/*++ /* NAME /* abounce 3 /* SUMMARY /* asynchronous bounce/defer/trace service client /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* void abounce_flush(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* /* void abounce_flush_verp(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, verp, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* const char *verp; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* /* void adefer_flush(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* /* void adefer_flush_verp(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, verp, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* const char *verp; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* /* void adefer_warn(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* /* void atrace_flush(flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, /* dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context) /* int flags; /* const char *queue; /* const char *id; /* const char *encoding; /* const char *sender; /* const char *dsn_envid; /* int dsn_ret; /* void (*callback)(int status, char *context); /* char *context; /* DESCRIPTION /* This module implements an asynchronous interface to the /* bounce/defer/trace service for submitting sender notifications /* without waiting for completion of the request. /* /* abounce_flush() bounces the specified message to /* the specified sender, including the bounce log that was /* built with bounce_append(). /* /* abounce_flush_verp() is like abounce_flush() but sends /* one VERP style notification per undeliverable recipient. /* /* adefer_flush() bounces the specified message to /* the specified sender, including the defer log that was /* built with defer_append(). /* adefer_flush() requests that the deferred recipients are deleted /* from the original queue file. /* /* adefer_flush_verp() is like adefer_flush() but sends /* one VERP style notification per undeliverable recipient. /* /* adefer_warn() sends a "mail is delayed" notification to /* the specified sender, including the defer log that was /* built with defer_append(). /* /* atrace_flush() returns the specified message to the specified /* sender, including the message delivery record log that was /* built with vtrace_append(). /* /* Arguments: /* .IP flags /* The bitwise OR of zero or more of the following (specify /* BOUNCE_FLAG_NONE to request no special processing): /* .RS /* .IP BOUNCE_FLAG_CLEAN /* Delete the bounce log in case of an error (as in: pretend /* that we never even tried to bounce this message). /* .IP BOUNCE_FLAG_DELRCPT /* When specified with a flush operation, request that /* recipients be deleted from the queue file. /* /* Note: the bounce daemon ignores this request when the /* recipient queue file offset is <= 0. /* .IP BOUNCE_FLAG_COPY /* Request that a postmaster copy is sent. /* .RE /* .IP queue /* The message queue name of the original message file. /* .IP id /* The message queue id if the original message file. The bounce log /* file has the same name as the original message file. /* .IP encoding /* The body content encoding: MAIL_ATTR_ENC_{7BIT,8BIT,NONE}. /* .IP sender /* The sender envelope address. /* .IP dsn_envid /* Optional DSN envelope ID. /* .IP ret /* Optional DSN return full/headers option. /* .IP verp /* VERP delimiter characters. /* .IP callback /* Name of a routine that receives the notification status as /* documented for bounce_flush() or defer_flush(). /* .IP context /* Application-specific context that is passed through to the /* callback routine. Use proper casts or the world will come /* to an end. /* DIAGNOSTICS /* In case of success, these functions log the action, and return a /* zero result via the callback routine. Otherwise, the functions /* return a non-zero result via the callback routine, and when /* BOUNCE_FLAG_CLEAN is disabled, log that message delivery is deferred. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #include #include /* Application-specific. */ /* * Each bounce/defer flush/warn request is implemented by sending the * request to the bounce/defer server, and by creating a pseudo thread that * suspends itself until the server replies (or dies). Upon wakeup, the * pseudo thread delivers the request completion status to the application * and destroys itself. The structure below maintains all the necessary * request state while the pseudo thread is suspended. */ typedef struct { int command; /* bounce request type */ int flags; /* bounce options */ char *id; /* queue ID for logging */ ABOUNCE_FN callback; /* application callback */ char *context; /* application context */ VSTREAM *fp; /* server I/O handle */ } ABOUNCE; /* * Encapsulate common code. */ #define ABOUNCE_EVENT_ENABLE(fd, callback, context, timeout) do { \ event_enable_read((fd), (callback), (context)); \ event_request_timer((callback), (context), (timeout)); \ } while (0) #define ABOUNCE_EVENT_DISABLE(fd, callback, context) do { \ event_cancel_timer((callback), (context)); \ event_disable_readwrite(fd); \ } while (0) /* * If we set the reply timeout too short, then we make the problem worse by * increasing overload. With 1000s timeout mail will keep flowing, but there * will be a large number of blocked bounce processes, and some resource is * likely to run out. */ #define ABOUNCE_TIMEOUT 1000 /* abounce_done - deliver status to application and clean up pseudo thread */ static void abounce_done(ABOUNCE *ap, int status) { (void) vstream_fclose(ap->fp); if (status != 0 && (ap->flags & BOUNCE_FLAG_CLEAN) == 0) msg_info("%s: status=deferred (%s failed)", ap->id, ap->command == BOUNCE_CMD_FLUSH ? "bounce" : ap->command == BOUNCE_CMD_WARN ? "delay warning" : ap->command == BOUNCE_CMD_VERP ? "verp" : ap->command == BOUNCE_CMD_TRACE ? "trace" : "whatever"); ap->callback(status, ap->context); myfree(ap->id); myfree((char *) ap); } /* abounce_event - resume pseudo thread after server reply event */ static void abounce_event(int event, char *context) { ABOUNCE *ap = (ABOUNCE *) context; int status; ABOUNCE_EVENT_DISABLE(vstream_fileno(ap->fp), abounce_event, context); abounce_done(ap, (event != EVENT_TIME && attr_scan(ap->fp, ATTR_FLAG_STRICT, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_STATUS, &status, ATTR_TYPE_END) == 1) ? status : -1); } /* abounce_request_verp - suspend pseudo thread until server reply event */ static void abounce_request_verp(const char *class, const char *service, int command, int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, const char *verp, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { ABOUNCE *ap; /* * Save pseudo thread state. Connect to the server. Send the request and * suspend the pseudo thread until the server replies (or dies). */ ap = (ABOUNCE *) mymalloc(sizeof(*ap)); ap->command = command; ap->flags = flags; ap->id = mystrdup(id); ap->callback = callback; ap->context = context; ap->fp = mail_connect_wait(class, service); if (attr_print(ap->fp, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_NREQ, command, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, flags, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_QUEUE, queue, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_QUEUEID, id, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_ENCODING, encoding, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_SENDER, sender, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_DSN_ENVID, dsn_envid, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_DSN_RET, dsn_ret, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_VERPDL, verp, ATTR_TYPE_END) == 0 && vstream_fflush(ap->fp) == 0) { ABOUNCE_EVENT_ENABLE(vstream_fileno(ap->fp), abounce_event, (char *) ap, ABOUNCE_TIMEOUT); } else { abounce_done(ap, -1); } } /* abounce_flush_verp - asynchronous bounce flush */ void abounce_flush_verp(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, const char *verp, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { abounce_request_verp(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_bounce_service, BOUNCE_CMD_VERP, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, verp, callback, context); } /* adefer_flush_verp - asynchronous defer flush */ void adefer_flush_verp(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, const char *verp, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { flags |= BOUNCE_FLAG_DELRCPT; abounce_request_verp(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_defer_service, BOUNCE_CMD_VERP, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, verp, callback, context); } /* abounce_request - suspend pseudo thread until server reply event */ static void abounce_request(const char *class, const char *service, int command, int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { ABOUNCE *ap; /* * Save pseudo thread state. Connect to the server. Send the request and * suspend the pseudo thread until the server replies (or dies). */ ap = (ABOUNCE *) mymalloc(sizeof(*ap)); ap->command = command; ap->flags = flags; ap->id = mystrdup(id); ap->callback = callback; ap->context = context; ap->fp = mail_connect_wait(class, service); if (attr_print(ap->fp, ATTR_FLAG_NONE, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_NREQ, command, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_FLAGS, flags, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_QUEUE, queue, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_QUEUEID, id, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_ENCODING, encoding, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_SENDER, sender, ATTR_TYPE_STR, MAIL_ATTR_DSN_ENVID, dsn_envid, ATTR_TYPE_INT, MAIL_ATTR_DSN_RET, dsn_ret, ATTR_TYPE_END) == 0 && vstream_fflush(ap->fp) == 0) { ABOUNCE_EVENT_ENABLE(vstream_fileno(ap->fp), abounce_event, (char *) ap, ABOUNCE_TIMEOUT); } else { abounce_done(ap, -1); } } /* abounce_flush - asynchronous bounce flush */ void abounce_flush(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { abounce_request(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_bounce_service, BOUNCE_CMD_FLUSH, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context); } /* adefer_flush - asynchronous defer flush */ void adefer_flush(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { flags |= BOUNCE_FLAG_DELRCPT; abounce_request(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_defer_service, BOUNCE_CMD_FLUSH, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context); } /* adefer_warn - send copy of defer log to sender as warning bounce */ void adefer_warn(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { abounce_request(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_defer_service, BOUNCE_CMD_WARN, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context); } /* atrace_flush - asynchronous trace flush */ void atrace_flush(int flags, const char *queue, const char *id, const char *encoding, const char *sender, const char *dsn_envid, int dsn_ret, ABOUNCE_FN callback, char *context) { abounce_request(MAIL_CLASS_PRIVATE, var_trace_service, BOUNCE_CMD_TRACE, flags, queue, id, encoding, sender, dsn_envid, dsn_ret, callback, context); }