""" Script for building the example. Usage: python setup.py py2app """ # This is very likely incorrect, as the application is non-existant at the # moment. from distutils.core import setup import py2app import os import sys import glob DB_FILE_TYPE="Python Package Database" plist = dict( CFBundleName='Package Manager', CFBundleIconFile='PackageManager.icns', CFBundleDocumentTypes=[ dict( CFBundleTypeName=DB_FILE_TYPE, CFBundleTypeRole='Editor', NSDocumentClass='PackageDatabase', # CFBundleTypeIconFile='Package Database.icns', CFBundleTypeExtensions = ['packman', 'plist' ], CFBundleTypeOSTypes=[], ), ], CFBundleGetInfoString='1.0, Copyright 2004 Ronald Oussoren', CFBundleIdentifier='net.sf.pyobjc.PackageManager', CFBundleShortVersionString='1.0', CFBundleVersion='1.0', # We need at least Panther, it may work on Jaguar but I've not yet # verified if it should work. LSMinimumSystemVersion='10.3.0', # We're not apple-scriptable NSAppleScriptEnabled='No', ) setup( app=["packman.py"], data_files=glob.glob("Resources/*"), options=dict(py2app=dict(plist=plist)), )