/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * SecCertificate.c - CoreFoundation based certificate object */ //#include #include "SecCertificateInternalP.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SecBasePriv.h" #include "SecRSAKeyP.h" #include "SecFrameworkP.h" #include "SecItem.h" #include "SecItemPriv.h" #include #include #include #include #include "SecInternalP.h" #include "SecBase64P.h" #include typedef struct SecCertificateExtension { DERItem extnID; bool critical; DERItem extnValue; } SecCertificateExtension; #if 0 typedef struct KnownExtension { bool critical; DERItem extnValue; } KnownExtension; enum { kSecSelfSignedUnknown = 0, kSecSelfSignedFalse, kSecSelfSignedTrue, }; #endif struct __SecCertificate { CFRuntimeBase _base; DERItem _der; /* Entire certificate in DER form. */ DERItem _tbs; /* To Be Signed cert DER bytes. */ DERAlgorithmId _sigAlg; /* Top level signature algorithm. */ DERItem _signature; /* The content of the sig bit string. */ UInt8 _version; DERItem _serialNum; /* Integer. */ DERAlgorithmId _tbsSigAlg; /* sig alg MUST be same as _sigAlg. */ DERItem _issuer; /* Sequence of RDN. */ CFAbsoluteTime _notBefore; CFAbsoluteTime _notAfter; DERItem _subject; /* Sequence of RDN. */ DERAlgorithmId _algId; /* oid and params of _pubKeyDER. */ DERItem _pubKeyDER; /* contents of bit string */ DERItem _issuerUniqueID; /* bit string, optional */ DERItem _subjectUniqueID; /* bit string, optional */ #if 0 /* Known extensions if the certificate contains them, extnValue.length will be > 0. */ KnownExtension _authorityKeyID; /* This extension is used to uniquely identify a certificate from among several that have the same subject name. If the extension is not present, its value is calculated by performing a SHA-1 hash of the certificate's DER encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo, as recommended by PKIX. */ KnownExtension _subjectKeyID; KnownExtension _keyUsage; KnownExtension _extendedKeyUsage; KnownExtension _basicConstraints; KnownExtension _netscapeCertType; KnownExtension _subjectAltName; KnownExtension _qualCertStatements; #endif bool _foundUnknownCriticalExtension; /* Well known certificate extensions. */ SecCEBasicConstraints _basicConstraints; SecCEPolicyConstraints _policyConstraints; CFDictionaryRef _policyMappings; SecCECertificatePolicies _certificatePolicies; /* If InhibitAnyPolicy extension is not present or invalid UINT32_MAX, value of the SkipCerts field of the InhibitAnyPolicy extension otherwise. */ uint32_t _inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts; /* If KeyUsage extension is not present this is 0, otherwise it's the value of the extension. */ SecKeyUsage _keyUsage; /* OCTECTS of SubjectKeyIdentifier extensions KeyIdentifier. Length = 0 if not present. */ DERItem _subjectKeyIdentifier; /* OCTECTS of AuthorityKeyIdentifier extensions KeyIdentifier. Length = 0 if not present. */ DERItem _authorityKeyIdentifier; /* AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension _authorityKeyIdentifierIssuer and _authorityKeyIdentifierSerialNumber have non zero length if present. Both are either present or absent together. */ DERItem _authorityKeyIdentifierIssuer; DERItem _authorityKeyIdentifierSerialNumber; /* Subject alt name extension, if present. Not malloced, it's just a pointer to an element in the _extensions array. */ const SecCertificateExtension *_subjectAltName; /* Parsed extension values. */ /* Array of CFURLRefs containing the URI values of crlDistributionPoints. */ CFMutableArrayRef _crlDistributionPoints; /* Array of CFURLRefs containing the URI values of accessLocations of each id-ad-ocsp AccessDescription in the Authority Information Access extension. */ CFMutableArrayRef _ocspResponders; /* Array of CFURLRefs containing the URI values of accessLocations of each id-ad-caIssuers AccessDescription in the Authority Information Access extension. */ CFMutableArrayRef _caIssuers; /* All other (non known) extensions. The _extensions array is malloced. */ CFIndex _extensionCount; SecCertificateExtension *_extensions; /* Optional cached fields. */ SecKeyRef _pubKey; CFDataRef _der_data; CFArrayRef _properties; CFDataRef _serialNumber; CFDataRef _normalizedIssuer; CFDataRef _normalizedSubject; CFDataRef _authorityKeyID; CFDataRef _subjectKeyID; CFDataRef _sha1Digest; uint8_t _isSelfSigned; }; /* Public Constants for property list keys. */ CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyType = CFSTR("type"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyLabel = CFSTR("label"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel = CFSTR("localized label"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyKeyValue = CFSTR("value"); /* Public Constants for property list values. */ CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeWarning = CFSTR("warning"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeError = CFSTR("error"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeSuccess = CFSTR("success"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeTitle = CFSTR("title"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeSection = CFSTR("section"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeData = CFSTR("data"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeString = CFSTR("string"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeURL = CFSTR("url"); CFStringRef kSecPropertyTypeDate = CFSTR("date"); /* Extension parsing routine. */ typedef void (*SecCertificateExtensionParser)(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn); /* CFRuntime regsitration data. */ static pthread_once_t kSecCertificateRegisterClass = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static CFTypeID kSecCertificateTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID; /* Mapping from extension OIDs (as a DERItem *) to SecCertificateExtensionParser extension parsing routines. */ static CFDictionaryRef gExtensionParsers; /* Forward declartions of static functions. */ static CFStringRef SecCertificateDescribe(CFTypeRef cf); static void SecCertificateDestroy(CFTypeRef cf); static bool derDateGetAbsoluteTime(const DERItem *dateChoice, CFAbsoluteTime *absTime); /* Static functions. */ static CFStringRef SecCertificateDescribe(CFTypeRef cf) { SecCertificateRefP certificate = (SecCertificateRefP)cf; return CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR(""), certificate, SecCertificateCopySubjectSummaryP(certificate), SecCertificateCopyIssuerSummaryP(certificate)); } static void SecCertificateDestroy(CFTypeRef cf) { SecCertificateRefP certificate = (SecCertificateRefP)cf; if (certificate->_certificatePolicies.policies) free(certificate->_certificatePolicies.policies); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_policyMappings); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_crlDistributionPoints); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_ocspResponders); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_caIssuers); if (certificate->_extensions) { free(certificate->_extensions); } CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_pubKey); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_der_data); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_properties); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_serialNumber); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_normalizedIssuer); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_normalizedSubject); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_authorityKeyID); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_subjectKeyID); CFReleaseSafe(certificate->_sha1Digest); } static Boolean SecCertificateEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) { SecCertificateRefP cert1 = (SecCertificateRefP)cf1; SecCertificateRefP cert2 = (SecCertificateRefP)cf2; if (cert1 == cert2) return true; if (!cert2 || cert1->_der.length != cert2->_der.length) return false; return !memcmp(cert1->_der.data, cert2->_der.data, cert1->_der.length); } /* Hash of the certificate is der length + signature length + last 4 bytes of signature. */ static CFHashCode SecCertificateHash(CFTypeRef cf) { SecCertificateRefP certificate = (SecCertificateRefP)cf; DERSize der_length = certificate->_der.length; DERSize sig_length = certificate->_signature.length; DERSize ix = (sig_length > 4) ? sig_length - 4 : 0; CFHashCode hashCode = 0; for (; ix < sig_length; ++ix) hashCode = (hashCode << 8) + certificate->_signature.data[ix]; return (hashCode + der_length + sig_length); } #if 1 /************************************************************************/ /************************* General Name Parsing *************************/ /************************************************************************/ typedef OSStatus (*parseGeneralNameCallback)(void *context, SecCEGeneralNameType type, const DERItem *value); /* GeneralName ::= CHOICE { otherName [0] OtherName, rfc822Name [1] IA5String, dNSName [2] IA5String, x400Address [3] ORAddress, directoryName [4] Name, ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER} OtherName ::= SEQUENCE { type-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id } EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE { nameAssigner [0] DirectoryString OPTIONAL, partyName [1] DirectoryString } */ static OSStatus parseGeneralNameContentProperty(DERTag tag, const DERItem *generalNameContent, void *context, parseGeneralNameCallback callback) { switch (tag) { case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 0: return callback(context, GNT_OtherName, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1: return callback(context, GNT_RFC822Name, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 2: return callback(context, GNT_DNSName, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 3: return callback(context, GNT_X400Address, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 4: return callback(context, GNT_DirectoryName, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 5: return callback(context, GNT_EdiPartyName, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 6: { /* Technically I don't think this is valid, but there are certs out in the wild that use a constructed IA5String. In particular the VeriSign Time Stamping Authority CA.cer does this. */ DERDecodedInfo uriContent; require_noerr(DERDecodeItem(generalNameContent, &uriContent), badDER); require(uriContent.tag == ASN1_IA5_STRING, badDER); return callback(context, GNT_URI, &uriContent.content); } case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 6: return callback(context, GNT_URI, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 7: return callback(context, GNT_IPAddress, generalNameContent); case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 8: return callback(context, GNT_RegisteredID, generalNameContent); default: goto badDER; } badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } static OSStatus parseGeneralNamesContent(const DERItem *generalNamesContent, void *context, parseGeneralNameCallback callback) { DERSequence gnSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(generalNamesContent, &gnSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo generalNameContent; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&gnSeq, &generalNameContent)) == DR_Success) { OSStatus status = parseGeneralNameContentProperty( generalNameContent.tag, &generalNameContent.content, context, callback); if (status) return status; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return errSecSuccess; badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } static OSStatus parseGeneralNames(const DERItem *generalNames, void *context, parseGeneralNameCallback callback) { DERDecodedInfo generalNamesContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(generalNames, &generalNamesContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(generalNamesContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); return parseGeneralNamesContent(&generalNamesContent.content, context, callback); badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } #else /* GeneralName ::= CHOICE { otherName [0] OtherName, rfc822Name [1] IA5String, dNSName [2] IA5String, x400Address [3] ORAddress, directoryName [4] Name, ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER} EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE { nameAssigner [0] DirectoryString OPTIONAL, partyName [1] DirectoryString } */ static OSStatus parseGeneralNameContentProperty(DERTag tag, const DERItem *generalNameContent, SecCEGeneralName *generalName) { switch (tag) { case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 0: generalName->nameType = GNT_OtherName; generalName->berEncoded = true; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1: /* IA5String. */ generalName->nameType = GNT_RFC822Name; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 2: /* IA5String. */ generalName->nameType = GNT_DNSName; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 3: generalName->nameType = GNT_X400Address; generalName->berEncoded = true; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 4: generalName->nameType = GNT_DirectoryName; generalName->berEncoded = true; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 5: generalName->nameType = GNT_EdiPartyName; generalName->berEncoded = true; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 6: { /* Technically I don't think this is valid, but there are certs out in the wild that use a constructed IA5String. In particular the VeriSign Time Stamping Authority CA.cer does this. */ DERDecodedInfo decoded; require_noerr(DERDecodeItem(generalNameContent, &decoded), badDER); require(decoded.tag == ASN1_IA5_STRING, badDER); generalName->nameType = GNT_URI; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = decoded.content; break; } case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 6: generalName->nameType = GNT_URI; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 7: /* @@@ This is the IP Address as an OCTECT STRING. For IPv4 it's 8 octects, addr/mask for ipv6 it's 32. */ generalName->nameType = GNT_IPAddress; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 8: /* name is the content of an OID. */ generalName->nameType = GNT_RegisteredID; generalName->berEncoded = false; generalName->name = *generalNameContent; break; default: goto badDER; break; } return errSecSuccess; badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } /* GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName */ static OSStatus parseGeneralNamesContent(const DERItem *generalNamesContent, CFIndex *count, SecCEGeneralName **name) { SecCEGeneralName *generalNames = NULL; DERSequence gnSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(generalNamesContent, &gnSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo generalNameContent; CFIndex generalNamesCount = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&gnSeq, &generalNameContent)) == DR_Success) { ++generalNamesCount; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); require(generalNames = calloc(generalNamesCount, sizeof(SecCEGeneralName)), badDER); DERDecodeSeqContentInit(generalNamesContent, &gnSeq); CFIndex ix = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&gnSeq, &generalNameContent)) == DR_Success) { if (!parseGeneralNameContentProperty(generalNameContent.tag, &generalNameContent.content, &generalNames[ix])) { goto badDER; } ++ix; } *count = generalNamesCount; *name = generalNames; return errSecSuccess; badDER: if (generalNames) free(generalNames); return errSecInvalidCertificate; } static OSStatus parseGeneralNames(const DERItem *generalNames, CFIndex *count, SecCEGeneralName **name) { DERDecodedInfo generalNamesContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(generalNames, &generalNamesContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(generalNamesContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); parseGeneralNamesContent(&generalNamesContent.content, count, name); return errSecSuccess; badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } #endif /************************************************************************/ /************************** X.509 Name Parsing **************************/ /************************************************************************/ typedef OSStatus (*parseX501NameCallback)(void *context, const DERItem *type, const DERItem *value, CFIndex rdnIX); static OSStatus parseRDNContent(const DERItem *rdnSetContent, void *context, parseX501NameCallback callback) { DERSequence rdn; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(rdnSetContent, &rdn); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo atvContent; CFIndex rdnIX = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&rdn, &atvContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(atvContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERAttributeTypeAndValue atv; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&atvContent.content, DERNumAttributeTypeAndValueItemSpecs, DERAttributeTypeAndValueItemSpecs, &atv, sizeof(atv)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(atv.type.length != 0, badDER); OSStatus status = callback(context, &atv.type, &atv.value, rdnIX++); if (status) return status; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return errSecSuccess; badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } static OSStatus parseX501NameContent(const DERItem *x501NameContent, void *context, parseX501NameCallback callback) { DERSequence derSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(x501NameContent, &derSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo currDecoded; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&derSeq, &currDecoded)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(currDecoded.