/* * Copyright 2010, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "checksumfs.h" #include "checksumfs_private.h" #include "DebugSupport.h" #include "Directory.h" #include "File.h" #include "Notifications.h" #include "SuperBlock.h" #include "SymLink.h" #include "Transaction.h" #include "Volume.h" static const char* const kCheckSumFSModuleName = "file_systems/checksumfs" B_CURRENT_FS_API_VERSION; static const char* const kCheckSumFSShortName = "checksumfs"; static const bigtime_t kModifiedInterimUpdateInterval = 500000; // wait at least 0.5s between interim modified updates // #pragma mark - struct FileCookie { mutex lock; int openMode; bigtime_t lastModifiedUpdate; bool modifiedNeedsUpdate; bool sizeChangedSinceUpdate; bool modifiedNeedsFinalUpdate; bool finalSizeChanged; FileCookie(int openMode) : openMode(openMode), lastModifiedUpdate(0), modifiedNeedsUpdate(false), sizeChangedSinceUpdate(false), modifiedNeedsFinalUpdate(false), finalSizeChanged(false) { mutex_init(&lock, "checksumfs file cookie"); } ~FileCookie() { mutex_destroy(&lock); } status_t UpdateModifiedIfNecessary(Node* node, bool finalUpdate) { MutexLocker locker(lock); return _UpdateModifiedIfNecessary(node, finalUpdate); } status_t FileModified(Node* node, bool sizeChanged) { MutexLocker locker(lock); modifiedNeedsUpdate = true; modifiedNeedsFinalUpdate = true; sizeChangedSinceUpdate |= sizeChanged; finalSizeChanged |= sizeChanged; return _UpdateModifiedIfNecessary(node, false); } private: status_t _UpdateModifiedIfNecessary(Node* node, bool finalUpdate) { uint32 statFlags = B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME | B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME; if (finalUpdate) { if (!modifiedNeedsFinalUpdate) return B_OK; if (finalSizeChanged) statFlags |= B_STAT_SIZE; } else { if (!modifiedNeedsUpdate) return B_OK; if (system_time() < lastModifiedUpdate + kModifiedInterimUpdateInterval) { // not enough time passed -- postpone update return B_OK; } statFlags |= B_STAT_INTERIM_UPDATE | (sizeChangedSinceUpdate ? B_STAT_SIZE : 0); } // do the update -- start a transaction, lock the node, and update Transaction transaction(node->GetVolume()); status_t error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) return error; node->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); error = transaction.Commit(StatChangedNotification(node, statFlags)); if (error != B_OK) return error; modifiedNeedsUpdate = false; lastModifiedUpdate = system_time(); return B_OK; } }; struct DirCookie { DirCookie(Directory* directory) : fDirectory(directory) { Rewind(); } Directory* GetDirectory() const { return fDirectory; } void SetTo(Directory* directory, bool skipArtificialEntries) { fDirectory = directory; Rewind(skipArtificialEntries); } status_t ReadNextEntry(struct dirent* buffer, size_t size, uint32& _countRead) { const char* name; size_t nameLength; uint64 blockIndex; int nextIterationState = OTHERS; switch (fIterationState) { case DOT: name = "."; nameLength = 1; blockIndex = fDirectory->BlockIndex(); nextIterationState = DOT_DOT; break; case DOT_DOT: name = ".."; nameLength = 2; blockIndex = fDirectory->ParentDirectory(); break; default: { status_t error = fDirectory->LookupNextEntry(fEntryName, fEntryName, nameLength, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) { if (error != B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) return error; _countRead = 0; return B_OK; } name = fEntryName; break; } } size_t entrySize = sizeof(dirent) + nameLength; if (entrySize > size) return B_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; buffer->d_dev = fDirectory->GetVolume()->ID(); buffer->d_ino = blockIndex; buffer->d_reclen = entrySize; strcpy(buffer->d_name, name); fIterationState = nextIterationState; _countRead = 1; return B_OK; } void Rewind(bool skipArtificialEntries = false) { fIterationState = skipArtificialEntries ? OTHERS : DOT; fEntryName[0] = '\0'; } private: enum { DOT, DOT_DOT, OTHERS }; Directory* fDirectory; int fIterationState; char fEntryName[kCheckSumFSNameLength + 1]; }; struct AttrDirCookie { AttrDirCookie(Node* node) : fNode(node), fAttributeDirectory(NULL), fDirCookie(NULL) { } ~AttrDirCookie() { if (fAttributeDirectory != NULL) fNode->GetVolume()->PutNode(fAttributeDirectory); } status_t ReadNextEntry(struct dirent* buffer, size_t size, uint32& _countRead) { status_t error = _UpdateAttributeDirectory(); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); if (fAttributeDirectory == NULL) { _countRead = 0; return B_OK; } return fDirCookie.ReadNextEntry(buffer, size, _countRead); } void Rewind() { fDirCookie.Rewind(true); } private: status_t _UpdateAttributeDirectory() { uint64 blockIndex = fNode->AttributeDirectory(); if (blockIndex == 0) { // no (empty) attribute directory if (fAttributeDirectory != NULL) { fNode->GetVolume()->PutNode(fAttributeDirectory); fAttributeDirectory = NULL; } return B_OK; } if (fAttributeDirectory != NULL) { if (blockIndex == fAttributeDirectory->BlockIndex()) return B_OK; // The attribute directory has changed in the meantime -- get rid // of the old one. fNode->GetVolume()->PutNode(fAttributeDirectory); fAttributeDirectory = NULL; } // get the attribute directory node Node* node; status_t error = fNode->GetVolume()->GetNode(blockIndex, node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); fAttributeDirectory = dynamic_cast(node); if (fAttributeDirectory == NULL) { fNode->GetVolume()->PutNode(node); ERROR("checksumfs: attribute directory (%" B_PRIu64 ") of node %" B_PRIu64 " is not a directory!