempa, "\"%s\"", arg); Replace(ns, temp, tempa, DOH_REPLACE_ID_END); } if (strstr(Char(ns), "\002")) { /* Look for concatenation tokens */ Clear(temp); Clear(tempa); Printf(temp, "\002%s", aname); Append(tempa, "\002\003"); Replace(ns, temp, tempa, DOH_REPLACE_ID_END); Clear(temp); Clear(tempa); Printf(temp, "%s\002", aname); Append(tempa, "\003\002"); Replace(ns, temp, tempa, DOH_REPLACE_ID_BEGIN); } /* Non-standard macro expansion. The value `x` is replaced by a quoted version of the argument except that if the argument is already quoted nothing happens */ if (strchr(Char(ns), '`')) { String *rep; char *c; Clear(temp); Printf(temp, "`%s`", aname); c = Char(arg); if (*c == '\"') { rep = arg; } else { Clear(tempa); Printf(tempa, "\"%s\"", arg); rep = tempa; } Replace(ns, temp, rep, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } /* Non-standard mangle expansions. The #@Name is replaced by mangle_arg(Name). */ if (strstr(Char(ns), "\004")) { String *marg = Swig_string_mangle(arg); Clear(temp); Printf(temp, "\004%s", aname); Replace(ns, temp, marg, DOH_REPLACE_ID_END); Delete(marg); } if (strstr(Char(ns), "\005")) { String *marg = Swig_string_mangle(arg); Clear(temp); Clear(tempa); Printf(temp, "\005%s", aname); Printf(tempa, "\"%s\"", marg); Replace(ns, temp, tempa, DOH_REPLACE_ID_END); Delete(marg); } if (isvarargs && i == l - 1 && Len(arg) == 0) { /* Zero length varargs macro argument. We search for commas that might appear before and nuke them */ char *a, *s, *t, *name; int namelen; s = Char(ns); name = Char(aname); namelen = Len(aname); a = strstr(s, name); while (a) { char ca = a[namelen + 1]; if (!isidchar((int) ca)) { /* Matched the entire vararg name, not just a prefix */ t = a - 1; if (*t == '\002') { t--; while (t >= s) { if (isspace((int) *t)) t--; else if (*t == ',') { *t = ' '; } else break; } } } a = strstr(a + namelen, name); } } /* Replace(ns, aname, arg, DOH_REPLACE_ID); */ Replace(ns, aname, reparg, DOH_REPLACE_ID); /* Replace expanded args */ Replace(ns, "\003", arg, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Replace unexpanded arg */ Delete(reparg); } } Replace(ns, "\002", "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Get rid of concatenation tokens */ Replace(ns, "\001", "#", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Put # back (non-standard C) */ Replace(ns, "\004", "#@", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Put # back (non-standard C) */ /* Expand this macro even further */ Setattr(macro, kpp_expanded, "1"); e = Preprocessor_replace(ns); Delattr(macro, kpp_expanded); Delete(ns); if (Getattr(macro, kpp_swigmacro)) { String *g; String *f = NewStringEmpty(); Seek(e, 0, SEEK_SET); copy_location(macro, e); g = Preprocessor_parse(e); #if 0 /* Drop the macro in place, but with a marker around it */ Printf(f, "/*@%s,%d,%s@*/%s/*@@*/", Getfile(macro), Getline(macro), name, g); #else /* Use simplified around markers to properly count lines in cscanner.c */ if (strchr(Char(g), '\n')) { Printf(f, "/*@SWIG:%s,%d,%s@*/%s/*@SWIG@*/", Getfile(macro), Getline(macro), name, g); #if 0 Printf(f, "/*@SWIG:%s@*/%s/*@SWIG@*/", name, g); #endif } else { Append(f, g); } #endif Delete(g); Delete(e); e = f; } Delete(temp); Delete(tempa); return e; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * evaluate_args() * * Evaluate the arguments of a macro * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ List *evaluate_args(List *x) { Iterator i; List *nl = NewList(); for (i = First(x); i.item; i = Next(i)) { Append(nl, Preprocessor_replace(i.item)); } return nl; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DOH *Preprocessor_replace(DOH *s) * * Performs a macro substitution on a string s. Returns a new string with * substitutions applied. This function works by walking down s and looking * for identifiers. When found, a check is made to see if they are macros * which are then expanded. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define SWIG_PUT_BUFF */ DOH *Preprocessor_replace(DOH *s) { DOH *ns, *symbols, *m; int c, i, state = 0; String *id = NewStringEmpty(); assert(cpp); symbols = Getattr(cpp, kpp_symbols); ns = NewStringEmpty(); copy_location(s, ns); Seek(s, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Try to locate identifiers in s and replace them with macro replacements */ while ((c = Getc(s)) != EOF) { switch (state) { case 0: if (isidentifier(c) || (c == '%')) { Clear(id); Putc(c, id); state = 1; } else if (c == '\"') { Putc(c, ns); skip_tochar(s, '\"', ns); } else if (c == '\'') { Putc(c, ns); skip_tochar(s, '\'', ns); } else if (c == '/') { Putc(c, ns); state = 10; } else { Putc(c, ns); } break; case 1: /* An identifier */ if (isidchar(c)) { Putc(c, id); state = 1; } else { /* We found the end of a valid identifier */ Ungetc(c, s); /* See if this is the special "defined" macro */ if (Equal(kpp_defined, id)) { int lenargs = 0; DOH *args = 0; /* See whether or not a paranthesis has been used */ skip_whitespace(s, 0); c = Getc(s); if (c == '(') { Ungetc(c, s); args = find_args(s); } else if (isidchar(c)) { DOH *arg = NewStringEmpty(); args = NewList(); Putc(c, arg); while (((c = Getc(s)) != EOF)) { if (!isidchar(c)) { Ungetc(c, s); break; } Putc(c, arg); } if (Len(arg)) Append(args, arg); Delete(arg); } else { Seek(s, -1, SEEK_CUR); } lenargs = Len(args); if ((!args) || (!lenargs)) { /* This is not a defined() macro. */ Append(ns, id); state = 0; break; } for (i = 0; i < lenargs; i++) { DOH *o = Getitem(args, i); if (!Getattr(symbols, o)) { break; } } if (i < lenargs) Putc('0', ns); else Putc('1', ns); Delete(args); state = 0; break; } if (Equal(kpp_LINE, id)) { Printf(ns, "%d", Getline(s)); state = 0; break; } if (Equal(kpp_FILE, id)) { String *fn = Copy(Getfile(s)); Replaceall(fn, "\\", "\\\\"); Printf(ns, "\"%s\"", fn); Delete(fn); state = 0; break; } /* See if the macro is defined in the preprocessor symbol table */ if ((m = Getattr(symbols, id))) { DOH *args = 0; DOH *e; /* See if the macro expects arguments */ if (Getattr(m, kpp_args)) { /* Yep. We need to go find the arguments and do a substitution */ args = find_args(s); if (!Len(args)) { Delete(args); args = 0; } } else { args = 0; } e = expand_macro(id, args); if (e) { Append(ns, e); } Delete(e); Delete(args); } else { Append(ns, id); } state = 0; } break; case 10: if (c == '/') state = 11; else if (c == '*') state = 12; else { Ungetc(c, s); state = 0; break; } Putc(c, ns); break; case 11: Putc(c, ns); if (c == '\n') state = 0; break; case 12: Putc(c, ns); if (c == '*') state = 13; break; case 13: Putc(c, ns); if (c == '/') state = 0; else if (c != '*') state = 12; break; default: state = 0; break; } } /* Identifier at the end */ if (state == 1) { /* See if this is the special "defined" macro */ if (Equal(kpp_defined, id)) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(s), "No arguments given to defined()\n"); } else if ((m = Getattr(symbols, id))) { DOH *e; /* Yes. There is a macro here */ /* See if the macro expects arguments */ /* if (Getattr(m,"args")) { Swig_error(Getfile(id),Getline(id),"Macro arguments expected.\n"); } */ e = expand_macro(id, 0); Append(ns, e); Delete(e); } else { Append(ns, id); } } Delete(id); return ns; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * int checkpp_id(DOH *s) * * Checks the string s to see if it contains any unresolved identifiers. This * function contains the heuristic that determines whether or not a macro * definition passes through the preprocessor as a constant declaration. