/* * $Header$ * * Copyright 1998-2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * Export of this software from the United States of America may * require a specific license from the United States Government. * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating * export to obtain such a license before exporting. * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. */ #ifndef __CREDENTIALSCACHE__ #define __CREDENTIALSCACHE__ #if defined(macintosh) || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) #include /* Notifications which are sent when the ccache collection or a ccache change. * Notifications are sent to the distributed notification center. * The object for kCCAPICacheCollectionChangedNotification is NULL. * The object for kCCAPICCacheChangedNotification is a CFString containing the * name of the ccache. * * Note: Notifications are not sent if the CCacheServer crashes. */ #define kCCAPICacheCollectionChangedNotification CFSTR ("CCAPICacheCollectionChangedNotification") #define kCCAPICCacheChangedNotification CFSTR ("CCAPICCacheChangedNotification") #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include "win-mac.h" #else #include #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC #pragma pack(push,2) #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #define CCACHE_API __declspec(dllexport) #if _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS >= 64 && _MSC_VER >= 1500 && !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(_USE_32BIT_TIME_T) #if defined(_TIME_T_DEFINED) || defined(_INC_IO) || defined(_INC_TIME) || defined(_INC_WCHAR) #error time_t has been defined as a 64-bit integer which is incompatible with Kerberos on this platform. #endif /* _TIME_T_DEFINED */ #define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T #endif #else #define CCACHE_API #endif /*! * \mainpage Credentials Cache API (CCAPI) Documentation * * \section toc Table of Contents * * \li \ref introduction * \li \ref error_handling * \li \ref synchronization_atomicity * \li \ref memory_management * \li \ref opaque_types * * \li \ref ccapi_constants_reference * \li \ref ccapi_types_reference * * \li \ref cc_context_reference * \li \ref cc_context_f "cc_context_t Functions" * * \li \ref cc_ccache_reference * \li \ref cc_ccache_f "cc_ccache_t Functions" * * \li \ref cc_credentials_reference * \li \ref cc_credentials_f "cc_credentials_t Functions" * * \li \ref cc_ccache_iterator_reference * \li \ref cc_ccache_iterator_f "cc_ccache_iterator_t Functions" * * \li \ref cc_credentials_iterator_reference * \li \ref cc_credentials_iterator_f "cc_credentials_iterator_t Functions" * * \li \ref cc_string_reference * \li \ref cc_string_f "cc_string_t Functions" * * \section introduction Introduction * * This is the specification for an API which provides Credentials Cache * services for both Kerberos v5 and v4. The idea behind this API is that * multiple Kerberos implementations can share a single collection of * credentials caches, mediated by this API specification. On the Mac OS * and Microsoft Windows platforms this will allow single-login, even when * more than one Kerberos shared library is in use on a particular system. * * Abstractly, a credentials cache collection contains one or more credentials * caches, or ccaches. A ccache is uniquely identified by its name, which is * a string internal to the API and not intended to be presented to users. * The user presentable identifier of a ccache is its principal. * * Unlike the previous versions of the API, version 3 of the API stores both * Kerberos v4 and v5 credentials in the same ccache. * * At any given time, one ccache is the "default" ccache. The exact meaning * of a default ccache is OS-specific; refer to implementation requirements * for details. * * \section error_handling Error Handling * * All functions of the API return some of the error constants listed FIXME; * the exact list of error constants returned by any API function is provided * in the function descriptions below. * * When returning an error constant other than ccNoError or ccIteratorEnd, API * functions never modify any of the values passed in by reference. * * \section synchronization_atomicity Synchronization and Atomicity * * Every function in the API is atomic. In order to make a series of calls * atomic, callers should lock the ccache or cache collection they are working * with to advise other callers not to modify that container. Note that * advisory locks are per container so even if you have a read lock on the cache * collection other callers can obtain write locks on ccaches in that cache * collection. * * Note that iterators do not iterate over ccaches and credentials atomically * because locking ccaches and the cache collection over every iteration would * degrade performance considerably under high load. However, iterators do * guarantee a consistent view of items they are iterating over. Iterators * will never return duplicate entries or skip entries when items are removed * or added to the container they are iterating over. * * An application can always lock a ccache or the cache collection to guarantee * that other callers participating in the advisory locking system do not * modify the ccache or cache collection. * * Implementations should not use copy-on-write techniques to implement locks * because those techniques imply that same parts of the ccache collection * remain visible to some callers even though they are not present in the * collection, which is a potential security risk. For example, a copy-on-write * technique might make a copy of the entire collection when a read lock is * acquired, so as to allow the owner of the lock to access the collection in * an apparently unmodified state, while also allowing others to make * modifications to the collection. However, this would also enable the owner * of the lock to indefinitely (until the expiration time) use credentials that * have actually been deleted from the collection. * * \section memory_management Object Memory Management * * The lifetime of an object returned by the API is until release() is called * for it. Releasing one object has no effect on existence of any other object. * For example, a ccache obtained within a context continue to exist when the * context is released. * * Every object returned by the API (cc_context_t, cc_ccache_t, cc_ccache_iterator_t, * cc_credentials_t, cc_credentials_iterator_t, cc_string_t) is owned by the * caller of the API, and it is the responsibility of the caller to call release() * for every object to prevent memory leaks. * * \section opaque_types Opaque Types * * All of the opaque high-level types in CCache API are implemented as structures * of function pointers and private data. To perform some operation on a type, the * caller of the API has to first obtain an instance of that type, and then call the * appropriate function pointer from that instance. For example, to call * get_change_time() on a cc_context_t, one would call cc_initialize() which creates * a new cc_context_t and then call its get_change_time(), like this: * * \code * cc_context_t context; * cc_int32 err = cc_initialize (&context, ccapi_version_3, nil, nil); * if (err == ccNoError) * time = context->functions->get_change_time (context) * \endcode * * All API functions also have convenience preprocessor macros, which make the API * seem completely function-based. For example, cc_context_get_change_time * (context, time) is equivalent to context->functions->get_change_time * (context, time). The convenience macros follow the following naming convention: * * The API function some_function() * \code * cc_type_t an_object; * result = an_object->functions->some_function (opaque_pointer, args) * \endcode * * has an equivalent convenience macro of the form cc_type_some_function(): * \code * cc_type_t an_object; * result = cc_type_some_function (an_object, args) * \endcode * * The specifications below include the names for both the functions and the * convenience macros, in that order. For clarity, it is recommended that clients * using the API use the convenience macros, but that is merely a stylistic choice. * * Implementing the API in this manner allows us to extend and change the interface * in the future, while preserving compatibility with older clients. * * For example, consider the case when the signature or the semantics