SUMMARY="Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard" DESCRIPTION="In order to be compatible with legacy web content when \ interpreting something like Content-Type: text/html; charset=latin1, tools \ need to use a particular set of aliases for encoding labels as well as some \ overriding rules. For example, US-ASCII and iso-8859-1 on the web are actually \ aliases for windows-1252, and an UTF-8 or UTF-16 BOM takes precedence over \ any other encoding declaration. The Encoding standard defines all such details \ so that implementations do not have to reverse-engineer each other." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2012 Simon Sapin" LICENSE="BSD (3-clause)" REVISION="6" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="082367f568a7812aa5f6922ffe3d9d027cd83829dc32bcaac4c874eeed618000" SOURCE_DIR="python-webencodings-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" $portName = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " PYTHON_PACKAGES=(python39 python310) PYTHON_VERSIONS=(3.9 3.10) for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} eval "PROVIDES_${pythonPackage}=\" ${portName}_$pythonPackage = $portVersion \"" eval "REQUIRES_$pythonPackage=\" haiku cmd:python$pythonVersion \"" BUILD_REQUIRES+=" setuptools_$pythonPackage " BUILD_PREREQUIRES+=" cmd:python$pythonVersion " done INSTALL() { for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} python=python$pythonVersion installLocation=$prefix/lib/$python/vendor-packages/ export PYTHONPATH=$installLocation:$PYTHONPATH mkdir -p $installLocation rm -rf build $python build install \ --root=/ --prefix=$prefix packageEntries $pythonPackage \ $prefix/lib/python* done }