/*++ /* NAME /* postsuper 1 /* SUMMARY /* Postfix superintendent /* SYNOPSIS /* .fi /* \fBpostsuper\fR [\fB-psSv\fR] /* [\fB-c \fIconfig_dir\fR] [\fB-d \fIqueue_id\fR] /* [\fB-h \fIqueue_id\fR] [\fB-H \fIqueue_id\fR] /* [\fB-r \fIqueue_id\fR] [\fIdirectory ...\fR] /* DESCRIPTION /* The \fBpostsuper\fR(1) command does maintenance jobs on the Postfix /* queue. Use of the command is restricted to the superuser. /* See the \fBpostqueue\fR(1) command for unprivileged queue operations /* such as listing or flushing the mail queue. /* /* By default, \fBpostsuper\fR(1) performs the operations /* requested with the /* \fB-s\fR and \fB-p\fR command-line options on all Postfix queue /* directories - this includes the \fBincoming\fR, \fBactive\fR and /* \fBdeferred\fR directories with mail files and the \fBbounce\fR, /* \fBdefer\fR, \fBtrace\fR and \fBflush\fR directories with log files. /* /* Options: /* .IP "\fB-c \fIconfig_dir\fR" /* The \fBmain.cf\fR configuration file is in the named directory /* instead of the default configuration directory. See also the /* MAIL_CONFIG environment setting below. /* .IP "\fB-d \fIqueue_id\fR" /* Delete one message with the named queue ID from the named /* mail queue(s) (default: \fBhold\fR, \fBincoming\fR, \fBactive\fR and /* \fBdeferred\fR). /* /* If a \fIqueue_id\fR of \fB-\fR is specified, the program reads /* queue IDs from standard input. For example, to delete all mail /* with exactly one recipient \fBuser@example.com\fR: /* .sp /* .nf /* mailq | tail +2 | grep -v '^ *(' | awk \'BEGIN { RS = "" } /* # $7=sender, $8=recipient1, $9=recipient2 /* { if ($8 == "user@example.com" && $9 == "") /* print $1 } /* \' | tr -d '*!' | postsuper -d - /* .fi /* .sp /* Specify "\fB-d ALL\fR" to remove all messages; for example, specify /* "\fB-d ALL deferred\fR" to delete all mail in the \fBdeferred\fR queue. /* As a safety measure, the word \fBALL\fR must be specified in upper /* case. /* .sp /* Warning: Postfix queue IDs are reused (always with Postfix /* <= 2.8; and with Postfix >= 2.9 when enable_long_queue_ids=no). /* There is a very small possibility that postsuper deletes the /* wrong message file when it is executed while the Postfix mail /* system is delivering mail. /* .sp /* The scenario is as follows: /* .RS /* .IP 1) /* The Postfix queue manager deletes the message that \fBpostsuper\fR(1) /* is asked to delete, because Postfix is finished with the /* message (it is delivered, or it is returned to the sender). /* .IP 2) /* New mail arrives, and the new message is given the same queue ID /* as the message that \fBpostsuper\fR(1) is supposed to delete. /* The probability for reusing a deleted queue ID is about 1 in 2**15 /* (the number of different microsecond values that the system clock /* can distinguish within a second). /* .IP 3) /* \fBpostsuper\fR(1) deletes the new message, instead of the old /* message that it should have deleted. /* .RE /* .IP "\fB-h \fIqueue_id\fR" /* Put mail "on hold" so that no attempt is made to deliver it. /* Move one message with the named queue ID from the named /* mail queue(s) (default: \fBincoming\fR, \fBactive\fR and /* \fBdeferred\fR) to the \fBhold\fR queue. /* /* If a \fIqueue_id\fR of \fB-\fR is specified, the program reads /* queue IDs from standard input. /* .sp /* Specify "\fB-h ALL\fR" to hold all messages; for example, specify /* "\fB-h ALL deferred\fR" to hold all mail in the \fBdeferred\fR queue. /* As a safety measure, the word \fBALL\fR must be specified in upper /* case. /* .sp /* Note: while mail is "on hold" it will not expire when its /* time in the queue exceeds the \fBmaximal_queue_lifetime\fR /* or \fBbounce_queue_lifetime\fR setting. It becomes subject to /* expiration after it is released from "hold". /* .sp /* This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later. /* .IP "\fB-H \fIqueue_id\fR" /* Release mail that was put "on hold". /* Move one message with the named queue ID from the named /* mail queue(s) (default: \fBhold\fR) to the \fBdeferred\fR queue. /* /* If a \fIqueue_id\fR of \fB-\fR is specified, the program reads /* queue IDs from standard input. /* .sp /* Note: specify "\fBpostsuper -r\fR" to release mail that was kept on /* hold for a significant fraction of \fB$maximal_queue_lifetime\fR /* or \fB$bounce_queue_lifetime\fR, or longer. /* .sp /* Specify "\fB-H ALL\fR" to release all mail that is "on hold". /* As a safety measure, the word \fBALL\fR must be specified in upper /* case. /* .sp /* This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later. /* .IP \fB-p\fR /* Purge old temporary files that are left over after system or /* software crashes. /* .IP "\fB-r \fIqueue_id\fR" /* Requeue the message with the named queue ID from the named /* mail queue(s) (default: \fBhold\fR, \fBincoming\fR, \fBactive\fR and /* \fBdeferred\fR). /* To requeue multiple messages, specify multiple \fB-r\fR /* command-line options. /* /* Alternatively, if a \fIqueue_id\fR of \fB-\fR is specified, /* the program reads queue IDs from standard input. /* .sp /* Specify "\fB-r ALL\fR" to requeue all messages. As a safety /* measure, the word \fBALL\fR must be specified in upper case. /* .sp /* A requeued message is moved to the \fBmaildrop\fR queue, /* from where it is copied by the \fBpickup\fR(8) and /* \fBcleanup\fR(8) daemons to a new queue file. In many /* respects its handling differs from that of a new local /* submission. /* .RS /* .IP \(bu /* The message is not subjected to the smtpd_milters or /* non_smtpd_milters settings. When mail has passed through /* an external content filter, this would produce incorrect /* results with Milter applications that depend on original /* SMTP connection state information. /* .IP \(bu /* The message