/* * Copyright 2016, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo.h" #include "LocalTargetHostInterface.h" LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo() : TargetHostInterfaceInfo("Local") { } LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::~LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo() { } status_t LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::Init() { return B_OK; } bool LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::IsLocal() const { return true; } bool LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::IsConfigured(Settings* settings) const { return true; } SettingsDescription* LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::GetSettingsDescription() const { // the local interface requires no configuration, therefore // it returns no settings description, and has no real work // to do as far as settings validation is concerned. return NULL; } status_t LocalTargetHostInterfaceInfo::CreateInterface(Settings* settings, TargetHostInterface*& _interface) const { LocalTargetHostInterface* interface = new(std::nothrow) LocalTargetHostInterface; if (interface == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t error = interface->Init(settings); if (error != B_OK) { delete interface; return error; } _interface = interface; return B_OK; }