/* * Copyright (c) 2003, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Created by: majid.awad REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com * This file is licensed under the GPL license. For the full content * of this license, see the COPYING file at the top level of this * source tree. */ /* * errno return EAGAIN: The semaphore can't be immediately locked by * sem_trywait when its already locked. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "posixtest.h" #define TEST "5-1" #define FUNCTION "sem_trywait" #define ERROR_PREFIX "unexpected errno: " FUNCTION " " TEST ": " int main() { sem_t *mysemp; char semname[50]; sprintf(semname, "/" FUNCTION "_" TEST "_%ld", (long)getpid()); /* Initial value of Semaphore is 0 Locked */ mysemp = sem_open(semname, O_CREAT, 0777, 0); if( mysemp == SEM_FAILED || mysemp == NULL ) { perror(ERROR_PREFIX "sem_open"); return PTS_UNRESOLVED; } /* Lock Semaphore by sem_trywait*/ if (( sem_trywait(mysemp) == -1) && ( errno == EAGAIN) ) { puts("TEST PASSED"); sem_close(mysemp); sem_unlink(semname); return PTS_PASS; } else { puts("TEST FAILED: ERROR IS NOT EAGAIN"); return PTS_FAIL; } }