package CyrusSasl; import*; import*; public class GenericClient extends GenericCommon implements SaslClient { private byte[]initial_response; private String mechanism; private boolean hasinitresp; private cbh; GenericClient(int cptr, String mechlist, java.util.Hashtable props, cbh) { ptr=cptr; this.cbh = cbh; /* set properties */ super.setcommonproperties(props); initial_response = jni_sasl_client_start(cptr, mechlist); } private native byte[] jni_sasl_client_start(int ptr, String mechlist); /** * Perform a step. start() must have been preformed succesfully * before this step() can be called. A client should call this * method until it receives notification from the server that * authentication is complete. Any protocol specific decoding (such * as base64 decoding) must be done before calling step(). The * return byte array should be encoded by the protocol specific * method then sent to the server * * @param challenge byte[] from server (must be protocol specific decode before) * @exception saslException sasl exception * @return the byte[] you should send to the server */ public byte[] evaluateChallenge(byte[] challenge) throws SaslException { /* xxx this should check for empty challenge & existing initial sasl challenge */ byte[] out=null; if (complete && challenge == null) { /* we're already done and there's no challenge */ return null; } if (challenge==null) { out=jni_sasl_client_step(ptr, null, 0); } else { out=jni_sasl_client_step(ptr, challenge, challenge.length); } return out; } private native byte[] jni_sasl_client_step(int ptr, byte[] in, int inlen); public boolean hasInitialResponse() { return hasinitresp; } /** * Use this method to obtain the name of the mechanism being * negotiated with the server. After giving start() a list of * mechanisms one will be chosen. Use this method to determine which * one if being used if any. * * @return the mechanism currently negotiated or already negotiated */ public String getMechanismName() { return mechanism; } /* called from C layer */ private void callback_setmechanism(String mech, int initresp) { mechanism = mech; hasinitresp = initresp != 0; } private String userid; private String authid; private String password; private String realm; private void do_callbacks(int wantuid, int wantaid, int wantpass, int wantrealm) throws SaslException { int numcb = wantuid+wantaid+wantpass+wantrealm; Callback[] cbs = new Callback[numcb]; int pos = 0; NameCallback nc = null; NameCallback nc2 = null; PasswordCallback pc = null; RealmCallback rc = null; if (wantuid==1) { nc = new NameCallback("Please enter your authorization id"); cbs[pos] = nc; pos++; } if (wantaid==1) { nc2 = new NameCallback("Please enter your authentication id"); cbs[pos] = nc2; pos++; } if (wantpass==1) { pc = new PasswordCallback("Please enter your password", false); cbs[pos] = pc; pos++; } if (wantrealm==1) { rc = new RealmCallback("Please enter your realm"); cbs[pos] = rc; pos++; } try { cbh.handle(cbs); } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e) { throw new SaslException("Unsupported callback",null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SaslException("IO exception",null); } if (nc!=null) { this.userid = nc.getName(); } if (nc2!=null) { this.authid = nc2.getName(); } if (pc!=null) { this.password = new String(pc.getPassword()); } if (rc!=null) { this.realm = rc.getRealm(); } } private String get_userid(int a) { return userid; } private String get_authid(int a) { return authid; } private String get_password(int a) { return password; } private String get_realm(int a) { return realm; } public InputStream getInputStream(InputStream source) throws IOException { if (getSecurity() > 0) { return new SaslInputStream(source,this); } else { // no security layer, no indirection needed return source; } } public OutputStream getOutputStream(OutputStream dest) throws IOException { if (getSecurity() > 0) { return new SaslOutputStream(dest,this); } else { // no security layer, no indirection needed return dest; } } public byte[] createInitialResponse(){ /* xxx this is deprecated */ return initial_response; } }