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int checkpp_id(DOH *s) { int c; int hastok = 0; Scanner *scan = id_scan; Seek(s, 0, SEEK_SET); Scanner_clear(scan); s = Copy(s); Seek(s, SEEK_SET, 0); Scanner_push(scan, s); while ((c = Scanner_token(scan))) { hastok = 1; if ((c == SWIG_TOKEN_ID) || (c == SWIG_TOKEN_LBRACE) || (c == SWIG_TOKEN_RBRACE)) return 1; } if (!hastok) return 1; return 0; } /* addline(). Utility function for adding lines to a chunk */ static void addline(DOH *s1, DOH *s2, int allow) { if (allow) { Append(s1, s2); } else { char *c = Char(s2); while (*c) { if (*c == '\n') Putc('\n', s1); c++; } } } static void add_chunk(DOH *ns, DOH *chunk, int allow) { DOH *echunk; Seek(chunk, 0, SEEK_SET); if (allow) { echunk = Preprocessor_replace(chunk); addline(ns, echunk, allow); Delete(echunk); } else { addline(ns, chunk, 0); } Clear(chunk); } /* push/pop_imported(): helper functions for defining and undefining SWIGIMPORTED (when %importing a file). */ static void push_imported() { if (imported_depth == 0) { Preprocessor_define("SWIGIMPORTED 1", 0); } ++imported_depth; } static void pop_imported() { --imported_depth; if (imported_depth == 0) { Preprocessor_undef("SWIGIMPORTED"); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Preprocessor_parse() * * Parses the string s. Returns a new string containing the preprocessed version. * * Parsing rules : * 1. Lines starting with # are C preprocessor directives * 2. Macro expansion inside strings is not allowed * 3. All code inside false conditionals is changed to blank lines * 4. Code in %{, %} is not parsed because it may need to be * included inline (with all preprocessor directives included). * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *Preprocessor_parse(String *s) { String *ns; /* New string containing the preprocessed text */ String *chunk, *decl; Hash *symbols; String *id = 0, *value = 0, *comment = 0; int i, state, e, c; int start_line = 0; int allow = 1; int level = 0; int dlevel = 0; int mask = 0; int start_level = 0; int cpp_lines = 0; int cond_lines[256]; /* Blow away all carriage returns */ Replace(s, "\015", "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); ns = NewStringEmpty(); /* Return result */ decl = NewStringEmpty(); id = NewStringEmpty(); value = NewStringEmpty(); comment = NewStringEmpty(); chunk = NewStringEmpty(); copy_location(s, chunk); copy_location(s, ns); symbols = Getattr(cpp, kpp_symbols); state = 0; while ((c = Getc(s)) != EOF) { switch (state) { case 0: /* Initial state - in first column */ /* Look for C preprocessor directives. Otherwise, go directly to state 1 */ if (c == '#') { add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); copy_location(s, chunk); cpp_lines = 1; state = 40; } else if (isspace(c)) { Putc(c, chunk); skip_whitespace(s, chunk); } else { state = 1; Ungetc(c, s); } break; case 1: /* Non-preprocessor directive */ /* Look for SWIG directives */ if (c == '%') { state = 100; break; } Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '\n') state = 0; else if (c == '\"') { start_line = Getline(s); if (skip_tochar(s, '\"', chunk) < 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Unterminated string constant starting at line %d\n", start_line); } } else if (c == '\'') { start_line = Getline(s); if (skip_tochar(s, '\'', chunk) < 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Unterminated character constant starting at line %d\n", start_line); } } else if (c == '/') state = 30; /* Comment */ break; case 30: /* Possibly a comment string of some sort */ start_line = Getline(s); Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '/') state = 31; else if (c == '*') state = 32; else state = 1; break; case 31: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '\n') state = 0; break; case 32: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '*') state = 33; break; case 33: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '/') state = 1; else if (c != '*') state = 32; break; case 40: /* Start of a C preprocessor directive */ if (c == '\n') { Putc('\n', chunk); state = 0; } else