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SET, badDER); OSStatus status = parseRDNContent(&currDecoded.content, context, callback); if (status) return status; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return errSecSuccess; badDER: return errSecInvalidCertificate; } static OSStatus parseX501Name(const DERItem *x501Name, void *context, parseX501NameCallback callback) { DERDecodedInfo x501NameContent; if (DERDecodeItem(x501Name, &x501NameContent) || x501NameContent.tag != ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE) { return errSecInvalidCertificate; } else { return parseX501NameContent(&x501NameContent.content, context, callback); } } /************************************************************************/ /********************** Extension Parsing Routines **********************/ /************************************************************************/ static void SecCEPSubjectKeyIdentifier(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERDecodedInfo keyIdentifier; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(&extn->extnValue, &keyIdentifier); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(keyIdentifier.tag == ASN1_OCTET_STRING, badDER); certificate->_subjectKeyIdentifier = keyIdentifier.content; return; badDER: secdebug("cert", "Invalid SubjectKeyIdentifier Extension"); } static void SecCEPKeyUsage(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); SecKeyUsage keyUsage = extn->critical ? kSecKeyUsageCritical : 0; DERDecodedInfo bitStringContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(&extn->extnValue, &bitStringContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(bitStringContent.tag == ASN1_BIT_STRING, badDER); DERSize len = bitStringContent.content.length - 1; require_quiet(len == 1 || len == 2, badDER); DERByte numUnusedBits = bitStringContent.content.data[0]; require_quiet(numUnusedBits < 8, badDER); /* Flip the bits in the bit string so the first bit in the lsb. */ uint_fast16_t bits = 8 * len - numUnusedBits; uint_fast16_t value = bitStringContent.content.data[1]; uint_fast16_t mask; if (len > 1) { value = (value << 8) + bitStringContent.content.data[2]; mask = 0x8000; } else { mask = 0x80; } uint_fast16_t ix; for (ix = 0; ix < bits; ++ix) { if (value & mask) { keyUsage |= 1 << ix; } mask >>= 1; } certificate->_keyUsage = keyUsage; return; badDER: certificate->_keyUsage = kSecKeyUsageUnspecified; } static void SecCEPPrivateKeyUsagePeriod(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } static void SecCEPSubjectAltName(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); certificate->_subjectAltName = extn; } static void SecCEPIssuerAltName(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } static void SecCEPBasicConstraints(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERBasicConstraints basicConstraints; require_noerr_quiet(DERParseSequence(&extn->extnValue, DERNumBasicConstraintsItemSpecs, DERBasicConstraintsItemSpecs, &basicConstraints, sizeof(basicConstraints)), badDER); require_noerr_quiet(DERParseBoolean(&basicConstraints.cA, false, &certificate->_basicConstraints.isCA), badDER); if (basicConstraints.pathLenConstraint.length != 0) { require_noerr_quiet(DERParseInteger( &basicConstraints.pathLenConstraint, &certificate->_basicConstraints.pathLenConstraint), badDER); certificate->_basicConstraints.pathLenConstraintPresent = true; } certificate->_basicConstraints.present = true; certificate->_basicConstraints.critical = extn->critical; return; badDER: certificate->_basicConstraints.present = false; secdebug("cert", "Invalid BasicConstraints Extension"); } static void SecCEPCrlDistributionPoints(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } /* certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE { policyIdentifier CertPolicyId, policyQualifiers SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL } CertPolicyId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE { policyQualifierId PolicyQualifierId, qualifier ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId } */ static void SecCEPCertificatePolicies(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERTag tag; DERSequence piSeq; SecCEPolicyInformation *policies = NULL; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &piSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo piContent; DERSize policy_count = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&piSeq, &piContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(piContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); policy_count++; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); policies = (SecCEPolicyInformation *)malloc(sizeof(SecCEPolicyInformation) * policy_count); DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &piSeq); DERSize policy_ix = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&piSeq, &piContent)) == DR_Success) { DERPolicyInformation pi; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&piContent.content, DERNumPolicyInformationItemSpecs, DERPolicyInformationItemSpecs, &pi, sizeof(pi)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); policies[policy_ix].policyIdentifier = pi.policyIdentifier; policies[policy_ix++].policyQualifiers = pi.policyQualifiers; } certificate->_certificatePolicies.present = true; certificate->_certificatePolicies.critical = extn->critical; certificate->_certificatePolicies.numPolicies = (uint32_t)policy_count; certificate->_certificatePolicies.policies = policies; return; badDER: if (policies) free(policies); certificate->_certificatePolicies.present = false; secdebug("cert", "Invalid CertificatePolicies Extension"); } /* id-ce-policyMappings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 33 } PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE { issuerDomainPolicy CertPolicyId, subjectDomainPolicy CertPolicyId } */ #if 0 static void SecCEPPolicyMappings(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERTag tag; DERSequence pmSeq; SecCEPolicyMapping *mappings = NULL; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &pmSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo pmContent; DERSize mapping_count = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&pmSeq, &pmContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(pmContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); mapping_count++; } mappings = (SecCEPolicyMapping *)malloc(sizeof(SecCEPolicyMapping) * mapping_count); DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &pmSeq); DERSize mapping_ix = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&pmSeq, &pmContent)) == DR_Success) { DERPolicyMapping pm; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&pmContent.content, DERNumPolicyMappingItemSpecs, DERPolicyMappingItemSpecs, &pm, sizeof(pm)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); mappings[mapping_ix].issuerDomainPolicy = pm.issuerDomainPolicy; mappings[mapping_ix++].subjectDomainPolicy = pm.subjectDomainPolicy; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); certificate->_policyMappings.present = true; certificate->_policyMappings.critical = extn->critical; certificate->_policyMappings.numMappings = mapping_count; certificate->_policyMappings.mappings = mappings; return; badDER: if (mappings) free(mappings); CFReleaseSafe(mappings); certificate->_policyMappings.present = false; secdebug("cert", "Invalid CertificatePolicies Extension"); } #else static void SecCEPPolicyMappings(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERTag tag; DERSequence pmSeq; CFMutableDictionaryRef mappings = NULL; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &pmSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo pmContent; require_quiet(mappings = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks), badDER);; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&pmSeq, &pmContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(pmContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERPolicyMapping pm; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&pmContent.content, DERNumPolicyMappingItemSpecs, DERPolicyMappingItemSpecs, &pm, sizeof(pm)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); CFDataRef idp, sdp; require_quiet(idp = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, pm.issuerDomainPolicy.data, pm.issuerDomainPolicy.length), badDER); require_quiet(sdp = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, pm.subjectDomainPolicy.data, pm.subjectDomainPolicy.length), badDER); CFMutableArrayRef sdps = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(mappings, idp); if (sdps) { CFArrayAppendValue(sdps, sdp); } else { require_quiet(sdps = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks), badDER); CFDictionarySetValue(mappings, idp, sdps); CFRelease(sdps); } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); certificate->_policyMappings = mappings; return; badDER: CFReleaseSafe(mappings); certificate->_policyMappings = NULL; secdebug("cert", "Invalid CertificatePolicies Extension"); } #endif /* AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { keyIdentifier [0] KeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, authorityCertIssuer [1] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL } -- authorityCertIssuer and authorityCertSerialNumber MUST both -- be present or both be absent KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING */ static void SecCEPAuthorityKeyIdentifier(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERAuthorityKeyIdentifier akid; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERParseSequence(&extn->extnValue, DERNumAuthorityKeyIdentifierItemSpecs, DERAuthorityKeyIdentifierItemSpecs, &akid, sizeof(akid)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (akid.keyIdentifier.length) { certificate->_authorityKeyIdentifier = akid.keyIdentifier; } if (akid.authorityCertIssuer.length || akid.authorityCertSerialNumber.length) { require_quiet(akid.authorityCertIssuer.length && akid.authorityCertSerialNumber.length, badDER); /* Perhaps put in a subsection called Authority Certificate Issuer. */ certificate->_authorityKeyIdentifierIssuer = akid.authorityCertIssuer; certificate->_authorityKeyIdentifierSerialNumber = akid.authorityCertSerialNumber; } return; badDER: secdebug("cert", "Invalid AuthorityKeyIdentifier Extension"); } static void SecCEPPolicyConstraints(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERPolicyConstraints pc; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERParseSequence(&extn->extnValue, DERNumPolicyConstraintsItemSpecs, DERPolicyConstraintsItemSpecs, &pc, sizeof(pc)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (pc.requireExplicitPolicy.length) { require_noerr_quiet(DERParseInteger( &pc.requireExplicitPolicy, &certificate->_policyConstraints.requireExplicitPolicy), badDER); certificate->_policyConstraints.requireExplicitPolicyPresent = true; } if (pc.inhibitPolicyMapping.length) { require_noerr_quiet(DERParseInteger( &pc.inhibitPolicyMapping, &certificate->_policyConstraints.inhibitPolicyMapping), badDER); certificate->_policyConstraints.inhibitPolicyMappingPresent = true; } certificate->_policyConstraints.present = true; certificate->_policyConstraints.critical = extn->critical; return; badDER: certificate->_policyConstraints.present = false; secdebug("cert", "Invalid PolicyConstraints Extension"); } static void SecCEPExtendedKeyUsage(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } /* InhibitAnyPolicy ::= SkipCerts SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) */ static void SecCEPInhibitAnyPolicy(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); require_noerr_quiet(DERParseInteger( &extn->extnValue, &certificate->_inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts), badDER); return; badDER: certificate->_inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts = UINT32_MAX; secdebug("cert", "Invalid InhibitAnyPolicy Extension"); } /* id-pe-authorityInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 1 } AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE { accessMethod OBJECT IDENTIFIER, accessLocation GeneralName } id-ad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 } id-ad-caIssuers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 2 } id-ad-ocsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 1 } */ static void SecCEPAuthorityInfoAccess(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); DERTag tag; DERSequence adSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&extn->extnValue, &tag, &adSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo adContent; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&adSeq, &adContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(adContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERAccessDescription ad; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&adContent.content, DERNumAccessDescriptionItemSpecs, DERAccessDescriptionItemSpecs, &ad, sizeof(ad)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); CFMutableArrayRef *urls; if (DEROidCompare(&ad.accessMethod, &oidAdOCSP)) urls = &certificate->_ocspResponders; else if (DEROidCompare(&ad.accessMethod, &oidAdCAIssuer)) urls = &certificate->_caIssuers; else continue; DERDecodedInfo generalNameContent; drtn = DERDecodeItem(&ad.accessLocation, &generalNameContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); switch (generalNameContent.tag) { #if 0 case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 6: /* Technically I don't think this is valid, but there are certs out in the wild that use a constructed IA5String. In particular the VeriSign Time Stamping Authority CA.cer does this. */ #endif case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 6: { CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, generalNameContent.content.data, generalNameContent.content.length, kCFStringEncodingASCII, NULL); if (url) { if (!*urls) *urls = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFArrayAppendValue(*urls, url); CFRelease(url); } break; } default: secdebug("cert", "bad general name for id-ad-ocsp AccessDescription t: 0x%02x v: %.