\n", blockIndex, fNode->BlockIndex()); RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_DATA); } fDirCookie.SetTo(fAttributeDirectory, true); return B_OK; } private: Node* fNode; Directory* fAttributeDirectory; DirCookie fDirCookie; }; struct AttributeCookie { char* name; Node* attribute; FileCookie* fileCookie; AttributeCookie(const char* name) : name(strdup(name)), attribute(NULL), fileCookie(NULL) { } ~AttributeCookie() { if (attribute != NULL) attribute->GetVolume()->PutNode(attribute); delete fileCookie; free(name); } }; // #pragma mark - static void set_timespec(timespec& time, uint64 nanos) { time.tv_sec = nanos / 1000000000; time.tv_nsec = nanos % 1000000000; } static uint64 timespec_to_nsecs(const timespec& time) { return (uint64)time.tv_sec * 1000000000 + time.tv_nsec; } struct PutNode { inline void operator()(Node* node) { if (node != NULL) node->GetVolume()->PutNode(node); } }; typedef BPrivate::AutoDeleter NodePutter; static bool is_user_in_group(gid_t gid) { gid_t groups[NGROUPS_MAX]; int groupCount = getgroups(NGROUPS_MAX, groups); for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { if (gid == groups[i]) return true; } return gid == getegid(); } static status_t check_access(Node* node, uint32 accessFlags) { // Note: we assume that the access flags are compatible with the permission // bits. STATIC_ASSERT(R_OK == S_IROTH && W_OK == S_IWOTH && X_OK == S_IXOTH); // get node permissions int userPermissions = (node->Mode() & S_IRWXU) >> 6; int groupPermissions = (node->Mode() & S_IRWXG) >> 3; int otherPermissions = node->Mode() & S_IRWXO; // get the permissions for this uid/gid int permissions = 0; uid_t uid = geteuid(); if (uid == 0) { // user is root // root has always read/write permission, but at least one of the // X bits must be set for execute permission permissions = userPermissions | groupPermissions | otherPermissions | R_OK | W_OK; } else if (uid == node->UID()) { // user is node owner permissions = userPermissions; } else if (is_user_in_group(node->GID())) { // user is in owning group permissions = groupPermissions; } else { // user is one of the others permissions = otherPermissions; } return (accessFlags & ~permissions) == 0 ? B_OK : B_NOT_ALLOWED; } static status_t remove_entry(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* parent, const char* name, bool removeDirectory) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)parent->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // Since we need to lock both nodes (the directory and the entry's), this // is a bit cumbersome. We first look up the entry while having the // directory read-locked, then drop the read lock, write-lock both nodes // and check whether anything has changed. Transaction transaction(volume); Node* childNode; NodePutter childNodePutter; while (true) { // look up the entry NodeReadLocker directoryLocker(directory); uint64 blockIndex; status_t error = directory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); directoryLocker.Unlock(); // get the entry's node error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, childNode); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); childNodePutter.SetTo(childNode); // start the transaction error = transaction.Start(); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // write-lock the nodes error = transaction.AddNodes(directory, childNode); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // check the situation again error = directory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); if (blockIndex != childNode->BlockIndex()) { transaction.Abort(); continue; } break; } // check permissions status_t error = check_access(directory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; // check whether the child node type agrees with our caller if (removeDirectory) { if (!S_ISDIR(childNode->Mode())) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY); // directory must be empty if (childNode->Size() > 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY); } else if (S_ISDIR(childNode->Mode())) RETURN_ERROR(B_IS_A_DIRECTORY); // remove the entry error = directory->RemoveEntry(name, transaction); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // update stat data childNode->SetHardLinks(childNode->HardLinks() - 1); directory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // remove the child node, if no longer referenced if (childNode->HardLinks() == 0) { error = volume->RemoveNode(childNode); if (error != B_OK) return error; } // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(EntryRemovedNotification(directory, name, childNode)); } /*! Opens the node according to the given open mode (if the permissions allow that) and creates a file cookie. */ static status_t open_file(Volume* volume, Node* node, int openMode, Transaction& transaction, bool commitTransaction, FileCookie*& _cookie) { // translate the open mode to required permissions uint32 accessFlags = 0; switch (openMode & O_RWMASK) { case O_RDONLY: accessFlags = R_OK; break; case O_WRONLY: accessFlags = W_OK; break; case O_RDWR: accessFlags = R_OK | W_OK; break; } // We need to at least read-lock the node. If O_TRUNC is specified, we even // need a write lock and a transaction. NodeReadLocker nodeReadLocker; if ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0) { accessFlags |= W_OK; status_t error = transaction.IsActive() ? transaction.AddNode(node) : transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); } else if (!transaction.IsNodeLocked(node)) nodeReadLocker.SetTo(node, false); // check permissions if ((accessFlags & W_OK) != 0) { if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; if (S_ISDIR(node->Mode())) return B_IS_A_DIRECTORY; } if ((openMode & O_DIRECTORY) != 0 && !S_ISDIR(node->Mode())) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; status_t error = check_access(node, accessFlags); if (error != B_OK) return error; // TODO: Support O_NOCACHE. FileCookie* cookie = new(std::nothrow) FileCookie(openMode); if (cookie == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; ObjectDeleter cookieDeleter(cookie); // truncate the file, if requested if ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0 && node->Size() > 0) { error = node->Resize(0, false, transaction); if (error != B_OK) return error; node->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); if (commitTransaction) { uint32 statFlags = B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME | B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME | B_STAT_SIZE; error = transaction.Commit(StatChangedNotification(node, statFlags)); if (error != B_OK) return error; } } _cookie = cookieDeleter.Detach(); return B_OK; } static status_t create_file(Volume* volume, Directory* directory, const char* name, int openMode, int permissions, Transaction& transaction, bool commitTransaction, FileCookie*& _cookie, Node*& _node, bool& _created) { Node* childNode = NULL; NodePutter childNodePutter; // Start the transaction and add the directory. We only need a read lock // for the lookup, but later we'll need a write lock, if we have to create // the file. So this is simpler. status_t error = B_OK; bool directoryLocked = false; if (transaction.IsActive()) { directoryLocked = transaction.IsNodeLocked(directory); if (!directoryLocked) error = transaction.AddNode(directory); } else error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(directory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // look up the entry uint64 blockIndex; error = directory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error == B_OK) { // the entry already exists if ((openMode & O_EXCL) != 0) return B_FILE_EXISTS; // get the entry's node error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, childNode); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); childNodePutter.SetTo(childNode); // We can (must even) unlock the directory now. The file won't go // anywhere, since a transaction is already running. if (!directoryLocked) transaction.RemoveNode(directory); error = open_file(volume, childNode, openMode, transaction, commitTransaction, _cookie); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); childNodePutter.Detach(); _node = childNode; _created = false; return B_OK; } if (error != B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) RETURN_ERROR(error); // The entry doesn't exist yet. We have to create a new file. // check the directory write permission error = check_access(directory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; // don't create an entry in an unlinked directory if (directory->HardLinks() == 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // create a file File* newFile; error = volume->CreateFile(permissions, transaction, newFile); if (error != B_OK) return error; // insert the new file error = directory->InsertEntry(name, newFile->BlockIndex(), transaction); if (error != B_OK) return error; // open the file FileCookie* cookie; error = open_file(volume, newFile, openMode & ~O_TRUNC, transaction, false, cookie); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); ObjectDeleter cookieDeleter(cookie); // update stat data newFile->SetHardLinks(1); newFile->SetParentDirectory(directory->BlockIndex()); directory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // announce the new vnode (needed for creating the file cache), but don't // publish it yet error = volume->NewNode(newFile); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // There's a vnode now -- the File object will be deleted when that is // removed. transaction.UpdateNodeFlags(newFile, TRANSACTION_REMOVE_NODE_ON_ERROR); // create the file cache error = newFile->InitForVFS(); if (error != B_OK) return error; // node is fully initialized -- publish the vnode error = volume->PublishNode(newFile, 0); if (error != B_OK) { // publish_vnode() deletes the vnode on error, but it doesn't call the // remove_vnode() hook. So we need to make sure the object is deleted. transaction.UpdateNodeFlags(newFile, TRANSACTION_DELETE_NODE); RETURN_ERROR(error); } // commit the transaction if (commitTransaction) { error = transaction.Commit(EntryCreatedNotification(directory, name, newFile)); if (error != B_OK) { volume->PutNode(newFile); RETURN_ERROR(error); } } _cookie = cookieDeleter.Detach(); _node = newFile; _created = true; return B_OK; } /*! Gets the node's attribute directory. If a transaction is given and the attribute directory doesn't exist, a new one is created and associate with the node. On success the caller gets a reference to the attribute directory and is responsible for putting it. If a transaction was given, the attribute directory must be put after committing/aborting the transaction. */ static status_t get_attribute_directory(Node* node, Transaction* transaction, Directory*& _attributeDirectory) { uint64 blockIndex = node->AttributeDirectory(); Directory* attributeDirectory; if (blockIndex != 0) { // get the attribute directory node Node* attrDirNode; status_t error = node->GetVolume()->GetNode(blockIndex, attrDirNode); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); attributeDirectory = dynamic_cast(attrDirNode); if (attributeDirectory == NULL) { node->GetVolume()->PutNode(node); ERROR("checksumfs: attribute directory (%" B_PRIu64 ") of node %" B_PRIu64 " is not a directory!