/* Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) Copyright (C) 2013 Company 100, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef CoordinatedLayerTreeHost_h #define CoordinatedLayerTreeHost_h #if USE(COORDINATED_GRAPHICS) #include "LayerTreeContext.h" #include "LayerTreeHost.h" #include #include #include namespace WebCore { class CoordinatedSurface; } namespace WebKit { class WebPage; class CoordinatedLayerTreeHost : public LayerTreeHost, public WebCore::CompositingCoordinator::Client { public: static PassRefPtr create(WebPage*); virtual ~CoordinatedLayerTreeHost(); virtual const LayerTreeContext& layerTreeContext() { return m_layerTreeContext; } virtual void setLayerFlushSchedulingEnabled(bool); virtual void scheduleLayerFlush(); virtual void setShouldNotifyAfterNextScheduledLayerFlush(bool); virtual void setRootCompositingLayer(WebCore::GraphicsLayer*); virtual void invalidate(); virtual void setNonCompositedContentsNeedDisplay() override { } virtual void setNonCompositedContentsNeedDisplayInRect(const WebCore::IntRect&) override { } virtual void scrollNonCompositedContents(const WebCore::IntRect&) override { } virtual void forceRepaint(); virtual bool forceRepaintAsync(uint64_t callbackID); virtual void sizeDidChange(const WebCore::IntSize& newSize); virtual void pauseRendering() { m_isSuspended = true; } virtual void resumeRendering() { m_isSuspended = false; scheduleLayerFlush(); } virtual void deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged() override; virtual void pageBackgroundTransparencyChanged() override; virtual void didReceiveCoordinatedLayerTreeHostMessage(IPC::Connection*, IPC::MessageDecoder&); virtual WebCore::GraphicsLayerFactory* graphicsLayerFactory() override; WebCore::CoordinatedGraphicsLayer* mainContentsLayer(); #if ENABLE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME) virtual void scheduleAnimation() override; #endif virtual void setBackgroundColor(const WebCore::Color&) override; static PassRefPtr createCoordinatedSurface(const WebCore::IntSize&, WebCore::CoordinatedSurface::Flags); protected: explicit CoordinatedLayerTreeHost(WebPage*); private: // CoordinatedLayerTreeHost void cancelPendingLayerFlush(); void performScheduledLayerFlush(); void setVisibleContentsRect(const WebCore::FloatRect&, const WebCore::FloatPoint&); void renderNextFrame(); void purgeBackingStores(); void commitScrollOffset(uint32_t layerID, const WebCore::IntSize& offset); void layerFlushTimerFired(WebCore::Timer*); // CompositingCoordinator::Client virtual void didFlushRootLayer(const WebCore::FloatRect& visibleContentRect) override; virtual void notifyFlushRequired() override { scheduleLayerFlush(); }; virtual void commitSceneState(const WebCore::CoordinatedGraphicsState&) override; virtual void paintLayerContents(const WebCore::GraphicsLayer*, WebCore::GraphicsContext&, const WebCore::IntRect& clipRect) override; std::unique_ptr m_coordinator; bool m_notifyAfterScheduledLayerFlush; bool m_isValid; bool m_isSuspended; bool m_isWaitingForRenderer; LayerTreeContext m_layerTreeContext; WebCore::Timer m_layerFlushTimer; bool m_layerFlushSchedulingEnabled; uint64_t m_forceRepaintAsyncCallbackID; }; } // namespace WebKit #endif // USE(COORDINATED_GRAPHICS) #endif // CoordinatedLayerTreeHost_h