/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "DataReference.h" #include "ImportanceAssertion.h" #include "MachPort.h" #include "MachUtilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if PLATFORM(IOS) #include "ProcessAssertion.h" #endif #if __has_include() #include #else extern "C" void xpc_connection_get_audit_token(xpc_connection_t, audit_token_t*); extern "C" void xpc_connection_kill(xpc_connection_t, int); #endif #if __has_include() #include #else typedef enum { AXSuspendStatusRunning = 0, AXSuspendStatusSuspended, } AXSuspendStatus; #endif #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101000 extern "C" AXError _AXUIElementNotifyProcessSuspendStatus(AXSuspendStatus); #endif namespace IPC { static const size_t inlineMessageMaxSize = 4096; // Message flags. enum { MessageBodyIsOutOfLine = 1 << 0 }; // ConnectionTerminationWatchdog does two things: // 1) It sets a watchdog timer to kill the peered process. // 2) On iOS, make the process runnable for the duration of the watchdog // to ensure it has a chance to terminate cleanly. class ConnectionTerminationWatchdog { public: static void createConnectionTerminationWatchdog(XPCPtr& xpcConnection, double intervalInSeconds) { new ConnectionTerminationWatchdog(xpcConnection, intervalInSeconds); } private: ConnectionTerminationWatchdog(XPCPtr& xpcConnection, double intervalInSeconds) : m_xpcConnection(xpcConnection) , m_watchdogTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &ConnectionTerminationWatchdog::watchdogTimerFired) #if PLATFORM(IOS) , m_assertion(std::make_unique(xpc_connection_get_pid(m_xpcConnection.get()), WebKit::AssertionState::Background)) #endif { m_watchdogTimer.startOneShot(intervalInSeconds); } void watchdogTimerFired() { #if PLATFORM(IOS) || (PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1090) xpc_connection_kill(m_xpcConnection.get(), SIGKILL); #endif delete this; } XPCPtr m_xpcConnection; RunLoop::Timer m_watchdogTimer; #if PLATFORM(IOS) std::unique_ptr m_assertion; #endif }; void Connection::platformInvalidate() { if (!m_isConnected) return; m_isConnected = false; ASSERT(m_sendPort); ASSERT(m_receivePort); // Unregister our ports. dispatch_source_cancel(m_deadNameSource); dispatch_release(m_deadNameSource); m_deadNameSource = 0; m_sendPort = MACH_PORT_NULL; dispatch_source_cancel(m_receivePortDataAvailableSource); dispatch_release(m_receivePortDataAvailableSource); m_receivePortDataAvailableSource = 0; m_receivePort = MACH_PORT_NULL; #if !PLATFORM(IOS) if (m_exceptionPort) { dispatch_source_cancel(m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource); dispatch_release(m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource); m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource = 0; m_exceptionPort = MACH_PORT_NULL; } #endif m_xpcConnection = nullptr; } void Connection::terminateSoon(double intervalInSeconds) { if (m_xpcConnection) ConnectionTerminationWatchdog::createConnectionTerminationWatchdog(m_xpcConnection, intervalInSeconds); } void Connection::platformInitialize(Identifier identifier) { #if !PLATFORM(IOS) m_exceptionPort = MACH_PORT_NULL; m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource = nullptr; #endif if (m_isServer) { m_receivePort = identifier.port; m_sendPort = MACH_PORT_NULL; } else { m_receivePort = MACH_PORT_NULL; m_sendPort = identifier.port; } m_deadNameSource = nullptr; m_receivePortDataAvailableSource = nullptr; m_xpcConnection = identifier.xpcConnection; } template static dispatch_source_t createDataAvailableSource(mach_port_t receivePort, WorkQueue& workQueue, Function&& function) { dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_MACH_RECV, receivePort, 0, workQueue.dispatchQueue()); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, function); dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(source, ^{ mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), receivePort, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1); }); return source; } bool Connection::open() { if (m_isServer) { ASSERT(m_receivePort); ASSERT(!m_sendPort); } else { ASSERT(!m_receivePort); ASSERT(m_sendPort); // Create the receive port. mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &m_receivePort); #if PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101000 mach_port_set_attributes(mach_task_self(), m_receivePort, MACH_PORT_DENAP_RECEIVER, (mach_port_info_t)0, 0); #elif PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1090 mach_port_set_attributes(mach_task_self(), m_receivePort, MACH_PORT_IMPORTANCE_RECEIVER, (mach_port_info_t)0, 