if (isspace(c)) { state = 40; } else { /* Got the start of a preprocessor directive */ Ungetc(c, s); Clear(id); copy_location(s, id); state = 41; } break; case 41: /* Build up the name of the preprocessor directive */ if ((isspace(c) || (!isalpha(c)))) { Clear(value); Clear(comment); if (c == '\n') { Ungetc(c, s); state = 50; } else { state = 42; if (!isspace(c)) { Ungetc(c, s); } } copy_location(s, value); break; } Putc(c, id); break; case 42: /* Strip any leading space before preprocessor value */ if (isspace(c)) { if (c == '\n') { Ungetc(c, s); state = 50; } break; } state = 43; /* no break intended here */ case 43: /* Get preprocessor value */ if (c == '\n') { Ungetc(c, s); state = 50; } else if (c == '/') { state = 45; } else if (c == '\"') { Putc(c, value); skip_tochar(s, '\"', value); } else if (c == '\'') { Putc(c, value); skip_tochar(s, '\'', value); } else { Putc(c, value); if (c == '\\') state = 44; } break; case 44: if (c == '\n') { Putc(c, value); cpp_lines++; } else { Ungetc(c, s); } state = 43; break; /* States 45-48 are used to remove, but retain comments from macro values. The comments will be placed in the output in an alternative form */ case 45: if (c == '/') state = 46; else if (c == '*') state = 47; else if (c == '\n') { Putc('/', value); Ungetc(c, s); cpp_lines++; state = 50; } else { Putc('/', value); Putc(c, value); state = 43; } break; case 46: if (c == '\n') { Ungetc(c, s); cpp_lines++; state = 50; } else Putc(c, comment); break; case 47: if (c == '*') state = 48; else Putc(c, comment); break; case 48: if (c == '/') state = 43; else if (c == '*') Putc(c, comment); else { Putc('*', comment); Putc(c, comment); state = 47; } break; case 50: /* Check for various preprocessor directives */ Chop(value); if (Equal(id, kpp_define)) { if (allow) { DOH *m, *v, *v1; Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); m = Preprocessor_define(value, 0); if ((m) && !(Getattr(m, kpp_args))) { v = Copy(Getattr(m, kpp_value)); if (Len(v)) { Swig_error_silent(1); v1 = Preprocessor_replace(v); Swig_error_silent(0); /* Printf(stdout,"checking '%s'\n", v1); */ if (!checkpp_id(v1)) { if (Len(comment) == 0) Printf(ns, "%%constant %s = %s;\n", Getattr(m, kpp_name), v1); else Printf(ns, "%%constant %s = %s; /*%s*/\n", Getattr(m, kpp_name), v1, comment); cpp_lines--; } Delete(v1); } Delete(v); } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_undef)) { if (allow) Preprocessor_undef(value); } else if (Equal(id, kpp_ifdef)) { cond_lines[level] = Getline(id); level++; if (allow) { start_level = level; /* See if the identifier is in the hash table */ if (!Getattr(symbols, value)) allow = 0; mask = 1; } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_ifndef)) { cond_lines[level] = Getline(id); level++; if (allow) { start_level = level; /* See if the identifier is in the hash table */ if (Getattr(symbols, value)) allow = 0; mask = 1; } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_else)) { if (level <= 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(id), "Misplaced #else.\n"); } else { cond_lines[level - 1] = Getline(id); if (allow) { allow = 0; mask = 0; } else if (level == start_level) { allow = 1 * mask; } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_endif)) { level--; if (level < 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(id), Getline(id), "Extraneous #endif.\n"); level = 0; } else { if (level < start_level) { allow = 1; start_level--; } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_if)) { cond_lines[level] = Getline(id); level++; if (allow) { int val; String *sval = Preprocessor_replace(value); start_level = level; Seek(sval, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Printf(stdout,"Evaluating '%s'\n", sval); */ val = Preprocessor_expr(sval, &e); if (e) { char *msg = Preprocessor_expr_error(); Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); Swig_warning(WARN_PP_EVALUATION, Getfile(value), Getline(value), "Could not evaluate '%s'\n", value); if (msg) Swig_warning(WARN_PP_EVALUATION, Getfile(value), Getline(value), "Error: '%s'\n", msg); allow = 0; } else { if (val == 0) allow = 0; } mask = 1; } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_elif)) { if (level == 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(id), "Misplaced #elif.