of a cc_ccache_t * function is changed. The API version number is incremented. The library * implementation contains both a function with the old signature and semantics and * a function with the new signature and semantics. When a context is created, the API * version number used in that context is stored in the context, and therefore it can * be used whenever a ccache is created in that context. When a ccache is created in a * context with the old API version number, the function pointer structure for the * ccache is filled with pointers to functions implementing the old semantics; when a * ccache is created in a context with the new API version number, the function pointer * structure for the ccache is filled with poitners to functions implementing the new * semantics. * * Similarly, if a function is added to the API, the version number in the context can * be used to decide whether to include the implementation of the new function in the * appropriate function pointer structure or not. */ /*! * \defgroup ccapi_constants_reference Constants * @{ */ /*! * API version numbers * * These constants are passed into cc_initialize() to indicate the version * of the API the caller wants to use. * * CCAPI v1 and v2 are deprecated and should not be used. */ enum { ccapi_version_2 = 2, ccapi_version_3 = 3, ccapi_version_4 = 4, ccapi_version_5 = 5, ccapi_version_6 = 6, ccapi_version_7 = 7, ccapi_version_max = ccapi_version_7 }; /*! * Error codes */ enum { ccNoError = 0, /*!< Success. */ ccIteratorEnd = 201, /*!< Iterator is done iterating. */ ccErrBadParam, /*!< Bad parameter (NULL or invalid pointer where valid pointer expected). */ ccErrNoMem, /*!< Not enough memory to complete the operation. */ ccErrInvalidContext, /*!< Context is invalid (e.g., it was released). */ ccErrInvalidCCache, /*!< CCache is invalid (e.g., it was released or destroyed). */ /* 206 */ ccErrInvalidString, /*!< String is invalid (e.g., it was released). */ ccErrInvalidCredentials, /*!< Credentials are invalid (e.g., they were released), or they have a bad version. */ ccErrInvalidCCacheIterator, /*!< CCache iterator is invalid (e.g., it was released). */ ccErrInvalidCredentialsIterator, /*!< Credentials iterator is invalid (e.g., it was released). */ ccErrInvalidLock, /*!< Lock is invalid (e.g., it was released). */ /* 211 */ ccErrBadName, /*!< Bad credential cache name format. */ ccErrBadCredentialsVersion, /*!< Credentials version is invalid. */ ccErrBadAPIVersion, /*!< Unsupported API version. */ ccErrContextLocked, /*!< Context is already locked. */ ccErrContextUnlocked, /*!< Context is not locked by the caller. */ /* 216 */ ccErrCCacheLocked, /*!< CCache is already locked. */ ccErrCCacheUnlocked, /*!< CCache is not locked by the caller. */ ccErrBadLockType, /*!< Bad lock type. */ ccErrNeverDefault, /*!< CCache was never default. */ ccErrCredentialsNotFound, /*!< Matching credentials not found in the ccache. */ /* 221 */ ccErrCCacheNotFound, /*!< Matching ccache not found in the collection. */ ccErrContextNotFound, /*!< Matching cache collection not found. */ ccErrServerUnavailable, /*!< CCacheServer is unavailable. */ ccErrServerInsecure, /*!< CCacheServer has detected that it is running as the wrong user. */ ccErrServerCantBecomeUID, /*!< CCacheServer failed to start running as the user. */ /* 226 */ ccErrTimeOffsetNotSet, /*!< KDC time offset not set for this ccache. */ ccErrBadInternalMessage, /*!< The client and CCacheServer can't communicate (e.g., a version mismatch). */ ccErrNotImplemented, /*!< API function not supported by this implementation. */ ccErrClientNotFound /*!< CCacheServer has no record of the caller's process (e.g., the server crashed). */ }; /*! * Credentials versions * * These constants are used in several places in the API to discern * between Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5. Not all values are valid * inputs and outputs for all functions; function specifications * below detail the allowed values. * * Kerberos version constants will always be a bit-field, and can be * tested as such; for example the following test will tell you if * a ccacheVersion includes v5 credentials: * * if ((ccacheVersion & cc_credentials_v5) != 0) */ enum cc_credential_versions { cc_credentials_v4 = 1, cc_credentials_v5 = 2, cc_credentials_v4_v5 = 3 }; /*! * Lock types * * These constants are used in the locking functions to describe the * type of lock requested. Note that all CCAPI locks are advisory * so only callers using the lock calls will be blocked by each other. * This is because locking functions were introduced after the CCAPI * came into common use and we did not want to break existing callers. */ enum cc_lock_types { cc_lock_read = 0, cc_lock_write = 1, cc_lock_upgrade = 2, cc_lock_downgrade = 3 }; /*! * Locking Modes * * These constants are used in the advisory locking functions to * describe whether or not the lock function should block waiting for * a lock or return an error immediately. For example, attempting to * acquire a lock with a non-blocking call will result in an error if the * lock cannot be acquired; otherwise, the call will block until the lock * can be acquired. */ enum cc_lock_modes { cc_lock_noblock = 0, cc_lock_block = 1 }; /*! * Sizes of fields in cc_credentials_v4_t. */ enum { /* Make sure all of these are multiples of four (for alignment sanity) */ cc_v4_name_size = 40, cc_v4_instance_size = 40, cc_v4_realm_size = 40, cc_v4_ticket_size = 1254, cc_v4_key_size = 8 }; /*! * String to key type (Kerberos v4 only) */ enum cc_string_to_key_type { cc_v4_stk_afs = 0, cc_v4_stk_des = 1, cc_v4_stk_columbia_special = 2, cc_v4_stk_krb5 = 3, cc_v4_stk_unknown = 4 }; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup ccapi_types_reference Basic Types * @{ */ /*! Unsigned 32-bit integer type */ typedef uint32_t cc_uint32; /*! Signed 32-bit integer type */ typedef int32_t cc_int32; #if defined (WIN32) typedef __int64 cc_int64; typedef unsigned __int64 cc_uint64; #else /*! Unsigned 64-bit integer type */ typedef int64_t cc_int64; /*! Signed 64-bit integer type */ typedef uint64_t cc_uint64; #endif /*! * The cc_time_t type is used to represent a time in seconds. The time must * be stored as the number of seconds since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970. */ typedef cc_uint32 cc_time_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_context_reference cc_context_t Overview * @{ * * The cc_context_t type gives the caller access to a ccache collection. * Before being able to call any functions in the CCache API, the caller * needs to acquire an instance of cc_context_t by calling cc_initialize(). * * For API function documentation see \ref cc_context_f. */ struct cc_context_f; typedef struct cc_context_f cc_context_f; struct cc_context_d { const cc_context_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_context_f *vector_functions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_context_d cc_context_d; typedef cc_context_d *cc_context_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_ccache_reference cc_ccache_t Overview * @{ * * The cc_ccache_t type represents a reference to a ccache. * Callers can access a ccache and the credentials stored in it * via a cc_ccache_t. A cc_ccache_t can be acquired via * cc_context_open_ccache(), cc_context_open_default_ccache(), or * cc_ccache_iterator_next(). * * For API function documentation see \ref cc_ccache_f. */ struct cc_ccache_f; typedef struct cc_ccache_f cc_ccache_f; struct cc_ccache_d { const cc_ccache_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_ccache_f *vector_functions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_ccache_d cc_ccache_d; typedef cc_ccache_d *cc_ccache_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_ccache_iterator_reference cc_ccache_iterator_t Overview * @{ * * The cc_ccache_iterator_t type represents an iterator that * iterates over a set of ccaches and returns them in all in some * order. A new instance of this type can be obtained by calling * cc_context_new_ccache_iterator(). * * For API function documentation see \ref cc_ccache_iterator_f. */ struct cc_ccache_iterator_f; typedef struct cc_ccache_iterator_f cc_ccache_iterator_f; struct cc_ccache_iterator_d { const cc_ccache_iterator_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_ccache_iterator_f *vector_functions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_ccache_iterator_d