*s", generalNameContent.tag, (int)generalNameContent.content.length, generalNameContent.content.data); goto badDER; break; } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: secdebug("cert", "failed to parse Authority Information Access extension"); } static void SecCEPSubjectInfoAccess(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } static void SecCEPNetscapeCertType(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } static void SecCEPEntrustVersInfo(SecCertificateRefP certificate, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { secdebug("cert", "critical: %s", extn->critical ? "yes" : "no"); } /* Dictionary key callback for comparing to DERItems. */ static Boolean SecDERItemEqual(const void *value1, const void *value2) { return DEROidCompare((const DERItem *)value1, (const DERItem *)value2); } /* Dictionary key callback calculating the hash of a DERItem. */ static CFHashCode SecDERItemHash(const void *value) { const DERItem *derItem = (const DERItem *)value; CFHashCode hash = derItem->length; DERSize ix = derItem->length > 8 ? derItem->length - 8 : 0; for (; ix < derItem->length; ++ix) { hash = (hash << 9) + (hash >> 23) + derItem->data[ix]; } return hash; } /* Dictionary key callbacks using the above 2 functions. */ static const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks SecDERItemKeyCallBacks = { 0, /* version */ NULL, /* retain */ NULL, /* release */ NULL, /* copyDescription */ SecDERItemEqual, /* equal */ SecDERItemHash /* hash */ }; static void SecCertificateRegisterClass(void) { static const CFRuntimeClass kSecCertificateClass = { 0, /* version */ "SecCertificate", /* class name */ NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* copy */ SecCertificateDestroy, /* dealloc */ SecCertificateEqual, /* equal */ SecCertificateHash, /* hash */ NULL, /* copyFormattingDesc */ SecCertificateDescribe /* copyDebugDesc */ }; kSecCertificateTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&kSecCertificateClass); /* Build a dictionary that maps from extension OIDs to callback functions which can parse the extension of the type given. */ static const void *extnOIDs[] = { &oidSubjectKeyIdentifier, &oidKeyUsage, &oidPrivateKeyUsagePeriod, &oidSubjectAltName, &oidIssuerAltName, &oidBasicConstraints, &oidCrlDistributionPoints, &oidCertificatePolicies, &oidPolicyMappings, &oidAuthorityKeyIdentifier, &oidPolicyConstraints, &oidExtendedKeyUsage, &oidInhibitAnyPolicy, &oidAuthorityInfoAccess, &oidSubjectInfoAccess, &oidNetscapeCertType, &oidEntrustVersInfo }; static const void *extnParsers[] = { SecCEPSubjectKeyIdentifier, SecCEPKeyUsage, SecCEPPrivateKeyUsagePeriod, SecCEPSubjectAltName, SecCEPIssuerAltName, SecCEPBasicConstraints, SecCEPCrlDistributionPoints, SecCEPCertificatePolicies, SecCEPPolicyMappings, SecCEPAuthorityKeyIdentifier, SecCEPPolicyConstraints, SecCEPExtendedKeyUsage, SecCEPInhibitAnyPolicy, SecCEPAuthorityInfoAccess, SecCEPSubjectInfoAccess, SecCEPNetscapeCertType, SecCEPEntrustVersInfo }; gExtensionParsers = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, extnOIDs, extnParsers, sizeof(extnOIDs) / sizeof(*extnOIDs), &SecDERItemKeyCallBacks, NULL); } /* Given the contents of an X.501 Name return the contents of a normalized X.501 name. */ CFDataRef createNormalizedX501Name(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *x501name) { CFMutableDataRef result = CFDataCreateMutable(allocator, x501name->length); CFIndex length = x501name->length; CFDataSetLength(result, length); UInt8 *base = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(result); DERSequence rdnSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(x501name, &rdnSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo rdn; /* Always points to last rdn tag. */ const DERByte *rdnTag = rdnSeq.nextItem; /* Offset relative to base of current rdn set tag. */ CFIndex rdnTagLocation = 0; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&rdnSeq, &rdn)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(rdn.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SET, badDER); /* We don't allow empty RDNs. */ require_quiet(rdn.content.length != 0, badDER); /* Length of the tag and length of the current rdn. */ CFIndex rdnTLLength = rdn.content.data - rdnTag; CFIndex rdnContentLength = rdn.content.length; /* Copy the tag and length of the RDN. */ memcpy(base + rdnTagLocation, rdnTag, rdnTLLength); DERSequence atvSeq; drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(&rdn.content, &atvSeq); DERDecodedInfo atv; /* Always points to tag of current atv sequence. */ const DERByte *atvTag = atvSeq.nextItem; /* Offset relative to base of current atv sequence tag. */ CFIndex atvTagLocation = rdnTagLocation + rdnTLLength; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&atvSeq, &atv)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(atv.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); /* Length of the tag and length of the current atv. */ CFIndex atvTLLength = atv.content.data - atvTag; CFIndex atvContentLength = atv.content.length; /* Copy the tag and length of the atv and the atv itself. */ memcpy(base + atvTagLocation, atvTag, atvTLLength + atv.content.length); /* Now decode the atv sequence. */ DERAttributeTypeAndValue atvPair; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&atv.content, DERNumAttributeTypeAndValueItemSpecs, DERAttributeTypeAndValueItemSpecs, &atvPair, sizeof(atvPair)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(atvPair.type.length != 0, badDER); DERDecodedInfo value; drtn = DERDecodeItem(&atvPair.value, &value); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); /* (c) attribute values in PrintableString are not case sensitive (e.g., "Marianne Swanson" is the same as "MARIANNE SWANSON"); and (d) attribute values in PrintableString are compared after removing leading and trailing white space and converting internal substrings of one or more consecutive white space characters to a single space. */ if (value.tag == ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING) { /* Offset relative to base of current value tag. */ CFIndex valueTagLocation = atvTagLocation + atvPair.value.data - atvTag; CFIndex valueTLLength = value.content.data - atvPair.value.data; CFIndex valueContentLength = value.content.length; /* Now copy all the bytes, but convert to upper case while doing so and convert multiple whitespace chars into a single space. */ bool lastWasBlank = false; CFIndex valueLocation = valueTagLocation + valueTLLength; CFIndex valueCurrentLocation = valueLocation; CFIndex ix; for (ix = 0; ix < valueContentLength; ++ix) { UInt8 ch = value.content.data[ix]; if (isblank(ch)) { if (lastWasBlank) { continue; } else { /* Don't insert a space for first character we encounter. */ if (valueCurrentLocation > valueLocation) { base[valueCurrentLocation++] = ' '; } lastWasBlank = true; } } else { lastWasBlank = false; if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') { base[valueCurrentLocation++] = ch + 'A' - 'a'; } else { base[valueCurrentLocation++] = ch; } } } /* Finally if lastWasBlank remove the trailing space. */ if (lastWasBlank && valueCurrentLocation > valueLocation) { valueCurrentLocation--; } /* Adjust content length to normalized length. */ valueContentLength = valueCurrentLocation - valueLocation; /* Number of bytes by which the length should be shorted. */ CFIndex lengthDiff = value.content.length - valueContentLength; if (lengthDiff == 0) { /* Easy case no need to adjust lengths. */ } else { /* Hard work we need to go back and fix up length fields for: 1) The value itself. 2) The ATV Sequence containing type/value 3) The RDN Set containing one or more atv pairs. 4) The result. */ /* Step 1 fix up length of value. */ /* Length of value tag and length minus the tag. */ DERSize newValueTLLength = valueTLLength - 1; drtn = DEREncodeLength(valueContentLength, base + valueTagLocation + 1, &newValueTLLength); /* Add the length of the tag back in. */ newValueTLLength++; CFIndex valueLLDiff = valueTLLength - newValueTLLength; if (valueLLDiff) { /* The size of the length field changed, let's slide the value back by valueLLDiff bytes. */ memmove(base + valueTagLocation + newValueTLLength, base + valueTagLocation + valueTLLength, valueContentLength); /* The length diff for the enclosing object. */ lengthDiff += valueLLDiff; } /* Step 2 fix up length of the enclosing ATV Sequence. */ atvContentLength -= lengthDiff; DERSize newATVTLLength = atvTLLength - 1; drtn = DEREncodeLength(atvContentLength, base + atvTagLocation + 1, &newATVTLLength); /* Add the length of the tag back in. */ newATVTLLength++; CFIndex atvLLDiff = atvTLLength - newATVTLLength; if (atvLLDiff) { /* The size of the length field changed, let's slide the value back by valueLLDiff bytes. */ memmove(base + atvTagLocation + newATVTLLength, base + atvTagLocation + atvTLLength, atvContentLength); /* The length diff for the enclosing object. */ lengthDiff += atvLLDiff; atvTLLength = newATVTLLength; } /* Step 3 fix up length of enclosing RDN Set. */ rdnContentLength -= lengthDiff; DERSize newRDNTLLength = rdnTLLength - 1; drtn = DEREncodeLength(rdnContentLength, base + rdnTagLocation + 1, &newRDNTLLength); /* Add the length of the tag back in. */ newRDNTLLength++; CFIndex rdnLLDiff = rdnTLLength - newRDNTLLength; if (rdnLLDiff) { /* The size of the length field changed, let's slide the value back by valueLLDiff bytes. */ memmove(base + rdnTagLocation + newRDNTLLength, base + rdnTagLocation + rdnTLLength, rdnContentLength); /* The length diff for the enclosing object. */ lengthDiff += rdnLLDiff; rdnTLLength = newRDNTLLength; /* Adjust the locations that might have changed due to this slide. */ atvTagLocation -= rdnLLDiff; } } } atvTagLocation += atvTLLength + atvContentLength; atvTag = atvSeq.nextItem; } rdnTagLocation += rdnTLLength + rdnContentLength; rdnTag = rdnSeq.nextItem; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); /* Truncate the result to the proper length. */ CFDataSetLength(result, rdnTagLocation); return result; badDER: CFRelease(result); return NULL; } /* AUDIT[securityd]: certificate->_der is a caller provided data of any length (might be 0). Top level certificate decode. */ static bool SecCertificateParse(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { DERReturn drtn; check(certificate); CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(certificate); /* top level decode */ DERSignedCertCrl signedCert; drtn = DERParseSequence(&certificate->_der, DERNumSignedCertCrlItemSpecs, DERSignedCertCrlItemSpecs, &signedCert, sizeof(signedCert)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* Store tbs since we need to digest it for verification later on. */ certificate->_tbs = signedCert.tbs; /* decode the TBSCert - it was saved in full DER form */ DERTBSCert tbsCert; drtn = DERParseSequence(&signedCert.tbs, DERNumTBSCertItemSpecs, DERTBSCertItemSpecs, &tbsCert, sizeof(tbsCert)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* sequence we're given: decode the signedCerts Signature Algorithm. */ /* This MUST be the same as the certificate->_tbsSigAlg with the exception of the params field. */ drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&signedCert.sigAlg, DERNumAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, DERAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, &certificate->_sigAlg, sizeof(certificate->_sigAlg)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* The contents of signedCert.sig is a bit string whose contents are the signature itself. */ DERByte numUnusedBits; drtn = DERParseBitString(&signedCert.sig, &certificate->_signature, &numUnusedBits); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* Now decode the tbsCert. */ /* First we turn the optional version into an int. */ if (tbsCert.version.length) { DERDecodedInfo decoded; drtn = DERDecodeItem(&tbsCert.version, &decoded); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); require_quiet(decoded.tag == ASN1_INTEGER, badCert); require_quiet(decoded.content.length == 1, badCert); certificate->_version = decoded.content.data[0]; require_quiet(certificate->_version > 0, badCert); require_quiet(certificate->_version < 3, badCert); } else { certificate->_version = 0; } /* The serial number is in the tbsCert.serialNum - it was saved in INTEGER form without the tag and length. */ certificate->_serialNum = tbsCert.serialNum; certificate->_serialNumber = CFDataCreate(allocator, tbsCert.serialNum.data, tbsCert.serialNum.length); /* sequence we're given: decode the tbsCerts TBS Signature Algorithm. */ drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&tbsCert.tbsSigAlg, DERNumAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, DERAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, &certificate->_tbsSigAlg, sizeof(certificate->_tbsSigAlg)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* The issuer is in the tbsCert.issuer - it's a sequence without the tag and length fields. */ certificate->_issuer = tbsCert.issuer; certificate->_normalizedIssuer = createNormalizedX501Name(allocator, &tbsCert.issuer); /* sequence we're given: decode the tbsCerts Validity sequence. */ DERValidity validity; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&tbsCert.validity, DERNumValidityItemSpecs, DERValidityItemSpecs, &validity, sizeof(validity)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); require_quiet(derDateGetAbsoluteTime(&validity.notBefore, &certificate->_notBefore), badCert); require_quiet(derDateGetAbsoluteTime(&validity.notAfter, &certificate->_notAfter), badCert); /* The subject is in the tbsCert.subject - it's a sequence without the tag and length fields. */ certificate->_subject = tbsCert.subject; certificate->_normalizedSubject = createNormalizedX501Name(allocator, &tbsCert.subject); /* sequence we're given: encoded DERSubjPubKeyInfo */ DERSubjPubKeyInfo pubKeyInfo; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&tbsCert.subjectPubKey, DERNumSubjPubKeyInfoItemSpecs, DERSubjPubKeyInfoItemSpecs, &pubKeyInfo, sizeof(pubKeyInfo)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* sequence we're given: decode the pubKeyInfos DERAlgorithmId */ drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&pubKeyInfo.algId, DERNumAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, DERAlgorithmIdItemSpecs, &certificate->_algId, sizeof(certificate->_algId)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* Now we can figure out the key's algorithm id and params based on certificate->_algId.oid. */ /* The contents of pubKeyInfo.pubKey is a bit string whose contents are a PKCS1 format RSA key. */ drtn = DERParseBitString(&pubKeyInfo.pubKey, &certificate->_pubKeyDER, &numUnusedBits); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* The contents of tbsCert.issuerID is a bit string. */ certificate->_issuerUniqueID = tbsCert.issuerID; /* The contents of tbsCert.subjectID is a bit string. */ certificate->_subjectUniqueID = tbsCert.subjectID; /* Extensions. */ if (tbsCert.extensions.length) { CFIndex extensionCount = 0; DERSequence derSeq; DERTag tag; drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&tbsCert.extensions, &tag, &derSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badCert); DERDecodedInfo currDecoded; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&derSeq, &currDecoded)) == DR_Success) { #if 0 /* ! = MUST recognize ? = SHOULD recognize */ KnownExtension _subjectKeyID; /* ?SubjectKeyIdentifier id-ce 14 */ KnownExtension _keyUsage; /* !KeyUsage id-ce 15 */ KnownExtension _subjectAltName; /* !SubjectAltName id-ce 17 */ KnownExtension _basicConstraints; /* !BasicConstraints id-ce 19 */ KnownExtension _authorityKeyID; /* ?AuthorityKeyIdentifier id-ce 35 */ KnownExtension _extKeyUsage; /* !ExtKeyUsage id-ce 37 */ KnownExtension _netscapeCertType; /* 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1 netscape 1 1 */ KnownExtension _qualCertStatements; /* QCStatements id-pe 3 */ KnownExtension _issuerAltName; /* IssuerAltName id-ce 18 */ KnownExtension _nameConstraints; /* !NameConstraints id-ce 30 */ KnownExtension _cRLDistributionPoints; /* CRLDistributionPoints id-ce 31 */ KnownExtension _certificatePolicies; /* !CertificatePolicies id-ce 32 */ KnownExtension _policyMappings; /* ?PolicyMappings id-ce 33 */ KnownExtension _policyConstraints; /* !PolicyConstraints id-ce 36 */ KnownExtension _freshestCRL; /* FreshestCRL id-ce 46 */ KnownExtension _inhibitAnyPolicy; /* !InhibitAnyPolicy id-ce 54 */ KnownExtension _authorityInfoAccess; /* AuthorityInfoAccess id-pe 1 */ KnownExtension _subjectInfoAccess; /* SubjectInfoAccess id-pe 11 */ #endif extensionCount++; } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badCert); /* Put some upper limit on the number of extentions allowed. */ require_quiet(extensionCount < 10000, badCert); certificate->_extensionCount = extensionCount; certificate->_extensions = malloc(sizeof(SecCertificateExtension) * extensionCount); CFIndex ix = 0; drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(&tbsCert.extensions, &tag, &derSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); for (ix = 0; ix < extensionCount; ++ix) { drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&derSeq, &currDecoded); require_quiet(drtn == DR_Success || (ix == extensionCount - 1 && drtn == DR_EndOfSequence), badCert); require_quiet(currDecoded.