is subjected again to mail address rewriting /* and substitution. This is useful when rewriting rules or /* virtual mappings have changed. /* .sp /* The address rewriting context (local or remote) is the same /* as when the message was received. /* .IP \(bu /* The message is subjected to the same content_filter settings /* (if any) as used for new local mail submissions. This is /* useful when content_filter settings have changed. /* .RE /* .IP /* Warning: Postfix queue IDs are reused (always with Postfix /* <= 2.8; and with Postfix >= 2.9 when enable_long_queue_ids=no). /* There is a very small possibility that \fBpostsuper\fR(1) requeues /* the wrong message file when it is executed while the Postfix mail /* system is running, but no harm should be done. /* .sp /* This feature is available in Postfix 1.1 and later. /* .IP \fB-s\fR /* Structure check and structure repair. This should be done once /* before Postfix startup. /* .RS /* .IP \(bu /* Rename files whose name does not match the message file inode /* number. This operation is necessary after restoring a mail /* queue from a different machine or from backup, when queue /* files were created with Postfix <= 2.8 or with /* "enable_long_queue_ids = no". /* .IP \(bu /* Move queue files that are in the wrong place in the file system /* hierarchy and remove subdirectories that are no longer needed. /* File position rearrangements are necessary after a change in the /* \fBhash_queue_names\fR and/or \fBhash_queue_depth\fR /* configuration parameters. /* .IP \(bu /* Rename queue files created with "enable_long_queue_ids = /* yes" to short names, for migration to Postfix <= 2.8. The /* procedure is as follows: /* .sp /* .nf /* .na /* # postfix stop /* # postconf enable_long_queue_ids=no /* # postsuper /* .ad /* .fi /* .sp /* Run \fBpostsuper\fR(1) repeatedly until it stops reporting /* file name changes. /* .RE /* .IP \fB-S\fR /* A redundant version of \fB-s\fR that requires that long /* file names also match the message file inode number. This /* option exists for testing purposes, and is available with /* Postfix 2.9 and later. /* .IP \fB-v\fR /* Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple \fB-v\fR /* options make the software increasingly verbose. /* DIAGNOSTICS /* Problems are reported to the standard error stream and to /* \fBsyslogd\fR(8). /* /* \fBpostsuper\fR(1) reports the number of messages deleted with \fB-d\fR, /* the number of messages requeued with \fB-r\fR, and the number of /* messages whose queue file name was fixed with \fB-s\fR. The report /* is written to the standard error stream and to \fBsyslogd\fR(8). /* ENVIRONMENT /* .ad /* .fi /* .IP MAIL_CONFIG /* Directory with the \fBmain.cf\fR file. /* BUGS /* Mail that is not sanitized by Postfix (i.e. mail in the \fBmaildrop\fR /* queue) cannot be placed "on hold". /* CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS /* .ad /* .fi /* The following \fBmain.cf\fR parameters are especially relevant to /* this program. /* The text below provides only a parameter summary. See /* \fBpostconf\fR(5) for more details including examples. /* .IP "\fBconfig_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The default location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf /* configuration files. /* .IP "\fBhash_queue_depth (1)\fR" /* The number of subdirectory levels for queue directories listed with /* the hash_queue_names parameter. /* .IP "\fBhash_queue_names (deferred, defer)\fR" /* The names of queue directories that are split across multiple /* subdirectory levels. /* .IP "\fBqueue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory. /* .IP "\fBsyslog_facility (mail)\fR" /* The syslog facility of Postfix logging. /* .IP "\fBsyslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" /* The mail system name that is prepended to the process name in syslog /* records, so that "smtpd" becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd". /* .PP /* Available in Postfix version 2.9 and later: /* .IP "\fBenable_long_queue_ids (no)\fR" /* Enable long, non-repeating, queue IDs (queue file names). /* SEE ALSO /* sendmail(1), Sendmail-compatible user interface /* postqueue(1), unprivileged queue operations /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* remove() */ #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include #include #define MAIL_QUEUE_INTERNAL #include #include #include /* Application-specific. */ #define MAX_TEMP_AGE (60 * 60 * 24) /* temp file maximal age */ #define STR vstring_str /* silly little macro */ #define ACTION_STRUCT (1<<0) /* fix file organization */ #define ACTION_PURGE (1<<1) /* purge old temp files */ #define ACTION_DELETE_ONE (1<<2) /* delete named queue file(s) */ #define ACTION_DELETE_ALL (1<<3) /* delete all queue file(s) */ #define ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE (1<<4) /* requeue named queue file(s) */ #define ACTION_REQUEUE_ALL (1<<5) /* requeue all queue file(s) */ #define ACTION_HOLD_ONE (1<<6) /* put named queue file(s) on hold */ #define ACTION_HOLD_ALL (1<<7) /* put all messages on hold */ #define ACTION_RELEASE_ONE (1<<8) /* release named queue file(s) */ #define ACTION_RELEASE_ALL (1<<9) /* release all "on hold" mail */ #define ACTION_STRUCT_RED (1<<10) /* fix long queue ID inode fields */ #define ACTION_DEFAULT (ACTION_STRUCT | ACTION_PURGE) /* * Actions that operate on individually named queue files. These must never * be done when queue file names are changed to match their inode number. */ #define ACTIONS_BY_QUEUE_ID (ACTION_DELETE_ONE | ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE \ | ACTION_HOLD_ONE | ACTION_RELEASE_ONE) /* * Mass rename operations that are postponed to a second pass after queue * file