#!/bin/zsh if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo 1>&2 "$0: must supply ssh port numbers of devices to update, e.g. 10873, 12873, etc." echo 1>&2 "$0 10873 12873 15873" exit 2 fi for port in "$@" do echo "Copying roots to port: $item" RSYNC_PASSWORD=alpine rsync -av /tmp/securitysoscircle.roots.tgz rsync://root@localhost:$port/root/var/mobile/ RSYNC_PASSWORD=alpine rsync -av ~/bin/sosinstallroot rsync://root@localhost:$port/root/usr/local/bin/sosinstallroot done udids=( 79003b34516ba80b620e3d947e7da96e033bed48 96476595e5d0ef7496e8ff852aedf4725647960b ) for U in $udids do echo "updating device $U" PurpleExec --target $U /usr/local/bin/mobile_install rebuild internal PurpleExec --target $U chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sosinstallroot PurpleExec --target $U script /var/log/myscript.log /usr/local/bin/sosinstallroot done