# mbox.tcl - mailbox package # # (c) 1999 Marshall T. Rose # Hold harmless the author, and any lawful use is allowed. # # # TODO: # # mbox::initialize # add -pop server option # add -imap server option # along with -username, -password, and -passback # # mbox::getmsgproperty # add support for deleted messages # # mbox::deletemsg token msgNo # marks a message for deletion # # mbox::synchronize token ?-commit boolean? # commits or rollllbacks changes package provide mbox 1.0 package require mime 1.1 # # state variables: # # msgs: serialized array of messages, containing array of: # msgNo, mime # count: number of messages # first: number of initial message # last: number of final message # value: either "file", or "directory" # # file: file containing mailbox # fd: corresponding file descriptor # fileA: serialized array of messages, containing array of: # msgNo, offset, size # # directory: directory containing mailbox # dirA: serialized array of messages, containing array of: # msgNo, size # namespace eval mbox { variable mbox array set mbox { uid 0 } namespace export initialize finalize getproperty \ getmsgtoken getmsgproperty } proc mbox::initialize {args} { global errorCode errorInfo variable mbox set token [namespace current]::[incr mbox(uid)] variable $token upvar 0 $token state if {[set code [catch { eval [list mbox::initializeaux $token] $args } \ result]]} { set ecode $errorCode set einfo $errorInfo catch { mbox::finalize $token -subordinates dynamic } return -code $code -errorinfo $einfo -errorcode $ecode $result } return $token } proc mbox::initializeaux {token args} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state set state(msgs) "" set state(count) 0 set state(first) 0 set state(last) 0 set argc [llength $args] for {set argx 0} {$argx < $argc} {incr argx} { set option [lindex $args $argx] if {[incr argx] >= $argc} { error "missing argument to $option" } set value [lindex $args $argx] switch -- $option { -directory { set state(directory) $value } -file { set state(file) $value } default { error "unknown option $option" } } } set valueN 0 foreach value [list directory file] { if {[info exists state($value)]} { set state(value) $value incr valueN } } if {$valueN != 1} { error "specify exactly one of -directory, or -file" } return [mbox::initialize_$state(value) $token] } proc mbox::initialize_file {token} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state fconfigure [set state(fd) [open $state(file) { RDONLY }]] \ -translation binary array set fileA "" set msgNo 0 if {[gets $state(fd) line] < 0} { return $token } switch -regexp -- $line { "^From " { set format Mailx set preB "From " set phase "" } "\01\01\01\01" { set format MMDF set preB "\01\01\01\01" set postB "\01\01\01\01" if {([gets $state(fd) line] >= 0) \ && ([string first "From MAILER-DAEMON " $line] == 0)} { set phase skip } else { set phase pre } } default { error "unrecognized mailbox format" } } seek $state(fd) 0 start while {[gets $state(fd) line] >= 0} { switch -- $format/$phase { Mailx/ { if {[string first $preB $line] == 0} { if {$msgNo > 0} { set fileA($msgNo) [list msgNo $msgNo offset $offset \ size $size] } incr msgNo set offset [tell $state(fd)] set size 0 } else { incr size [expr {[string length $line]+1}] } } MMDF/pre { if {![string compare $preB $line]} { incr msgNo set offset [tell $state(fd)] set size 0 set phase post } else { error "invalid mailbox" } } MMDF/post { if {![string compare $postB $line]} { set fileA($msgNo) [list msgNo $msgNo offset $offset \ size $size] set phase pre } else { incr size [expr {[string length $line]+1}] } } MMDF/skip { if {![string compare $preB $line]} { set phase skip2 } } MMDF/skip2 { if {![string compare $postB $line]} { set phase pre } } } } switch -- $format/$phase { Mailx/ { if {$msgNo > 0} { set fileA($msgNo) [list msgNo $msgNo offset $offset \ size $size] } } MMDF/post - MMDF/skip2 { error "incomplete mailbox" } } set state(fileA) [array get fileA] if {[set state(last) [set state(count) $msgNo]] > 0} { set state(first) 1 } return $token } proc mbox::initialize_directory {token} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set dirA "" set first 0 set last 0 foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $state(directory) *]] { if {(![regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} [set msgNo [file tail $file]]]) \ || ([catch { file size $file } size])} { continue } if {($first == 0) || ($msgNo < $first)} { set first $msgNo } if {$last < $msgNo} { set last $msgNo } set dirA($msgNo) [list msgNo $msgNo size $size] incr state(count) } set state(dirA) [array get dirA] if {[set state(last) $last] > 0} { set state(first) $first } return $token } proc mbox::finalize {token args} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state array set options [list -subordinates dynamic] array set options $args switch -- $options(-subordinates) { all - dynamic { array set msgs $state(msgs) for {set msgNo $state(first)} \ {$msgNo <= $state(last)} \ {incr msgNo} { if {![catch { array set msg $msgs($msgNo) }]} { eval [list mime::finalize $msg(mime)] $args } } } none { } default { error "unknown value for -subordinates $options(-subordinates)" } } if {[info exists state(fd)]} { catch { close $state(fd) } } foreach name [array names state] { unset state($name) } unset $token } proc mbox::getproperty {token {property ""}} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state switch -- $property { "" { return [list count $state(count) \ first $state(first) \ last $state(last) \ messages [mbox::getmessages $token]] } -names { return [list count first last messages] } count - first - last { return $state($property) } messages { return [mbox::getmessages $token] } default { error "unknown property $property" } } } proc mbox::getmessages {token} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state switch -- $state(value) { directory { array set msgs $state(dirA) } file { array set msgs $state(fileA) } } return [lsort -integer [array names msgs]] } proc mbox::getmsgtoken {token msgNo} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state if {($msgNo < $state(first)) || ($msgNo > $state(last))} { error "message number out of range: $state(first)..$state(last)" } array set msgs $state(msgs) if {![catch { array set msg $msgs($msgNo) }]} { return $msg(mime) } switch -- $state(value) { directory { set mime [mime::initialize \ -file [file join $state(directory) $msgNo]] } file { array set fileA $state(fileA) array set msg $fileA($msgNo) set mime [mime::initialize -file $state(file) -root $token \ -offset $msg(offset) -count $msg(size)] } } set msgs($msgNo) [list msgNo $msgNo mime $mime] set state(msgs) [array get msgs] return $mime } proc mbox::getmsgproperty {token msgNo {property ""}} { variable $token upvar 0 $token state if {($msgNo < $state(first)) || ($msgNo > $state(last))} { error "message number out of range: $state(first)..$state(last)" } switch -- $state(value) { directory { array set dirA $state(dirA) if {[catch { array set msg $dirA($msgNo) }]} { error "message $msgNo doesn't exist" } } file { array set fileA $state(fileA) array set msg $fileA($msgNo) } } set props [list flags size uidl] switch -- $property { "" { array set properties "" foreach prop $props { if {[info exists msg($prop)]} { set properties($prop) $msg($prop) } } return [array get properties] } -names { set names "" foreach prop $props { if {[info exists msg($prop)]} { lappend names $prop } } return $names } default { if {[lsearch -exact $props $property] < 0} { error "unknown property $property" } return $msg($property) } } }