names are changed to match their inode number. */ #define ACTIONS_AFTER_INUM_FIX (ACTION_REQUEUE_ALL | ACTION_HOLD_ALL \ | ACTION_RELEASE_ALL) /* * Information about queue directories and what we expect to do there. If a * file has unexpected owner permissions and is older than some threshold, * the file is discarded. We don't step into maildrop subdirectories - if * maildrop is writable, we might end up in the wrong place, deleting the * wrong information. */ struct queue_info { char *name; /* directory name */ int perms; /* expected permissions */ int flags; /* see below */ }; #define RECURSE (1<<0) /* step into subdirectories */ #define DONT_RECURSE 0 /* don't step into directories */ static struct queue_info queue_info[] = { MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP, MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY, DONT_RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_INCOMING, MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_ACTIVE, MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFERRED, MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD, MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_TRACE, 0600, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFER, 0600, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_BOUNCE, 0600, RECURSE, MAIL_QUEUE_FLUSH, 0600, RECURSE, 0, }; /* * Directories with per-message meta files. */ const char *log_queue_names[] = { MAIL_QUEUE_BOUNCE, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFER, MAIL_QUEUE_TRACE, 0, }; /* * Cruft that we append to a file name when a queue ID is named after the * message file inode number. This cruft must not pass mail_queue_id_ok() so * that the queue manager will ignore it, should people be so unwise as to * run this operation on a live mail system. */ #define SUFFIX "#FIX" #define SUFFIX_LEN 4 /* * Grr. These counters are global, because C only has clumsy ways to return * multiple results from a function. */ static int message_requeued = 0; /* requeued messages */ static int message_held = 0; /* messages put on hold */ static int message_released = 0; /* messages released from hold */ static int message_deleted = 0; /* deleted messages */ static int inode_fixed = 0; /* queue id matched to inode number */ static int inode_mismatch = 0; /* queue id inode mismatch */ static int position_mismatch = 0; /* file position mismatch */ /* * Silly little macros. These translate arcane expressions into something * more at a conceptual level. */ #define MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp) ((qp)->perms == MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY) #define READY_MESSAGE(st) (((st).st_mode & S_IRWXU) == MAIL_QUEUE_STAT_READY) /* find_queue_info - look up expected permissions field by queue name */ static struct queue_info *find_queue_info(const char *queue_name) { struct queue_info *qp; for (qp = queue_info; qp->name; qp++) if (strcmp(queue_name, qp->name) == 0) return (qp); msg_fatal("invalid directory name: %s", queue_name); } /* postremove - remove file with extreme prejudice */ static int postremove(const char *path) { int ret; if ((ret = remove(path)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) msg_fatal("remove file %s: %m", path); } else { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("removed file %s", path); } return (ret); } /* postrename - rename file with extreme prejudice */ static int postrename(const char *old, const char *new) { int ret; if ((ret = sane_rename(old, new)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT || mail_queue_mkdirs(new) < 0 || sane_rename(old, new) < 0) if (errno != ENOENT) msg_fatal("rename file %s as %s: %m", old, new); } else { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("renamed file %s as %s", old, new); } return (ret); } /* postrmdir - remove directory with extreme prejudice */ static int postrmdir(const char *path) { int ret; if ((ret = rmdir(path)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) msg_fatal("remove directory %s: %m", path); } else { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("remove directory %s", path); } return (ret); } /* delete_one - delete one message instance and all its associated files */ static int delete_one(const char **queue_names, const char *queue_id) { struct stat st; const char **msg_qpp; const char **log_qpp; const char *msg_path; VSTRING *log_path_buf; int found; int tries; /* * Sanity check. No early returns beyond this point. */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(queue_id)) { msg_warn("invalid mail queue id: %s", queue_id); return (0); } log_path_buf = vstring_alloc(100); /* * Skip meta file directories. Delete trace/defer/bounce logfiles before * deleting the corresponding message file, and only if the message file * exists. This minimizes but does not eliminate a race condition with * queue ID reuse which results in deleting the wrong files. */ for (found = 0, tries = 0; found == 0 && tries < 2; tries++) { for (msg_qpp = queue_names; *msg_qpp != 0; msg_qpp++) { if (!MESSAGE_QUEUE(find_queue_info(*msg_qpp))) continue; if (mail_open_ok(*msg_qpp, queue_id, &st, &msg_path) != MAIL_OPEN_YES) continue; for (log_qpp = log_queue_names; *log_qpp != 0; log_qpp++) postremove(mail_queue_path(log_path_buf, *log_qpp, queue_id)); if (postremove(msg_path) == 0) { found = 1; msg_info("%s: removed", queue_id); break; } /* else: maybe lost a race */ } } vstring_free(log_path_buf); return (found); } /* requeue_one - requeue one message instance and delete its logfiles */ static int requeue_one(const char **queue_names, const char *queue_id) { struct stat st; const char **msg_qpp; const char *old_path; VSTRING *new_path_buf; int found; int tries; struct utimbuf