SUMMARY="Pure git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager" DESCRIPTION="When reading from many possibly large files in a fashion similar \ to random access, it is usually the fastest and most efficient to use memory \ maps. Although memory maps have many advantages, they represent a very limited \ system resource as every map uses one file descriptor, whose amount is \ limited per process. On 32 bit systems, the amount of memory you can have \ mapped at a time is naturally limited to theoretical 4GB of memory, which may \ not be enough for some applications." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2011-2015 Sebastian Thiel and contributors" LICENSE="BSD (3-clause)" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="dceeb6c0028fdb6734471eb07c0cd2aae706ccaecab45965ee83f11c8d3b1f62" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" $portName = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " PYTHON_PACKAGES=(python39 python310 python312) PYTHON_VERSIONS=(3.9 3.10 3.12) for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} eval "PROVIDES_${pythonPackage}=\" ${portName}_$pythonPackage = $portVersion \"" eval "REQUIRES_$pythonPackage=\" haiku cmd:python$pythonVersion \"" BUILD_REQUIRES="$BUILD_REQUIRES setuptools_$pythonPackage " BUILD_PREREQUIRES="$BUILD_PREREQUIRES cmd:python$pythonVersion " done TEST_REQUIRES=" cmd:pytest " INSTALL() { for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} python=python$pythonVersion installLocation=$prefix/lib/$python/vendor-packages/ export PYTHONPATH=$installLocation:$PYTHONPATH mkdir -p $installLocation rm -rf build $python build install \ --root=/ --prefix=$prefix packageEntries $pythonPackage \ $prefix/lib/python* done } TEST() { pytest -v }