#!/usr/bin/env python import socket import subprocess import sys address = '' port = 4242 def receiveExactly(connection, size): data = ''; while size > 0: dataReceived = connection.recv(size) if not dataReceived: raise EOFError() data += dataReceived size -= len(dataReceived) return data def handleConnection(listenerSocket): (controlConnection, controlAddress) = listenerSocket.accept() (stdioConnection, stdioAddress) = listenerSocket.accept() (stderrConnection, stderrAddress) = listenerSocket.accept() print 'accepted client connections' try: commandLength = receiveExactly(controlConnection, 8) commandToRun = receiveExactly(controlConnection, int(commandLength)) print 'received command: ' + commandToRun exitCode = subprocess.call(commandToRun, stdin=stdioConnection, stdout=stdioConnection, stderr=stderrConnection, shell=True) controlConnection.send(str(exitCode)) finally: controlConnection.close() stdioConnection.close() stderrConnection.close() print 'client connections closed' listenerSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listenerSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: listenerSocket.bind((address, port)) except socket.error, msg: sys.exit('Failed to bind to %s port %d: %s' % (address, port, msg[1])) listenerSocket.listen(3) print 'started listening on adddress %s port %s' % (address, port) while True: handleConnection(listenerSocket)