tbuf; /* * Sanity check. No early returns beyond this point. */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(queue_id)) { msg_warn("invalid mail queue id: %s", queue_id); return (0); } new_path_buf = vstring_alloc(100); /* * Skip meta file directories. Like the mass requeue operation, we not * delete defer or bounce logfiles, to avoid losing a race where the * queue manager decides to bounce mail after all recipients have been * tried. */ for (found = 0, tries = 0; found == 0 && tries < 2; tries++) { for (msg_qpp = queue_names; *msg_qpp != 0; msg_qpp++) { if (strcmp(*msg_qpp, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP) == 0) continue; if (!MESSAGE_QUEUE(find_queue_info(*msg_qpp))) continue; if (mail_open_ok(*msg_qpp, queue_id, &st, &old_path) != MAIL_OPEN_YES) continue; (void) mail_queue_path(new_path_buf, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP, queue_id); if (postrename(old_path, STR(new_path_buf)) == 0) { tbuf.actime = tbuf.modtime = time((time_t *) 0); if (utime(STR(new_path_buf), &tbuf) < 0) msg_warn("%s: reset time stamps: %m", STR(new_path_buf)); msg_info("%s: requeued", queue_id); found = 1; break; } /* else: maybe lost a race */ } } vstring_free(new_path_buf); return (found); } /* hold_one - put "on hold" one message instance */ static int hold_one(const char **queue_names, const char *queue_id) { struct stat st; const char **msg_qpp; const char *old_path; VSTRING *new_path_buf; int found; int tries; /* * Sanity check. No early returns beyond this point. */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(queue_id)) { msg_warn("invalid mail queue id: %s", queue_id); return (0); } new_path_buf = vstring_alloc(100); /* * Skip meta file directories. Like the mass requeue operation, we not * delete defer or bounce logfiles, to avoid losing a race where the * queue manager decides to bounce mail after all recipients have been * tried. * * XXX We must not put maildrop mail on hold because that would mix already * sanitized mail with mail that still needs to be sanitized. */ for (found = 0, tries = 0; found == 0 && tries < 2; tries++) { for (msg_qpp = queue_names; *msg_qpp != 0; msg_qpp++) { if (strcmp(*msg_qpp, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP) == 0) continue; if (strcmp(*msg_qpp, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD) == 0) continue; if (!MESSAGE_QUEUE(find_queue_info(*msg_qpp))) continue; if (mail_open_ok(*msg_qpp, queue_id, &st, &old_path) != MAIL_OPEN_YES) continue; (void) mail_queue_path(new_path_buf, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD, queue_id); if (postrename(old_path, STR(new_path_buf)) == 0) { msg_info("%s: placed on hold", queue_id); found = 1; break; } /* else: maybe lost a race */ } } vstring_free(new_path_buf); return (found); } /* release_one - release one message instance that was placed "on hold" */ static int release_one(const char **queue_names, const char *queue_id) { struct stat st; const char **msg_qpp; const char *old_path; VSTRING *new_path_buf; int found; /* * Sanity check. No early returns beyond this point. */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(queue_id)) { msg_warn("invalid mail queue id: %s", queue_id); return (0); } new_path_buf = vstring_alloc(100); /* * Skip inapplicable directories. This can happen when -H is combined * with other operations. */ found = 0; for (msg_qpp = queue_names; *msg_qpp != 0; msg_qpp++) { if (strcmp(*msg_qpp, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD) != 0) continue; if (mail_open_ok(*msg_qpp, queue_id, &st, &old_path) != MAIL_OPEN_YES) continue; (void) mail_queue_path(new_path_buf, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFERRED, queue_id); if (postrename(old_path, STR(new_path_buf)) == 0) { msg_info("%s: released from hold", queue_id); found = 1; break; } } vstring_free(new_path_buf); return (found); } /* operate_stream - operate on queue IDs given on stream */ static int operate_stream(VSTREAM *fp, int (*operator) (const char **, const char *), const char **queues) { VSTRING *buf = vstring_alloc(20); int found = 0; while (vstring_get_nonl(buf, fp) != VSTREAM_EOF) found += operator(queues, STR(buf)); vstring_free(buf); return (found); } /* fix_queue_id - make message queue ID match inode number */ static int fix_queue_id(const char *actual_path, const char *actual_queue, const char *actual_id, struct stat * st) { VSTRING *old_path = vstring_alloc(10); VSTRING *new_path = vstring_alloc(10); VSTRING *new_id = vstring_alloc(10); const char **log_qpp; char *cp; int ret; /* * Create the new queue ID from the existing time digits and from the new * inode number. Since we are renaming multiple files, the new name must * be deterministic so that we can recover even when the renaming * operation is interrupted in the middle. */ if (MQID_FIND_LG_INUM_SEPARATOR(cp, actual_id) == 0) { /* Short->short queue ID. Replace the inode portion. */ vstring_sprintf(new_id, "%.*s%s", MQID_SH_USEC_PAD, actual_id, get_file_id_st(st, 0)); } else if (var_long_queue_ids) { /* Long->long queue ID. Replace the inode portion. */ vstring_sprintf(new_id, "%.