DocBook V4.0 Example Document

Norman Walsh


This document demonstrates the new tags in DocBook V4.0.

The focus of this document is to present examples of new elements, minor changes such as the addition of new attribute values are not included.

Table of Contents

1 Block-level Markup
2 Inline markup

Chapter 1. Block-level Markup

There's a new simple-alternative for msgentry: simplemsgentry.

The text of a message

An explanation of the message.

The text of a message

An explanation of the message.

Longer descriptions are possible in a revhistory:

Revision History
Revision 2todaynwalsh
Revision 1yesterdaynwalsh

Ordered and itemized lists can have titles:

Itemized List

  • First thing

  • Second thing

  • Third thing

Ordered List

  • First thing

  • Second thing

  • Third thing

Linespecific environments can indicate line numbering:

<!ENTITY % linespecific.attrib
	"format		NOTATION
			(linespecific)	'linespecific'
         linenumbering	(numbered|unnumbered) 	#IMPLIED">

Added classsynopsis for documenting object-oriented programming language classes. Here's one example:

 public TextFileWriter extends HandlerBase {

  private Writer writer ;
  public String writerName = "MyWriter";
static public void write(ResultTreeFragment frag,                            String file)     throws SAXException;

Chapter 2. Inline markup

The sgmltag element has new class attribute values: xmlpi and emptytag. These produce <?processing instructions?> and <empty-tag/> markup suitable for XML.