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badCert); DERExtension extn; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&currDecoded.content, DERNumExtensionItemSpecs, DERExtensionItemSpecs, &extn, sizeof(extn)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badCert); /* Copy stuff into certificate->extensions[ix]. */ certificate->_extensions[ix].extnID = extn.extnID; require_noerr_quiet(drtn = DERParseBoolean(&extn.critical, false, &certificate->_extensions[ix].critical), badCert); certificate->_extensions[ix].extnValue = extn.extnValue; SecCertificateExtensionParser parser = (SecCertificateExtensionParser)CFDictionaryGetValue( gExtensionParsers, &certificate->_extensions[ix].extnID); if (parser) { /* Invoke the parser. */ parser(certificate, &certificate->_extensions[ix]); } else if (certificate->_extensions[ix].critical) { secdebug("cert", "Found unknown critical extension"); certificate->_foundUnknownCriticalExtension = true; } else { secdebug("cert", "Found unknown non critical extension"); } } } return true; badCert: return false; } /* Public API functions. */ CFTypeID SecCertificateGetTypeIDP(void) { pthread_once(&kSecCertificateRegisterClass, SecCertificateRegisterClass); return kSecCertificateTypeID; } SecCertificateRefP SecCertificateCreateWithBytesP(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const UInt8 *der_bytes, CFIndex der_length) { check(der_bytes); check(der_length); CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __SecCertificate) + der_length; SecCertificateRefP result = (SecCertificateRefP)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance( allocator, SecCertificateGetTypeIDP(), size - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), 0); if (result) { memset((char*)result + sizeof(result->_base), 0, sizeof(*result) - sizeof(result->_base)); result->_der.data = ((DERByte *)result + sizeof(*result)); result->_der.length = der_length; memcpy(result->_der.data, der_bytes, der_length); if (!SecCertificateParse(result)) { CFRelease(result); return NULL; } } return result; } /* @@@ Placeholder until iap submits a binary is fixed. */ SecCertificateRefP SecCertificateCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const UInt8 *der_bytes, CFIndex der_length); SecCertificateRefP SecCertificateCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const UInt8 *der_bytes, CFIndex der_length) { return SecCertificateCreateWithBytesP(allocator, der_bytes, der_length); } /* @@@ End of placeholder. */ /* AUDIT[securityd](done): der_certificate is a caller provided data of any length (might be 0), only its cf type has been checked. */ SecCertificateRefP SecCertificateCreateWithDataP(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDataRef der_certificate) { check(der_certificate); CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __SecCertificate); SecCertificateRefP result = (SecCertificateRefP)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance( allocator, SecCertificateGetTypeIDP(), size - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), 0); if (result) { memset((char*)result + sizeof(result->_base), 0, size - sizeof(result->_base)); result->_der_data = CFDataCreateCopy(allocator, der_certificate); result->_der.data = (DERByte *)CFDataGetBytePtr(result->_der_data); result->_der.length = CFDataGetLength(result->_der_data); if (!SecCertificateParse(result)) { CFRelease(result); return NULL; } } return result; } CFDataRef SecCertificateCopyDataP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { check(certificate); CFDataRef result; if (certificate->_der_data) { CFRetain(certificate->_der_data); result = certificate->_der_data; } else { result = CFDataCreate(CFGetAllocator(certificate), certificate->_der.data, certificate->_der.length); #if 0 /* FIXME: If we wish to cache result we need to lock the certificate. Also this create 2 copies of the certificate data which is somewhat suboptimal. */ CFRetain(result); certificate->_der_data = result; #endif } return result; } CFIndex SecCertificateGetLengthP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_der.length; } const UInt8 *SecCertificateGetBytePtrP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_der.data; } /* From rfc3280 - Appendix B. ASN.1 Notes Object Identifiers (OIDs) are used throughout this specification to identify certificate policies, public key and signature algorithms, certificate extensions, etc. There is no maximum size for OIDs. This specification mandates support for OIDs which have arc elements with values that are less than 2^28, that is, they MUST be between 0 and 268,435,455, inclusive. This allows each arc element to be represented within a single 32 bit word. Implementations MUST also support OIDs where the length of the dotted decimal (see [RFC 2252], section 4.1) string representation can be up to 100 bytes (inclusive). Implementations MUST be able to handle OIDs with up to 20 elements (inclusive). CAs SHOULD NOT issue certificates which contain OIDs that exceed these requirements. Likewise, CRL issuers SHOULD NOT issue CRLs which contain OIDs that exceed these requirements. */ /* Oids longer than this are considered invalid. */ #define MAX_OID_SIZE 32 CFStringRef SecDERItemCopyOIDDecimalRepresentation(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *oid) { if (oid->length == 0) { return SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR(""), CFSTR("SecCertificate")); } if (oid->length > MAX_OID_SIZE) { return SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR("Oid too long"), CFSTR("SecCertificate")); } CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0); // The first two levels are encoded into one byte, since the root level // has only 3 nodes (40*x + y). However if x = joint-iso-itu-t(2) then // y may be > 39, so we have to add special-case handling for this. uint32_t x = oid->data[0] / 40; uint32_t y = oid->data[0] % 40; if (x > 2) { // Handle special case for large y if x = 2 y += (x - 2) * 40; x = 2; } CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("%u.%u"), x, y); uint32_t value = 0; for (x = 1; x < oid->length; ++x) { value = (value << 7) | (oid->data[x] & 0x7F); /* @@@ value may not span more than 4 bytes. */ /* A max number of 20 values is allowed. */ if (!(oid->data[x] & 0x80)) { CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(".%lu"), (unsigned long)value); value = 0; } } return result; } static CFStringRef copyLocalizedOidDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *oid) { if (oid->length == 0) { return SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString(CFSTR(""), CFSTR("SecCertificate")); } /* Build the key we use to lookup the localized OID description. */ CFMutableStringRef oidKey = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, oid->length * 3 + 5); CFStringAppendFormat(oidKey, NULL, CFSTR("06 %02lX"), (unsigned long)oid->length); DERSize ix; for (ix = 0; ix < oid->length; ++ix) CFStringAppendFormat(oidKey, NULL, CFSTR(" %02X"), oid->data[ix]); CFStringRef name = SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString(oidKey, CFSTR("OID")); if (CFEqual(oidKey, name)) { CFRelease(name); name = SecDERItemCopyOIDDecimalRepresentation(allocator, oid); } CFRelease(oidKey); return name; } /* Return the ipAddress as a dotted quad for ipv4 or as 8 colon separated 4 digit hex strings for ipv6. Return NULL if the passed in IP doesn't have a length of exactly 4 or 16 octects. */ static CFStringRef copyIPAddressContentDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *ip) { /* @@@ This is the IP Address as an OCTECT STRING. For IPv4 it's 4 octects addr, or 8 octects, addr/mask for ipv6 it's 16 octects addr, or 32 octects addr/mask. */ CFStringRef value = NULL; if (ip->length == 4) { value = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("%u.%u.%u.%u"), ip->data[0], ip->data[1], ip->data[2], ip->data[3]); } else if (ip->length == 16) { value = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:" "%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x"), ip->data[0], ip->data[1], ip->data[2], ip->data[3], ip->data[4], ip->data[5], ip->data[6], ip->data[7], ip->data[8], ip->data[9], ip->data[10], ip->data[11], ip->data[12], ip->data[13], ip->data[14], ip->data[15]); } return value; } #if 0 static CFStringRef copyFullOidDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *oid) { CFStringRef decimal = SecDERItemCopyOIDDecimalRepresentation(allocator, oid); CFStringRef name = copyLocalizedOidDescription(allocator, oid); CFStringRef oid_string = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"), name, decimal); CFRelease(name); CFRelease(decimal); return oid_string; } #endif void appendProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef propertyType, CFStringRef label, CFTypeRef value) { CFDictionaryRef property; if (label) { CFStringRef localizedLabel = SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString(label, CFSTR("SecCertificate")); const void *all_keys[4]; all_keys[0] = kSecPropertyKeyType; all_keys[1] = kSecPropertyKeyLabel; all_keys[2] = kSecPropertyKeyLocalizedLabel; all_keys[3] = kSecPropertyKeyValue; const void *property_values[] = { propertyType, label, localizedLabel, value, }; property = CFDictionaryCreate(CFGetAllocator(properties), all_keys, property_values, value ? 4 : 3, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFRelease(localizedLabel); } else { const void *nolabel_keys[2]; nolabel_keys[0] = kSecPropertyKeyType; nolabel_keys[1] = kSecPropertyKeyValue; const void *property_values[] = { propertyType, value, }; property = CFDictionaryCreate(CFGetAllocator(properties), nolabel_keys, property_values, 2, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); } CFArrayAppendValue(properties, property); CFRelease(property); } /* YYMMDDhhmmZ */ #define UTC_TIME_NOSEC_ZULU_LEN 11 /* YYMMDDhhmmssZ */ #define UTC_TIME_ZULU_LEN 13 /* YYMMDDhhmmssThhmm */ #define UTC_TIME_LOCALIZED_LEN 17 /* YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ */ #define GENERALIZED_TIME_ZULU_LEN 15 /* YYYYMMDDhhmmssThhmm */ #define GENERALIZED_TIME_LOCALIZED_LEN 19 /* Parse 2 digits at (*p)[0] and (*p)[1] and return the result. Also advance *p by 2. */ static inline SInt32 parseDecimalPair(const DERByte **p) { const DERByte *cp = *p; *p += 2; return 10 * (cp[0] - '0') + cp[1] - '0'; } /* Decode a choice of UTCTime or GeneralizedTime to a CFAbsoluteTime. Return true if the date was valid and properly decoded, also return the result in absTime. Return false otherwise. */ CFAbsoluteTime SecAbsoluteTimeFromDateContent(DERTag tag, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) { check(bytes); if (length == 0) return NULL_TIME; bool isUtcLength = false; bool isLocalized = false; bool noSeconds = false; switch (length) { case UTC_TIME_NOSEC_ZULU_LEN: /* YYMMDDhhmmZ */ isUtcLength = true; noSeconds = true; break; case UTC_TIME_ZULU_LEN: /* YYMMDDhhmmssZ */ isUtcLength = true; break; case GENERALIZED_TIME_ZULU_LEN: /* YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ */ break; case UTC_TIME_LOCALIZED_LEN: /* YYMMDDhhmmssThhmm (where T=[+,-]) */ isUtcLength = true; /*DROPTHROUGH*/ case GENERALIZED_TIME_LOCALIZED_LEN:/* YYYYMMDDhhmmssThhmm (where T=[+,-]) */ isLocalized = true; break; default: /* unknown format */ return NULL_TIME; } /* Make sure the der tag fits the thing inside it. */ if (tag == ASN1_UTC_TIME) { if (!isUtcLength) return NULL_TIME; } else if (tag == ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME) { if (isUtcLength) return NULL_TIME; } else { return NULL_TIME; } const DERByte *cp = bytes; /* Check that all characters are digits, except if localized the timezone indicator or if not localized the 'Z' at the end. */ DERSize ix; for (ix = 0; ix < length; ++ix) { if (!(isdigit(cp[ix]))) { if ((isLocalized && ix == length - 5 && (cp[ix] == '+' || cp[ix] == '-')) || (!isLocalized && ix == length - 1 && cp[ix] == 'Z')) { continue; } return NULL_TIME; } } /* Initialize the fields in a gregorian date struct. */ CFGregorianDate gdate; if (isUtcLength) { SInt32 year = parseDecimalPair(&cp); if (year < 50) { /* 0 <= year < 50 : assume century 21 */ gdate.year = 2000 + year; } else if (year < 70) { /* 50 <= year < 70 : illegal per PKIX */ return false; } else { /* 70 < year <= 99 : assume century 20 */ gdate.year = 1900 + year; } } else { gdate.year = 100 * parseDecimalPair(&cp) + parseDecimalPair(&cp); } gdate.month = parseDecimalPair(&cp); gdate.day = parseDecimalPair(&cp); gdate.hour = parseDecimalPair(&cp); gdate.minute = parseDecimalPair(&cp); if (noSeconds) { gdate.second = 0; } else { gdate.second = parseDecimalPair(&cp); } CFTimeInterval timeZoneOffset = 0; if (isLocalized) { /* ZONE INDICATOR */ SInt32 multiplier = *cp++ == '+' ? 60 : -60; timeZoneOffset = multiplier * (parseDecimalPair(&cp) + 60 * parseDecimalPair(&cp)); } else { timeZoneOffset = 0; } secdebug("dateparse", "date %.