\n", blockIndex, node->BlockIndex()); RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_DATA); } } else { // no (i.e. empty) attribute directory yet if (transaction == NULL) return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; // create a new one status_t error = node->GetVolume()->CreateDirectory( S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO, *transaction, attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); attributeDirectory->SetMode(attributeDirectory->Mode() | S_ATTR_DIR); attributeDirectory->SetParentDirectory(node->BlockIndex()); attributeDirectory->SetHardLinks(1); node->SetAttributeDirectory(attributeDirectory->BlockIndex()); // publish it error = node->GetVolume()->PublishNode(attributeDirectory, 0); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // We have published the attribute directory, so don't delete it when // committing or aborting the transaction. Instead, on error remove it. transaction->UpdateNodeFlags(attributeDirectory, TRANSACTION_REMOVE_NODE_ON_ERROR); } _attributeDirectory = attributeDirectory; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - FS operations static float checksumfs_identify_partition(int fd, partition_data* partition, void** _cookie) { if ((uint64)partition->size < kCheckSumFSMinSize) return -1; SuperBlock* superBlock = new(std::nothrow) SuperBlock; if (superBlock == NULL) return -1; ObjectDeleter superBlockDeleter(superBlock); if (pread(fd, superBlock, sizeof(*superBlock), kCheckSumFSSuperBlockOffset) != sizeof(*superBlock)) { return -1; } if (!superBlock->Check((uint64)partition->size / B_PAGE_SIZE)) return -1; *_cookie = superBlockDeleter.Detach(); return 0.8f; } static status_t checksumfs_scan_partition(int fd, partition_data* partition, void* cookie) { SuperBlock* superBlock = (SuperBlock*)cookie; partition->status = B_PARTITION_VALID; partition->flags |= B_PARTITION_FILE_SYSTEM; partition->content_size = superBlock->TotalBlocks() * B_PAGE_SIZE; partition->block_size = B_PAGE_SIZE; partition->content_name = strdup(superBlock->Name()); if (partition->content_name == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; return B_OK; } static void checksumfs_free_identify_partition_cookie(partition_data* partition, void* cookie) { SuperBlock* superBlock = (SuperBlock*)cookie; delete superBlock; } static status_t checksumfs_mount(fs_volume* fsVolume, const char* device, uint32 flags, const char* args, ino_t* _rootVnodeID) { Volume* volume = new(std::nothrow) Volume(flags); if (volume == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(B_NO_MEMORY); ObjectDeleter volumeDeleter(volume); status_t error = volume->Init(device); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); error = volume->Mount(fsVolume); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); fsVolume->private_volume = volumeDeleter.Detach(); fsVolume->ops = &gCheckSumFSVolumeOps; *_rootVnodeID = volume->RootDirectory()->BlockIndex(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_set_content_name(int fd, partition_id partition, const char* name, disk_job_id job) { // TODO: Implement! return B_UNSUPPORTED; } static status_t checksumfs_initialize(int fd, partition_id partition, const char* name, const char* parameters, off_t partitionSize, disk_job_id job) { if (name == NULL || strlen(name) >= kCheckSumFSNameLength) return B_BAD_VALUE; // TODO: Forcing a non-empty name here. Superfluous when the userland disk // system add-on has a parameter editor for it. if (*name == '\0') name = "Unnamed"; update_disk_device_job_progress(job, 0); Volume volume(0); status_t error = volume.Init(fd, partitionSize / B_PAGE_SIZE); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = volume.Initialize(name); if (error != B_OK) return error; // rescan partition error = scan_partition(partition); if (error != B_OK) return error; update_disk_device_job_progress(job, 1); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - volume operations static status_t checksumfs_unmount(fs_volume* fsVolume) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; volume->Unmount(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read_fs_info(fs_volume* fsVolume, struct fs_info* info) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; volume->GetInfo(*info); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_write_fs_info(fs_volume* fsVolume, const struct fs_info* info, uint32 mask) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; if ((mask & FS_WRITE_FSINFO_NAME) != 0) { status_t error = volume->SetName(info->volume_name); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_sync(fs_volume* fsVolume) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; return block_cache_sync(volume->BlockCache()); } static status_t checksumfs_get_vnode(fs_volume* fsVolume, ino_t id, fs_vnode* vnode, int* _type, uint32* _flags, bool reenter) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node; status_t error = volume->ReadNode(id, node); if (error != B_OK) return error; error = node->InitForVFS(); if (error != B_OK) { delete node; return error; } vnode->private_node = node; vnode->ops = &gCheckSumFSVnodeOps; *_type = node->Mode(); *_flags = 0; return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - vnode operations static status_t checksumfs_lookup(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* fsDir, const char* name, ino_t* _id) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)fsDir->private_node; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast(node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; status_t error = check_access(directory, X_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); uint64 blockIndex; if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0) { blockIndex = directory->BlockIndex(); } else if (strcmp(name, "..") == 0) { blockIndex = directory->ParentDirectory(); } else { status_t error = directory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) return error; } // get the node Node* childNode; error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, childNode); if (error != B_OK) return error; *_id = blockIndex; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_put_vnode(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, bool reenter) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; delete node; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_remove_vnode(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, bool reenter) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; return volume->DeleteNode(node); } // #pragma mark - asynchronous I/O static status_t iterative_io_get_vecs_hook(void* cookie, io_request* request, off_t