/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2008,2011-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ // // ssclient - SecurityServer client interface library // // This interface is private to the Security system. It is not a public interface, // and it may change at any time. You have been warned. // #ifndef _H_SSCLIENT #define _H_SSCLIENT #include "sscommon.h" #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus #include #include #include #include #include "ssnotify.h" namespace Security { namespace SecurityServer { #endif //__cplusplus // // Unique-identifier blobs for key objects // typedef struct KeyUID { uint8 signature[20]; } KeyUID; // // Maximum length of hash (digest) arguments (bytes) // #define maxUcspHashLength 64 // // Authorization blobs // typedef struct AuthorizationBlob { uint32 data[2]; #ifdef __cplusplus bool operator < (const AuthorizationBlob &other) const { return memcmp(data, other.data, sizeof(data)) < 0; } bool operator == (const AuthorizationBlob &other) const { return memcmp(data, other.data, sizeof(data)) == 0; } size_t hash() const { //@@@ revisit this hash return data[0] ^ data[1] << 3; } #endif } AuthorizationBlob; // // Initial-setup data for versioning etc. // typedef struct { uint32_t order; uint32_t version; } ClientSetupInfo; #define SSPROTOVERSION 20000 // // Database parameter structure // typedef struct { uint32_t idleTimeout; // seconds idle timout lock uint8_t lockOnSleep; // lock keychain when system sleeps } DBParameters; #ifdef __cplusplus // // A client connection (session) // class ClientSession : public ClientCommon { public: ClientSession(Allocator &standard = Allocator::standard(), Allocator &returning = Allocator::standard()); virtual ~ClientSession(); public: void activate(); void reset(); public: // use this only if you know what you're doing... void contactName(const char *name); const char *contactName() const; static GenericHandle toIPCHandle(CSSM_HANDLE h) { // implementation subject to change if (h & (CSSM_HANDLE(~0) ^ GenericHandle(~0))) CssmError::throwMe(CSSM_ERRCODE_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE); return h & GenericHandle(~0); } public: // // common database interface // void authenticateDb(DbHandle db, CSSM_DB_ACCESS_TYPE type, const AccessCredentials *cred); void releaseDb(DbHandle db); // // External database interface // DbHandle openToken(uint32 ssid, const AccessCredentials *cred, const char *name = NULL); RecordHandle insertRecord(DbHandle db, CSSM_DB_RECORDTYPE recordType, const CssmDbRecordAttributeData *attributes, const CssmData *data); void deleteRecord(DbHandle db, RecordHandle record); void modifyRecord(DbHandle db, RecordHandle &record, CSSM_DB_RECORDTYPE recordType, const CssmDbRecordAttributeData *attributesToBeModified, const CssmData *dataToBeModified, CSSM_DB_MODIFY_MODE modifyMode); RecordHandle findFirst(DbHandle db, const CssmQuery &query, SearchHandle &outSearchHandle, CssmDbRecordAttributeData *inOutAttributes, CssmData *outData, KeyHandle &key); RecordHandle findNext(SearchHandle searchHandle, CssmDbRecordAttributeData *inOutAttributes, CssmData *inOutData, KeyHandle &key); void findRecordHandle(RecordHandle record, CssmDbRecordAttributeData *inOutAttributes, CssmData *inOutData, KeyHandle &key); void releaseSearch(SearchHandle searchHandle); void releaseRecord(RecordHandle record); void getDbName(DbHandle db, std::string &name); void setDbName(DbHandle db, const std::string &name); // // Internal database interface // DbHandle createDb(const DLDbIdentifier &dbId, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, const DBParameters ¶ms); DbHandle cloneDbForSync(const CssmData &secretsBlob, DbHandle srcDb, const CssmData &agentData); DbHandle recodeDbForSync(DbHandle dbToClone, DbHandle srcDb); DbHandle authenticateDbsForSync(const CssmData &dbHandleArray, const CssmData &agentData); void commitDbForSync(DbHandle srcDb, DbHandle cloneDb, CssmData &blob, Allocator &alloc); DbHandle decodeDb(const DLDbIdentifier &dbId, const AccessCredentials *cred, const CssmData &blob); void encodeDb(DbHandle db, CssmData &blob, Allocator &alloc); void encodeDb(DbHandle db, CssmData &blob) { return encodeDb(db, blob, returnAllocator); } void setDbParameters(DbHandle db, const DBParameters ¶ms); void getDbParameters(DbHandle db, DBParameters ¶ms); void changePassphrase(DbHandle db, const AccessCredentials *cred); void lock(DbHandle db); void lockAll(bool forSleep); void unlock(DbHandle db); void unlock(DbHandle db, const CssmData &passPhrase); void stashDb(DbHandle db); void stashDbCheck(DbHandle db); bool isLocked(DbHandle db); void verifyKeyStorePassphrase(uint32_t retries); void resetKeyStorePassphrase(const CssmData &passphrase); void changeKeyStorePassphrase(); public: // // Key objects // void encodeKey(KeyHandle key, CssmData &blob, KeyUID *uid, Allocator &alloc); void encodeKey(KeyHandle key, CssmData &blob, KeyUID *uid = NULL) { return encodeKey(key, blob, uid, returnAllocator); } KeyHandle decodeKey(DbHandle db, const CssmData &blob, CssmKey::Header &header); void recodeKey(DbHandle oldDb, KeyHandle key, DbHandle newDb, CssmData &blob); void releaseKey(KeyHandle key); CssmKeySize queryKeySizeInBits(KeyHandle key); uint32 getOutputSize(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, uint32 inputSize, bool encrypt = true); void getKeyDigest(KeyHandle key, CssmData &digest, Allocator &alloc); void getKeyDigest(KeyHandle key, CssmData &digest) { return getKeyDigest(key, digest, returnAllocator); } // key wrapping and unwrapping void wrapKey(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, KeyHandle keyToBeWrapped, const AccessCredentials *cred, const CssmData *descriptiveData, CssmWrappedKey &wrappedKey, Allocator &alloc); void wrapKey(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, KeyHandle keyToBeWrapped, const AccessCredentials *cred, const CssmData *descriptiveData, CssmWrappedKey &wrappedKey) { return wrapKey(context, key, keyToBeWrapped, cred, descriptiveData, wrappedKey, returnAllocator); } void unwrapKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, KeyHandle publicKey, const CssmWrappedKey &wrappedKey, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, CssmData &data, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newKeyHeader, Allocator &alloc); void unwrapKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, KeyHandle publicKey, const CssmWrappedKey &wrappedKey, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, CssmData &data, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newKeyHeader) { return unwrapKey(db, context, key, publicKey, wrappedKey, keyUsage, keyAttr, cred, owner, data, newKey, newKeyHeader, returnAllocator); } // key generation and derivation void generateKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newHeader); void generateKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, uint32 pubKeyUsage, uint32 pubKeyAttr, uint32 privKeyUsage, uint32 privKeyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &pubKey, CssmKey::Header &pubHeader, KeyHandle &privKey, CssmKey::Header &privHeader); void deriveKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle baseKey, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, CssmData ¶m, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newHeader, Allocator &alloc); void deriveKey(DbHandle db, const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle baseKey, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, CssmData ¶m, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newHeader) { return deriveKey(db, context, baseKey, keyUsage, keyAttr, param, cred, owner, newKey, newHeader, returnAllocator); } //void generateAlgorithmParameters(); // not implemented void generateRandom(const Security::Context &context, CssmData &data, Allocator &alloc); void generateRandom(const Security::Context &context, CssmData &data) { return generateRandom(context, data, returnAllocator); } // encrypt/decrypt void encrypt(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &in, CssmData &out, Allocator &alloc); void encrypt(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &in, CssmData &out) { return encrypt(context, key, in, out, returnAllocator); } void decrypt(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &in, CssmData &out, Allocator &alloc); void decrypt(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &in, CssmData &out) { return decrypt(context, key, in, out, returnAllocator); } // signatures void generateSignature(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, CssmData &signature, Allocator &alloc, CSSM_ALGORITHMS signOnlyAlgorithm = CSSM_ALGID_NONE); void generateSignature(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, CssmData &signature, CSSM_ALGORITHMS signOnlyAlgorithm = CSSM_ALGID_NONE) { return generateSignature(context, key, data, signature, returnAllocator, signOnlyAlgorithm); } void verifySignature(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, const CssmData &signature, CSSM_ALGORITHMS verifyOnlyAlgorithm = CSSM_ALGID_NONE); // MACs void generateMac(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, CssmData &mac, Allocator &alloc); void generateMac(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, CssmData &mac) { return generateMac(context, key, data, mac, returnAllocator); } void verifyMac(const Security::Context &context, KeyHandle key, const CssmData &data, const CssmData &mac); // key ACL management void getKeyAcl(KeyHandle key, const char *tag, uint32 &count, AclEntryInfo * &info, Allocator &alloc); void getKeyAcl(KeyHandle key, const char *tag, uint32 &count, AclEntryInfo * &info) { return getKeyAcl(key, tag, count, info, returnAllocator); } void changeKeyAcl(KeyHandle key, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclEdit &edit); void getKeyOwner(KeyHandle key, AclOwnerPrototype &owner, Allocator &alloc); void getKeyOwner(KeyHandle key, AclOwnerPrototype &owner) { return getKeyOwner(key, owner, returnAllocator); } void changeKeyOwner(KeyHandle key, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclOwnerPrototype &edit); // database ACL management void getDbAcl(DbHandle db, const char *tag, uint32 &count, AclEntryInfo * &info, Allocator &alloc); void getDbAcl(DbHandle db, const char *tag, uint32 &count, AclEntryInfo * &info) { return getDbAcl(db, tag, count, info, returnAllocator); } void changeDbAcl(DbHandle db, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclEdit &edit); void getDbOwner(DbHandle db, AclOwnerPrototype &owner, Allocator &alloc); void getDbOwner(DbHandle db, AclOwnerPrototype &owner) { return getDbOwner(db, owner, returnAllocator); } void changeDbOwner(DbHandle db, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclOwnerPrototype &edit); // database key manipulations void extractMasterKey(DbHandle db, const Context &context, DbHandle sourceDb, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newHeader, Allocator &alloc); void extractMasterKey(DbHandle db, const Context &context, DbHandle sourceDb, uint32 keyUsage, uint32 keyAttr, const AccessCredentials *cred, const AclEntryInput *owner, KeyHandle &newKey, CssmKey::Header &newHeader) { return extractMasterKey(db, context, sourceDb, keyUsage, keyAttr, cred, owner, newKey, newHeader, returnAllocator); } public: // Authorization API support void authCreate(const AuthorizationItemSet *rights, const AuthorizationItemSet *environment, AuthorizationFlags flags,AuthorizationBlob &result); void authRelease(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, AuthorizationFlags flags); void authCopyRights(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, const AuthorizationItemSet *rights, const AuthorizationItemSet *environment, AuthorizationFlags flags, AuthorizationItemSet **result); void authCopyInfo(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, const char *tag, AuthorizationItemSet * &info); void authExternalize(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, AuthorizationExternalForm &extForm); void authInternalize(const AuthorizationExternalForm &extForm, AuthorizationBlob &auth); public: // Session API support void setSessionUserPrefs(SecuritySessionId sessionId, uint32_t userPreferencesLength, const void *userPreferences); public: // Notification core support void postNotification(NotificationDomain domain, NotificationEvent event, const CssmData &data); // low-level callback (C form) typedef OSStatus ConsumeNotification(NotificationDomain domain, NotificationEvent event, const void *data, size_t dataLength, void *context); public: // AuthorizationDB API void authorizationdbGet(const AuthorizationString rightname, CssmData &rightDefinition, Allocator &alloc); void authorizationdbSet(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, const AuthorizationString rightname, uint32_t rightdefinitionLength, const void *rightdefinition); void authorizationdbRemove(const AuthorizationBlob &auth, const AuthorizationString rightname); public: // securityd helper support void childCheckIn(Port serverPort, Port taskPort); public: // miscellaneous administrative calls void addCodeEquivalence(const CssmData &oldCode, const CssmData &newCode, const char *name, bool forSystem = false); void removeCodeEquivalence(const CssmData &code, const char *name, bool forSystem = false); void setAlternateSystemRoot(const char *path); public: // temporary hack to deal with "edit acl" pseudo-error returns typedef void DidChangeKeyAclCallback(void *context, ClientSession &clientSession, KeyHandle key, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_TAG tag); void registerForAclEdits(DidChangeKeyAclCallback *callback, void *context); public: // Code Signing hosting interface void registerHosting(mach_port_t hostingPort, SecCSFlags flags); mach_port_t hostingPort(pid_t pid); SecGuestRef createGuest(SecGuestRef host, uint32_t status, const char *path, const CssmData &cdhash, const CssmData &attributes, SecCSFlags flags); void setGuestStatus(SecGuestRef guest, uint32 status, const CssmData &attributes); void removeGuest(SecGuestRef host, SecGuestRef guest); void selectGuest(SecGuestRef guest); SecGuestRef selectedGuest() const; private: static Port findSecurityd(); void getAcl(AclKind kind, GenericHandle key, const char *tag, uint32 &count, AclEntryInfo * &info, Allocator &alloc); void changeAcl(AclKind kind, GenericHandle key, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclEdit &edit); void getOwner(AclKind kind, GenericHandle key, AclOwnerPrototype &owner, Allocator &alloc); void changeOwner(AclKind kind, GenericHandle key, const AccessCredentials &cred, const AclOwnerPrototype &edit); static OSStatus consumerDispatch(NotificationDomain domain, NotificationEvent event, const void *data, size_t dataLength, void *context); void notifyAclChange(KeyHandle key, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_TAG tag); void returnAttrsAndData(CssmDbRecordAttributeData *inOutAttributes, CssmDbRecordAttributeData *attrs, CssmDbRecordAttributeData *attrsBase, mach_msg_type_number_t attrsLength, CssmData *inOutData, void *dataPtr, mach_msg_type_number_t dataLength); private: DidChangeKeyAclCallback *mCallback; void *mCallbackContext; static UnixPlusPlus::StaticForkMonitor mHasForked; // global fork indicator struct Thread { Thread() : registered(false), notifySeq(0), currentGuest(kSecNoGuest), lastGuest(kSecNoGuest) { } operator bool() const { return registered; } ReceivePort replyPort; // dedicated reply port (send right held by SecurityServer) bool registered; // has been registered with SecurityServer uint32 notifySeq; // notification sequence number SecGuestRef currentGuest; // last set guest path SecGuestRef lastGuest; // last transmitted guest path }; struct Global { Global(); Port serverPort; RefPointer myself; ThreadNexus thread; }; static ModuleNexus mGlobal; static const char *mContactName; static SecGuestRef mDedicatedGuest; }; } // end namespace SecurityServer } // end namespace Security #endif //__cplusplus #endif //_H_SSCLIENT