/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "splashscreen_impl.h" #include "splashscreen_gfx_impl.h" #define BUFF_SIZE 1024 #ifdef _MSC_VER # ifndef snprintf # define snprintf _snprintf # endif #endif int splashIsVisible = 0; Splash * SplashGetInstance() { static Splash splash; static int preInitialized = 0; if (!preInitialized) { memset(&splash, 0, sizeof(Splash)); splash.currentFrame = -1; preInitialized = 1; } return &splash; } SPLASHEXPORT void SplashSetFileJarName(const char* fileName, const char* jarName) { Splash *splash = SplashGetInstance(); free(splash->fileName); splash->fileName = SplashConvertStringAlloc(fileName, &splash->fileNameLen); free(splash->jarName); splash->jarName = SplashConvertStringAlloc(jarName, &splash->jarNameLen); } SPLASHEXPORT void SplashInit() { Splash *splash = SplashGetInstance(); memset(splash, 0, sizeof(Splash)); splash->currentFrame = -1; splash->scaleFactor = 1; initFormat(&splash->imageFormat, QUAD_RED_MASK, QUAD_GREEN_MASK, QUAD_BLUE_MASK, QUAD_ALPHA_MASK); SplashInitPlatform(splash); } SPLASHEXPORT void SplashClose() { Splash *splash = SplashGetInstance(); if (splash->isVisible > 0) { SplashLock(splash); splash->isVisible = -1; SplashClosePlatform(splash); SplashUnlock(splash); } } void SplashCleanup(Splash * splash) { int i; splash->currentFrame = -1; SplashCleanupPlatform(splash); if (splash->frames) { for (i = 0; i < splash->frameCount; i++) { if (splash->frames[i].bitmapBits) { free(splash->frames[i].bitmapBits); splash->frames[i].bitmapBits = NULL; } } free(splash->frames); splash->frames = NULL; } if (splash->overlayData) { free(splash->overlayData); splash->overlayData = NULL; } SplashSetFileJarName(NULL, NULL); } SPLASHEXPORT void SplashSetScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) { Splash *splash = SplashGetInstance(); splash->scaleFactor = scaleFactor; } void SplashDone(Splash * splash) { SplashCleanup(splash); SplashDonePlatform(splash); } int SplashIsStillLooping(Splash * splash) { if (splash->currentFrame < 0) { return 0; } return splash->loopCount != 1 || splash->currentFrame + 1 < splash->frameCount; } void SplashUpdateScreenData(Splash * splash) { ImageRect srcRect, dstRect; if (splash->currentFrame < 0) { return; } initRect(&srcRect, 0, 0, splash->width, splash->height, 1, splash->width * sizeof(rgbquad_t), splash->frames[splash->currentFrame].bitmapBits, &splash->imageFormat); if (splash->screenData) { free(splash->screenData); } splash->screenStride = splash->width * splash->screenFormat.depthBytes; if (splash->byteAlignment > 1) { splash->screenStride = (splash->screenStride + splash->byteAlignment - 1) & ~(splash->byteAlignment - 1); } splash->screenData = malloc(splash->height * splash->screenStride); initRect(&dstRect, 0, 0, splash->width, splash->height, 1, splash->screenStride, splash->screenData, &splash->screenFormat); if (splash->overlayData) { convertRect2(&srcRect, &dstRect, CVT_BLEND, &splash->overlayRect); } else { convertRect(&srcRect, &dstRect, CVT_COPY); } } void SplashNextFrame(Splash * splash) { if (splash->currentFrame < 0) { return; } do { if (!SplashIsStillLooping(splash)) { return; } splash->time += splash->frames[splash->currentFrame].delay; if (++splash->currentFrame >= splash->frameCount) { splash->currentFrame = 0; if (splash->loopCount > 0) { splash->loopCount--; } } } while (splash->time + splash->frames[splash->currentFrame].delay - SplashTime() <= 0); } int BitmapToYXBandedRectangles(ImageRect * pSrcRect, RECT_T * out) { RECT_T *pPrevLine = NULL, *pFirst = out, *pThis = pFirst; int i, j, i0; int length; for (j = 0; j < pSrcRect->numLines; j++) { /* generate data for a scanline */ byte_t *pSrc = (byte_t *) pSrcRect->pBits + j * pSrcRect->stride; RECT_T *pLine = pThis; i = 0; do { while (i < pSrcRect->numSamples && getRGBA(pSrc, pSrcRect->format) < ALPHA_THRESHOLD) { pSrc += pSrcRect->depthBytes; ++i; } if (i >= pSrcRect->numSamples) { break; } i0 = i; while (i < pSrcRect->numSamples && getRGBA(pSrc, pSrcRect->format) >= ALPHA_THRESHOLD) { pSrc += pSrcRect->depthBytes; ++i; } RECT_SET(*pThis, i0, j, i - i0, 1); ++pThis; } while (i < pSrcRect->numSamples); /* check if the previous scanline is exactly the same, merge if so (this is the only optimization we can use for YXBanded rectangles, and win32 supports YXBanded only */ length = pThis - pLine; if (pPrevLine && pLine - pPrevLine == length) { for (i = 0; i < length && RECT_EQ_X(pPrevLine[i], pLine[i]); ++i) { } if (i == pLine - pPrevLine) { // do merge for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { RECT_INC_HEIGHT(pPrevLine[i]); } pThis = pLine; continue; } } /* or else use the generated scanline */ pPrevLine = pLine; } return pThis - pFirst; } typedef struct FILEFORMAT { int sign; int (*decodeStream) (Splash * splash, SplashStream * stream); } FILEFORMAT; static const FILEFORMAT formats[] = { {0x47, SplashDecodeGifStream}, {0x89, SplashDecodePngStream}, {0xFF, SplashDecodeJpegStream} }; static int SplashLoadStream(SplashStream * stream) { int success = 0; int c; size_t i; Splash *splash = SplashGetInstance(); if (splash->isVisible < 0) { return 0; } SplashLock(splash); /* the formats we support can be easily distinguished by the first byte */ c = stream->peek(stream); if (c != -1) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(formats) / sizeof(FILEFORMAT); i++) { if (c == formats[i].sign) { success = formats[i].decodeStream(splash, stream); break; } } } stream->close(stream); if (!success) { // failed to decode if (splash->isVisible == 0) { SplashCleanup(splash); } SplashUnlock(splash); // SplashClose locks if (splash->isVisible == 0) { SplashClose(); } } else { splash->currentFrame = 0; if (splash->isVisible == 0) { SplashStart(splash); } else { SplashReconfigure(splash); splash->time = SplashTime(); } SplashUnlock(splash); } return success; } SPLASHEXPORT int SplashLoadFile(const char *filename) { SplashStream stream; return SplashStreamInitFile(&stream, filename) && SplashLoadStream(&stream); } SPLASHEXPORT int SplashLoadMemory(void *data, int size) { SplashStream stream; return SplashStreamInitMemory(&stream, data, size) && SplashLoadStream(&stream); } /* SplashStart MUST be called from under the lock */ void SplashStart(Splash * splash) { if (splash->isVisible == 0) { SplashCreateThread(splash); splash->isVisible = 1; } } /* SplashStream functions */ static int readFile(void* pStream, void* pData, int nBytes) { FILE* f = ((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.stdio.f; return fread(pData, 1, nBytes, f); } static int peekFile(void* pStream) { FILE* f = ((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.stdio.f; int c = fgetc(f); if (c != EOF) { ungetc(c, f); return c; } else { return -1; } } static void closeFile(void* pStream) { FILE* f = ((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.stdio.f; fclose(f); } static int readMem(void* pStream, void* pData, int nBytes) { unsigned char* pSrc = (unsigned char*)(((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.mem.pData); unsigned char* pSrcEnd = (unsigned char*)(((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.mem.pDataEnd); if (nBytes > pSrcEnd - pSrc) { nBytes = pSrcEnd - pSrc; } if (nBytes>0) { memcpy(pData, pSrc, nBytes); pSrc += nBytes; ((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.mem.pData = (void*)pSrc; } return nBytes; } static int peekMem(void* pStream) { unsigned char* pSrc = (unsigned char*)(((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.mem.pData); unsigned char* pSrcEnd = (unsigned char*)(((SplashStream*)pStream)->arg.mem.pDataEnd); if (pSrc >= pSrcEnd) { return -1; } else { return (int)*pSrc; } } static void closeMem(void* pStream) { } int SplashStreamInitFile(SplashStream * pStream, const char* filename) { pStream->arg.stdio.f = fopen(filename, "rb"); pStream->read = readFile; pStream->peek = peekFile; pStream->close = closeFile; return pStream->arg.stdio.f != 0; } int SplashStreamInitMemory(SplashStream * pStream, void* pData, int size) { pStream->arg.mem.pData = (unsigned char*)pData; pStream->arg.mem.pDataEnd = (unsigned char*)pData + size; pStream->read = readMem; pStream->peek = peekMem; pStream->close = closeMem; return 1; } SPLASHEXPORT int SplashGetScaledImgNameMaxPstfixLen(const char *fileName){ return strlen(fileName) + strlen("@100pct") + 1; } jboolean GetScaledImageName(const char *fileName, char *scaleImageName, float *scaleFactor, const size_t scaledImageLength) { if (*scaleFactor > 1.0) { FILE *fp = NULL; char scaledImgPct[BUFF_SIZE]; char scaledImgX[BUFF_SIZE]; char *scaledImageXName = NULL; char *scaledImagePctName = malloc(scaledImageLength); char *dupFileName = strdup(fileName); char *fileExtension = strrchr(dupFileName, '.'); size_t lengthPct = 0; size_t lengthX = 0; int retValPct = 0; int retValX = 0; jboolean isPctScaledImage = (*scaleFactor * 100) != ((int) (*scaleFactor)) *100; snprintf(scaledImgPct, BUFF_SIZE, "%s%d%s", "@", (int) (*scaleFactor * 100), "pct"); if (!isPctScaledImage) { scaledImageXName = malloc(scaledImageLength); snprintf(scaledImgX, BUFF_SIZE, "%s%d%s", "@", (int) (*scaleFactor), "x"); } /*File is missing extension */ if (fileExtension == NULL) { lengthPct = strlen(dupFileName) + strlen(scaledImgPct) + 1; if (!isPctScaledImage) { lengthX = strlen(dupFileName) + strlen(scaledImgX) + 1; } if (lengthPct > scaledImageLength || lengthX > scaledImageLength) { cleanUp(dupFileName, scaledImageXName, scaledImagePctName, scaleFactor); return JNI_FALSE; } retValPct = snprintf(scaledImagePctName, lengthPct, "%s%s", dupFileName, scaledImgPct); if (!isPctScaledImage) { retValX = snprintf(scaledImageXName, lengthX, "%s%s", dupFileName, scaledImgX); } if ((retValPct < 0 || (retValPct > lengthPct - 1)) || (retValX < 0 || (retValX > lengthX - 1))) { cleanUp(dupFileName, scaledImageXName, scaledImagePctName, scaleFactor); return JNI_FALSE; } } else { int length_Without_Ext = fileExtension - dupFileName; lengthPct = length_Without_Ext + strlen(scaledImgPct) + strlen(fileExtension) + 1; if (!isPctScaledImage) { lengthX = length_Without_Ext + strlen(scaledImgX) + strlen(fileExtension) + 1; } if (lengthPct > scaledImageLength || lengthX > scaledImageLength) { cleanUp(dupFileName, scaledImageXName, scaledImagePctName, scaleFactor); return JNI_FALSE; } retValPct = snprintf(scaledImagePctName, lengthPct, "%.*s%s%s", length_Without_Ext, dupFileName, scaledImgPct, fileExtension); if (!isPctScaledImage) { retValX = snprintf(scaledImageXName, lengthX, "%.*s%s%s", length_Without_Ext, dupFileName, scaledImgX, fileExtension); } if ((retValPct < 0 || (retValPct > lengthPct - 1)) || (retValX < 0 || (retValX > lengthX - 1))) { cleanUp(dupFileName, scaledImageXName, scaledImagePctName, scaleFactor); return JNI_FALSE; } } free(dupFileName); if (!(fp = fopen(scaledImagePctName, "r"))) { if (!isPctScaledImage && (fp = fopen(scaledImageXName, "r"))) { fclose(fp); strcpy(scaleImageName, scaledImageXName); free(scaledImageXName); free(scaledImagePctName); return JNI_TRUE; } cleanUp(NULL, scaledImageXName, scaledImagePctName, scaleFactor); return JNI_FALSE; } fclose(fp); strcpy(scaleImageName, scaledImagePctName); free(scaledImageXName); free(scaledImagePctName); return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } void cleanUp(char *fName, char *xName, char *pctName, float *scaleFactor) { *scaleFactor = 1; free(fName); free(xName); free(pctName); }