#include #define CCAPI_DEPRECATED #include "test_ccapi_v2.h" #include #include #include "test_ccapi_check.h" #include "test_ccapi_util.h" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cc_result destroy_all_ccaches_v2(apiCB *context) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; infoNC **info = NULL; int i = 0; err = cc_get_NC_info(context, &info); for (i = 0; !err && info[i]; i++) { ccache_p *ccache = NULL; err = cc_open(context, info[i]->name, info[i]->vers, 0, &ccache); if (!err) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); } } if (info) { cc_free_NC_info(context, &info); } if (err) { log_error("cc_get_NC_info or cc_open failed with %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); } return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return zero when both unions are considered equal, non-zero when not static int compare_v5_creds_unions_compat(const cred_union *a, const cred_union *b) { int retval = -1; if (a && b && a->cred_type == b->cred_type) { if (a->cred_type == CC_CRED_V5) { if (!strcmp(a->cred.pV5Cred->client, b->cred.pV5Cred->client) && !strcmp(a->cred.pV5Cred->server, b->cred.pV5Cred->server) && a->cred.pV5Cred->starttime == b->cred.pV5Cred->starttime) { retval = 0; } } else if (a->cred_type == CC_CRED_V4) { if (!strcmp (a->cred.pV4Cred->principal, b->cred.pV4Cred->principal) && !strcmp (a->cred.pV4Cred->principal_instance, b->cred.pV4Cred->principal_instance) && !strcmp (a->cred.pV4Cred->service, b->cred.pV4Cred->service) && !strcmp (a->cred.pV4Cred->service_instance, b->cred.pV4Cred->service_instance) && !strcmp (a->cred.pV4Cred->realm, b->cred.pV4Cred->realm) && a->cred.pV4Cred->issue_date == b->cred.pV4Cred->issue_date) { retval = 0; } } } return retval; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cc_result new_v5_creds_union_compat (cred_union *out_union, const char *realm) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cred_union *creds_union = NULL; cc_credentials_v5_compat *v5creds = NULL; static int num_runs = 1; char *client = NULL; char *server = NULL; if (!out_union) { err = CC_BAD_PARM; } if (!err) { v5creds = malloc (sizeof (*v5creds)); if (!v5creds) { err = CC_NOMEM; } } if (!err) { asprintf(&client, "client@%s", realm); asprintf(&server, "host/%d%s@%s", num_runs++, realm, realm); if (!client || !server) { err = CC_NOMEM; } } if (!err) { v5creds->client = client; v5creds->server = server; v5creds->keyblock.type = 1; v5creds->keyblock.length = 0; v5creds->keyblock.data = NULL; v5creds->authtime = time (NULL); v5creds->starttime = time (NULL); v5creds->endtime = time(NULL) + 1000; v5creds->renew_till = time(NULL) + 10000; v5creds->is_skey = 0; v5creds->ticket_flags = TKT_FLG_FORWARDABLE | TKT_FLG_PROXIABLE | TKT_FLG_RENEWABLE | TKT_FLG_INITIAL; v5creds->addresses = NULL; v5creds->ticket.type = 0; v5creds->ticket.length = 0; v5creds->ticket.data = NULL; v5creds->second_ticket.type = 0; v5creds->second_ticket.length = 0; v5creds->second_ticket.data = NULL; v5creds->authdata = NULL; } if (!err) { creds_union = malloc (sizeof (*creds_union)); if (creds_union) { creds_union->cred_type = CC_CRED_V5; creds_union->cred.pV5Cred = v5creds; } else { err = CC_NOMEM; } } if (!err) { *out_union = *creds_union; creds_union = NULL; } return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void release_v5_creds_union_compat(cred_union *creds_union) { cc_credentials_v5_compat *v5creds = NULL; if (creds_union) { if (creds_union->cred.pV5Cred) { v5creds = creds_union->cred.pV5Cred; if (v5creds->client) { free(v5creds->client); } if (v5creds->server) { free(v5creds->server); } if (v5creds->keyblock.data) { free(v5creds->keyblock.data); } if (v5creds->ticket.data) { free(v5creds->ticket.data); } if (v5creds->second_ticket.data) { free(v5creds->second_ticket.data); } free(v5creds); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_shutdown(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; BEGIN_TEST("cc_shutdown"); // try with valid context err = check_once_cc_shutdown(&context, CC_NOERROR, NULL); // try with NULL err = check_once_cc_shutdown(NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, NULL); if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } cc_result check_once_cc_shutdown(apiCB **out_context, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; cc_result possible_return_values[2] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) if (out_context) { err = cc_initialize(out_context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { context = *out_context; } else { log_error("failure in cc_initialize, unable to perform check"); return err; } } if (!err) { err = cc_shutdown(&context); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); } if (out_context) { *out_context = NULL; } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_get_change_time(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; cc_time_t last_change_time = 0; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; cred_union creds_union; BEGIN_TEST("cc_get_change_time"); /* * Make a context * make sure the change time changes after: * a ccache is created * a ccache is destroyed * a credential is stored * a credential is removed * a ccache principal is changed * clean up memory */ err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { // try bad parameters first err = check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL param, should fail"); // get_change_time should always give something > 0 check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "first-run, should be > 0"); // create a ccache err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CCACHE", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); if (err) { log_error("failed to create a ccache - %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); failure_count++; } check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "after creating a new ccache"); if (!err) { // change principal err = cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V5, "foo@BAR.ORG"); if (err) { log_error("failed to change ccache's principal - %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); failure_count++; err = CC_NOERROR; } } check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "after changing a principle"); new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); // store a credential if (!err) { err = cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union); if (err) { log_error("failed to store a credential - %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); failure_count++; err = CC_NOERROR; } } check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "after storing a credential"); // remove a credential if (!err) { err = cc_remove_cred(context, ccache, creds_union); if (err) { log_error("failed to remove a credential - %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); failure_count++; err = CC_NOERROR; } } check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "after removing a credential"); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); if (ccache) { // destroy a ccache err = cc_destroy(context, &ccache); check_once_cc_get_change_time(context, &last_change_time, CC_NOERROR, "after destroying a ccache"); } } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_int32 check_once_cc_get_change_time(apiCB *context, cc_time_t *last_time, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = 0; cc_time_t last_change_time; cc_time_t current_change_time = 0; cc_result possible_return_values[3] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NO_EXIST, }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) if (last_time != NULL) { // if we were passed NULL, then we're looking to pass a bad param err = cc_get_change_time(context, ¤t_change_time); } else { err = cc_get_change_time(context, NULL); } check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { last_change_time = *last_time; check_if(current_change_time <= last_change_time, "context change time did not increase when it was supposed to (%d <= %d)", current_change_time, last_change_time); *last_time = current_change_time; } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_open(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name = "TEST_OPEN_CCACHE"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_open"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { // create a ccache err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); if (err) { log_error("failed to create a ccache - %s (%d)", translate_ccapi_error(err), err); failure_count++; } if (!err) { err = cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // try default ccache if (!err) { err = check_once_cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, &ccache, CC_NOERROR, NULL); } // check version if (!err) { err = check_once_cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V4, &ccache, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, NULL); } // try bad parameters err = check_once_cc_open(context, NULL, CC_CRED_V5, &ccache, CC_BAD_PARM, NULL); err = check_once_cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, NULL); err = check_once_cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_UNKNOWN, &ccache, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, NULL); } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_open(apiCB *context, const char *name, cc_int32 version, ccache_p **ccache, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = 0; char *stored_name = NULL; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NO_EXIST, CC_NOMEM, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) if (ccache != NULL) { // if we were passed NULL, then we're looking to pass a bad param err = cc_open(context, name, version, 0, ccache); } else { err = cc_open(context, name, version, 0, NULL); } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { check_if(*ccache == NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = cc_get_name(context, *ccache, &stored_name); } if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_name, name), NULL); } if (stored_name) { cc_free_name(context, &stored_name); } if (ccache && *ccache) { cc_ccache_release(*ccache); *ccache = NULL; } } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_create(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name = "TEST_CC_CREATE"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_create"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { if (!err) { err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); if (!err) { err = cc_destroy (context, &ccache); } else { err = CC_NOERROR; /* ccache does not exist */ } } // try making a ccache with a unique name (the now destroyed cache's name) if (!err) { err = check_once_cc_create(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, "foo@BAR.ORG", &ccache, CC_NOERROR, NULL); } // try making a ccache with a non-unique name (the existing cache's name) if (!err) { err = check_once_cc_create(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, "foo/baz@BAR.ORG", &ccache, CC_NOERROR, NULL); } // try bad parameters err = check_once_cc_create(context, NULL, CC_CRED_V5, "foo@BAR.ORG", &ccache, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL name"); // NULL name err = check_once_cc_create(context, "name", CC_CRED_MAX, "foo@BAR.ORG", &ccache, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "invalid creds_vers"); // invalid creds_vers err = check_once_cc_create(context, "name", CC_CRED_V5, NULL, &ccache, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL principal"); // NULL principal err = check_once_cc_create(context, "name", CC_CRED_V5, "foo@BAR.ORG", NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL ccache"); // NULL ccache } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_create(apiCB *context, const char *name, cc_int32 cred_vers, const char *principal, ccache_p **ccache, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = 0; char *stored_name = NULL; char *stored_principal = NULL; cc_int32 stored_creds_vers = 0; cc_result possible_return_values[6] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BADNAME, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NO_EXIST, CC_NOMEM, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_create(context, name, principal, cred_vers, 0, ccache); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { check_if(*ccache == NULL, NULL); // make sure all of the ccache's info matches what we gave it // name err = cc_get_name(context, *ccache, &stored_name); if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_name, name), NULL); } if (stored_name) { cc_free_name(context, &stored_name); } // cred_vers err = cc_get_cred_version(context, *ccache, &stored_creds_vers); if (!err) { check_if(stored_creds_vers != cred_vers, NULL); } // principal err = cc_get_principal(context, *ccache, &stored_principal); if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_principal, principal), NULL); } if (stored_principal) { cc_free_principal(context, &stored_principal); } if (ccache && *ccache) { cc_destroy(context, ccache); *ccache = NULL; } } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_close(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name = "TEST_CC_CLOSE"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_close"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_close(context, ccache, CC_NOERROR, NULL); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_close(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[2] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM }; char *name = NULL; err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &name); err = cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err && name) { // try opening released ccache to make sure it still exists err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } check_if(err == CC_NO_EXIST, "released ccache was actually destroyed instead"); check_if(err != CC_NOERROR, "released ccache cannot be opened"); if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); } if (name) { cc_free_name(context, &name); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_destroy(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name = "TEST_CC_DESTROY"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_destroy"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_destroy(context, ccache, CC_NOERROR, NULL); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_destroy(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[2] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, }; char *name = NULL; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #ifdef cc_ccache_destroy #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &name); err = cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err && name) { // try opening released ccache to make sure it still exists err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } check_if(err != CC_NO_EXIST, "destroyed ccache was actually released instead"); if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); } if (name) { cc_free_name(context, &name); } #endif /* cc_ccache_destroy */ END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_get_cred_version(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name = "TEST_CC_GET_CRED_VERSION_V5"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_get_cred_version"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); // try one created with v5 creds if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_cred_version(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V5, CC_NOERROR, "v5 creds"); } else { log_error("cc_context_create_new_ccache failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } err = CC_NOERROR; // try one created with v4 creds if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V4, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_cred_version(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V4, CC_NOERROR, "v4 creds"); } else { log_error("cc_context_create_new_ccache failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_get_cred_version(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, cc_int32 expected_cred_vers, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[3] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NO_EXIST, }; cc_int32 stored_cred_vers = 0; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_get_cred_version(context, ccache, &stored_cred_vers); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { check_if(stored_cred_vers != expected_cred_vers, NULL); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_get_name(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; BEGIN_TEST("cc_get_name"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // try with unique ccache (which happens to be default) if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, "0", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_name(context, ccache, "0", CC_NOERROR, "unique ccache (which happens to be default)"); } else { log_error("cc_context_create_ccache failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // try with unique ccache (which is not default) if (!err) { err = cc_context_create_ccache(context, "1", CC_CRED_V5, "foo@BAR.ORG", &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_name(context, ccache, "1", CC_NOERROR, "unique ccache (which is not default)"); } else { log_error("cc_context_create_ccache failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } // try with bad param if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_name(context, ccache, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL param"); } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_int32 check_once_cc_get_name(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, const char *expected_name, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[4] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_NOMEM, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NO_EXIST, }; char *stored_name = NULL; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) if (expected_name == NULL) { // we want to try with a NULL param err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, NULL); } else { err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &stored_name); } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_name, expected_name), NULL); } if (stored_name) { cc_free_name(context, &stored_name); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_get_principal(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name_v5 = "TEST_CC_GET_PRINCIPAL_V5"; char *name_v4 = "TEST_CC_GET_PRINCIPAL_V4"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_get_principal"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // try with krb5 principal if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name_v5, "foo/BAR@BAZ.