cc_ccache_iterator_d; typedef cc_ccache_iterator_d *cc_ccache_iterator_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_credentials_reference cc_credentials_t Overview * @{ * * The cc_credentials_t type is used to store a single set of * credentials for either Kerberos v4 or Kerberos v5. In addition * to its only function, release(), it contains a pointer to a * cc_credentials_union structure. A cc_credentials_union * structure contains an integer of the enumerator type * cc_credentials_version, which is either #cc_credentials_v4 or * #cc_credentials_v5, and a pointer union, which contains either a * cc_credentials_v4_t pointer or a cc_credentials_v5_t pointer, * depending on the value in version. * * Variables of the type cc_credentials_t are allocated by the CCAPI * implementation, and should be released with their release() * function. API functions which receive credentials structures * from the caller always accept cc_credentials_union, which is * allocated by the caller, and accordingly disposed by the caller. * * For API functions see \ref cc_credentials_f. */ /*! * If a cc_credentials_t variable is used to store Kerberos v4 * credentials, then credentials.credentials_v4 points to a v4 * credentials structure. This structure is similar to a * krb4 API CREDENTIALS structure. */ struct cc_credentials_v4_t { cc_uint32 version; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the first component of the client principal */ char principal [cc_v4_name_size]; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the second component of the client principal */ char principal_instance [cc_v4_instance_size]; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the first component of the service principal */ char service [cc_v4_name_size]; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the second component of the service principal */ char service_instance [cc_v4_instance_size]; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the realm */ char realm [cc_v4_realm_size]; /*! Ticket session key */ unsigned char session_key [cc_v4_key_size]; /*! Key version number */ cc_int32 kvno; /*! String to key type used. See cc_string_to_key_type for valid values */ cc_int32 string_to_key_type; /*! Time when the ticket was issued */ cc_time_t issue_date; /*! Ticket lifetime in 5 minute units */ cc_int32 lifetime; /*! IPv4 address of the client the ticket was issued for */ cc_uint32 address; /*! Ticket size (no greater than cc_v4_ticket_size) */ cc_int32 ticket_size; /*! Ticket data */ unsigned char ticket [cc_v4_ticket_size]; }; typedef struct cc_credentials_v4_t cc_credentials_v4_t; /*! * The CCAPI data structure. This structure is similar to a krb5_data structure. * In a v5 credentials structure, cc_data structures are used * to store tagged variable-length binary data. Specifically, * for cc_credentials_v5.ticket and * cc_credentials_v5.second_ticket, the cc_data.type field must * be zero. For the cc_credentials_v5.addresses, * cc_credentials_v5.authdata, and cc_credentials_v5.keyblock, * the cc_data.type field should be the address type, * authorization data type, and encryption type, as defined by * the Kerberos v5 protocol definition. */ struct cc_data { /*! The type of the data as defined by the krb5_data structure. */ cc_uint32 type; /*! The length of \a data. */ cc_uint32 length; /*! The data buffer. */ void* data; }; typedef struct cc_data cc_data; /*! * If a cc_credentials_t variable is used to store Kerberos v5 c * redentials, and then credentials.credentials_v5 points to a * v5 credentials structure. This structure is similar to a * krb5_creds structure. */ struct cc_credentials_v5_t { /*! A properly quoted string representation of the client principal. */ char* client; /*! A properly quoted string representation of the service principal. */ char* server; /*! Session encryption key info. */ cc_data keyblock; /*! The time when the ticket was issued. */ cc_time_t authtime; /*! The time when the ticket becomes valid. */ cc_time_t starttime; /*! The time when the ticket expires. */ cc_time_t endtime; /*! The time when the ticket becomes no longer renewable (if renewable). */ cc_time_t renew_till; /*! 1 if the ticket is encrypted in another ticket's key, or 0 otherwise. */ cc_uint32 is_skey; /*! Ticket flags, as defined by the Kerberos 5 API. */ cc_uint32 ticket_flags; /*! The the list of network addresses of hosts that are allowed to authenticate * using this ticket. */ cc_data** addresses; /*! Ticket data. */ cc_data ticket; /*! Second ticket data. */ cc_data second_ticket; /*! Authorization data. */ cc_data** authdata; }; typedef struct cc_credentials_v5_t cc_credentials_v5_t; struct cc_credentials_union { /*! The credentials version of this credentials object. */ cc_uint32 version; /*! The credentials. */ union { /*! If \a version is #cc_credentials_v4, a pointer to a cc_credentials_v4_t. */ cc_credentials_v4_t* credentials_v4; /*! If \a version is #cc_credentials_v5, a pointer to a cc_credentials_v5_t. */ cc_credentials_v5_t* credentials_v5; } credentials; }; typedef struct cc_credentials_union cc_credentials_union; struct cc_credentials_f; typedef struct cc_credentials_f cc_credentials_f; struct cc_credentials_d { const cc_credentials_union *data; const cc_credentials_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_credentials_f *otherFunctions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_credentials_d cc_credentials_d; typedef cc_credentials_d *cc_credentials_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_credentials_iterator_reference cc_credentials_iterator_t * @{ * The cc_credentials_iterator_t type represents an iterator that * iterates over a set of credentials. A new instance of this type * can be obtained by calling cc_ccache_new_credentials_iterator(). * * For API function documentation see \ref cc_credentials_iterator_f. */ struct cc_credentials_iterator_f; typedef struct cc_credentials_iterator_f cc_credentials_iterator_f; struct cc_credentials_iterator_d { const cc_credentials_iterator_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_credentials_iterator_f *vector_functions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_credentials_iterator_d cc_credentials_iterator_d; typedef cc_credentials_iterator_d *cc_credentials_iterator_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * \defgroup cc_string_reference cc_string_t Overview * @{ * The cc_string_t represents a C string returned by the API. * It has a pointer to the string data and a release() function. * This type is used for both principal names and ccache names * returned by the API. Principal names may contain UTF-8 encoded * strings for internationalization purposes. * * For API function documentation see \ref cc_string_f. */ struct cc_string_f; typedef struct cc_string_f cc_string_f; struct cc_string_d { const char *data; const cc_string_f *functions; #if TARGET_OS_MAC const cc_string_f *vector_functions; #endif }; typedef struct cc_string_d cc_string_d; typedef cc_string_d *cc_string_t; /*!@}*/ /*! * Function pointer table for cc_context_t. For more information see * \ref cc_context_reference. */ struct cc_context_f { /*! * \param io_context the context object to free. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_context_t. */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_context_t io_context); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection to examine. * \param out_time on exit, the time of the most recent change for the entire ccache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_get_change_time(): Get the last time the cache collection changed. * * This function returns the time of the most recent change for the entire ccache collection. * By maintaining a local copy the caller can deduce whether or not the ccache collection has * been modified since the previous call to cc_context_get_change_time(). * * The time returned by cc_context_get_changed_time() increases whenever: * * \li a ccache is created * \li a ccache is destroyed * \li a credential is stored * \li a credential is removed * \li a ccache principal is changed * \li the default ccache is changed * * \note In order to be able to compare two values returned by cc_context_get_change_time(), * the caller must use the same context to acquire them. Callers should maintain a single * context in memory for cc_context_get_change_time() calls rather than creating a new * context for every call. * * \sa wait_for_change */ cc_int32 (*get_change_time) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_time_t *out_time); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param out_name on exit, the name of the default ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_get_default_ccache_name(): Get the name of the default ccache. * * This function returns the name of the default ccache. When the default ccache * exists, its name is returned. If there are no ccaches in the collection, and * thus there is no default ccache, the name that the default ccache should have * is returned. The ccache with that name will be used as the default ccache by * all processes which initialized Kerberos libraries before the ccache was created. * * If there is no default ccache, and the client is creating a new ccache, it * should be created with the default name. If there already is a default ccache, * and the client wants to create a new ccache (as opposed to reusing an existing * ccache), it should be created with any unique name; #create_new_ccache() * can be used to accomplish that more easily. * * If the first ccache is created with a name other than the default name, then * the processes already running will not notice the credentials stored in the * new ccache, which is normally undesirable. */ cc_int32 (*get_default_ccache_name) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_string_t *out_name); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param in_name the name of the ccache to open. * \param out_ccache on exit, a ccache object for the ccache * \return On success, #ccNoError. If no ccache named \a in_name exists, * #ccErrCCacheNotFound. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_open_ccache(): Open a ccache. * * Opens an already existing ccache identified by its name. It returns a reference * to the ccache in \a out_ccache. * * The list of all ccache names, principals, and credentials versions may be retrieved * by calling cc_context_new_cache_iterator(), cc_ccache_get_name(), * cc_ccache_get_principal(), and cc_ccache_get_cred_version(). */ cc_int32 (*open_ccache) (cc_context_t in_context, const char *in_name, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param out_ccache on exit, a ccache object for the default ccache * \return On success, #ccNoError. If no default ccache exists, * #ccErrCCacheNotFound. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_open_default_ccache(): Open the default ccache. * * Opens the default ccache. It returns a reference to the ccache in *ccache. * * This function performs the same function as calling * cc_context_get_default_ccache_name followed by cc_context_open_ccache, * but it performs it atomically. */ cc_int32 (*open_default_ccache) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param in_name the name of the new ccache to create * \param in_cred_vers the version of the credentials the new ccache will hold * \param in_principal the client principal of the credentials the new ccache will hold * \param out_ccache on exit, a ccache object for the newly created ccache * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_create_ccache(): Create a new ccache. * * Create a new credentials cache. The ccache is uniquely identified by its name. * The principal given is also associated with the ccache and the credentials * version specified. A NULL name is not allowed (and ccErrBadName is returned * if one is passed in). Only cc_credentials_v4 and cc_credentials_v5 are valid * input values for cred_vers. If you want to create a new ccache that will hold * both versions of credentials, call cc_context_create_ccache() with one version, * and then cc_ccache_set_principal() with the other version. * * If you want to create a new ccache (with a unique name), you should use * cc_context_create_new_ccache() instead. If you want to create or reinitialize * the default cache, you should use cc_context_create_default_ccache(). * * If name is non-NULL and there is already a ccache named name: * * \li the credentials in the ccache whose version is cred_vers are removed * \li the principal (of the existing ccache) associated with cred_vers is set to principal * \li a handle for the existing ccache is returned and all existing handles for the ccache remain valid * * If no ccache named name already exists: * * \li a new empty ccache is created * \li the principal of the new ccache associated with cred_vers is set to principal * \li a handle for the new ccache is returned * * For a new ccache, the name should be any unique string. The name is not * intended to be presented to users. * * If the created ccache is the first ccache in the collection, it is made * the default ccache. Note that normally it is undesirable to create the first * ccache with a name different from the default ccache name (as returned by * cc_context_get_default_ccache_name()); see the description of * cc_context_get_default_ccache_name() for details. * * The principal should be a C string containing an unparsed Kerberos principal * in the format of the appropriate Kerberos version, i.e. \verbatim foo.bar/@BAZ * \endverbatim for Kerberos v4 and \verbatim foo/bar/@BAZ \endverbatim * for Kerberos v5. */ cc_int32 (*create_ccache) (cc_context_t in_context, const char *in_name, cc_uint32 in_cred_vers, const char *in_principal, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param in_cred_vers the version of the credentials the new default ccache will hold * \param in_principal the client principal of the credentials the new default ccache will hold * \param out_ccache on exit, a ccache object for the newly created default ccache * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_create_default_ccache(): Create a new default ccache. * * Create the default credentials cache. The behavior of this function is * similar to that of cc_create_ccache(). If there is a default ccache * (which is always the case except when there are no ccaches at all in * the collection), it is initialized with the specified credentials version * and principal, as per cc_create_ccache(); otherwise, a new ccache is * created, and its name is the name returned by * cc_context_get_default_ccache_name(). */ cc_int32 (*create_default_ccache) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_uint32 in_cred_vers, const char *in_principal, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param in_cred_vers the version of the credentials the new ccache will hold * \param in_principal the client principal of the credentials the new ccache will hold * \param out_ccache on exit, a ccache object for the newly created ccache * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_create_new_ccache(): Create a new uniquely named ccache. * * Create a new unique credentials cache. The behavior of this function * is similar to that of cc_create_ccache(). If there are no ccaches, and * therefore no default ccache, the new ccache is created with the default * ccache name as would be returned by get_default_ccache_name(). If there * are some ccaches, and therefore there is a default ccache, the new ccache * is created with a new unique name. Clearly, this function never reinitializes * a ccache, since it always uses a unique name. */ cc_int32 (*create_new_ccache) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_uint32 in_cred_vers, const char *in_principal, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param out_iterator on exit, a ccache iterator object for the ccache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_new_ccache_iterator(): Get an iterator for the cache collection. * * Used to allocate memory and initialize iterator. Successive calls to iterator's * next() function will return ccaches in the collection. * * If changes are made to the collection while an iterator is being used * on it, the iterator must return at least the intersection, and at most * the union, of the set of ccaches that were present when the iteration * began and the set of ccaches that are present when it ends. */ cc_int32 (*new_ccache_iterator) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_ccache_iterator_t *out_iterator); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \param in_lock_type the type of lock to obtain. * \param in_block whether or not the function should block if the lock cannot be obtained immediately. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_lock(): Lock the cache collection. * * Attempts to acquire an advisory lock for the ccache collection. Allowed values * for lock_type are: * * \li cc_lock_read: a read lock. * \li cc_lock_write: a write lock * \li cc_lock_upgrade: upgrade an already-obtained read lock to a write lock * \li cc_lock_downgrade: downgrade an already-obtained write lock to a read lock * * If block is cc_lock_block, lock() will not return until the lock is acquired. * If block is cc_lock_noblock, lock() will return immediately, either acquiring * the lock and returning ccNoError, or failing to acquire the lock and returning * an error explaining why. * * Locks apply only to the list of ccaches, not the contents of those ccaches. To * prevent callers participating in the advisory locking from changing the credentials * in a cache you must also lock that ccache with cc_ccache_lock(). This is so * that you can get the list of ccaches without preventing applications from * simultaneously obtaining service tickets. * * To avoid having to deal with differences between thread semantics on different * platforms, locks are granted per context, rather than per thread or per process. * That means that different threads of execution have to acquire separate contexts * in order to be able to synchronize with each other. * * The lock should be unlocked by using cc_context_unlock(). * * \note All locks are advisory. For example, callers which do not call * cc_context_lock() and cc_context_unlock() will not be prevented from writing * to the cache collection when you have a read lock. This is because the CCAPI * locking was added after the first release and thus adding mandatory locks would * have changed the user experience and performance of existing applications. */ cc_int32 (*lock) (cc_context_t in_context, cc_uint32 in_lock_type, cc_uint32 in_block); /*! * \param in_context the context object for the cache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_unlock(): Unlock the cache collection. */ cc_int32 (*unlock) (cc_context_t in_cc_context); /*! * \param in_context a context object. * \param in_compare_to_context a context object to compare with \a in_context. * \param out_equal on exit, whether or not the two contexts refer to the same cache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_compare(): Compare two context objects. */ cc_int32 (*compare) (cc_context_t in_cc_context, cc_context_t in_compare_to_context, cc_uint32 *out_equal); /*! * \param in_context a context object. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_context_wait_for_change(): Wait for the next change in the cache collection. * * This function blocks until the next change is made to the cache collection * ccache collection. By repeatedly calling cc_context_wait_for_change() from * a worker thread the caller can effectively receive callbacks whenever the * cache collection changes. This is considerably more efficient than polling * with cc_context_get_change_time(). * * cc_context_wait_for_change() will return whenever: * * \li a ccache is created * \li a ccache is destroyed * \li a credential is stored * \li a credential is removed * \li a ccache principal is changed * \li the default ccache is changed * * \note In order to make sure that the caller doesn't miss any changes, * cc_context_wait_for_change() always returns immediately after the first time it * is called on a new context object. Callers must use the same context object * for successive calls to cc_context_wait_for_change() rather than creating a new * context for every call. * * \sa get_change_time */ cc_int32 (*wait_for_change) (cc_context_t in_cc_context); }; /*! * Function pointer table for cc_ccache_t. For more information see * \ref cc_ccache_reference. */ struct cc_ccache_f { /*! * \param io_ccache the ccache object to release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_ccache_t object. * \note Does not modify the ccache. If you wish to remove the ccache see cc_ccache_destroy(). */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache); /*! * \param io_ccache the ccache object to destroy and release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_destroy(): Destroy a ccache. * * Destroy the ccache referred to by \a io_ccache and releases memory associated with * the \a io_ccache object. After this call \a io_ccache becomes invalid. If * \a io_ccache was the default ccache, the next ccache in the cache collection (if any) * becomes the new default. */ cc_int32 (*destroy) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache); /*! * \param io_ccache a ccache object to make the new default ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_set_default(): Make a ccache the default ccache. */ cc_int32 (*set_default) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param out_credentials_version on exit, the credentials version of \a in_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_credentials_version(): Get the credentials version of a ccache. * * cc_ccache_get_credentials_version() returns one value of the enumerated type * cc_credentials_vers. The possible return values are #cc_credentials_v4 * (if ccache's v4 principal has been set), #cc_credentials_v5 * (if ccache's v5 principal has been set), or #cc_credentials_v4_v5 * (if both ccache's v4 and v5 principals have been set). A ccache's * principal is set with one of cc_context_create_ccache(), * cc_context_create_new_ccache(), cc_context_create_default_ccache(), or * cc_ccache_set_principal(). */ cc_int32 (*get_credentials_version) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_uint32 *out_credentials_version); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param out_name on exit, a cc_string_t representing the name of \a in_ccache. * \a out_name must be released with cc_string_release(). * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_name(): Get the name of a ccache. */ cc_int32 (*get_name) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_string_t *out_name); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_version the credentials version to get the principal for. * \param out_principal on exit, a cc_string_t representing the principal of \a in_ccache. * \a out_principal must be released with cc_string_release(). * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_principal(): Get the principal of a ccache. * * Return the principal for the ccache that was set via cc_context_create_ccache(), * cc_context_create_default_ccache(), cc_context_create_new_ccache(), or * cc_ccache_set_principal(). Principals for v4 and v5 are separate, but * should be kept synchronized for each ccache; they can be retrieved by * passing cc_credentials_v4 or cc_credentials_v5 in cred_vers. Passing * cc_credentials_v4_v5 will result in the error ccErrBadCredentialsVersion. */ cc_int32 (*get_principal) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_uint32 in_credentials_version, cc_string_t *out_principal); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_version the credentials version to set the principal for. * \param in_principal a C string representing the new principal of \a in_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_set_principal(): Set the principal of a ccache. * * Set the a principal for ccache. The v4 and v5 principals can be set * independently, but they should always be kept equal, up to differences in * string representation between v4 and v5. Passing cc_credentials_v4_v5 in * cred_vers will result in the error ccErrBadCredentialsVersion. */ cc_int32 (*set_principal) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, cc_uint32 in_credentials_version, const char *in_principal); /*! * \param io_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_union the credentials to store in \a io_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_store_credentials(): Store credentials in a ccache. * * Store a copy of credentials in the ccache. * * See the description of the credentials types for the meaning of * cc_credentials_union fields. * * Before credentials of a specific credential type can be stored in a ccache, * the corresponding principal version has to be set. For example, before you can * store Kerberos v4 credentials in a ccache, the Kerberos v4 principal has to be set * either by