offset, size_t size, file_io_vec* vecs, size_t* _count) { File* file = (File*)cookie; RETURN_ERROR(file_map_translate(file->FileMap(), offset, size, vecs, _count, B_PAGE_SIZE)); } static status_t iterative_io_finished_hook(void* cookie, io_request* request, status_t status, bool partialTransfer, size_t bytesTransferred) { File* file = (File*)cookie; file->ReadUnlock(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_io(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie, io_request* request) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; File* file = dynamic_cast((Node*)vnode->private_node); if (file == NULL) { notify_io_request(request, B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE); RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); } if (io_request_is_write(request) && volume->IsReadOnly()) { notify_io_request(request, B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE); RETURN_ERROR(B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE); } // Read-lock the file -- we'll unlock it in the finished hook. if (io_request_is_vip(request)) { // We cannot wait for the node lock indefinitely. So try read-locking // with a timeout (0.1 s). if (!file->ReadLockWithTimeout(B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT, 100000)) { notify_io_request(request, B_BUSY); RETURN_ERROR(B_BUSY); } } else file->ReadLock(); RETURN_ERROR(do_iterative_fd_io(volume->FD(), request, iterative_io_get_vecs_hook, iterative_io_finished_hook, file)); } // #pragma mark - cache file access static status_t checksumfs_get_file_map(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, off_t offset, size_t size, struct file_io_vec* vecs, size_t* _count) { if (offset < 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); File* file = dynamic_cast((Node*)vnode->private_node); if (file == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); RETURN_ERROR(file->GetFileVecs(offset, size, vecs, *_count, *_count)); } // #pragma mark - common operations static status_t checksumfs_set_flags(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, int flags) { FileCookie* cookie = (FileCookie*)_cookie; cookie->openMode = (cookie->openMode & ~O_APPEND) | (flags & O_APPEND); // TODO: Also support O_NOCACHE! return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_fsync(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); return node->Sync(); } static status_t checksumfs_read_symlink(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, char* buffer, size_t* _bufferSize) { SymLink* symLink = dynamic_cast((Node*)vnode->private_node); if (symLink == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); status_t error = check_access(symLink, R_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; return symLink->ReadSymLink(buffer, *_bufferSize, *_bufferSize); } static status_t checksumfs_create_symlink(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* parent, const char* name, const char* path, int mode) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)parent->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; status_t error = check_access(directory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; // start a transaction and add the directory (write locks it, too) Transaction transaction(volume); error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(directory); if (error != B_OK) return error; // don't create an entry in an unlinked directory if (directory->HardLinks() == 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // create a symlink node SymLink* newSymLink; error = volume->CreateSymLink(mode, transaction, newSymLink); if (error != B_OK) return error; // write it error = newSymLink->WriteSymLink(path, strlen(path), transaction); if (error != B_OK) return error; // insert the new symlink error = directory->InsertEntry(name, newSymLink->BlockIndex(), transaction); if (error != B_OK) return error; // update stat data newSymLink->SetHardLinks(1); directory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(EntryCreatedNotification(directory, name, newSymLink)); } static status_t checksumfs_link(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name, fs_vnode* vnode) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)dir->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // don't allow hardlinking directories if (S_ISDIR(node->Mode())) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); // start a transaction and lock the nodes Transaction transaction(volume); status_t error = transaction.Start(); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); error = transaction.AddNodes(directory, node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // check permissions error = check_access(directory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // don't create an entry in an unlinked directory if (directory->HardLinks() == 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // insert the new entry error = directory->InsertEntry(name, node->BlockIndex(), transaction); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // update stat data node->SetHardLinks(node->HardLinks() + 1); directory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(EntryCreatedNotification(directory, name, node)); } static status_t checksumfs_unlink(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name) { return remove_entry(fsVolume, dir, name, false); } static status_t checksumfs_rename(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* fromDir, const char* fromName, fs_vnode* toDir, const char* toName) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Directory* fromDirectory = dynamic_cast((Node*)fromDir->private_node); Directory* toDirectory = dynamic_cast((Node*)toDir->private_node); if (fromDirectory == NULL || toDirectory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // We need to