*s year: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02.f %+05.f", (int)length, bytes, (int)gdate.year, gdate.month, gdate.day, gdate.hour, gdate.minute, gdate.second, timeZoneOffset / 60); if (!CFGregorianDateIsValid(gdate, kCFGregorianAllUnits)) return false; CFTimeZoneRef timeZone = CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(NULL, timeZoneOffset); if (!timeZone) return NULL_TIME; CFAbsoluteTime absTime = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(gdate, timeZone); CFRelease(timeZone); return absTime; } static bool derDateContentGetAbsoluteTime(DERTag tag, const DERItem *date, CFAbsoluteTime *pabsTime) { CFAbsoluteTime absTime = SecAbsoluteTimeFromDateContent(tag, date->data, date->length); if (absTime == NULL_TIME) return false; *pabsTime = absTime; return true; } /* Decode a choice of UTCTime or GeneralizedTime to a CFAbsoluteTime. Return true if the date was valid and properly decoded, also return the result in absTime. Return false otherwise. */ static bool derDateGetAbsoluteTime(const DERItem *dateChoice, CFAbsoluteTime *absTime) { check(dateChoice); check(absTime); if (dateChoice->length == 0) return false; DERDecodedInfo decoded; if (DERDecodeItem(dateChoice, &decoded)) return false; return derDateContentGetAbsoluteTime(decoded.tag, &decoded.content, absTime); } static void appendDataProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *der_data) { CFDataRef data = CFDataCreate(CFGetAllocator(properties), der_data->data, der_data->length); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeData, label, data); CFRelease(data); } static void appendUnparsedProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *der_data) { CFStringRef newLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator(properties), NULL, CFSTR("Unparsed %@"), label); appendDataProperty(properties, newLabel, der_data); CFRelease(newLabel); } static void appendInvalidProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *der_data) { CFStringRef newLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator(properties), NULL, CFSTR("Invalid %@"), label); appendDataProperty(properties, newLabel, der_data); CFRelease(newLabel); } static void appendDateContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, DERTag tag, const DERItem *dateContent) { CFAbsoluteTime absTime; if (!derDateContentGetAbsoluteTime(tag, dateContent, &absTime)) { /* Date decode failure insert hex bytes instead. */ return appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, dateContent); } CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(CFGetAllocator(properties), absTime); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeDate, label, date); CFRelease(date); } static void appendDateProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, CFAbsoluteTime absTime) { CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(CFGetAllocator(properties), absTime); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeDate, label, date); CFRelease(date); } static void appendIPAddressContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *ip) { CFStringRef value = copyIPAddressContentDescription(CFGetAllocator(properties), ip); if (value) { appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, value); CFRelease(value); } else { appendUnparsedProperty(properties, label, ip); } } static void appendURLContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *urlContent) { CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithBytes(CFGetAllocator(properties), urlContent->data, urlContent->length, kCFStringEncodingASCII, NULL); if (url) { appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeURL, label, url); CFRelease(url); } else { appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, urlContent); } } static void appendURLProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *url) { DERDecodedInfo decoded; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERDecodeItem(url, &decoded); if (drtn || decoded.tag != ASN1_IA5_STRING) { appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, url); } else { appendURLContentProperty(properties, label, &decoded.content); } } static void appendOIDProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *oid) { CFStringRef oid_string = copyLocalizedOidDescription(CFGetAllocator(properties), oid); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, oid_string); CFRelease(oid_string); } static void appendAlgorithmProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERAlgorithmId *algorithm) { CFMutableArrayRef alg_props = CFArrayCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(properties), 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); appendOIDProperty(alg_props, CFSTR("Algorithm"), &algorithm->oid); if (algorithm->params.length) { if (algorithm->params.length == 2 && algorithm->params.data[0] == ASN1_NULL && algorithm->params.data[1] == 0) { /* @@@ Localize or perhaps skip it? */ appendProperty(alg_props, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Parameters"), CFSTR("none")); } else { appendUnparsedProperty(alg_props, CFSTR("Parameters"), &algorithm->params); } } appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, label, alg_props); CFRelease(alg_props); } static CFStringRef copyHexDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *blob) { CFIndex ix, length = blob->length /* < 24 ? blob->length : 24 */; CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, blob->length * 3 - 1); for (ix = 0; ix < length; ++ix) if (ix == 0) CFStringAppendFormat(string, NULL, CFSTR("%02X"), blob->data[ix]); else CFStringAppendFormat(string, NULL, CFSTR(" %02X"), blob->data[ix]); return string; } static CFStringRef copyBlobString(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStringRef blobType, CFStringRef quanta, const DERItem *blob) { CFStringRef blobFormat = SecFrameworkCopyLocalizedString( CFSTR("%@; %d %@; data = %@"), CFSTR("SecCertificate") /*, "format string for encoded field data (e.g. Sequence; 128 bytes; " "data = 00 00 ...)" */); CFStringRef hex = copyHexDescription(allocator, blob); CFStringRef result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, blobFormat, blobType, blob->length, quanta, hex); CFRelease(hex); CFRelease(blobFormat); return result; } static CFStringRef copyContentString(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *string, CFStringEncoding encoding, bool printableOnly) { /* Strip potential bogus trailing zero from printable strings. */ DERSize length = string->length; if (length && string->data[length - 1] == 0) { /* Don't mess with the length of UTF16 strings though. */ if (encoding != kCFStringEncodingUTF16) length--; } /* A zero length string isn't considered printable. */ if (!length && printableOnly) return NULL; /* Passing true for the 5th paramater to CFStringCreateWithBytes() makes it treat kCFStringEncodingUTF16 as big endian by default, whereas passing false makes it treat it as native endian by default. */ CFStringRef result = CFStringCreateWithBytes(allocator, string->data, length, encoding, encoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF16); if (result) return result; return printableOnly ? NULL : copyHexDescription(allocator, string); } /* From rfc3280 - Appendix B. ASN.1 Notes CAs MUST force the serialNumber to be a non-negative integer, that is, the sign bit in the DER encoding of the INTEGER value MUST be zero - this can be done by adding a leading (leftmost) `00'H octet if necessary. This removes a potential ambiguity in mapping between a string of octets and an integer value. As noted in section, serial numbers can be expected to contain long integers. Certificate users MUST be able to handle serialNumber values up to 20 octets in length. Conformant CAs MUST NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets. */ /* Return the given numeric data as a string: decimal up to 64 bits, hex otherwise. */ static CFStringRef copyIntegerContentDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *integer) { uint64_t value = 0; CFIndex ix, length = integer->length; if (length == 0 || length > 8) return copyHexDescription(allocator, integer); for(ix = 0; ix < length; ++ix) { value <<= 8; value += integer->data[ix]; } return CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("%llu"), value); } static CFStringRef copyDERThingContentDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, DERTag tag, const DERItem *derThing, bool printableOnly) { switch(tag) { case ASN1_INTEGER: case ASN1_BOOLEAN: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyIntegerContentDescription(allocator, derThing); case ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING: case ASN1_IA5_STRING: return copyContentString(allocator, derThing, kCFStringEncodingASCII, printableOnly); case ASN1_UTF8_STRING: case ASN1_GENERAL_STRING: case ASN1_UNIVERSAL_STRING: return copyContentString(allocator, derThing, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, printableOnly); case ASN1_T61_STRING: // 20, also BER_TAG_TELETEX_STRING case ASN1_VIDEOTEX_STRING: // 21 case ASN1_VISIBLE_STRING: // 26 return copyContentString(allocator, derThing, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, printableOnly); case ASN1_BMP_STRING: // 30 return copyContentString(allocator, derThing, kCFStringEncodingUTF16, printableOnly); case ASN1_OCTET_STRING: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyBlobString(allocator, CFSTR("Byte string"), CFSTR("bytes"), derThing); //return copyBlobString(BYTE_STRING_STR, BYTES_STR, derThing); case ASN1_BIT_STRING: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyBlobString(allocator, CFSTR("Bit string"), CFSTR("bits"), derThing); case (DERByte)ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyBlobString(allocator, CFSTR("Sequence"), CFSTR("bytes"), derThing); case (DERByte)ASN1_CONSTR_SET: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyBlobString(allocator, CFSTR("Set"), CFSTR("bytes"), derThing); case ASN1_OBJECT_ID: return printableOnly ? NULL : copyLocalizedOidDescription(allocator, derThing); default: /* @@@ Localize. */ /* "format string for undisplayed field data with a given DER tag" */ return printableOnly ? NULL : CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("not displayed (tag = %d; length %d)"), tag, (int)derThing->length); } } static CFStringRef copyDERThingDescription(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *derThing, bool printableOnly) { DERDecodedInfo decoded; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERDecodeItem(derThing, &decoded); if (drtn) { return printableOnly ? NULL : copyHexDescription(allocator, derThing); } else { return copyDERThingContentDescription(allocator, decoded.tag, &decoded.content, false); } } static void appendDERThingProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *derThing) { CFStringRef value = copyDERThingDescription(CFGetAllocator(properties), derThing, false); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, value); CFRelease(value); } static OSStatus appendRDNProperty(void *context, const DERItem *rdnType, const DERItem *rdnValue, CFIndex rdnIX) { CFMutableArrayRef properties = (CFMutableArrayRef)context; if (rdnIX > 0) { /* If there is more than one value pair we create a subsection for the second pair, and append things to the subsection for subsequent pairs. */ CFIndex lastIX = CFArrayGetCount(properties) - 1; CFTypeRef lastValue = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(properties, lastIX); if (rdnIX == 1) { /* Since this is the second rdn pair for a given rdn, we setup a new subsection for this rdn. We remove the first property from the properties array and make it the first element in the subsection instead. */ CFMutableArrayRef rdn_props = CFArrayCreateMutable( CFGetAllocator(properties), 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFArrayAppendValue(rdn_props, lastValue); CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(properties, lastIX); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, NULL, rdn_props); properties = rdn_props; } else { /* Since this is the third or later rdn pair we have already created a subsection in the top level properties array. Instead of appending to that directly we append to the array inside the subsection. */ properties = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( (CFDictionaryRef)lastValue, kSecPropertyKeyValue); } } /* Finally we append the new rdn value to the property array. */ CFStringRef label = copyLocalizedOidDescription(CFGetAllocator(properties), rdnType); if (label) { appendDERThingProperty(properties, label, rdnValue); CFRelease(label); return errSecSuccess; } else { return errSecInvalidCertificate; } } static CFArrayRef createPropertiesForRDNContent(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *rdnSetContent) { CFMutableArrayRef properties = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); OSStatus status = parseRDNContent(rdnSetContent, properties, appendRDNProperty); if (status) { CFArrayRemoveAllValues(properties); appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("RDN"), rdnSetContent); } return properties; } /* From rfc3739 - 3.1.2. Subject When parsing the subject here are some tips for a short name of the cert. Choice I: commonName Choice II: givenName Choice III: pseudonym The commonName attribute value SHALL, when present, contain a name of the subject. This MAY be in the subject's preferred presentation format, or a format preferred by the CA, or some other format. Pseudonyms, nicknames, and names with spelling other than defined by the registered name MAY be used. To understand the nature of the name presented in commonName, complying applications MAY have to examine present values of the givenName and surname attributes, or the pseudonym attribute. */ static CFArrayRef createPropertiesForX501NameContent(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *x501NameContent) { CFMutableArrayRef properties = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); OSStatus status = parseX501NameContent(x501NameContent, properties, appendRDNProperty); if (status) { CFArrayRemoveAllValues(properties); appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("X.501 Name"), x501NameContent); } return properties; } static CFArrayRef createPropertiesForX501Name(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const DERItem *x501Name) { CFMutableArrayRef properties = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); OSStatus status = parseX501Name(x501Name, properties, appendRDNProperty); if (status) { CFArrayRemoveAllValues(properties); appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("X.501 Name"), x501Name); } return properties; } static void appendIntegerProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *integer) { CFStringRef string = copyIntegerContentDescription( CFGetAllocator(properties), integer); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, string); CFRelease(string); } static void appendBoolProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, bool boolean) { appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, boolean ? CFSTR("Yes") : CFSTR("No")); } static void appendBooleanProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *boolean, bool defaultValue) { bool result; DERReturn drtn = DERParseBoolean(boolean, defaultValue, &result); if (drtn) { /* Couldn't parse boolean; dump the raw unparsed data as hex. */ appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, boolean); } else { appendBoolProperty(properties, label, result); } } static void appendBitStringContentNames(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *bitStringContent, const CFStringRef *names, CFIndex namesCount) { DERSize len = bitStringContent->length - 1; require_quiet(len == 1 || len == 2, badDER); DERByte numUnusedBits = bitStringContent->data[0]; require_quiet(numUnusedBits < 8, badDER); uint_fast16_t bits = 8 * len - numUnusedBits; require_quiet(bits <= (uint_fast16_t)namesCount, badDER); uint_fast16_t value = bitStringContent->data[1]; uint_fast16_t mask; if (len > 1) { value = (value << 8) + bitStringContent->data[2]; mask = 0x8000; } else { mask = 0x80; } uint_fast16_t ix; bool didOne = false; CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(properties), 0); for (ix = 0; ix < bits; ++ix) { if (value & mask) { if (didOne) { CFStringAppend(string, CFSTR(", ")); } else { didOne = true; } CFStringAppend(string, names[ix]); } mask >>= 1; } appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, string); CFRelease(string); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, bitStringContent); } static void appendBitStringNames(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *bitString, const CFStringRef *names, CFIndex namesCount) { DERDecodedInfo bitStringContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(bitString, &bitStringContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(bitStringContent.tag == ASN1_BIT_STRING, badDER); appendBitStringContentNames(properties, label, &bitStringContent.content, names, namesCount); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, bitString); } #if 0 typedef uint16_t SecKeyUsage; #define kSecKeyUsageDigitalSignature 0x8000 #define kSecKeyUsageNonRepudiation 0x4000 #define kSecKeyUsageKeyEncipherment 0x2000 #define kSecKeyUsageDataEncipherment 0x1000 #define kSecKeyUsageKeyAgreement 0x0800 #define kSecKeyUsageKeyCertSign 0x0400 #define kSecKeyUsageCRLSign 0x0200 #define kSecKeyUsageEncipherOnly 0x0100 #define kSecKeyUsageDecipherOnly 0x0080 /* KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING { digitalSignature (0), nonRepudiation (1), keyEncipherment (2), dataEncipherment (3), keyAgreement (4), keyCertSign (5), cRLSign (6), encipherOnly (7), decipherOnly (8) } */ static void appendKeyUsage(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { if ((extnValue->length != 4 && extnValue->length != 5) || extnValue->data[0] != ASN1_BIT_STRING || extnValue->data[1] < 2 || extnValue->data[1] > 3 || extnValue->data[2] > 7) { appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("KeyUsage Extension"), extnValue); } else { CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(properties), 0); SecKeyUsage usage = (extnValue->data[3] << 8); if (extnValue->length == 5) usage += extnValue->data[4]; secdebug("keyusage", "keyusage: %04X", usage); static const CFStringRef usageNames[] = { CFSTR("Digital