/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. 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These are for storing signing-related // data; they have no bearing on the actual hash slots in the CodeDirectory. // const char *CodeDirectory::canonicalSlotName(SpecialSlot slot) { switch (slot) { case cdRequirementsSlot: return kSecCS_REQUIREMENTSFILE; case cdResourceDirSlot: return kSecCS_RESOURCEDIRFILE; case cdCodeDirectorySlot: return kSecCS_CODEDIRECTORYFILE; case cdSignatureSlot: return kSecCS_SIGNATUREFILE; case cdApplicationSlot: return kSecCS_APPLICATIONFILE; case cdEntitlementSlot: return kSecCS_ENTITLEMENTFILE; default: return NULL; } } // // Canonical attributes of SpecialSlots. // unsigned CodeDirectory::slotAttributes(SpecialSlot slot) { switch (slot) { case cdRequirementsSlot: return cdComponentIsBlob; // global case cdCodeDirectorySlot: return cdComponentPerArchitecture | cdComponentIsBlob; case cdSignatureSlot: return cdComponentPerArchitecture; // raw case cdEntitlementSlot: return cdComponentIsBlob; // global case cdIdentificationSlot: return cdComponentPerArchitecture; // raw default: return 0; // global, raw } } // // Symbolic names for code directory special slots. // These are only used for debug output. They are not API-official. // Needs to be coordinated with the cd*Slot enumeration in codedirectory.h. // #if !defined(NDEBUG) const char * const CodeDirectory::debugSlotName[] = { "codedirectory", "info", "requirements", "resources", "application", "entitlement" }; #endif //NDEBUG // // Check a CodeDirectory for basic integrity. This should ensure that the // version is understood by our code, and that the internal structure // (offsets etc.) is intact. In particular, it must make sure that no offsets // point outside the CodeDirectory. // Throws if the directory is corrupted or out of versioning bounds. // Returns if the version is usable (perhaps with degraded features due to // compatibility hacks). // // Note: There are some things we don't bother checking because they won't // cause crashes, and will just be flagged as nonsense later. For example, // a Bad Guy could overlap the identifier and hash fields, which is nonsense // but not dangerous. // void CodeDirectory::checkIntegrity() const { // check version for support if (!this->validateBlob()) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureInvalid); // busted if (version > compatibilityLimit) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureUnsupported); // too new - no clue if (version < earliestVersion) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureUnsupported); // too old - can't support if (version > currentVersion) secdebug("codedir", "%p version 0x%x newer than current 0x%x", this, uint32_t(version), currentVersion); // now check interior offsets for validity if (!stringAt(identOffset)) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureFailed); // identifier out of blob range if (version >= supportsTeamID && teamIDOffset != 0 && !stringAt(teamIDOffset)) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureFailed); // identifier out of blob range if (!contains(hashOffset - int64_t(hashSize) * nSpecialSlots, hashSize * (int64_t(nSpecialSlots) + nCodeSlots))) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureFailed); // hash array out of blob range if (const Scatter *scatter = this->scatterVector()) { // the optional scatter vector is terminated with an element having (count == 0) unsigned int pagesConsumed = 0; for (;; scatter++) { if (!contains(scatter, sizeof(Scatter))) MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureFailed); if (scatter->count == 0) break; pagesConsumed += scatter->count; } if (!contains((*this)[pagesConsumed-1], hashSize)) // referenced too many main hash slots MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureFailed); } } // // Validate a slot against data in memory. // bool CodeDirectory::validateSlot(const void *data, size_t length, Slot slot) const { secdebug("codedir", "%p validating slot %d", this, int(slot)); MakeHash hasher(this); Hashing::Byte digest[hasher->digestLength()]; generateHash(hasher, data, length, digest); return memcmp(digest, (*this)[slot], hasher->digestLength()) == 0; } // // Validate a slot against the contents of an open file. At most 'length' bytes // will be read from the file. // bool CodeDirectory::validateSlot(FileDesc fd, size_t length, Slot slot) const { MakeHash hasher(this); Hashing::Byte digest[hasher->digestLength()]; generateHash(hasher, fd, digest, length); return memcmp(digest, (*this)[slot], hasher->digestLength()) == 0; } // // Check whether a particular slot is present. // Absense is indicated by either a zero hash, or by lying outside // the slot range. // bool CodeDirectory::slotIsPresent(Slot slot) const { if (slot >= -Slot(nSpecialSlots) && slot < Slot(nCodeSlots)) { const Hashing::Byte *digest = (*this)[slot]; for (unsigned n = 0; n < hashSize; n++) if (digest[n]) return true; // non-zero digest => present } return false; // absent } // // Given a hash type code, create an appropriate subclass of DynamicHash // and return it. The caller owns the object and must delete it when done. // This function never returns NULL. It throws if the hashType is unsuupported, // or if there's an error creating the hasher. // DynamicHash *CodeDirectory::hashFor(HashAlgorithm hashType) { CCDigestAlg alg; switch (hashType) { case kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA1: alg = kCCDigestSHA1; break; case kSecCodeSignatureHashSHA256: alg = kCCDigestSHA256; break; default: MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSSignatureUnsupported); } return new CCHashInstance(alg); } // // Hash the next limit bytes of a file and return the digest. // If the file is shorter, hash as much as you can. // Limit==0 means unlimited (to end of file). // Return how many bytes were actually hashed. // Throw on any errors. // size_t CodeDirectory::generateHash(DynamicHash *hasher, FileDesc fd, Hashing::Byte *digest, size_t limit) { size_t size = hashFileData(fd, hasher, limit); hasher->finish(digest); return size; } // // Ditto, but hash a memory buffer instead. // size_t CodeDirectory::generateHash(DynamicHash *hasher, const void *data, size_t length, Hashing::Byte *digest) { hasher->update(data, length); hasher->finish(digest); return length; } // // Turn a hash of canonical type into a hex string // std::string CodeDirectory::hexHash(const unsigned char *hash) const { size_t size = this->hashSize; char result[2*size+1]; for (unsigned n = 0; n < size; n++) sprintf(result+2*n, "%02.2x", hash[n]); return result; } // // Generate a screening code string from a (complete) CodeDirectory. // This can be used to make a lightweight pre-screening code from (just) a CodeDirectory. // std::string CodeDirectory::screeningCode() const { if (slotIsPresent(-cdInfoSlot)) // has Info.plist return "I" + hexHash((*this)[-cdInfoSlot]); // use Info.plist hash if (pageSize == 0) // good-enough proxy for "not a Mach-O file" return "M" + hexHash((*this)[0]); // use hash of main executable return "N"; // no suitable screening code } } // CodeSigning } // Security // // Canonical text form for user-settable code directory flags. // Note: This table is actually exported from Security.framework. // const SecCodeDirectoryFlagTable kSecCodeDirectoryFlagTable[] = { { "host", kSecCodeSignatureHost, true }, { "adhoc", kSecCodeSignatureAdhoc, false }, { "hard", kSecCodeSignatureForceHard, true }, { "kill", kSecCodeSignatureForceKill, true }, { "expires", kSecCodeSignatureForceExpiration, true }, { "restrict", kSecCodeSignatureRestrict, true }, { "enforcement", kSecCodeSignatureEnforcement, true }, { "library-validation", kSecCodeSignatureLibraryValidation, true }, { NULL } };