/** File Name: expressions-003.js Corresponds to: ecma/Expressions/11.2.1-3-n.js ECMA Section: 11.2.1 Property Accessors Description: Try to access properties of an object whose value is undefined. Author: christine@netscape.com Date: 09 september 1998 */ var SECTION = "expressions-003.js"; var VERSION = "JS1_4"; var TITLE = "Property Accessors"; writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+TITLE ); startTest(); var tc = 0; var testcases = new Array(); // try to access properties of primitive types OBJECT = new Property( "undefined", void 0, "undefined", NaN ); var result = "Failed"; var exception = "No exception thrown"; var expect = "Passed"; try { result = OBJECT.value.toString(); } catch ( e ) { result = expect; exception = e.toString(); } testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Get the toString value of an object whose value is undefined "+ "(threw " + exception +")", expect, result ); test(); function Property( object, value, string, number ) { this.object = object; this.string = String(value); this.number = Number(value); this.value = value; }