// TEST_CONFIG // initialize.m // Test basic +initialize behavior // * +initialize before class method // * superclass +initialize before subclass +initialize // * subclass inheritance of superclass implementation // * messaging during +initialize // * +initialize provoked by class_getMethodImplementation // * +initialize not provoked by objc_getClass #include "test.h" #include "testroot.i" int state = 0; @interface Super0 : TestRoot @end @implementation Super0 +(void)initialize { fail("objc_getClass() must not trigger +initialize"); } @end @interface Super : TestRoot @end @implementation Super +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Super initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 0); state = 1; } +(void)method { fail("[Super method] shouldn't be called"); } @end @interface Sub : Super @end @implementation Sub +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Sub initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 1); state = 2; } +(void)method { testprintf("in [Sub method]\n"); testassert(state == 2); state = 3; } @end @interface Super2 : TestRoot @end @interface Sub2 : Super2 @end @implementation Super2 +(void)initialize { if (self == objc_getClass("Sub2")) { testprintf("in [Super2 initialize] of Sub2\n"); testassert(state == 1); state = 2; } else if (self == objc_getClass("Super2")) { testprintf("in [Super2 initialize] of Super2\n"); testassert(state == 0); state = 1; } else { fail("in [Super2 initialize] of unknown class"); } } +(void)method { testprintf("in [Super2 method]\n"); testassert(state == 2); state = 3; } @end @implementation Sub2 // nothing here @end @interface Super3 : TestRoot @end @interface Sub3 : Super3 @end @implementation Super3 +(void)initialize { if (self == [Sub3 class]) { // this message triggers [Sub3 initialize] testprintf("in [Super3 initialize] of Sub3\n"); testassert(state == 0); state = 1; } else if (self == [Super3 class]) { testprintf("in [Super3 initialize] of Super3\n"); testassert(state == 1); state = 2; } else { fail("in [Super3 initialize] of unknown class"); } } +(void)method { testprintf("in [Super3 method]\n"); testassert(state == 2); state = 3; } @end @implementation Sub3 // nothing here @end @interface Super4 : TestRoot @end @implementation Super4 -(void)instanceMethod { testassert(state == 1); state = 2; } +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Super4 initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 0); state = 1; id x = [[self alloc] init]; [x instanceMethod]; RELEASE_VALUE(x); } @end @interface Super5 : TestRoot @end @implementation Super5 -(void)instanceMethod { } +(void)classMethod { testassert(state == 1); state = 2; } +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Super5 initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 0); state = 1; class_getMethodImplementation(self, @selector(instanceMethod)); // this is the "memoized" case for getNonMetaClass class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), @selector(classMethod)); [self classMethod]; } @end @interface Super6 : TestRoot @end @interface Sub6 : Super6 @end @implementation Super6 +(void)initialize { static bool once; bool wasOnce; testprintf("in [Super6 initialize] (#%d)\n", 1+(int)once); if (!once) { once = true; wasOnce = true; testassert(state == 0); state = 1; } else { wasOnce = false; testassert(state == 2); state = 3; } [Sub6 class]; if (wasOnce) { testassert(state == 5); state = 6; } else { testassert(state == 3); state = 4; } } @end @implementation Sub6 +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Sub6 initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 1); state = 2; [super initialize]; testassert(state == 4); state = 5; } @end @interface Super7 : TestRoot @end @interface Sub7 : Super7 @end @implementation Super7 +(void)initialize { static bool once; bool wasOnce; testprintf("in [Super7 initialize] (#%d)\n", 1+(int)once); if (!once) { once = true; wasOnce = true; testassert(state == 0); state = 1; } else { wasOnce = false; testassert(state == 2); state = 3; } [Sub7 class]; if (wasOnce) { testassert(state == 5); state = 6; } else { testassert(state == 3); state = 4; } } @end @implementation Sub7 +(void)initialize { testprintf("in [Sub7 initialize]\n"); testassert(state == 1); state = 2; [super initialize]; testassert(state == 4); state = 5; } @end int main() { Class cls; // objc_getClass() must not +initialize anything state = 0; objc_getClass("Super0"); testassert(state == 0); // initialize superclass, then subclass state = 0; [Sub method]; testassert(state == 3); // check subclass's inheritance of superclass initialize state = 0; [Sub2 method]; testassert(state == 3); // check subclass method called from superclass initialize state = 0; [Sub3 method]; testassert(state == 3); // check class_getMethodImplementation (instance method) state = 0; cls = objc_getClass("Super4"); testassert(state == 0); class_getMethodImplementation(cls, @selector(classMethod)); testassert(state == 2); // check class_getMethodImplementation (class method) // this is the "slow" case for getNonMetaClass state = 0; cls = objc_getClass("Super5"); testassert(state == 0); class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(cls), @selector(instanceMethod)); testassert(state == 2); // check +initialize cycles // this is the "cls is a subclass" case for getNonMetaClass state = 0; [Super6 class]; testassert(state == 6); // check +initialize cycles // this is the "cls is a subclass" case for getNonMetaClass state = 0; [Sub7 class]; testassert(state == 6); succeed(__FILE__); return 0; }