*s%c%s", (int) (cp - actual_id), actual_id, MQID_LG_INUM_SEP, get_file_id_st(st, 1)); } else { /* Long->short queue ID. Reformat time and replace inode portion. */ MQID_LG_GET_HEX_USEC(new_id, cp); vstring_strcat(new_id, get_file_id_st(st, 0)); } /* * Rename logfiles before renaming the message file, so that we can * recover when a previous attempt was interrupted. */ for (log_qpp = log_queue_names; *log_qpp; log_qpp++) { mail_queue_path(old_path, *log_qpp, actual_id); mail_queue_path(new_path, *log_qpp, STR(new_id)); vstring_strcat(new_path, SUFFIX); postrename(STR(old_path), STR(new_path)); } /* * Rename the message file last, so that we know that we are done with * this message and with all its logfiles. */ mail_queue_path(new_path, actual_queue, STR(new_id)); vstring_strcat(new_path, SUFFIX); ret = postrename(actual_path, STR(new_path)); /* * Clean up. */ vstring_free(old_path); vstring_free(new_path); vstring_free(new_id); return (ret); } /* super - check queue structure, clean up, do wild-card operations */ static void super(const char **queues, int action) { ARGV *hash_queue_names = argv_split(var_hash_queue_names, " \t\r\n,"); VSTRING *actual_path = vstring_alloc(10); VSTRING *wanted_path = vstring_alloc(10); struct stat st; const char *queue_name; SCAN_DIR *info; char *path; int actual_depth; int wanted_depth; char **cpp; struct queue_info *qp; unsigned long inum; int long_name; int error; /* * Make sure every file is in the right place, clean out stale files, and * remove non-file/non-directory objects. */ while ((queue_name = *queues++) != 0) { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("queue: %s", queue_name); /* * Look up queue-specific properties: desired hashing depth, what * file permissions to look for, and whether or not it is desirable * to step into subdirectories. */ qp = find_queue_info(queue_name); for (cpp = hash_queue_names->argv; /* void */ ; cpp++) { if (*cpp == 0) { wanted_depth = 0; break; } if (strcmp(*cpp, queue_name) == 0) { wanted_depth = var_hash_queue_depth; break; } } /* * Sanity check. Some queues just cannot be recursive. */ if (wanted_depth > 0 && (qp->flags & RECURSE) == 0) msg_fatal("%s queue must not be hashed", queue_name); /* * Other per-directory initialization. */ info = scan_dir_open(queue_name); actual_depth = 0; for (;;) { /* * If we reach the end of a subdirectory, return to its parent. * Delete subdirectories that are no longer needed. */ if ((path = scan_dir_next(info)) == 0) { if (actual_depth == 0) break; if (actual_depth > wanted_depth) postrmdir(scan_dir_path(info)); scan_dir_pop(info); actual_depth--; continue; } /* * If we stumble upon a subdirectory, enter it, if it is * considered safe to do so. Otherwise, try to remove the * subdirectory at a later stage. */ if (strlen(path) == 1 && (qp->flags & RECURSE) != 0) { actual_depth++; scan_dir_push(info, path); continue; } /* * From here on we need to keep track of operations that * invalidate or revalidate the actual_path and path variables, * otherwise we can hit the wrong files. */ vstring_sprintf(actual_path, "%s/%s", scan_dir_path(info), path); if (stat(STR(actual_path), &st) < 0) continue; /* * Remove alien directories. If maildrop is compromised, then we * cannot abort just because we cannot remove someone's * directory. */ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (rmdir(STR(actual_path)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) msg_warn("remove subdirectory %s: %m", STR(actual_path)); } else { if (msg_verbose) msg_info("remove subdirectory %s", STR(actual_path)); } /* No further work on this object is possible. */ continue; } /* * Mass deletion. We count the deletion of mail that this system * has taken responsibility for. XXX This option does not use * mail_queue_remove(), so that it can avoid having to first move * queue files to the "right" subdirectory level. */ if (action & ACTION_DELETE_ALL) { if (postremove(STR(actual_path)) == 0) if (MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp) && READY_MESSAGE(st)) message_deleted++; /* No further work on this object is possible. */ continue; } /* * Remove non-file objects and old temporary files. Be careful * not to delete bounce or defer logs just because they are more * than a couple days old. */ if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || ((action & ACTION_PURGE) != 0 && MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp) && !READY_MESSAGE(st) && time((time_t *) 0) > st.st_mtime + MAX_TEMP_AGE)) { (void) postremove(STR(actual_path)); /* No further work on this object is possible. */ continue; } /* * Fix queueid#FIX names that were left from a previous pass over * the queue where message queue file names were matched to their * inode number. We strip the suffix and move the file into the * proper subdirectory level. Make sure that the name minus * suffix is well formed and that the name matches the file inode * number. */ if ((action & ACTION_STRUCT) && strcmp(path + (strlen(path) - SUFFIX_LEN), SUFFIX) == 0) { path[strlen(path) - SUFFIX_LEN] = 0; /* XXX */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(path)) { msg_warn("bogus file name: %s", STR(actual_path)); continue; } if (MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp)) { MQID_GET_INUM(path, inum, long_name, error); if (error) { msg_warn("bogus file name: %s", STR(actual_path)); continue; } if (inum != (unsigned long) st.st_ino) { msg_warn("name/inode mismatch: %s", STR(actual_path)); continue; } } (void) mail_queue_path(wanted_path, queue_name, path); if (postrename(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)) < 0) { /* No further work on this object is possible. */ continue; } else { if (MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp)) inode_fixed++; vstring_strcpy(actual_path, STR(wanted_path)); /* At this point, path and actual_path are revalidated. */ } } /* * Skip over files with illegal names. The library routines * refuse to operate on them. */ if (!mail_queue_id_ok(path)) { msg_warn("bogus file name: %s", STR(actual_path)); continue; } /* * See if the file name matches the file inode number. Skip meta * file directories. This option requires that meta files be put * into their proper place before queue files, so that we can * rename queue files and meta files at the same time. Mis-named * files are renamed to newqueueid#FIX on