\n"); } else { cond_lines[level - 1] = Getline(id); if (allow) { allow = 0; mask = 0; } else if (level == start_level) { int val; String *sval = Preprocessor_replace(value); Seek(sval, 0, SEEK_SET); val = Preprocessor_expr(sval, &e); if (e) { char *msg = Preprocessor_expr_error(); Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); Swig_warning(WARN_PP_EVALUATION, Getfile(value), Getline(value), "Could not evaluate '%s'\n", value); if (msg) Swig_warning(WARN_PP_EVALUATION, Getfile(value), Getline(value), "Error: '%s'\n", msg); allow = 0; } else { if (val) allow = 1 * mask; else allow = 0; } } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_warning)) { if (allow) { Swig_warning(WARN_PP_CPP_WARNING, Getfile(s), Getline(id), "CPP #warning, %s\n", value); } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_error)) { if (allow) { if (error_as_warning) { Swig_warning(WARN_PP_CPP_ERROR, Getfile(s), Getline(id), "CPP #error \"%s\".\n", value); } else { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(id), "CPP #error \"%s\". Use the -cpperraswarn option to continue swig processing.\n", value); } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_line)) { } else if (Equal(id, kpp_include)) { if (((include_all) || (import_all)) && (allow)) { String *s1, *s2, *fn; char *dirname; int sysfile = 0; if (include_all && import_all) { Swig_warning(WARN_PP_INCLUDEALL_IMPORTALL, Getfile(s), Getline(id), "Both includeall and importall are defined: using includeall\n"); import_all = 0; } Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); fn = get_filename(value, &sysfile); s1 = cpp_include(fn, sysfile); if (s1) { if (include_all) Printf(ns, "%%includefile \"%s\" [\n", Swig_last_file()); else if (import_all) { Printf(ns, "%%importfile \"%s\" [\n", Swig_last_file()); push_imported(); } /* See if the filename has a directory component */ dirname = Swig_file_dirname(Swig_last_file()); if (sysfile || !strlen(dirname)) dirname = 0; if (dirname) { dirname[strlen(dirname) - 1] = 0; /* Kill trailing directory delimiter */ Swig_push_directory(dirname); } s2 = Preprocessor_parse(s1); addline(ns, s2, allow); Append(ns, "\n]"); if (dirname) { Swig_pop_directory(); } if (import_all) { pop_imported(); } Delete(s2); } Delete(s1); Delete(fn); } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_pragma)) { if (Strncmp(value, "SWIG ", 5) == 0) { char *c = Char(value) + 5; while (*c && (isspace((int) *c))) c++; if (*c) { if (strncmp(c, "nowarn=", 7) == 0) { String *val = NewString(c + 7); String *nowarn = Preprocessor_replace(val); Swig_warnfilter(nowarn, 1); Delete(nowarn); Delete(val); } else if (strncmp(c, "cpperraswarn=", 13) == 0) { error_as_warning = atoi(c + 13); } else { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(id), "Unknown SWIG pragma: %s\n", c); } } } } else if (Equal(id, kpp_level)) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(id), "cpp debug: level = %d, startlevel = %d\n", level, start_level); } for (i = 0; i < cpp_lines; i++) Putc('\n', ns); state = 0; break; /* Swig directives */ case 100: /* %{,%} block */ if (c == '{') { start_line = Getline(s); add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); copy_location(s, chunk); Putc('%', chunk); Putc(c, chunk); state = 105; } /* %#cpp - an embedded C preprocessor directive (we strip off the %) */ else if (c == '#') { add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); Putc(c, chunk); state = 107; } else if (isidentifier(c)) { Clear(decl); Putc('%', decl); Putc(c, decl); state = 110; } else { Putc('%', chunk); Putc(c, chunk); state = 1; } break; case 105: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '%') state = 106; break; case 106: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '}') { state = 1; addline(ns, chunk, allow); Clear(chunk); copy_location(s, chunk); } else { state = 105; } break; case 107: Putc(c, chunk); if (c == '\n') { addline(ns, chunk, allow); Clear(chunk); state = 0; } else if (c == '\\') { state = 108; } break; case 108: Putc(c, chunk); state = 107; break; case 110: if (!isidchar(c)) { Ungetc(c, s); /* Look for common Swig directives */ if (Equal(decl, kpp_dinclude) || Equal(decl, kpp_dimport) || Equal(decl, kpp_dextern)) { /* Got some kind of file inclusion directive */ if (allow) { DOH *s1, *s2, *fn, *opt; int sysfile = 0; if (Equal(decl, kpp_dextern)) { Swig_warning(WARN_DEPRECATED_EXTERN, Getfile(s), Getline(s), "%%extern is deprecated. Use %%import instead.\n"); Clear(decl); Append(decl, "%%import"); } opt = get_options(s); fn = get_filename(s, &sysfile); s1 = cpp_include(fn, sysfile); if (s1) { char *dirname; add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); copy_location(s, chunk); Printf(ns, "%sfile%s \"%s\" [\n", decl, opt, Swig_last_file()); if (Equal(decl, kpp_dimport)) { push_imported(); } dirname = Swig_file_dirname(Swig_last_file()); if (sysfile || !strlen(dirname)) dirname = 0; if (dirname) { dirname[strlen(dirname) - 1] = 0; /* Kill trailing directory delimiter */ Swig_push_directory(dirname); } s2 = Preprocessor_parse(s1); if (dirname) { Swig_pop_directory(); } if (Equal(decl, kpp_dimport)) { pop_imported(); } addline(ns, s2, allow); Append(ns, "\n]"); Delete(s2); Delete(s1); } Delete(fn); } state = 1; } else if (Equal(decl, kpp_dline)) { /* Got a line directive */ state = 1; } else if (Equal(decl, kpp_ddefine)) { /* Got a define directive */ dlevel++; add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); copy_location(s, chunk); Clear(value); copy_location(s, value); state = 150; } else { Append(chunk, decl); state = 1; } } else { Putc(c, decl); } break; /* Searching for the end of a %define statement */ case 150: Putc(c, value); if (c == '%') { const char *ed = "enddef"; const char *df = "define"; char statement[7]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6;) { c = Getc(s); Putc(c, value); statement[i++] = (char)c; if (strncmp(statement, ed, i) && strncmp(statement, df, i)) break; } c = Getc(s); Ungetc(c, s); if ((i == 6) && (isspace(c))) { if (strncmp(statement, df, i) == 0) { ++dlevel; } else { if (strncmp(statement, ed, i) == 0) { --dlevel; if (!dlevel) { /* Got the macro */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Delitem(value, DOH_END); } if (allow) { Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); Preprocessor_define(value, 1); } /* Putc('\n',ns); */ addline(ns, value, 0); state = 0; } } } } } break; default: Printf(stderr, "cpp: Invalid parser state %d\n", state); abort(); break; } } while (level > 0) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Missing #endif for conditional starting on line %d\n", cond_lines[level - 1]); level--; } if (state == 150) { Seek(value, 0, SEEK_SET); Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Missing %%enddef for macro starting on line %d\n", Getline(value)); } if ((state >= 105) && (state < 107)) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Unterminated %%{ ... %%} block starting on line %d\n", start_line); } if ((state >= 30) && (state < 40)) { Swig_error(Getfile(s), -1, "Unterminated comment starting on line %d\n", start_line); } add_chunk(ns, chunk, allow); copy_location(s, chunk); /* DelScope(scp); */ Delete(decl); Delete(id); Delete(value); Delete(comment); Delete(chunk); /* fprintf(stderr,"cpp: %d\n", Len(Getattr(cpp,"symbols"))); */ return ns; }