cc_context_create_ccache(), cc_context_create_default_ccache(), * cc_context_create_new_ccache(), or cc_ccache_set_principal(); likewise for * Kerberos v5. Otherwise, ccErrBadCredentialsVersion is returned. */ cc_int32 (*store_credentials) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, const cc_credentials_union *in_credentials_union); /*! * \param io_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials the credentials to remove from \a io_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_remove_credentials(): Remove credentials from a ccache. * * Removes credentials from a ccache. Note that credentials must be previously * acquired from the CCache API; only exactly matching credentials will be * removed. (This places the burden of determining exactly which credentials * to remove on the caller, but ensures there is no ambigity about which * credentials will be removed.) cc_credentials_t objects can be obtained by * iterating over the ccache's credentials with cc_ccache_new_credentials_iterator(). * * If found, the credentials are removed from the ccache. The credentials * parameter is not modified and should be freed by the caller. It is * legitimate to call this function while an iterator is traversing the * ccache, and the deletion of a credential already returned by * cc_credentials_iterator_next() will not disturb sequence of credentials * returned by cc_credentials_iterator_next(). */ cc_int32 (*remove_credentials) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, cc_credentials_t in_credentials); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param out_credentials_iterator a credentials iterator for \a io_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_new_credentials_iterator(): Iterate over credentials in a ccache. * * Allocates memory for iterator and initializes it. Successive calls to * cc_credentials_iterator_next() will return credentials from the ccache. * * If changes are made to the ccache while an iterator is being used on it, * the iterator must return at least the intersection, and at most the union, * of the set of credentials that were in the ccache when the iteration began * and the set of credentials that are in the ccache when it ends. */ cc_int32 (*new_credentials_iterator) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_credentials_iterator_t *out_credentials_iterator); /*! * \param io_source_ccache a ccache object to move. * \param io_destination_ccache a ccache object replace with the contents of \a io_source_ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_move(): Move the contents of one ccache into another, destroying the source. * * cc_ccache_move() atomically copies the credentials, credential versions and principals * from one ccache to another. On successful completion \a io_source_ccache will be * released and the ccache it points to will be destroyed. Any credentials previously * in \a io_destination_ccache will be replaced with credentials from \a io_source_ccache. * The only part of \a io_destination_ccache which remains constant is the name. Any other * callers referring to \a io_destination_ccache will suddenly see new data in it. * * Typically cc_ccache_move() is used when the caller wishes to safely overwrite the * contents of a ccache with new data which requires several steps to generate. * cc_ccache_move() allows the caller to create a temporary ccache * (which can be destroyed if any intermediate step fails) and the atomically copy * the temporary cache into the destination. */ cc_int32 (*move) (cc_ccache_t io_source_ccache, cc_ccache_t io_destination_ccache); /*! * \param io_ccache the ccache object for the ccache you wish to lock. * \param in_lock_type the type of lock to obtain. * \param in_block whether or not the function should block if the lock cannot be obtained immediately. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_lock(): Lock a ccache. * * Attempts to acquire an advisory lock for a ccache. Allowed values for lock_type are: * * \li cc_lock_read: a read lock. * \li cc_lock_write: a write lock * \li cc_lock_upgrade: upgrade an already-obtained read lock to a write lock * \li cc_lock_downgrade: downgrade an already-obtained write lock to a read lock * * If block is cc_lock_block, lock() will not return until the lock is acquired. * If block is cc_lock_noblock, lock() will return immediately, either acquiring * the lock and returning ccNoError, or failing to acquire the lock and returning * an error explaining why. * * To avoid having to deal with differences between thread semantics on different * platforms, locks are granted per ccache, rather than per thread or per process. * That means that different threads of execution have to acquire separate contexts * in order to be able to synchronize with each other. * * The lock should be unlocked by using cc_ccache_unlock(). * * \note All locks are advisory. For example, callers which do not call * cc_ccache_lock() and cc_ccache_unlock() will not be prevented from writing * to the ccache when you have a read lock. This is because the CCAPI * locking was added after the first release and thus adding mandatory locks would * have changed the user experience and performance of existing applications. */ cc_int32 (*lock) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, cc_uint32 in_lock_type, cc_uint32 in_block); /*! * \param io_ccache a ccache object. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_unlock(): Unlock a ccache. */ cc_int32 (*unlock) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache); /*! * \param in_ccache a cache object. * \param out_last_default_time on exit, the last time the ccache was default. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_change_time(): Get the last time a ccache was the default ccache. * * This function returns the last time when the ccache was made the default ccache. * This allows clients to sort the ccaches by how recently they were default, which * is useful for user listing of ccaches. If the ccache was never default, * ccErrNeverDefault is returned. */ cc_int32 (*get_last_default_time) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_time_t *out_last_default_time); /*! * \param in_ccache a cache object. * \param out_change_time on exit, the last time the ccache changed. * \return On success, #ccNoError. If the ccache was never the default ccache, * #ccErrNeverDefault. Otherwise, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_change_time(): Get the last time a ccache changed. * * This function returns the time of the most recent change made to a ccache. * By maintaining a local copy the caller can deduce whether or not the ccache has * been modified since the previous call to cc_ccache_get_change_time(). * * The time returned by cc_ccache_get_change_time() increases whenever: * * \li a credential is stored * \li a credential is removed * \li a ccache principal is changed * \li the ccache becomes the default ccache * \li the ccache is no longer the default ccache * * \note In order to be able to compare two values returned by cc_ccache_get_change_time(), * the caller must use the same ccache object to acquire them. Callers should maintain a * single ccache object in memory for cc_ccache_get_change_time() calls rather than * creating a new ccache object for every call. * * \sa wait_for_change */ cc_int32 (*get_change_time) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_time_t *out_change_time); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_compare_to_ccache a ccache object to compare with \a in_ccache. * \param out_equal on exit, whether or not the two ccaches refer to the same ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_compare(): Compare two ccache objects. */ cc_int32 (*compare) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_ccache_t in_compare_to_ccache, cc_uint32 *out_equal); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_version the credentials version to get the time offset for. * \param out_time_offset on exit, the KDC time offset for \a in_ccache for credentials version * \a in_credentials_version. * \return On success, #ccNoError if a time offset was obtained or #ccErrTimeOffsetNotSet * if a time offset has not been set. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_get_kdc_time_offset(): Get the KDC time offset for credentials in a ccache. * \sa set_kdc_time_offset, clear_kdc_time_offset * * Sometimes the KDC and client's clocks get out of sync. cc_ccache_get_kdc_time_offset() * returns the difference between the KDC and client's clocks at the time credentials were * acquired. This offset allows callers to figure out how much time is left on a given * credential even though the end_time is based on the KDC's clock not the client's clock. */ cc_int32 (*get_kdc_time_offset) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache, cc_uint32 in_credentials_version, cc_time_t *out_time_offset); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_version the credentials version to get the time offset for. * \param in_time_offset the new KDC time offset for \a in_ccache for credentials version * \a in_credentials_version. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_set_kdc_time_offset(): Set the KDC time offset for credentials in a ccache. * \sa get_kdc_time_offset, clear_kdc_time_offset * * Sometimes the KDC and client's clocks get out of sync. cc_ccache_set_kdc_time_offset() * sets the difference between the KDC and client's clocks at the time credentials were * acquired. This offset allows callers to figure out how much time is left on a given * credential even though the end_time is based on the KDC's clock not the client's clock. */ cc_int32 (*set_kdc_time_offset) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, cc_uint32 in_credentials_version, cc_time_t in_time_offset); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \param in_credentials_version the credentials version to get the time offset for. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_clear_kdc_time_offset(): Clear the KDC time offset for credentials in a ccache. * \sa get_kdc_time_offset, set_kdc_time_offset * * Sometimes the KDC and client's clocks get out of sync. cc_ccache_clear_kdc_time_offset() * clears the difference between the KDC and client's clocks at the time credentials were * acquired. This offset allows callers to figure out how much time is left on a given * credential even though the end_time is based on the KDC's clock not the client's clock. */ cc_int32 (*clear_kdc_time_offset) (cc_ccache_t io_ccache, cc_uint32 in_credentials_version); /*! * \param in_ccache a ccache object. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_wait_for_change(): Wait for the next change to a ccache. * * This function blocks until the next change is made to the ccache referenced by * \a in_ccache. By repeatedly calling cc_ccache_wait_for_change() from * a worker thread the caller can effectively receive callbacks whenever the * ccache changes. This is considerably more efficient than polling * with cc_ccache_get_change_time(). * * cc_ccache_wait_for_change() will return whenever: * * \li a credential is stored * \li a credential is removed * \li the ccache principal is changed * \li the ccache becomes the default ccache * \li the ccache is no longer the default ccache * * \note In order to make sure that the caller doesn't miss any changes, * cc_ccache_wait_for_change() always returns immediately after the first time it * is called on a new ccache object. Callers must use the same ccache object * for successive calls to cc_ccache_wait_for_change() rather than creating a new * ccache object for every call. * * \sa get_change_time */ cc_int32 (*wait_for_change) (cc_ccache_t in_ccache); }; /*! * Function pointer table for cc_string_t. For more information see * \ref cc_string_reference. */ struct cc_string_f { /*! * \param io_string the string object to release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_string_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_string_t object. */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_string_t io_string); }; /*! * Function pointer table for cc_credentials_t. For more information see * \ref cc_credentials_reference. */ struct cc_credentials_f { /*! * \param io_credentials the credentials object to release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_credentials_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_credentials_t object. */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_credentials_t io_credentials); /*! * \param in_credentials a credentials object. * \param in_compare_to_credentials a credentials object to compare with \a in_credentials. * \param out_equal on exit, whether or not the two credentials objects refer to the * same credentials in the cache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_credentials_compare(): Compare two credentials objects. */ cc_int32 (*compare) (cc_credentials_t in_credentials, cc_credentials_t in_compare_to_credentials, cc_uint32 *out_equal); }; /*! * Function pointer table for cc_ccache_iterator_t. For more information see * \ref cc_ccache_iterator_reference. */ struct cc_ccache_iterator_f { /*! * \param io_ccache_iterator the ccache iterator object to release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_iterator_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_ccache_iterator_t object. */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_ccache_iterator_t io_ccache_iterator); /*! * \param in_ccache_iterator a ccache iterator object. * \param out_ccache on exit, the next ccache in the cache collection. * \return On success, #ccNoError if the next ccache in the cache collection was * obtained or #ccIteratorEnd if there are no more ccaches. * On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_iterator_next(): Get the next ccache in the cache collection. */ cc_int32 (*next) (cc_ccache_iterator_t in_ccache_iterator, cc_ccache_t *out_ccache); /*! * \param in_ccache_iterator a ccache iterator object. * \param out_ccache_iterator on exit, a copy of \a in_ccache_iterator. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_ccache_iterator_clone(): Make a copy of a ccache iterator. */ cc_int32 (*clone) (cc_ccache_iterator_t in_ccache_iterator, cc_ccache_iterator_t *out_ccache_iterator); }; /*! * Function pointer table for cc_credentials_iterator_t. For more information see * \ref cc_credentials_iterator_reference. */ struct cc_credentials_iterator_f { /*! * \param io_credentials_iterator the credentials iterator object to release. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_credentials_iterator_release(): Release memory associated with a cc_credentials_iterator_t object. */ cc_int32 (*release) (cc_credentials_iterator_t io_credentials_iterator); /*! * \param in_credentials_iterator a credentials iterator object. * \param out_credentials on exit, the next credentials in the ccache. * \return On success, #ccNoError if the next credential in the ccache was obtained * or #ccIteratorEnd if there are no more credentials. * On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_credentials_iterator_next(): Get the next credentials in the ccache. */ cc_int32 (*next) (cc_credentials_iterator_t in_credentials_iterator, cc_credentials_t *out_credentials); /*! * \ingroup cc_credentials_iterator_reference * \param in_credentials_iterator a credentials iterator object. * \param out_credentials_iterator on exit, a copy of \a in_credentials_iterator. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * \brief \b cc_credentials_iterator_clone(): Make a copy of a credentials iterator. */ cc_int32 (*clone) (cc_credentials_iterator_t in_credentials_iterator, cc_credentials_iterator_t *out_credentials_iterator); }; /*! * \ingroup cc_context_reference * \param out_context on exit, a new context object. Must be free with cc_context_release(). * \param in_version the requested API version. This should be the maximum version the * application supports. * \param out_supported_version if non-NULL, on exit contains the maximum API version * supported by the implementation. * \param out_vendor if non-NULL, on exit contains a pointer to a read-only C string which * contains a string describing the vendor which implemented the credentials cache API. * \return On success, #ccNoError. On failure, an error code representing the failure. * May return CCAPI v2 error CC_BAD_API_VERSION if #ccapi_version_2 is passed in. * \brief Initialize a new cc_context. */ CCACHE_API cc_int32 cc_initialize (cc_context_t *out_context, cc_int32 in_version, cc_int32 *out_supported_version, char const **out_vendor); /*! \defgroup helper_macros CCAPI Function Helper Macros * @{ */ /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f release() */ #define cc_context_release(context) \ ((context) -> functions -> release (context)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f get_change_time() */ #define cc_context_get_change_time(context, change_time) \ ((context) -> functions -> get_change_time (context, change_time)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f get_default_ccache_name() */ #define cc_context_get_default_ccache_name(context, name) \ ((context) -> functions -> get_default_ccache_name (context, name)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f open_ccache() */ #define cc_context_open_ccache(context, name, ccache) \ ((context) -> functions -> open_ccache (context, name, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f open_default_ccache() */ #define cc_context_open_default_ccache(context, ccache) \ ((context) -> functions -> open_default_ccache (context, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f create_ccache() */ #define cc_context_create_ccache(context, name, version, principal, ccache) \ ((context) -> functions -> create_ccache (context, name, version, principal, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f create_default_ccache() */ #define cc_context_create_default_ccache(context, version, principal, ccache) \ ((context) -> functions -> create_default_ccache (context, version, principal, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f create_new_ccache() */ #define cc_context_create_new_ccache(context, version, principal, ccache) \ ((context) -> functions -> create_new_ccache (context, version, principal, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f new_ccache_iterator() */ #define cc_context_new_ccache_iterator(context, iterator) \ ((context) -> functions -> new_ccache_iterator (context, iterator)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f lock() */ #define cc_context_lock(context, type, block) \ ((context) -> functions -> lock (context, type, block)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f unlock() */ #define cc_context_unlock(context) \ ((context) -> functions -> unlock (context)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f compare() */ #define cc_context_compare(context, compare_to, equal) \ ((context) -> functions -> compare (context, compare_to, equal)) /*! Helper macro for cc_context_f wait_for_change() */ #define cc_context_wait_for_change(context) \ ((context) -> functions -> wait_for_change (context)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f release() */ #define cc_ccache_release(ccache) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> release (ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f destroy() */ #define cc_ccache_destroy(ccache) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> destroy (ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f set_default() */ #define cc_ccache_set_default(ccache) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> set_default (ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_credentials_version() */ #define cc_ccache_get_credentials_version(ccache, version) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_credentials_version (ccache, version)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_name() */ #define cc_ccache_get_name(ccache, name) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_name (ccache, name)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_principal() */ #define cc_ccache_get_principal(ccache, version, principal) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_principal (ccache, version, principal)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f set_principal() */ #define cc_ccache_set_principal(ccache, version, principal) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> set_principal (ccache, version, principal)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f store_credentials() */ #define cc_ccache_store_credentials(ccache, credentials) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> store_credentials (ccache, credentials)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f remove_credentials() */ #define cc_ccache_remove_credentials(ccache, credentials) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> remove_credentials (ccache, credentials)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f new_credentials_iterator() */ #define cc_ccache_new_credentials_iterator(ccache, iterator) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> new_credentials_iterator (ccache, iterator)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f lock() */ #define cc_ccache_lock(ccache, type, block) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> lock (ccache, type, block)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f unlock() */ #define cc_ccache_unlock(ccache) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> unlock (ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_last_default_time() */ #define cc_ccache_get_last_default_time(ccache, last_default_time) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_last_default_time (ccache, last_default_time)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_change_time() */ #define cc_ccache_get_change_time(ccache, change_time) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_change_time (ccache, change_time)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f move() */ #define cc_ccache_move(source, destination) \ ((source) -> functions -> move (source, destination)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f compare() */ #define cc_ccache_compare(ccache, compare_to, equal) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> compare (ccache, compare_to, equal)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f get_kdc_time_offset() */ #define cc_ccache_get_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version, time_offset) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> get_kdc_time_offset (ccache, version, time_offset)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f set_kdc_time_offset() */ #define cc_ccache_set_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version, time_offset) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> set_kdc_time_offset (ccache, version, time_offset)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f clear_kdc_time_offset() */ #define cc_ccache_clear_kdc_time_offset(ccache, version) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> clear_kdc_time_offset (ccache, version)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_f wait_for_change() */ #define cc_ccache_wait_for_change(ccache) \ ((ccache) -> functions -> wait_for_change (ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_string_f release() */ #define cc_string_release(string) \ ((string) -> functions -> release (string)) /*! Helper macro for cc_credentials_f release() */ #define cc_credentials_release(credentials) \ ((credentials) -> functions -> release (credentials)) /*! Helper macro for cc_credentials_f compare() */ #define cc_credentials_compare(credentials, compare_to, equal) \ ((credentials) -> functions -> compare (credentials, compare_to, equal)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_iterator_f release() */ #define cc_ccache_iterator_release(iterator) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> release (iterator)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_iterator_f next() */ #define cc_ccache_iterator_next(iterator, ccache) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> next (iterator, ccache)) /*! Helper macro for cc_ccache_iterator_f clone() */ #define cc_ccache_iterator_clone(iterator, new_iterator) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> clone (iterator, new_iterator)) /*! Helper macro for cc_credentials_iterator_f release() */ #define cc_credentials_iterator_release(iterator) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> release (iterator)) /*! Helper macro for cc_credentials_iterator_f next() */ #define cc_credentials_iterator_next(iterator, credentials) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> next (iterator, credentials)) /*! Helper macro for cc_credentials_iterator_f clone() */ #define cc_credentials_iterator_clone(iterator, new_iterator) \ ((iterator) -> functions -> clone (iterator, new_iterator)) /*!@}*/ #if TARGET_OS_MAC #pragma pack(pop) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __CREDENTIALSCACHE__ */