0); #endif m_isConnected = true; // Send the initialize message, which contains a send right for the server to use. auto encoder = std::make_unique("IPC", "InitializeConnection", 0); encoder->encode(MachPort(m_receivePort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND)); sendMessage(WTF::move(encoder)); initializeDeadNameSource(); } // Change the message queue length for the receive port. setMachPortQueueLength(m_receivePort, MACH_PORT_QLIMIT_LARGE); // Register the data available handler. RefPtr connection(this); m_receivePortDataAvailableSource = createDataAvailableSource(m_receivePort, *m_connectionQueue, [connection] { connection->receiveSourceEventHandler(); }); #if !PLATFORM(IOS) // If we have an exception port, register the data available handler and send over the port to the other end. if (m_exceptionPort) { m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource = createDataAvailableSource(m_exceptionPort, *m_connectionQueue, [connection] { connection->exceptionSourceEventHandler(); }); auto encoder = std::make_unique("IPC", "SetExceptionPort", 0); encoder->encode(MachPort(m_exceptionPort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND)); sendMessage(WTF::move(encoder)); } #endif ref(); dispatch_async(m_connectionQueue->dispatchQueue(), ^{ dispatch_resume(m_receivePortDataAvailableSource); if (m_deadNameSource) dispatch_resume(m_deadNameSource); #if !PLATFORM(IOS) if (m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource) dispatch_resume(m_exceptionPortDataAvailableSource); #endif deref(); }); return true; } static inline size_t machMessageSize(size_t bodySize, size_t numberOfPortDescriptors = 0, size_t numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors = 0) { size_t size = sizeof(mach_msg_header_t) + bodySize; if (numberOfPortDescriptors || numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors) { size += sizeof(mach_msg_body_t); if (numberOfPortDescriptors) size += (numberOfPortDescriptors * sizeof(mach_msg_port_descriptor_t)); if (numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors) size += (numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors * sizeof(mach_msg_ool_descriptor_t)); } return round_msg(size); } bool Connection::platformCanSendOutgoingMessages() const { return true; } bool Connection::sendOutgoingMessage(std::unique_ptr encoder) { Vector attachments = encoder->releaseAttachments(); size_t numberOfPortDescriptors = 0; size_t numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < attachments.size(); ++i) { Attachment::Type type = attachments[i].type(); if (type == Attachment::MachPortType) numberOfPortDescriptors++; } size_t messageSize = machMessageSize(encoder->bufferSize(), numberOfPortDescriptors, numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors); bool messageBodyIsOOL = false; if (messageSize > inlineMessageMaxSize) { messageBodyIsOOL = true; numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors++; messageSize = machMessageSize(0, numberOfPortDescriptors, numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors); } char stackBuffer[inlineMessageMaxSize]; char* buffer = &stackBuffer[0]; if (messageSize > inlineMessageMaxSize) buffer = (char*)mmap(0, messageSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); bool isComplex = (numberOfPortDescriptors + numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors > 0); mach_msg_header_t* header = reinterpret_cast(buffer); header->msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, 0); header->msgh_size = messageSize; header->msgh_remote_port = m_sendPort; header->msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; header->msgh_id = 0; if (messageBodyIsOOL) header->msgh_id |= MessageBodyIsOutOfLine; uint8_t* messageData; if (isComplex) { header->msgh_bits |= MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX; mach_msg_body_t* body = reinterpret_cast(header + 1); body->msgh_descriptor_count = numberOfPortDescriptors + numberOfOOLMemoryDescriptors; uint8_t* descriptorData = reinterpret_cast(body + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < attachments.size(); ++i) { Attachment attachment = attachments[i]; mach_msg_descriptor_t* descriptor = reinterpret_cast(descriptorData); switch (attachment.type()) { case Attachment::MachPortType: descriptor->port.name = attachment.port(); descriptor->port.disposition = attachment.disposition(); descriptor->port.type = MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR; descriptorData += sizeof(mach_msg_port_descriptor_t); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } if (messageBodyIsOOL) { mach_msg_descriptor_t* descriptor = reinterpret_cast(descriptorData); descriptor->out_of_line.address = encoder->buffer(); descriptor->out_of_line.size = encoder->bufferSize(); descriptor->out_of_line.copy = MACH_MSG_VIRTUAL_COPY; descriptor->out_of_line.deallocate = false; descriptor->out_of_line.type = MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR; descriptorData += sizeof(mach_msg_ool_descriptor_t); } messageData = descriptorData; } else messageData = (uint8_t*)(header + 1); // Copy the data if it is not being sent out-of-line. if (!messageBodyIsOOL) memcpy(messageData, encoder->buffer(), encoder->bufferSize()); ASSERT(m_sendPort); // Send the message. kern_return_t kr = mach_msg(header, MACH_SEND_MSG, messageSize, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { // FIXME: What should we do here? } if (buffer != &stackBuffer[0]) munmap(buffer, messageSize); return true; } void Connection::initializeDeadNameSource() { m_deadNameSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_MACH_SEND, m_sendPort, 0, m_connectionQueue->dispatchQueue()); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(m_deadNameSource, bind(&Connection::connectionDidClose, this)); mach_port_t sendPort = m_sendPort; dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(m_deadNameSource, ^{ // Release our send right. mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), sendPort); }); } static std::unique_ptr createMessageDecoder(mach_msg_header_t* header) { if (!(header->msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX)) { // We have a simple message. uint8_t* body = reinterpret_cast(header + 1); size_t bodySize = header->msgh_size - sizeof(mach_msg_header_t); return std::make_unique(DataReference(body, bodySize), Vector()); } bool messageBodyIsOOL = header->msgh_id & MessageBodyIsOutOfLine; mach_msg_body_t* body = reinterpret_cast(header + 1); mach_msg_size_t numDescriptors = body->msgh_descriptor_count; ASSERT(numDescriptors); uint8_t* descriptorData = reinterpret_cast(body + 1); // If the message body was sent out-of-line, don't treat the last descriptor // as an attachment, since it is really the message body. if (messageBodyIsOOL) --numDescriptors; // Build attachment list Vector attachments(numDescriptors); for (mach_msg_size_t i = 0; i < numDescriptors; ++i) { mach_msg_descriptor_t* descriptor = reinterpret_cast(descriptorData); switch (descriptor->type.type) { case MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR: attachments[numDescriptors - i - 1] = Attachment(descriptor->port.name, descriptor->port.disposition); descriptorData += sizeof(mach_msg_port_descriptor_t); break; default: ASSERT(false && "Unhandled descriptor type"); } } if (messageBodyIsOOL) { mach_msg_descriptor_t* descriptor = reinterpret_cast(descriptorData); ASSERT(descriptor->type.type == MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR); uint8_t* messageBody = static_cast(descriptor->out_of_line.address); size_t messageBodySize = descriptor->out_of_line.size; auto decoder = std::make_unique(DataReference(messageBody, messageBodySize), WTF::move(attachments)); vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), reinterpret_cast(descriptor->out_of_line.address), descriptor->out_of_line.size); return decoder; } uint8_t* messageBody = descriptorData; size_t messageBodySize = header->msgh_size - (descriptorData - reinterpret_cast(header)); return std::make_unique(DataReference(messageBody, messageBodySize), attachments); } // The receive buffer size should always include the maximum trailer size. static const size_t receiveBufferSize = inlineMessageMaxSize + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE; typedef Vector ReceiveBuffer; static mach_msg_header_t* readFromMachPort(mach_port_t machPort, ReceiveBuffer& buffer) { buffer.resize(receiveBufferSize); mach_msg_header_t* header = reinterpret_cast(buffer.data()); kern_return_t kr = mach_msg(header, MACH_RCV_MSG | MACH_RCV_LARGE | MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT, 0, buffer.size(), machPort, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL); if (kr == MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT) return 0; if (kr == MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE) { // The message was too large, resize the buffer and try again. buffer.resize(header->msgh_size + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE); header = reinterpret_cast(buffer.data()); kr = mach_msg(header, MACH_RCV_MSG | MACH_RCV_LARGE | MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT, 0, buffer.size(), machPort, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL); ASSERT(kr != MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE); } if (kr != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } return header; } void Connection::receiveSourceEventHandler() { ReceiveBuffer buffer; mach_msg_header_t* header = readFromMachPort(m_receivePort, buffer); if (!header) return; std::unique_ptr decoder = createMessageDecoder(header); ASSERT(decoder); #if PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1090 decoder->setImportanceAssertion(std::make_unique(header)); #endif if (decoder->messageReceiverName() == "IPC" && decoder->messageName() == "InitializeConnection") { ASSERT(m_isServer); ASSERT(!m_isConnected); ASSERT(!m_sendPort); MachPort port; if (!decoder->decode(port)) { // FIXME: Disconnect. return; } m_sendPort = port.port(); if (m_sendPort) { initializeDeadNameSource(); dispatch_resume(m_deadNameSource); } m_isConnected = true; // Send any pending outgoing messages. sendOutgoingMessages(); return; } #if !PLATFORM(IOS) if (decoder->messageReceiverName() == "IPC" && decoder->messageName() == "SetExceptionPort") { if (m_isServer) { // Server connections aren't supposed to have their exception ports overriden. Treat this as an invalid message. m_clientRunLoop.dispatch(bind(&Connection::dispatchDidReceiveInvalidMessage, this, decoder->messageReceiverName().toString(), decoder->messageName().toString())); return; } MachPort exceptionPort; if (!decoder->decode(exceptionPort)) return; setMachExceptionPort(exceptionPort.port()); return; } #endif processIncomingMessage(WTF::move(decoder)); } #if !PLATFORM(IOS) void Connection::exceptionSourceEventHandler() { ReceiveBuffer buffer; mach_msg_header_t* header = readFromMachPort(m_exceptionPort, buffer); if (!header) return; // We've read the exception message. Now send it on to the real exception port. // The remote port should have a send once right. ASSERT(MACH_MSGH_BITS_REMOTE(header->msgh_bits) == MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE); // Now get the real exception port. mach_port_t exceptionPort = machExceptionPort(); // First, get the complex bit from the source message. mach_msg_bits_t messageBits = header->msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX; messageBits |= MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE); header->msgh_bits = messageBits; header->msgh_local_port = header->msgh_remote_port; header->msgh_remote_port = exceptionPort; // Now send along the message. kern_return_t kr = mach_msg(header, MACH_SEND_MSG, header->msgh_size, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to send message to real exception port. %s (%x)", mach_error_string(kr), kr); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } connectionDidClose(); } void Connection::setShouldCloseConnectionOnMachExceptions() { ASSERT(m_exceptionPort == MACH_PORT_NULL); if (mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &m_exceptionPort) != KERN_SUCCESS) ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); if (mach_port_insert_right(mach_task_self(), m_exceptionPort, m_exceptionPort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND) != KERN_SUCCESS) ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } #endif IPC::Connection::Identifier Connection::identifier() const { return Identifier(m_isServer ? m_receivePort : m_sendPort, m_xpcConnection); } bool Connection::getAuditToken(audit_token_t& auditToken) { if (!m_xpcConnection) return false; xpc_connection_get_audit_token(m_xpcConnection.get(), &auditToken); return true; } bool Connection::kill() { #if PLATFORM(IOS) || (PLATFORM(MAC) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1090) if (m_xpcConnection) { xpc_connection_kill(m_xpcConnection.get(), SIGKILL); return true; } #endif return false; } void Connection::willSendSyncMessage(unsigned flags) { #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101000 if ((flags & InformPlatformProcessWillSuspend) && WebCore::AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) _AXUIElementNotifyProcessSuspendStatus(AXSuspendStatusSuspended); #endif } void Connection::didReceiveSyncReply(unsigned flags) { #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101000 if ((flags & InformPlatformProcessWillSuspend) && WebCore::AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) _AXUIElementNotifyProcessSuspendStatus(AXSuspendStatusRunning); #endif } } // namespace IPC