/* * Copyright 2019, Dario Casalinuovo. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "DVDStreamerPlugin.h" B_DECLARE_CODEC_KIT_PLUGIN( DVDStreamerPlugin, "dvd_streamer", B_CODEC_KIT_PLUGIN_VERSION ); DVDStreamer::DVDStreamer() : BStreamer(), fAdapter(NULL) { } DVDStreamer::~DVDStreamer() { } status_t DVDStreamer::Sniff(const BUrl& url, BDataIO** source) { BString path = url.UrlString(); BString protocol = url.Protocol(); if (protocol == "dvd") { path = path.RemoveFirst("dvd://"); } else if (protocol == "file") { path = path.RemoveFirst("file://"); } else return B_UNSUPPORTED; DVDMediaIO* adapter = new DVDMediaIO(path); status_t ret = adapter->Open(); if (ret == B_OK) { *source = adapter; return B_OK; } delete adapter; return ret; } #if 0 void DVDStreamer::MouseMoved(uint32 x, uint32 y) { fAdapter->MouseMoved(x, y); } void DVDStreamer::MouseDown(uint32 x, uint32 y) { fAdapter->MouseDown(x, y); } #endif Streamer* DVDStreamerPlugin::NewStreamer() { return new DVDStreamer(); } MediaPlugin* instantiate_plugin() { return new DVDStreamerPlugin(); }