the first pass, and * upon the second pass the #FIX is stripped off the name. Of * course we have to be prepared that the program is interrupted * before it completes, so any left-over newqueueid#FIX files * have to be handled properly. XXX This option cannot use * mail_queue_rename(), because the queue file name violates * normal queue file syntax. * * By design there is no need to "fix" non-repeating names. What * follows is applicable only when reverting from long names to * short names, or when migrating short names from one queue to * another. */ if ((action & ACTION_STRUCT) != 0 && MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp)) { MQID_GET_INUM(path, inum, long_name, error); if (error) { msg_warn("bogus file name: %s", STR(actual_path)); continue; } if ((long_name != 0 && var_long_queue_ids == 0) || (inum != (unsigned long) st.st_ino && (long_name == 0 || (action & ACTION_STRUCT_RED)))) { inode_mismatch++; /* before we fix */ action &= ~ACTIONS_AFTER_INUM_FIX; fix_queue_id(STR(actual_path), queue_name, path, &st); /* At this point, path and actual_path are invalidated. */ continue; } } /* * Mass requeuing. The pickup daemon will copy requeued mail to a * new queue file, so that address rewriting is applied again. * XXX This option does not use mail_queue_rename(), so that it * can avoid having to first move queue files to the "right" * subdirectory level. Like the requeue_one() routine, this code * does not touch logfiles. */ if ((action & ACTION_REQUEUE_ALL) && MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp) && strcmp(queue_name, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP) != 0) { (void) mail_queue_path(wanted_path, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP, path); if (postrename(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)) == 0) message_requeued++; /* At this point, path and actual_path are invalidated. */ continue; } /* * Mass renaming to the "on hold" queue. XXX This option does not * use mail_queue_rename(), so that it can avoid having to first * move queue files to the "right" subdirectory level. Like the * hold_one() routine, this code does not touch logfiles, and * must not touch files in the maildrop queue, because maildrop * files contain data that has not yet been sanitized and * therefore must not be mixed with already sanitized mail. */ if ((action & ACTION_HOLD_ALL) && MESSAGE_QUEUE(qp) && strcmp(queue_name, MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP) != 0 && strcmp(queue_name, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD) != 0) { (void) mail_queue_path(wanted_path, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD, path); if (postrename(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)) == 0) message_held++; /* At this point, path and actual_path are invalidated. */ continue; } /* * Mass release from the "on hold" queue. XXX This option does * not use mail_queue_rename(), so that it can avoid having to * first move queue files to the "right" subdirectory level. Like * the release_one() routine, this code must not touch logfiles. */ if ((action & ACTION_RELEASE_ALL) && strcmp(queue_name, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD) == 0) { (void) mail_queue_path(wanted_path, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFERRED, path); if (postrename(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)) == 0) message_released++; /* At this point, path and actual_path are invalidated. */ continue; } /* * See if this file sits in the right place in the file system * hierarchy. Its place may be wrong after a change to the * hash_queue_{names,depth} parameter settings. This requires * that the bounce/defer logfiles be at the right subdirectory * level first, otherwise we would fail to properly rename * bounce/defer logfiles. */ if (action & ACTION_STRUCT) { (void) mail_queue_path(wanted_path, queue_name, path); if (strcmp(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)) != 0) { position_mismatch++; /* before we fix */ (void) postrename(STR(actual_path), STR(wanted_path)); /* At this point, path and actual_path are invalidated. */ continue; } } } scan_dir_close(info); } /* * Clean up. */ vstring_free(wanted_path); vstring_free(actual_path); argv_free(hash_queue_names); } /* interrupted - signal handler */ static void interrupted(int sig) { /* * This commands requires root privileges. We therefore do not worry * about hostile signals, and report problems via msg_warn(). * * We use the in-kernel SIGINT handler address as an atomic variable to * prevent nested interrupted() calls. For this reason, main() must * configure interrupted() as SIGINT handler before other signal handlers * are allowed to invoke interrupted(). See also similar code in * postdrop. */ if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) { (void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); (void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); (void) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (inode_mismatch > 0 || inode_fixed > 0 || position_mismatch > 0) msg_warn("OPERATION INCOMPLETE -- RERUN COMMAND TO FIX THE QUEUE FIRST"); if (sig) _exit(sig); } } /* fatal_warning - print warning if queue fix is incomplete */ static void fatal_warning(void) { interrupted(0); } MAIL_VERSION_STAMP_DECLARE; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd; struct stat st; char *slash; int action = 0; const char **queues; int c; ARGV *requeue_names = 0; ARGV *delete_names = 0; ARGV *hold_names = 0; ARGV *release_names = 0; char **cpp; /* * Defaults. The structural checks must fix the directory levels of "log * file" directories (bounce, defer) before doing structural checks on * the "message file" directories, so that we