[ { "id": "900c", "name": "Create pfifo_fast with default setting", "category": [ "qdisc", "pfifo_fast" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root pfifo_fast", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY", "matchPattern": "qdisc pfifo_fast 1: root refcnt [0-9]+ bands 3 priomap", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root" ] }, { "id": "7470", "name": "Dump pfifo_fast stats", "category": [ "qdisc", "pfifo_fast" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root pfifo_fast", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -s qdisc show dev $DUMMY", "matchPattern": "Sent.*bytes.*pkt \\(dropped.*overlimits.*requeues .*\\)", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root" ] }, { "id": "b974", "name": "Replace pfifo_fast with different handle", "category": [ "qdisc", "pfifo_fast" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root pfifo_fast" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc replace dev $DUMMY handle 2: root pfifo_fast", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY", "matchPattern": "qdisc pfifo_fast 2: root refcnt [0-9]+ bands 3 priomap", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 2: root" ] }, { "id": "3240", "name": "Delete pfifo_fast with valid handle", "category": [ "qdisc", "pfifo_fast" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root pfifo_fast" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY", "matchPattern": "qdisc pfifo_fast 1: root refcnt [0-9]+ bands 3 priomap", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ ] }, { "id": "4385", "name": "Delete pfifo_fast with invalid handle", "category": [ "qdisc", "pfifo_fast" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY handle 1: root pfifo_fast" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 2: root", "expExitCode": "2", "verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc show dev $DUMMY", "matchPattern": "qdisc pfifo_fast 1: root refcnt [0-9]+ bands 3 priomap", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY handle 1: root" ] } ]