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_principal(context, ccache, "foo/BAR@BAZ.ORG", CC_NOERROR, "trying to get krb5 princ for krb5 ccache"); } else { log_error("cc_create failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // try with krb4 principal if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name_v4, "foo.BAR@BAZ.ORG", CC_CRED_V4, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_principal(context, ccache, "foo.BAR@BAZ.ORG", CC_NOERROR, "trying to get krb4 princ for krb4 ccache"); } else { log_error("cc_create failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } // try with bad param if (!err) { check_once_cc_get_principal(context, ccache, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "passed null out param"); } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_get_principal(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, const char *expected_principal, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; char *stored_principal = NULL; cc_result possible_return_values[4] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST, CC_BAD_PARM }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) if (expected_principal == NULL) { // we want to try with a NULL param err = cc_get_principal(context, ccache, NULL); } else { err = cc_get_principal(context, ccache, &stored_principal); } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_principal, expected_principal), "expected princ == \"%s\" stored princ == \"%s\"", expected_principal, stored_principal); } if (stored_principal) { cc_free_principal(context, &stored_principal); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_set_principal(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; char *name_v5 = "TEST_CC_GET_PRINCIPAL_V5"; char *name_v4 = "TEST_CC_GET_PRINCIPAL_V4"; BEGIN_TEST("cc_set_principal"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // bad params if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name_v5, "foo@BAZ.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_MAX, "foo/BAZ@BAR.ORG", CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "CC_CRED_MAX (not allowed)"); check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V5, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL principal"); } else { log_error("cc_create failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // empty ccache // replace v5 ccache's principal if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name_v5, "foo@BAZ.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V5, "foo/BAZ@BAR.ORG", CC_NOERROR, "replace v5 only ccache's principal (empty ccache)"); check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V4, "foo.BAZ@BAR.ORG", CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "replace v5 principal with v4"); } else { log_error("cc_create failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // replace v4 ccache's principal if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, name_v4, "foo@BAZ.ORG", CC_CRED_V4, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V4, "foo.BAZ@BAR.ORG", CC_NOERROR, "replace v4 only ccache's principal (empty ccache)"); check_once_cc_set_principal(context, ccache, CC_CRED_V5, "foo/BAZ@BAR.ORG", CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "replace v4 principal with v5"); } else { log_error("cc_create failed, can't complete test"); failure_count++; } if (ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } if (context) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_int32 check_once_cc_set_principal(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, cc_int32 cred_vers, const char *in_principal, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; char *stored_principal = NULL; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, CC_BAD_PARM }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_set_principal(context, ccache, cred_vers, (char *) in_principal); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); if (!err) { err = cc_get_principal(context, ccache, &stored_principal); } // compare stored with input if (!err) { check_if(strcmp(stored_principal, in_principal), "expected princ == \"%s\" stored princ == \"%s\"", in_principal, stored_principal); } if (stored_principal) { cc_free_principal(context, &stored_principal); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_store(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; ccache_p *dup_ccache = NULL; cred_union creds_union; char *name = NULL; BEGIN_TEST("cc_store"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_STORE", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } // cred with matching version and realm if (!err) { err = new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); if (!err) { check_once_cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union, CC_NOERROR, "ok creds"); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } } // invalid creds if (!err) { err = new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); if (!err) { if (creds_union.cred.pV5Cred->client) { free(creds_union.cred.pV5Cred->client); creds_union.cred.pV5Cred->client = NULL; } check_once_cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union, CC_BAD_PARM, "invalid creds (NULL client string)"); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } } // bad creds version if (!err) { err = new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); if (!err) { creds_union.cred_type = CC_CRED_MAX; check_once_cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "CC_CRED_MAX (invalid) into a ccache with only v5 princ"); creds_union.cred_type = CC_CRED_V4; check_once_cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, "v4 creds into a v5 ccache"); creds_union.cred_type = CC_CRED_V5; release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } } // non-existent ccache if (ccache) { err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &name); if (!err) { err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &dup_ccache); } if (name) { cc_free_name(context, &name); } if (dup_ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &dup_ccache); } } if (!err) { err = new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); if (!err) { check_once_cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union, CC_NO_EXIST, "invalid ccache"); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_store(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, const cred_union in_creds, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; int found = 0; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_ERR_CACHE_FULL, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, CC_NO_EXIST }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_store(context, ccache, in_creds); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); // make sure credentials were truly stored if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } while (!err && !found) { cred_union *creds = NULL; err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, &creds, iterator); if (!err) { found = !compare_v5_creds_unions_compat(&in_creds, creds); } if (creds) { cc_free_creds(context, &creds); } } if (err == CC_END) { check_if(found, "stored credentials not found in ccache"); err = CC_NOERROR; } if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_remove_cred(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; cred_union *creds_array[10]; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; char *name = NULL; unsigned int i; BEGIN_TEST("cc_remove_cred"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_REMOVE_CRED", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } // store 10 creds and retrieve their cc_credentials_t representations for(i = 0; !err && (i < 10); i++) { cred_union creds; new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds, "BAR.ORG"); err = cc_store(context, ccache, creds); if (err) { log_error("failure to store creds_union in remove_creds test"); } release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds); } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } for (i = 0; !err && i < 10; i++) { creds_array[i] = NULL; err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, &creds_array[i], iterator); } if (err == CC_END) { err = CC_NOERROR; } // remove 10 valid creds for (i = 0; !err && (i < 10); i++) { check_once_cc_remove_cred(context, ccache, *creds_array[i], CC_NOERROR, "10 ok creds"); } // non-existent creds (remove same one twice) check_once_cc_remove_cred(context, ccache, *creds_array[0], CC_NOTFOUND, "removed same creds twice"); // non-existent ccache if (ccache) { ccache_p *dup_ccache = NULL; err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &name); if (!err) { err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &dup_ccache); } if (!err) { err = cc_destroy(context, &dup_ccache); check_once_cc_remove_cred(context, ccache, *creds_array[0], CC_NO_EXIST, "invalid ccache"); } if (name) { cc_free_name(context, &name); } } for(i = 0; i < 10 && creds_array[i]; i++) { cc_free_creds(context, &creds_array[i]); } if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_remove_cred(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, cred_union in_creds, cc_int32 expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; int found = 0; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_ERR_CRED_VERSION, CC_NOTFOUND, CC_NO_EXIST }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_remove_cred(context, ccache, in_creds); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); // make sure credentials were truly stored if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } while (!err && !found) { cred_union *creds = NULL; err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, &creds, iterator); if (!err) { found = !compare_v5_creds_unions_compat(&in_creds, creds); } if (creds) { cc_free_creds(context, &creds); } } if (err == CC_END) { check_if(found, "credentials not removed from ccache"); err = CC_NOERROR; } if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; BEGIN_TEST("cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } if (!err) { // try making when there are no existing ccaches (shouldn't make a difference, but just in case) check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, &iterator, CC_NOERROR, "when there are no existing ccaches"); err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_NCS_BEGIN", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { // try making when at least one ccache already exists (just to cover all our bases) check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, &iterator, CC_NOERROR, "when at least one ccache already exists"); // try bad parameters check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL param"); // NULL iterator } // we'll do a comprehensive test of cc_ccache_iterator related functions later in the test suite if (ccache ) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (context) { cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(apiCB *context, ccache_cit **iterator, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[4] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, iterator); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); // we'll do a comprehensive test of cc_ccache_iterator related functions later return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; unsigned int i; BEGIN_TEST("cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // iterate with no ccaches if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(context, iterator, 0, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over an empty collection"); if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } // iterate with one ccache if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_NCS_NEXT", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(context, iterator, 1, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a collection of 1 ccache"); if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } // iterate with several ccaches if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } for(i = 0; !err && (i < 1000); i++) { char *name = NULL; if (i%100 == 0) fprintf(stdout, "."); asprintf (&name, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_NCS_NEXT_%d", i); err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } free (name); } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_NCs_begin(context, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(context, iterator, 1000, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a collection of 1000 ccache"); if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(apiCB *context, ccache_cit *iterator, cc_uint32 expected_count, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_END, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST }; #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) ccache_p *ccache = NULL; cc_uint32 actual_count = 0; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); while (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_NCs_next(context, &ccache, iterator); if (ccache) { actual_count++; cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } } if (err == CC_END) { err = CC_NOERROR; } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); check_if(actual_count != expected_count, "iterator didn't iterate over all ccaches"); END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_get_NC_info(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; unsigned int i; BEGIN_TEST("cc_get_NC_info"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // iterate with no ccaches check_once_cc_get_NC_info(context, "", "", CC_CRED_MAX, 0, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over an empty collection"); // iterate with one ccache if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_GET_NC_INFO", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } check_once_cc_get_NC_info(context, "TEST_CC_GET_NC_INFO", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 1, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a collection of 1 ccache"); // iterate with several ccaches if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } for(i = 0; !err && (i < 1000); i++) { char *name = NULL; if (i%100 == 0) fprintf(stdout, "."); asprintf (&name, "TEST_CC_GET_NC_INFO_%d", i); err = cc_create(context, name, "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } free (name); } check_once_cc_get_NC_info(context, "TEST_CC_GET_NC_INFO", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 1000, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a collection of 1000 ccache"); if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_get_NC_info(apiCB *context, const char *expected_name_prefix, const char *expected_principal, cc_int32 expected_version, cc_uint32 expected_count, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; infoNC **info = NULL; cc_result possible_return_values[4] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST }; #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) cc_uint32 actual_count = 0; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); err = cc_get_NC_info(context, &info); for (actual_count = 0; !err && info[actual_count]; actual_count++) { check_if(strncmp(info[actual_count]->name, expected_name_prefix, strlen(expected_name_prefix)), "got incorrect ccache name"); check_if(strcmp(info[actual_count]->principal, expected_principal), "got incorrect principal name"); check_if(info[actual_count]->vers != expected_version, "got incorrect cred version"); } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); check_if(actual_count != expected_count, "NC info didn't list all ccaches"); if (info) { cc_free_NC_info (context, &info); } END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; ccache_p *dup_ccache = NULL; ccache_cit *creds_iterator = NULL; char *name = NULL; BEGIN_TEST("cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_CREDS_BEGIN", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } // valid params if (!err) { check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &creds_iterator, CC_NOERROR, "valid params"); } if (creds_iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &creds_iterator); creds_iterator = NULL; } // NULL out param if (!err) { check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, NULL, CC_BAD_PARM, "NULL out iterator param"); } if (creds_iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &creds_iterator); creds_iterator = NULL; } // non-existent ccache if (ccache) { err = cc_get_name(context, ccache, &name); if (!err) { err = cc_open(context, name, CC_CRED_V5, 0, &dup_ccache); } if (name) { cc_free_name(context, &name); } if (dup_ccache) { cc_destroy(context, &dup_ccache); } } if (!err) { check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &creds_iterator, CC_NO_EXIST, "invalid ccache"); } if (creds_iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &creds_iterator); creds_iterator = NULL; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(apiCB *context, ccache_p *ccache, ccache_cit **iterator, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, iterator); // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(void) { cc_result err = 0; apiCB *context = NULL; ccache_p *ccache = NULL; cred_union creds_union; ccache_cit *iterator = NULL; unsigned int i; BEGIN_TEST("cc_seq_fetch_creds_next"); err = cc_initialize(&context, ccapi_version_2, NULL, NULL); if (!err) { err = destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); } // iterate with no creds if (!err) { err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_CREDS_NEXT", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, iterator, 0, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over an empty ccache"); if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // iterate with one cred if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_CREDS_NEXT", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } if (!err) { new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); err = cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, iterator, 1, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a ccache with 1 cred"); if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); iterator = NULL; } if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); ccache = NULL; } // iterate with several creds if (!err) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); err = cc_create(context, "TEST_CC_SEQ_FETCH_CREDS_NEXT", "foo@BAR.ORG", CC_CRED_V5, 0, &ccache); } for(i = 0; !err && (i < 1000); i++) { if (i%100 == 0) fprintf(stdout, "."); new_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union, "BAR.ORG"); err = cc_store(context, ccache, creds_union); release_v5_creds_union_compat(&creds_union); } if (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_begin(context, ccache, &iterator); } check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, iterator, 1000, CC_NOERROR, "iterating over a ccache with 1000 creds"); if (ccache) { cc_close(context, &ccache); } if (iterator) { cc_seq_fetch_creds_end(context, &iterator); } if (context) { destroy_all_ccaches_v2(context); cc_shutdown(&context); } END_TEST_AND_RETURN } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc_result check_once_cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(apiCB *context, ccache_cit *iterator, cc_uint32 expected_count, cc_result expected_err, const char *description) { cc_result err = CC_NOERROR; cred_union *creds = NULL; cc_uint32 actual_count = 0; cc_result possible_return_values[5] = { CC_NOERROR, CC_END, CC_BAD_PARM, CC_NOMEM, CC_NO_EXIST, }; BEGIN_CHECK_ONCE(description); #define possible_ret_val_count sizeof(possible_return_values)/sizeof(possible_return_values[0]) while (!err) { err = cc_seq_fetch_creds_next(context, &creds, iterator); if (creds) { actual_count++; cc_free_creds(context, &creds); creds = NULL; } } if (err == CC_END) { err = CC_NOERROR; } // check returned error check_err(err, expected_err, possible_return_values); check_if(actual_count != expected_count, "iterator didn't iterate over all ccaches"); END_CHECK_ONCE; return err; }