can find the logfiles in * the right place when message files need to be renamed to match their * inode number. */ static char *default_queues[] = { MAIL_QUEUE_DEFER, /* before message directories */ MAIL_QUEUE_BOUNCE, /* before message directories */ MAIL_QUEUE_MAILDROP, MAIL_QUEUE_INCOMING, MAIL_QUEUE_ACTIVE, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFERRED, MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD, MAIL_QUEUE_FLUSH, 0, }; static char *default_hold_queues[] = { MAIL_QUEUE_INCOMING, MAIL_QUEUE_ACTIVE, MAIL_QUEUE_DEFERRED, 0, }; static char *default_release_queues[] = { MAIL_QUEUE_HOLD, 0, }; /* * Fingerprint executables and core dumps. */ MAIL_VERSION_STAMP_ALLOCATE; /* * Be consistent with file permissions. */ umask(022); /* * To minimize confusion, make sure that the standard file descriptors * are open before opening anything else. XXX Work around for 44BSD where * fstat can return EBADF on an open file descriptor. */ for (fd = 0; fd < 3; fd++) if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1 && (close(fd), open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) != fd) msg_fatal("open /dev/null: %m"); /* * Process this environment option as early as we can, to aid debugging. */ if (safe_getenv(CONF_ENV_VERB)) msg_verbose = 1; /* * Initialize logging. */ if ((slash = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != 0 && slash[1]) argv[0] = slash + 1; msg_vstream_init(argv[0], VSTREAM_ERR); msg_syslog_init(mail_task(argv[0]), LOG_PID, LOG_FACILITY); set_mail_conf_str(VAR_PROCNAME, var_procname = mystrdup(argv[0])); /* * Check the Postfix library version as soon as we enable logging. */ MAIL_VERSION_CHECK; /* * Disallow unsafe practices, and refuse to run set-uid (or as the child * of a set-uid process). Whenever a privileged wrapper program is * needed, it must properly sanitize the real/effective/saved UID/GID, * the secondary groups, the process environment, and so on. Otherwise, * accidents can happen. If not with Postfix, then with other software. */ if (unsafe() != 0) msg_fatal("this postfix command must not run as a set-uid process"); if (getuid()) msg_fatal("use of this command is reserved for the superuser"); /* * Parse JCL. */ while ((c = GETOPT(argc, argv, "c:d:h:H:pr:sSv")) > 0) { switch (c) { default: msg_fatal("usage: %s " "[-c config_dir] " "[-d queue_id (delete)] " "[-h queue_id (hold)] [-H queue_id (un-hold)] " "[-p (purge temporary files)] [-r queue_id (requeue)] " "[-s (structure fix)] [-S (redundant structure fix)]" "[-v (verbose)] [queue...]", argv[0]); case 'c': if (*optarg != '/') msg_fatal("-c requires absolute pathname"); if (setenv(CONF_ENV_PATH, optarg, 1) < 0) msg_fatal("setenv: %m"); break; case 'd': if (delete_names == 0) delete_names = argv_alloc(1); argv_add(delete_names, optarg, (char *) 0); action |= (strcmp(optarg, "ALL") == 0 ? ACTION_DELETE_ALL : ACTION_DELETE_ONE); break; case 'h': if (hold_names == 0) hold_names = argv_alloc(1); argv_add(hold_names, optarg, (char *) 0); action |= (strcmp(optarg, "ALL") == 0 ? ACTION_HOLD_ALL : ACTION_HOLD_ONE); break; case 'H': if (release_names == 0) release_names = argv_alloc(1); argv_add(release_names, optarg, (char *) 0); action |= (strcmp(optarg, "ALL") == 0 ? ACTION_RELEASE_ALL : ACTION_RELEASE_ONE); break; case 'p': action |= ACTION_PURGE; break; case 'r': if (requeue_names == 0) requeue_names = argv_alloc(1); argv_add(requeue_names, optarg, (char *) 0); action |= (strcmp(optarg, "ALL") == 0 ? ACTION_REQUEUE_ALL : ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE); break; case 'S': action |= ACTION_STRUCT_RED; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 's': action |= ACTION_STRUCT; break; case 'v': msg_verbose++; break; } } /* * Read the global configuration file and extract configuration * information. The -c command option can override the default * configuration directory location. */ mail_conf_read(); if (strcmp(var_syslog_name, DEF_SYSLOG_NAME) != 0) msg_syslog_init(mail_task(argv[0]), LOG_PID, LOG_FACILITY); if (chdir(var_queue_dir)) msg_fatal("chdir %s: %m", var_queue_dir); /* * All file/directory updates must be done as the mail system owner. This * is because Postfix daemons manipulate the queue with those same * privileges, so directories must be created with the right ownership. * * Running as a non-root user is also required for security reasons. When * the Postfix queue hierarchy is compromised, an attacker could trick us * into entering other file hierarchies and afflicting damage. Running as * a non-root user limits the damage to the already compromised mail * owner. */ set_ugid(var_owner_uid, var_owner_gid); /* * Be sure to log a warning if we do not finish structural repair. Maybe * we should have an fsck-style "clean" flag so Postfix will not start * with a broken queue. * * Set up signal handlers after permanently dropping super-user privileges, * so that signal handlers will always run with the correct privileges. * * XXX Don't enable SIGHUP or SIGTERM if it was ignored by the parent. * * interrupted() uses the in-kernel SIGINT handler address as an atomic * variable to prevent nested interrupted() calls. For this reason, the * SIGINT handler must be configured before other signal handlers are * allowed to invoke interrupted(). See also similar code in postdrop. */ signal(SIGINT, interrupted); signal(SIGQUIT, interrupted); if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGTERM, interrupted); if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) signal(SIGHUP, interrupted); msg_cleanup(fatal_warning); /* * Sanity checks. */ if ((action & ACTION_DELETE_ALL) && (action & ACTION_DELETE_ONE)) { msg_warn("option \"-d ALL\" will ignore other command line queue IDs"); action &= ~ACTION_DELETE_ONE; } if ((action & ACTION_REQUEUE_ALL) && (action & ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE)) { msg_warn("option \"-r ALL\" will ignore other command line queue IDs"); action &= ~ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE; } if ((action & ACTION_HOLD_ALL) && (action & ACTION_HOLD_ONE)) { msg_warn("option \"-h ALL\" will ignore other command line queue IDs"); action &= ~ACTION_HOLD_ONE; } if ((action & ACTION_RELEASE_ALL) && (action & ACTION_RELEASE_ONE)) { msg_warn("option \"-H ALL\" will ignore other command line queue IDs"); action &= ~ACTION_RELEASE_ONE; } /* * Execute the explicitly specified (or default) action, on the * explicitly specified (or default) queues. * * XXX Work around gcc const brain damage. * * XXX The file name/inode number fix should always run over all message * file directories, and should always be preceded by a subdirectory * level check of the bounce and defer logfile directories. */ if (action == 0) action = ACTION_DEFAULT; if (argv[optind] != 0) queues = (const char **) argv + optind; else if (action == ACTION_HOLD_ALL) queues = (const char **) default_hold_queues; else if (action == ACTION_RELEASE_ALL) queues = (const char **) default_release_queues; else queues = (const char **) default_queues; /* * Basic queue maintenance, as well as mass deletion, mass requeuing, and * mass name-to-inode fixing. This ensures that queue files are in the * right place before the file-by-name operations are done. */ if (action & ~ACTIONS_BY_QUEUE_ID) super(queues, action); /* * If any file names needed changing to match the message file inode * number, those files were named newqeueid#FIX. We need a second pass to * strip the suffix from the new queue ID, and to complete any requested * operations that had to be skipped in the first pass. */ if (inode_mismatch > 0) super(queues, action); /* * Don't do actions by queue file name if any queue files changed name * because they did not match the queue file inode number. We could be * acting on the wrong queue file and lose mail. */ if ((action & ACTIONS_BY_QUEUE_ID) && (inode_mismatch > 0 || inode_fixed > 0)) { msg_error("QUEUE FILE NAMES WERE CHANGED TO MATCH INODE NUMBERS"); msg_fatal("CHECK YOUR QUEUE IDS AND RE-ISSUE THE COMMAND"); } /* * Delete queue files by name. This must not be done when queue file * names have changed names as a result of inode number mismatches, * because we could be deleting the wrong message. */ if (action & ACTION_DELETE_ONE) { argv_terminate(delete_names); queues = (const char **) (argv[optind] ? argv + optind : default_queues); for (cpp = delete_names->argv; *cpp; cpp++) { if (strcmp(*cpp, "ALL") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(*cpp, "-") == 0) message_deleted += operate_stream(VSTREAM_IN, delete_one, queues); else message_deleted += delete_one(queues, *cpp); } } /* * Requeue queue files by name. This must not be done when queue file * names have changed names as a result of inode number mismatches, * because we could be requeuing the wrong message. */ if (action & ACTION_REQUEUE_ONE) { argv_terminate(requeue_names); queues = (const char **) (argv[optind] ? argv + optind : default_queues); for (cpp = requeue_names->argv; *cpp; cpp++) { if (strcmp(*cpp, "ALL") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(*cpp, "-") == 0) message_requeued += operate_stream(VSTREAM_IN, requeue_one, queues); else message_requeued += requeue_one(queues, *cpp); } } /* * Put on hold queue files by name. This must not be done when queue file * names have changed names as a result of inode number mismatches, * because we could put on hold the wrong message. */ if (action & ACTION_HOLD_ONE) { argv_terminate(hold_names); queues = (const char **) (argv[optind] ? argv + optind : default_hold_queues); for (cpp = hold_names->argv; *cpp; cpp++) { if (strcmp(*cpp, "ALL") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(*cpp, "-") == 0) message_held += operate_stream(VSTREAM_IN, hold_one, queues); else message_held += hold_one(queues, *cpp); } } /* * Take "off hold" queue files by name. This must not be done when queue * file names have changed names as a result of inode number mismatches, * because we could take off hold the wrong message. */ if (action & ACTION_RELEASE_ONE) { argv_terminate(release_names); queues = (const char **) (argv[optind] ? argv + optind : default_release_queues); for (cpp = release_names->argv; *cpp; cpp++) { if (strcmp(*cpp, "ALL") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(*cpp, "-") == 0) message_released += operate_stream(VSTREAM_IN, release_one, queues); else message_released += release_one(queues, *cpp); } } /* * Report. */ if (message_requeued > 0) msg_info("Requeued: %d message%s", message_requeued, message_requeued > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (message_deleted > 0) msg_info("Deleted: %d message%s", message_deleted, message_deleted > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (message_held > 0) msg_info("Placed on hold: %d message%s", message_held, message_held > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (message_released > 0) msg_info("Released from hold: %d message%s", message_released, message_released > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (inode_fixed > 0) msg_info("Renamed to match inode number: %d message%s", inode_fixed, inode_fixed > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (inode_mismatch > 0 || inode_fixed > 0) msg_warn("QUEUE FILE NAMES WERE CHANGED TO MATCH INODE NUMBERS"); /* * Clean up. */ if (requeue_names) argv_free(requeue_names); if (delete_names) argv_free(delete_names); if (hold_names) argv_free(hold_names); if (release_names) argv_free(release_names); exit(0); }