Signature"), CFSTR("Non-Repudiation"), CFSTR("Key Encipherment"), CFSTR("Data Encipherment"), CFSTR("Key Agreement"), CFSTR("Cert Sign"), CFSTR("CRL Sign"), CFSTR("Encipher"), CFSTR("Decipher"), }; bool didOne = false; SecKeyUsage mask = kSecKeyUsageDigitalSignature; CFIndex ix, bits = (extnValue->data[1] - 1) * 8 - extnValue->data[2]; for (ix = 0; ix < bits; ++ix) { if (usage & mask) { if (didOne) { CFStringAppend(string, CFSTR(", ")); } else { didOne = true; } /* @@@ Localize usageNames[ix]. */ CFStringAppend(string, usageNames[ix]); } mask >>= 1; } appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Usage"), string); CFRelease(string); } } #else static void appendKeyUsage(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { static const CFStringRef usageNames[] = { CFSTR("Digital Signature"), CFSTR("Non-Repudiation"), CFSTR("Key Encipherment"), CFSTR("Data Encipherment"), CFSTR("Key Agreement"), CFSTR("Cert Sign"), CFSTR("CRL Sign"), CFSTR("Encipher Only"), CFSTR("Decipher Only") }; appendBitStringNames(properties, CFSTR("Usage"), extnValue, usageNames, sizeof(usageNames) / sizeof(*usageNames)); } #endif static void appendPrivateKeyUsagePeriod(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERPrivateKeyUsagePeriod pkup; DERReturn drtn = DERParseSequence(extnValue, DERNumPrivateKeyUsagePeriodItemSpecs, DERPrivateKeyUsagePeriodItemSpecs, &pkup, sizeof(pkup)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (pkup.notBefore.length) { appendDateContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("Not Valid Before"), ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME, &pkup.notBefore); } if (pkup.notAfter.length) { appendDateContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("Not Valid After"), ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME, &pkup.notAfter); } return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Private Key Usage Period"), extnValue); } static void appendStringContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *stringContent, CFStringEncoding encoding) { CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes(CFGetAllocator(properties), stringContent->data, stringContent->length, encoding, FALSE); if (string) { appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, string); CFRelease(string); } else { appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, stringContent); } } /* OtherName ::= SEQUENCE { type-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER, value [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id } */ static void appendOtherNameContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *otherNameContent) { DEROtherName on; DERReturn drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(otherNameContent, DERNumOtherNameItemSpecs, DEROtherNameItemSpecs, &on, sizeof(on)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(properties); CFStringRef oid_string = copyLocalizedOidDescription(allocator, &on.typeIdentifier); CFStringRef value_string = copyDERThingDescription(allocator, &on.value, false); if (value_string) appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, oid_string, value_string); else appendUnparsedProperty(properties, oid_string, &on.value); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Other Name"), otherNameContent); } /* GeneralName ::= CHOICE { otherName [0] OtherName, rfc822Name [1] IA5String, dNSName [2] IA5String, x400Address [3] ORAddress, directoryName [4] Name, ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER} EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE { nameAssigner [0] DirectoryString OPTIONAL, partyName [1] DirectoryString } */ static bool appendGeneralNameContentProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, DERTag tag, const DERItem *generalName) { switch (tag) { case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 0: appendOtherNameContentProperty(properties, generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1: /* IA5String. */ appendStringContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("Email Address"), generalName, kCFStringEncodingASCII); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 2: /* IA5String. */ appendStringContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("DNS Name"), generalName, kCFStringEncodingASCII); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 3: appendUnparsedProperty(properties, CFSTR("X.400 Address"), generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 4: { CFArrayRef directory_plist = createPropertiesForX501Name(CFGetAllocator(properties), generalName); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("Directory Name"), directory_plist); CFRelease(directory_plist); break; } case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 5: appendUnparsedProperty(properties, CFSTR("EDI Party Name"), generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 6: /* Technically I don't think this is valid, but there are certs out in the wild that use a constructed IA5String. In particular the VeriSign Time Stamping Authority CA.cer does this. */ appendURLProperty(properties, CFSTR("URI"), generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 6: appendURLContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("URI"), generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 7: appendIPAddressContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("IP Address"), generalName); break; case ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 8: appendOIDProperty(properties, CFSTR("Registered ID"), generalName); break; default: goto badDER; break; } return true; badDER: return false; } static void appendGeneralNameProperty(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *generalName) { DERDecodedInfo generalNameContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(generalName, &generalNameContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (appendGeneralNameContentProperty(properties, generalNameContent.tag, &generalNameContent.content)) return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("General Name"), generalName); } /* GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName */ static void appendGeneralNamesContent(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *generalNamesContent) { DERSequence gnSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(generalNamesContent, &gnSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo generalNameContent; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&gnSeq, &generalNameContent)) == DR_Success) { if (!appendGeneralNameContentProperty(properties, generalNameContent.tag, &generalNameContent.content)) { goto badDER; } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("General Names"), generalNamesContent); } static void appendGeneralNames(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *generalNames) { DERDecodedInfo generalNamesContent; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeItem(generalNames, &generalNamesContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(generalNamesContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); appendGeneralNamesContent(properties, &generalNamesContent.content); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("General Names"), generalNames); } /* BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE { cA BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, pathLenConstraint INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL } */ static void appendBasicConstraints(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERBasicConstraints basicConstraints; DERReturn drtn = DERParseSequence(extnValue, DERNumBasicConstraintsItemSpecs, DERBasicConstraintsItemSpecs, &basicConstraints, sizeof(basicConstraints)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); appendBooleanProperty(properties, CFSTR("Certificate Authority"), &basicConstraints.cA, false); if (basicConstraints.pathLenConstraint.length != 0) { appendIntegerProperty(properties, CFSTR("Path Length Constraint"), &basicConstraints.pathLenConstraint); } return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Basic Constraints"), extnValue); } /* CRLDistPointsSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF DistributionPoint DistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE { distributionPoint [0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL, reasons [1] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL, cRLIssuer [2] GeneralNames OPTIONAL } DistributionPointName ::= CHOICE { fullName [0] GeneralNames, nameRelativeToCRLIssuer [1] RelativeDistinguishedName } ReasonFlags ::= BIT STRING { unused (0), keyCompromise (1), cACompromise (2), affiliationChanged (3), superseded (4), cessationOfOperation (5), certificateHold (6), privilegeWithdrawn (7), aACompromise (8) } */ static void appendCrlDistributionPoints(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(properties); DERTag tag; DERSequence dpSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(extnValue, &tag, &dpSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo dpSeqContent; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&dpSeq, &dpSeqContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(dpSeqContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDistributionPoint dp; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&dpSeqContent.content, DERNumDistributionPointItemSpecs, DERDistributionPointItemSpecs, &dp, sizeof(dp)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (dp.distributionPoint.length) { DERDecodedInfo distributionPointName; drtn = DERDecodeItem(&dp.distributionPoint, &distributionPointName); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (distributionPointName.tag == (ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 0)) { /* Full Name */ appendGeneralNamesContent(properties, &distributionPointName.content); } else if (distributionPointName.tag == (ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 1)) { CFArrayRef rdn_props = createPropertiesForRDNContent(allocator, &dp.reasons); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("Name Relative To CRL Issuer"), rdn_props); CFRelease(rdn_props); } else { goto badDER; } } if (dp.reasons.length) { static const CFStringRef reasonNames[] = { CFSTR("Unused"), CFSTR("Key Compromise"), CFSTR("CA Compromise"), CFSTR("Affiliation Changed"), CFSTR("Superseded"), CFSTR("Cessation Of Operation"), CFSTR("Certificate Hold"), CFSTR("Priviledge Withdrawn"), CFSTR("AA Compromise") }; appendBitStringContentNames(properties, CFSTR("Reasons"), &dp.reasons, reasonNames, sizeof(reasonNames) / sizeof(*reasonNames)); } if (dp.cRLIssuer.length) { CFMutableArrayRef crlIssuer = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("CRL Issuer"), crlIssuer); CFRelease(crlIssuer); appendGeneralNames(crlIssuer, &dp.cRLIssuer); } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Crl Distribution Points"), extnValue); } /* Decode a sequence of integers into a comma separated list of ints. */ static void appendIntegerSequenceContent(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *intSequenceContent) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(properties); DERSequence intSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(intSequenceContent, &intSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo intContent; CFMutableStringRef value = NULL; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&intSeq, &intContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(intContent.tag == ASN1_INTEGER, badDER); CFStringRef intDesc = copyIntegerContentDescription( allocator, &intContent.content); if (value) { CFStringAppendFormat(value, NULL, CFSTR(", %@"), intDesc); } else { value = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(allocator, 0, intDesc); } CFRelease(intDesc); } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); if (value) { appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Notice Numbers"), value); CFRelease(value); return; } /* DROPTHOUGH if !value. */ badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, label, intSequenceContent); } static void appendCertificatePolicies(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(properties); DERTag tag; DERSequence piSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(extnValue, &tag, &piSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo piContent; int pin = 1; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&piSeq, &piContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(piContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERPolicyInformation pi; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&piContent.content, DERNumPolicyInformationItemSpecs, DERPolicyInformationItemSpecs, &pi, sizeof(pi)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); CFStringRef piLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("Policy Identifier #%d"), pin++); appendOIDProperty(properties, piLabel, &pi.policyIdentifier); CFRelease(piLabel); if (pi.policyQualifiers.length == 0) continue; DERSequence pqSeq; drtn = DERDecodeSeqContentInit(&pi.policyQualifiers, &pqSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo pqContent; int pqn = 1; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&pqSeq, &pqContent)) == DR_Success) { DERPolicyQualifierInfo pqi; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&pqContent.content, DERNumPolicyQualifierInfoItemSpecs, DERPolicyQualifierInfoItemSpecs, &pqi, sizeof(pqi)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); DERDecodedInfo qualifierContent; drtn = DERDecodeItem(&pqi.qualifier, &qualifierContent); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); CFStringRef pqLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("Policy Qualifier #%d"), pqn++); appendOIDProperty(properties, pqLabel, &pqi.policyQualifierID); CFRelease(pqLabel); if (DEROidCompare(&oidQtCps, &pqi.policyQualifierID)) { require_quiet(qualifierContent.tag == ASN1_IA5_STRING, badDER); appendURLContentProperty(properties, CFSTR("CPS URI"), &qualifierContent.content); } else if (DEROidCompare(&oidQtUNotice, &pqi.policyQualifierID)) { require_quiet(qualifierContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERUserNotice un; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&qualifierContent.content, DERNumUserNoticeItemSpecs, DERUserNoticeItemSpecs, &un, sizeof(un)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (un.noticeRef.length) { DERNoticeReference nr; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&un.noticeRef, DERNumNoticeReferenceItemSpecs, DERNoticeReferenceItemSpecs, &nr, sizeof(nr)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); appendDERThingProperty(properties, CFSTR("Organization"), &nr.organization); appendIntegerSequenceContent(properties, CFSTR("Notice Numbers"), &nr.noticeNumbers); } if (un.explicitText.length) { appendDERThingProperty(properties, CFSTR("Explicit Text"), &un.explicitText); } } else { appendUnparsedProperty(properties, CFSTR("Qualifier"), &pqi.qualifier); } } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Certificate Policies"), extnValue); } static void appendSubjectKeyIdentifier(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERReturn drtn; DERDecodedInfo keyIdentifier; drtn = DERDecodeItem(extnValue, &keyIdentifier); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(keyIdentifier.tag == ASN1_OCTET_STRING, badDER); appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Key Identifier"), &keyIdentifier.content); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Invalid Subject Key Identifier"), extnValue); } /* AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { keyIdentifier [0] KeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, authorityCertIssuer [1] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL } -- authorityCertIssuer and authorityCertSerialNumber MUST both -- be present or both be absent KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING */ static void appendAuthorityKeyIdentifier(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERAuthorityKeyIdentifier akid; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERParseSequence(extnValue, DERNumAuthorityKeyIdentifierItemSpecs, DERAuthorityKeyIdentifierItemSpecs, &akid, sizeof(akid)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (akid.keyIdentifier.length) { appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Key Identifier"), &akid.keyIdentifier); } if (akid.authorityCertIssuer.length || akid.authorityCertSerialNumber.length) { require_quiet(akid.authorityCertIssuer.length && akid.authorityCertSerialNumber.length, badDER); /* Perhaps put in a subsection called Authority Certificate Issuer. */ appendGeneralNamesContent(properties, &akid.authorityCertIssuer); appendIntegerProperty(properties, CFSTR("Authority Certificate Serial Number"), &akid.authorityCertSerialNumber); } return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Authority Key Identifier"), extnValue); } /* PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE { requireExplicitPolicy [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL, inhibitPolicyMapping [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL } SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) */ static void appendPolicyConstraints(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERPolicyConstraints pc; DERReturn drtn; drtn = DERParseSequence(extnValue, DERNumPolicyConstraintsItemSpecs, DERPolicyConstraintsItemSpecs, &pc, sizeof(pc)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); if (pc.requireExplicitPolicy.length) { appendIntegerProperty(properties, CFSTR("Require Explicit Policy"), &pc.requireExplicitPolicy); } if (pc.inhibitPolicyMapping.length) { appendIntegerProperty(properties, CFSTR("Inhibit Policy Mapping"), &pc.inhibitPolicyMapping); } return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Policy Constraints"), extnValue); } /* extendedKeyUsage EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF KeyPurposeId IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-extKeyUsage } KeyPurposeId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER */ static void appendExtendedKeyUsage(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERTag tag; DERSequence derSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(extnValue, &tag, &derSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo currDecoded; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&derSeq, &currDecoded)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(currDecoded.tag == ASN1_OBJECT_ID, badDER); appendOIDProperty(properties, CFSTR("Purpose"), &currDecoded.content); } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Extended Key Usage"), extnValue); } /* id-pe-authorityInfoAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pe 1 } AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE { accessMethod OBJECT IDENTIFIER, accessLocation GeneralName } id-ad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix 48 } id-ad-caIssuers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 2 } id-ad-ocsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ad 1 } */ static void appendInfoAccess(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { DERTag tag; DERSequence adSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(extnValue, &tag, &adSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERDecodedInfo adContent; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&adSeq, &adContent)) == DR_Success) { require_quiet(adContent.tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badDER); DERAccessDescription ad; drtn = DERParseSequenceContent(&adContent.content, DERNumAccessDescriptionItemSpecs, DERAccessDescriptionItemSpecs, &ad, sizeof(ad)); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badDER); appendOIDProperty(properties, CFSTR("Access Method"), &ad.accessMethod); //CFSTR("Access Location"); appendGeneralNameProperty(properties, &ad.accessLocation); } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badDER); return; badDER: appendInvalidProperty(properties, CFSTR("Authority Information Access"), extnValue); } static void appendNetscapeCertType(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { static const CFStringRef certTypes[] = { CFSTR("SSL client"), CFSTR("SSL server"), CFSTR("S/MIME"), CFSTR("Object Signing"), CFSTR("Reserved"), CFSTR("SSL CA"), CFSTR("S/MIME CA"), CFSTR("Object Signing CA") }; appendBitStringNames(properties, CFSTR("Usage"), extnValue, certTypes, sizeof(certTypes) / sizeof(*certTypes)); } #if 0 static void appendEntrustVersInfo(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { } /* * The list of Qualified Cert Statement statementIds we understand, even though * we don't actually do anything with them; if these are found in a Qualified * Cert Statement that's critical, we can truthfully say "yes we understand this". */ static const CSSM_OID_PTR knownQualifiedCertStatements[] = { /* id-qcs := { id-pkix 11 } */ (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_OID_QCS_SYNTAX_V1, /* id-qcs 1 */ (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_OID_QCS_SYNTAX_V2, /* id-qcs 2 */ (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_ETSI_QCS_QC_COMPLIANCE, (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_ETSI_QCS_QC_LIMIT_VALUE, (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_ETSI_QCS_QC_RETENTION, (const CSSM_OID_PTR)&CSSMOID_ETSI_QCS_QC_SSCD }; #define NUM_KNOWN_QUAL_CERT_STATEMENTS (sizeof(knownQualifiedCertStatements) / sizeof(CSSM_OID_PTR)) */ static void appendQCCertStatements(CFMutableArrayRef properties, const DERItem *extnValue) { } #endif static bool appendPrintableDERSequence(CFMutableArrayRef properties, CFStringRef label, const DERItem *sequence) { DERTag tag; DERSequence derSeq; DERReturn drtn = DERDecodeSeqInit(sequence, &tag, &derSeq); require_noerr_quiet(drtn, badSequence); require_quiet(tag == ASN1_CONSTR_SEQUENCE, badSequence); DERDecodedInfo currDecoded; bool appendedSomething = false; while ((drtn = DERDecodeSeqNext(&derSeq, &currDecoded)) == DR_Success) { switch (currDecoded.tag) { case 0: // 0 case ASN1_SEQUENCE: // 16 case ASN1_SET: // 17 // skip constructed object lengths break; case ASN1_UTF8_STRING: // 12 case ASN1_NUMERIC_STRING: // 18 case ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING: // 19 case ASN1_T61_STRING: // 20, also ASN1_TELETEX_STRING case ASN1_VIDEOTEX_STRING: // 21 case ASN1_IA5_STRING: // 22 case ASN1_GRAPHIC_STRING: // 25 case ASN1_VISIBLE_STRING: // 26, also ASN1_ISO646_STRING case ASN1_GENERAL_STRING: // 27 case ASN1_UNIVERSAL_STRING: // 28 { CFStringRef string = copyDERThingContentDescription(CFGetAllocator(properties), currDecoded.tag, &currDecoded.content, false); //CFStringRef cleanString = copyStringRemovingPercentEscapes(string); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, label, string); CFRelease(string); appendedSomething = true; break; } default: break; } } require_quiet(drtn == DR_EndOfSequence, badSequence); return appendedSomething; badSequence: return false; } static void appendExtension(CFMutableArrayRef parent, const SecCertificateExtension *extn) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(parent); CFMutableArrayRef properties = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); const DERItem *extnID = &extn->extnID, *extnValue = &extn->extnValue; appendBoolProperty(properties, CFSTR("Critical"), extn->critical); #if 1 bool handeled = true; /* Extensions that we know how to handle ourselves... */ if (extnID->length == oidSubjectKeyIdentifier.length && !memcmp(extnID->data, oidSubjectKeyIdentifier.data, extnID->length - 1)) { switch (extnID->data[extnID->length - 1]) { case 14: /* SubjectKeyIdentifier id-ce 14 */ appendSubjectKeyIdentifier(properties, extnValue); break; case 15: /* KeyUsage id-ce 15 */ appendKeyUsage(properties, extnValue); break; case 16: /* PrivateKeyUsagePeriod id-ce 16 */ appendPrivateKeyUsagePeriod(properties, extnValue); break; case 17: /* SubjectAltName id-ce 17 */ case 18: /* IssuerAltName id-ce 18 */ appendGeneralNames(properties, extnValue); break; case 19: /* BasicConstraints id-ce 19 */ appendBasicConstraints(properties, extnValue); break; case 30: /* NameConstraints id-ce 30 */ handeled = false; break; case 31: /* CRLDistributionPoints id-ce 31 */ appendCrlDistributionPoints(properties, extnValue); break; case 32: /* CertificatePolicies id-ce 32 */ appendCertificatePolicies(properties, extnValue); break; case 33: /* PolicyMappings id-ce 33 */ handeled = false; break; case 35: /* AuthorityKeyIdentifier id-ce 35 */ appendAuthorityKeyIdentifier(properties, extnValue); break; case 36: /* PolicyConstraints id-ce 36 */ appendPolicyConstraints(properties, extnValue); break; case 37: /* ExtKeyUsage id-ce 37 */ appendExtendedKeyUsage(properties, extnValue); break; case 46: /* FreshestCRL id-ce 46 */ handeled = false; break; case 54: /* InhibitAnyPolicy id-ce 54 */ handeled = false; break; default: handeled = false; break; } } else if (extnID->length == oidAuthorityInfoAccess.length && !memcmp(extnID->data, oidAuthorityInfoAccess.data, extnID->length - 1)) { switch (extnID->data[extnID->length - 1]) { case 1: /* AuthorityInfoAccess id-pe 1 */ appendInfoAccess(properties, extnValue); break; case 3: /* QCStatements id-pe 3 */ handeled = false; break; case 11: /* SubjectInfoAccess id-pe 11 */ appendInfoAccess(properties, extnValue); break; default: handeled = false; break; } } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidNetscapeCertType)) { /* 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1 netscape 1 1 */ appendNetscapeCertType(properties, extnValue); } else { handeled = false; } if (!handeled) { /* Try to parse and display printable string(s). */ if (appendPrintableDERSequence(properties, CFSTR("Data"), extnValue)) { /* Nothing to do here appendPrintableDERSequence did the work. */ } else { /* Couldn't parse extension; dump the raw unparsed data as hex. */ appendUnparsedProperty(properties, CFSTR("Data"), extnValue); } } #else /* Extensions that we know how to handle ourselves... */ if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidSubjectKeyIdentifier)) { appendSubjectKeyIdentifier(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidKeyUsage)) { appendKeyUsage(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidPrivateKeyUsagePeriod)) { appendPrivateKeyUsagePeriod(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidSubjectAltName)) { appendGeneralNames(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidIssuerAltName)) { appendGeneralNames(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidBasicConstraints)) { appendBasicConstraints(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidCrlDistributionPoints)) { appendCrlDistributionPoints(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidCertificatePolicies)) { appendCertificatePolicies(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidAuthorityKeyIdentifier)) { appendAuthorityKeyIdentifier(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidPolicyConstraints)) { appendPolicyConstraints(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidExtendedKeyUsage)) { appendExtendedKeyUsage(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidAuthorityInfoAccess)) { appendInfoAccess(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidSubjectInfoAccess)) { appendInfoAccess(properties, extnValue); } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidNetscapeCertType)) { appendNetscapeCertType(properties, extnValue); #if 0 } else if (DEROidCompare(extnID, &oidEntrustVersInfo)) { appendEntrustVersInfo(properties, extnValue); #endif } else /* Try to parse and display printable string(s). */ if (appendPrintableDERSequence(properties, CFSTR("Data"), extnValue)) { /* Nothing to do here appendPrintableDERSequence did the work. */ } else { /* Couldn't parse extension; dump the raw unparsed data as hex. */ appendUnparsedProperty(properties, CFSTR("Data"), extnValue); } #endif CFStringRef oid_string = copyLocalizedOidDescription(allocator, extnID); appendProperty(parent, kSecPropertyTypeSection, oid_string, properties); CFRelease(oid_string); CFRelease(properties); } /* Different types of summary types from least desired to most desired. */ enum SummaryType { kSummaryTypeNone, kSummaryTypePrintable, kSummaryTypeOrganizationName, kSummaryTypeOrganizationalUnitName, kSummaryTypeCommonName, }; struct Summary { enum SummaryType type; CFStringRef summary; CFStringRef description; }; static OSStatus obtainSummaryFromX501Name(void *context, const DERItem *type, const DERItem *value, CFIndex rdnIX) { struct Summary *summary = (struct Summary *)context; enum SummaryType stype = kSummaryTypeNone; CFStringRef string = NULL; if (DEROidCompare(type, &oidCommonName)) { /* We skip Common Names that have generic values. */ const char tfm[] = "Thawte Freemail Member"; if ((value->length == sizeof(tfm) + 1) && !memcmp(value->data + 2, tfm, sizeof(tfm) - 1)) { return errSecSuccess; } stype = kSummaryTypeCommonName; } else if (DEROidCompare(type, &oidOrganizationalUnitName)) { stype = kSummaryTypeOrganizationalUnitName; } else if (DEROidCompare(type, &oidOrganizationName)) { stype = kSummaryTypeOrganizationName; } else if (DEROidCompare(type, &oidDescription)) { if (!summary->description) { summary->description = string = copyDERThingDescription(kCFAllocatorDefault, value, true); CFRetain(string); } stype = kSummaryTypePrintable; } else { stype = kSummaryTypePrintable; } /* Use the first field we encounter of the highest priority type. */ if (summary->type < stype) { if (!string) { string = copyDERThingDescription(kCFAllocatorDefault, value, true); } if (string) { CFReleaseSafe(summary->summary); summary->summary = string; summary->type = stype; } } else { CFReleaseSafe(string); } return errSecSuccess; } CFStringRef SecCertificateCopySubjectSummaryP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { struct Summary summary = {}; parseX501NameContent(&certificate->_subject, &summary, obtainSummaryFromX501Name); /* If we found a description and a common name we change the summary to CommonName (Description). */ if (summary.description) { if (summary.type == kSummaryTypeCommonName) { CFStringRef newSummary = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"), summary.summary, summary.description); CFRelease(summary.summary); summary.summary = newSummary; } CFRelease(summary.description); } if (!summary.summary) { /* If we didn't find a suitable printable string in the subject at all, we try the first email address in the certificate instead. */ CFArrayRef names = SecCertificateCopyRFC822Names(certificate); if (!names) { /* If we didn't find any email addresses in the certificate, we try finding a DNS name instead. */ names = SecCertificateCopyDNSNamesP(certificate); } if (names) { summary.summary = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(names, 0); CFRetain(summary.summary); CFRelease(names); } } return summary.summary; } CFStringRef SecCertificateCopyIssuerSummaryP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { struct Summary summary = {}; parseX501NameContent(&certificate->_issuer, &summary, obtainSummaryFromX501Name); /* If we found a description and a common name we change the summary to CommonName (Description). */ if (summary.description) { if (summary.type == kSummaryTypeCommonName) { CFStringRef newSummary = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"), summary.summary, summary.description); CFRelease(summary.summary); summary.summary = newSummary; } CFRelease(summary.description); } return summary.summary; } /* Return the earliest date on which all certificates in this chain are still valid. */ static CFAbsoluteTime SecCertificateGetChainsLastValidity( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { CFAbsoluteTime earliest = certificate->_notAfter; #if 0 while (certificate->_parent) { certificate = certificate->_parent; if (earliest > certificate->_notAfter) earliest = certificate->_notAfter; } #endif return earliest; } /* Return the latest date on which all certificates in this chain will be valid. */ static CFAbsoluteTime SecCertificateGetChainsFirstValidity( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { CFAbsoluteTime latest = certificate->_notBefore; #if 0 while (certificate->_parent) { certificate = certificate->_parent; if (latest < certificate->_notBefore) latest = certificate->_notBefore; } #endif return latest; } bool SecCertificateIsValidP(SecCertificateRefP certificate, CFAbsoluteTime verifyTime) { check(certificate); return certificate->_notBefore <= verifyTime && verifyTime <= certificate->_notAfter; } CFIndex SecCertificateVersion(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_version + 1; } CFAbsoluteTime SecCertificateNotValidBeforeP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_notBefore; } CFAbsoluteTime SecCertificateNotValidAfterP(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_notAfter; } CFMutableArrayRef SecCertificateCopySummaryProperties( SecCertificateRefP certificate, CFAbsoluteTime verifyTime) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(certificate); CFMutableArrayRef summary = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); /* First we put the subject summary name. */ CFStringRef ssummary = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummaryP(certificate); if (ssummary) { appendProperty(summary, kSecPropertyTypeTitle, NULL, ssummary); CFRelease(ssummary); } #if 0 CFStringRef isummary = CFSTR("Issuer Summary"); appendProperty(summary, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Issued By"), isummary); CFRelease(isummary); #endif /* Let see if this certificate is currently valid. */ CFStringRef label; CFAbsoluteTime when; CFStringRef message; CFStringRef ptype; if (verifyTime > certificate->_notAfter) { label = CFSTR("Expired"); when = certificate->_notAfter; ptype = kSecPropertyTypeError; message = CFSTR("This certificate has expired"); } else if (certificate->_notBefore > verifyTime) { label = CFSTR("Valid from"); when = certificate->_notBefore; ptype = kSecPropertyTypeError; message = CFSTR("This certificate is not yet valid"); } else { CFAbsoluteTime last = SecCertificateGetChainsLastValidity(certificate); CFAbsoluteTime first = SecCertificateGetChainsFirstValidity(certificate); if (verifyTime > last) { label = CFSTR("Expired"); when = last; ptype = kSecPropertyTypeError; message = CFSTR("This certificate has an issuer that has expired"); } else if (verifyTime < first) { label = CFSTR("Valid from"); when = first; ptype = kSecPropertyTypeError; message = CFSTR("This certificate has an issuer that is not yet valid"); } else { label = CFSTR("Expires"); when = certificate->_notAfter; ptype = kSecPropertyTypeSuccess; message = CFSTR("This certificate is valid"); } } appendDateProperty(summary, label, when); appendProperty(summary, ptype, NULL, message); return summary; } CFArrayRef SecCertificateCopyProperties(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { if (!certificate->_properties) { CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(certificate); CFMutableArrayRef properties = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); /* First we put the Subject Name in the property list. */ CFArrayRef subject_plist = createPropertiesForX501NameContent(allocator, &certificate->_subject); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("Subject Name"), subject_plist); CFRelease(subject_plist); #if 0 /* Put Normalized subject in for testing. */ if (certificate->_normalizedSubject) { DERItem nsubject = { (DERByte *)CFDataGetBytePtr(certificate->_normalizedSubject), CFDataGetLength(certificate->_normalizedSubject) }; CFArrayRef nsubject_plist = createPropertiesForX501NameContent(allocator, &nsubject); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("Normalized Subject Name"), nsubject_plist); CFRelease(nsubject_plist); } #endif /* Next we put the Issuer Name in the property list. */ CFArrayRef issuer_plist = createPropertiesForX501NameContent(allocator, &certificate->_issuer); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeSection, CFSTR("Issuer Name"), issuer_plist); CFRelease(issuer_plist); #if 0 /* Certificate version/type. */ bool isRoot = false; CFStringRef typeString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("X.509 version %d %scertificate"), certificate->_version + 1, isRoot ? "root " : ""); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Certificate Type"), typeString); CFRelease(typeString); #endif /* Version */ CFStringRef versionString = CFStringCreateWithFormat(allocator, NULL, CFSTR("%d"), certificate->_version + 1); appendProperty(properties, kSecPropertyTypeString, CFSTR("Version"), versionString); CFRelease(versionString); /* Serial Number */ if (certificate->_serialNum.length) { appendIntegerProperty(properties, CFSTR("Serial Number"), &certificate->_serialNum); } /* Signature algorithm. */ #if 0 appendAlgorithmProperty(properties, CFSTR("Signature Algorithm"), &certificate->_sigAlg); #endif appendAlgorithmProperty(properties, CFSTR("Signature Algorithm"), &certificate->_tbsSigAlg); /* Validity dates. */ appendDateProperty(properties, CFSTR("Not Valid Before"), certificate->_notBefore); appendDateProperty(properties, CFSTR("Not Valid After"), certificate->_notAfter); if (certificate->_subjectUniqueID.length) { appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Subject Unique ID"), &certificate->_subjectUniqueID); } if (certificate->_issuerUniqueID.length) { appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Issuer Unique ID"), &certificate->_issuerUniqueID); } /* Public key algorithm. */ appendAlgorithmProperty(properties, CFSTR("Public Key Algorithm"), &certificate->_algId); /* Consider breaking down an RSA public key into modulus and exponent? */ appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Public Key Data"), &certificate->_pubKeyDER); /* @@@ Key Size. */ /* @@@ Key Usage. */ appendDataProperty(properties, CFSTR("Signature"), &certificate->_signature); CFIndex ix; for (ix = 0; ix < certificate->_extensionCount; ++ix) { appendExtension(properties, &certificate->_extensions[ix]); } /* @@@ Key Fingerprints. */ certificate->_properties = properties; } CFRetain(certificate->_properties); return certificate->_properties; } CFDataRef SecCertificateCopySerialNumberP( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { if (certificate->_serialNumber) { CFRetain(certificate->_serialNumber); } return certificate->_serialNumber; } /* * Accessor for normalized issuer content */ CFDataRef SecCertificateGetNormalizedIssuerContent( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_normalizedIssuer; } /* * Accessor for normalized subject content */ CFDataRef SecCertificateGetNormalizedSubjectContent( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { return certificate->_normalizedSubject; } /* * Returns DER-encoded normalized issuer sequence * for use with SecItemCopyMatching; caller must release */ CFDataRef SecCertificateCopyNormalizedIssuerSequence( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { DERItem tmpdi; tmpdi.data = (DERByte *)CFDataGetBytePtr(certificate->_normalizedIssuer); tmpdi.length = CFDataGetLength(certificate->_normalizedIssuer); return SecDERItemCopySequence(&tmpdi); } /* * Returns DER-encoded normalized subject sequence * for use with SecItemCopyMatching; caller must release */ CFDataRef SecCertificateCopyNormalizedSubjectSequence( SecCertificateRefP certificate) { DERItem tmpdi; tmpdi.data = (DERByte *)CFDataGetBytePtr(certificate->_normalizedSubject); tmpdi.length = CFDataGetLength(certificate->_normalizedSubject); return SecDERItemCopySequence(&tmpdi); } /* Verify that certificate was signed by issuerKey. */ static OSStatus SecCertificateIsSignedByP(SecCertificateRefP certificate, SecKeyRefP issuerKey) { /* Setup algId in SecAsn1AlgId format. */ SecAsn1AlgId algId; algId.algorithm.Length = certificate->_tbsSigAlg.oid.length; algId.algorithm.Data = certificate->_tbsSigAlg.oid.data; algId.parameters.Length = certificate->_tbsSigAlg.params.length; algId.parameters.Data = certificate->_tbsSigAlg.params.data; #warning implementation empty #if 0 OSStatus status = SecKeyDigestAndVerify(issuerKey, &algId, certificate->_tbs.data, certificate->_tbs.length, certificate->_signature.data, certificate->_signature.length); if (status) { secdebug("verify", "signature verify failed: %d", status); return errSecNotSigner; } #endif return errSecSuccess; } #if 0 static OSStatus SecCertificateIsIssuedBy(SecCertificateRefP certificate, SecCertificateRefP issuer, bool signatureCheckOnly) { if (!signatureCheckOnly) { /* It turns out we don't actually need to use normalized subject and issuer according to rfc2459. */ /* If present we should check issuerID against the issuer subjectID. */ /* If we have an AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension that has a keyIdentifier then we should look for a SubjectKeyIdentifier in the issuer certificate. If we have a authorityCertSerialNumber we can use that for chaining. If we have a authorityCertIssuer we can use that? (or not) */ /* Verify that this cert was issued by issuer. Do so by chaining either issuerID to subjectID or normalized issuer to normalized subject. */ CFDataRef normalizedIssuer = SecCertificateGetNormalizedIssuerContent(certificate); CFDataRef normalizedIssuerSubject = SecCertificateGetNormalizedSubjectContent(issuer); if (normalizedIssuer && normalizedIssuerSubject && !CFEqual(normalizedIssuer, normalizedIssuerSubject)) return errSecIssuerMismatch; } /* Next verify that this cert was signed by issuer. */ SecKeyRef issuerKey = SecCertificateGetPublicKey(issuer); /* Get the encodedDigestInfo from the digest of the subject's TBSCert */ /* FIXME: We sould cache this (or at least the digest) until we find a suitable issuer. */ uint8_t signedData[DER_SHA1_DIGEST_INFO_LEN]; CFIndex signedDataLength; CertVerifyReturn crtn; if (DEROidCompare(&certificate->_tbsSigAlg.oid, &oidSha1Rsa)) { signedDataLength = DER_SHA1_DIGEST_INFO_LEN; crtn = sha1DigestInfo(&certificate->_tbs, signedData); } else if(DEROidCompare(&certificate->_tbsSigAlg.oid, &oidMd5Rsa)) { signedDataLength = DER_MD_DIGEST_INFO_LEN; crtn = mdDigestInfo(WD_MD5, &certificate->_tbs, signedData); } else if(DEROidCompare(&certificate->_tbsSigAlg.oid, &oidMd2Rsa)) { signedDataLength = DER_MD_DIGEST_INFO_LEN; crtn = mdDigestInfo(WD_MD2, &certificate->_tbs, signedData); } else { secdebug("verify", "unsupported algorithm"); return errSecUnsupportedAlgorithm; } if (crtn) { secdebug("verify", "*DigestInfo returned: %d", crtn); /* FIXME: Do proper error code translation. */ return errSecUnsupportedAlgorithm; } OSStatus status = SecKeyRawVerify(issuerKey, kSecPaddingPKCS1, signedData, signedDataLength, certificate->_signature.data, certificate->_signature.length); if (status) { secdebug("verify", "signature verify failed: %d", status); return errSecNotSigner; } return errSecSuccess; } static OSStatus _SecCertificateSetParent(SecCertificateRefP certificate, SecCertificateRefP issuer, bool signatureCheckOnly) { check(issuer); if (certificate->_parent) { /* Setting a certificates issuer twice is only allowed if the new issuer is equal to the current one. */ return issuer && CFEqual(certificate->_parent, issuer); } #if 0 OSStatus status = SecCertificateIsIssuedBy(certificate, issuer, signatureCheckOnly); #else OSStatus status = errSecSuccess; #endif if (!status) { if (CFEqual(certificate, issuer)) { /* We don't retain ourselves cause that would be bad mojo, however we do record that we are properly self signed. */ certificate->_isSelfSigned = kSecSelfSignedTrue; secdebug("cert", "set self as parent"); return errSecSuccess; } CFRetain(issuer); certificate->_parent = issuer; certificate->_isSelfSigned = kSecSelfSignedFalse; } return status; } static bool SecCertificateIsSelfSigned(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { if (certificate->_isSelfSigned == kSecSelfSignedUnknown) { certificate->_isSelfSigned = (SecCertificateIsIssuedBy(certificate, certificate, false) ? kSecSelfSignedTrue : kSecSelfSignedFalse); } return certificate->_isSelfSigned == kSecSelfSignedTrue; } /* Return true iff we were able to set our own parent from one of the certificates in other_certificates, return false otherwise. If signatureCheckOnly is true, we can skip the subject == issuer or authorityKeyIdentifier tests. */ static bool SecCertificateSetParentFrom(SecCertificateRefP certificate, CFArrayRef other_certificates, bool signatureCheckOnly) { CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(other_certificates); CFIndex ix; for (ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) { SecCertificateRefP candidate = (SecCertificateRefP) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(other_certificates, ix); if (_SecCertificateSetParent(certificate, candidate, signatureCheckOnly)) return true; } return false; } /* Lookup the parent of certificate in the keychain and set it. */ static bool SecCertificateFindParent(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { /* FIXME: Search for things other than just subject of our issuer if we have a subjectID or authorityKeyIdentifier. */ CFDataRef normalizedIssuer = SecCertificateGetNormalizedIssuerContent(certificate); const void *keys[] = { kSecClass, kSecReturnRef, kSecMatchLimit, kSecAttrSubject }, *values[] = { kSecClassCertificate, kCFBooleanTrue, kSecMatchLimitAll, normalizedIssuer }; CFDictionaryRef query = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 4, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFTypeRef results; OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching(query, &results); CFRelease(query); if (status) { secdebug("cert", "SecCertificateFindParent: SecItemCopyMatching: %d", status); return false; } CFArrayRef certs = (CFArrayRef)results; /* Since we already know the certificates we are providing as candidates have been checked for subject matching, we can ask SecCertificateSetParentFrom to skip everything except the signature checks. */ bool result = SecCertificateSetParentFrom(certificate, certs, true); CFRelease(certs); return result; } OSStatus SecCertificateCompleteChain(SecCertificateRefP certificate, CFArrayRef other_certificates) { for (;;) { if (certificate->_parent == NULL) { if (SecCertificateIsSelfSigned(certificate)) return errSecSuccess; if (!other_certificates || !SecCertificateSetParentFrom(certificate, other_certificates,\ false)) { if (!SecCertificateFindParent(certificate)) return errSecIssuerNotFound; } } certificate = certificate->_parent; } } #endif static OSStatus appendIPAddressesFromGeneralNames(void *context, SecCEGeneralNameType gnType, const DERItem *generalName) { CFMutableArrayRef ipAddresses = (CFMutableArrayRef)context; if (gnType == GNT_IPAddress) { CFStringRef string = copyIPAddressContentDescription( kCFAllocatorDefault, generalName); if (string) { CFArrayAppendValue(ipAddresses, string); CFRelease(string); } else { return errSecInvalidCertificate; } } return errSecSuccess; } CFArrayRef SecCertificateCopyIPAddresses(SecCertificateRefP certificate) { /* These can only exist in the subject alt name. */ if (!certificate->_subjectAltName) return NULL; CFMutableArrayRef ipAddresses = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); OSStatus status = parseGeneralNames(&certificate->_subjectAltName->extnValue, ipAddresses, appendIPAddressesFromGeneralNames); if (status || CFArrayGetCount(ipAddresses) == 0) { CFRelease(ipAddresses); ipAddresses = NULL; } return ipAddresses; } static OSStatus appendDNSNamesFromGeneralNames(void *context, SecCEGeneralNameType gnType, const DERItem *generalName) { CFMutableArrayRef dnsNames = (CFMutableArrayRef)context; if (gnType == GNT_DNSName) { CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, generalName->data, generalName->length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, FALSE); if (string) { CFArrayAppendValue(dnsNames, string); CFRelease(string); } else { return errSecInvalidCertificate; } } return errSecSuccess; } /* Return true if the passed in string matches the Preferred name syntax from sections 2.3.1. in RFC 1035. With the added check that we disallow empty dns names. Also in order to support wildcard DNSNames we allow for the '*' character anywhere in a dns component where we currently allow a letter. ::= | " " ::=