write-lock all three nodes (both directories and the moved // node). To make that atomic, we have to lock the source directory, look up // the entry, unlock the directory, get the node, re-lock all, and look up // the entry again to check for changes. Transaction transaction(volume); Node* node; NodePutter nodePutter; while (true) { // look up the entry NodeReadLocker directoryLocker(fromDirectory); uint64 blockIndex; status_t error = fromDirectory->LookupEntry(fromName, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); directoryLocker.Unlock(); // get the entry's node error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); nodePutter.SetTo(node); // start the transaction error = transaction.Start(); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // write-lock the nodes error = fromDirectory != toDirectory ? transaction.AddNodes(fromDirectory, toDirectory, node) : transaction.AddNodes(fromDirectory, node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // check the situation again error = fromDirectory->LookupEntry(fromName, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); if (blockIndex != node->BlockIndex()) { transaction.Abort(); continue; } break; } // check permissions status_t error = check_access(fromDirectory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); error = check_access(toDirectory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // don't create an entry in an unlinked directory if (toDirectory->HardLinks() == 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // Check whether this operation would move a directory into one of its // descendents. We iterate upwards, checking whether any ancestor of the // target directory is the moved directory (if it is a directory that is). if (fromDirectory != toDirectory && S_ISDIR(node->Mode())) { NodePutter ancestorPutter; Node* ancestor = toDirectory; while (ancestor != volume->RootDirectory() || ancestor == fromDirectory) { if (ancestor == node) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); error = volume->GetNode(ancestor->ParentDirectory(), ancestor); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); ancestorPutter.SetTo(ancestor); } } // Everything looks good -- insert a new entry in the target directory and // remove the old entry from the source directory. error = toDirectory->InsertEntry(toName, node->BlockIndex(), transaction); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); error = fromDirectory->RemoveEntry(fromName, transaction); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // update stat data node->SetParentDirectory(toDirectory->BlockIndex()); fromDirectory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); toDirectory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(EntryMovedNotification(fromDirectory, fromName, toDirectory, toName, node)); } static status_t checksumfs_access(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, int mode) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); return check_access(node, mode); } static status_t checksumfs_read_stat(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, struct stat* st) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); st->st_mode = node->Mode(); st->st_nlink = node->HardLinks(); st->st_uid = node->UID(); st->st_gid = node->GID(); st->st_size = node->Size(); st->st_blksize = B_PAGE_SIZE * 16; // random number set_timespec(st->st_mtim, node->ModificationTime()); set_timespec(st->st_ctim, node->ChangeTime()); set_timespec(st->st_crtim, node->CreationTime()); set_timespec(st->st_atim, node->AccessedTime()); st->st_type = 0; /* attribute/index type */ st->st_blocks = 1 + (st->st_size + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / B_PAGE_SIZE; // TODO: That does neither count management structures for the content // (for files) nor attributes. return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_write_stat(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, const struct stat* st, uint32 statMask) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // start a transaction and add the node to it (write locks the node, too) Transaction transaction(volume); status_t error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) return error; uid_t uid = geteuid(); bool isOwnerOrRoot = uid == 0 || uid == node->UID(); bool hasWriteAccess = check_access(node, W_OK) == B_OK; bool updateModified = false; bool updateChanged = false; if ((statMask & B_STAT_SIZE) != 0 && (uint64)st->st_size != node->Size()) { if (!hasWriteAccess) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); error = node->Resize(st->st_size, true, transaction); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); updateModified = updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_UID) != 0 && st->st_uid != node->UID()) { // only root can do that if (uid != 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetUID(st->st_uid); updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_GID) != 0 && st->st_gid != node->GID()) { // only the user or root can do that if (!isOwnerOrRoot) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetGID(st->st_gid); updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_MODE) != 0) { // only the user or root can do that if (!isOwnerOrRoot) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetMode((node->Mode() & ~(mode_t)S_IUMSK) | (st->st_mode & S_IUMSK)); updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_CREATION_TIME) != 0) { // the user or root can do that or any user with write access if (!isOwnerOrRoot && !hasWriteAccess) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetCreationTime(timespec_to_nsecs(st->st_crtim)); updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME) != 0) { // the user or root can do that or any user with write access if (!isOwnerOrRoot && !hasWriteAccess) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetModificationTime(timespec_to_nsecs(st->st_mtim)); updateModified = false; updateChanged = true; } if ((statMask & B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME) != 0) { // the user or root can do that or any user with write access if (!isOwnerOrRoot && !hasWriteAccess) RETURN_ERROR(B_NOT_ALLOWED); node->SetModificationTime(timespec_to_nsecs(st->st_mtim)); updateModified = false; updateChanged = false; } // update access/change/modification time if (updateModified) node->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); else if (updateChanged) node->Touched(NODE_STAT_CHANGED); else node->Touched(NODE_ACCESSED); // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(StatChangedNotification(node, statMask)); } // #pragma mark - file operations static status_t checksumfs_create(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* parent, const char* name, int openMode, int permissions, void** _cookie, ino_t* _newVnodeID) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)parent->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; Transaction transaction(volume); FileCookie* cookie; Node* node; bool created; status_t error = create_file(volume, directory, name, openMode, permissions, transaction, true, cookie, node, created); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); *_cookie = cookie; *_newVnodeID = node->BlockIndex(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_open(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, int openMode, void** _cookie) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; // don't allow opening an attribute this way if ((node->Mode() & S_ATTR) != 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); Transaction transaction(volume); FileCookie* cookie; status_t error = open_file(volume, node, openMode, transaction, true, cookie); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); *_cookie = cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_close(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie) { return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_free_cookie(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { FileCookie* cookie = (FileCookie*)_cookie; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; cookie->UpdateModifiedIfNecessary(node, true); delete cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t* _length) { FileCookie* cookie = (FileCookie*)_cookie; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; switch (cookie->openMode & O_RWMASK) { case O_RDONLY: case O_RDWR: break; case O_WRONLY: default: RETURN_ERROR(EBADF); } return node->Read(pos, buffer, *_length, *_length); } static status_t checksumfs_write(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t* _length) { FileCookie* cookie = (FileCookie*)_cookie; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; switch (cookie->openMode & O_RWMASK) { case O_WRONLY: case O_RDWR: break; case O_RDONLY: default: RETURN_ERROR(EBADF); } if (pos < 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); if ((cookie->openMode & O_APPEND) != 0) { pos = -1; // special value handled by Write() } bool sizeChanged; status_t error = node->Write(pos, buffer, *_length, *_length, sizeChanged); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // update the modification time and send out a notification from time to // time cookie->FileModified(node, sizeChanged); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - directory operations status_t checksumfs_create_dir(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* parent, const char* name, int perms) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)parent->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; status_t error = check_access(directory, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; // start a transaction and attach the directory (write locks it, too) Transaction transaction(volume); error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(directory); if (error != B_OK) return error; // don't create an entry in an unlinked directory if (directory->HardLinks() == 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); // create a directory node Directory* newDirectory; error = volume->CreateDirectory(perms, transaction, newDirectory); if (error != B_OK) return error; // insert the new directory error = directory->InsertEntry(name, newDirectory->BlockIndex(), transaction); if (error != B_OK) return error; // update stat data newDirectory->SetHardLinks(1); newDirectory->SetParentDirectory(directory->BlockIndex()); directory->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // commit the transaction return transaction.Commit(EntryCreatedNotification(directory, name, newDirectory)); } status_t checksumfs_remove_dir(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* parent, const char* name) { return remove_entry(volume, parent, name, true); } static status_t checksumfs_open_dir(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void** _cookie) { Directory* directory = dynamic_cast((Node*)vnode->private_node); if (directory == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(directory); // don't allow opening an attribute directory this way if ((directory->Mode() & S_ATTR_DIR) != 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); status_t error = check_access(directory, R_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; DirCookie* cookie = new(std::nothrow) DirCookie(directory); if (cookie == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; *_cookie = cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_close_dir(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie) { return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_free_dir_cookie(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { DirCookie* cookie = (DirCookie*)_cookie; delete cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read_dir(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num) { if (*_num == 0) return B_OK; DirCookie* cookie = (DirCookie*)_cookie; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(cookie->GetDirectory()); return cookie->ReadNextEntry(buffer, bufferSize, *_num); } static status_t checksumfs_rewind_dir(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { DirCookie* cookie = (DirCookie*)_cookie; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(cookie->GetDirectory()); cookie->Rewind(); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - attribute directory operations static status_t checksumfs_open_attr_dir(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void** _cookie) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); status_t error = check_access(node, R_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; AttrDirCookie* cookie = new(std::nothrow) AttrDirCookie(node); if (cookie == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; *_cookie = cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_close_attr_dir(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie) { return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_free_attr_dir_cookie(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { AttrDirCookie* cookie = (AttrDirCookie*)_cookie; delete cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read_attr_dir(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num) { if (*_num == 0) return B_OK; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; AttrDirCookie* cookie = (AttrDirCookie*)_cookie; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); return cookie->ReadNextEntry(buffer, bufferSize, *_num); } static status_t checksumfs_rewind_attr_dir(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; AttrDirCookie* cookie = (AttrDirCookie*)_cookie; NodeReadLocker nodeLocker(node); cookie->Rewind(); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - attribute operations static status_t checksumfs_create_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, const char* name, uint32 type, int openMode, void** _cookie) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; if (node == NULL) return B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // create the attribute cookie AttributeCookie* cookie = new(std::nothrow) AttributeCookie(name); if (cookie == NULL || cookie->name == NULL) { delete cookie; return B_NO_MEMORY; } ObjectDeleter cookieDeleter(cookie); // Start a transaction and lock the node. // Note: Other than for ordinary nodes the locking order when attributes // are involved is: node -> attribute directory -> attribute. Transaction transaction(volume); status_t error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // check permissions error = check_access(node, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) return error; // get the attribute directory (create, if necessary) Directory* attributeDirectory; error = get_attribute_directory(node, &transaction, attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); NodePutter attributeDirectoryPutter(attributeDirectory); // open/create the attribute bool created; error = create_file(volume, attributeDirectory, name, openMode, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, transaction, false, cookie->fileCookie, cookie->attribute, created); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); if (created) { cookie->attribute->SetMode(cookie->attribute->Mode() | S_ATTR); cookie->attribute->SetAttributeType(type); } // commit the transaction if (transaction.IsActive()) { if (created || (openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0) { node->Touched(NODE_STAT_CHANGED); AttributeChangedNotification attributeNotification(node, name, created ? B_ATTR_CREATED : B_ATTR_CHANGED); StatChangedNotification statNotification(node, B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME); error = transaction.Commit(&attributeNotification, &statNotification); } else error = transaction.Commit(); } *_cookie = cookieDeleter.Detach(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_open_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, const char* name, int openMode, void** _cookie) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; // create the attribute cookie AttributeCookie* cookie = new(std::nothrow) AttributeCookie(name); if (cookie == NULL || cookie->name == NULL) { delete cookie; return B_NO_MEMORY; } ObjectDeleter cookieDeleter(cookie); // Get the node's attribute directory (don't create it, if it doesn't exist // yet). We only need to read-lock the node for that, but when O_TRUNC is // given, we already start the transaction and write-lock the node, so we // don't get a locking order inversion later. The locking order when // attributes are involved is: node -> attribute directory -> attribute. Transaction transaction(volume); NodeReadLocker readLocker; if ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0) { status_t error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); } else readLocker.SetTo(node, false); Directory* attributeDirectory; status_t error = get_attribute_directory(node, NULL, attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); NodePutter attributeDirectoryPutter(attributeDirectory); // look up the attribute readLocker.SetTo(attributeDirectory, false); uint64 blockIndex; error = attributeDirectory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, cookie->attribute); // the vnode reference directly goes to the cookie in case of success if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // open the attribute error = open_file(volume, cookie->attribute, openMode, transaction, false, cookie->fileCookie); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // commit the transaction if (transaction.IsActive()) { if ((openMode & O_TRUNC) != 0) { node->Touched(NODE_STAT_CHANGED); AttributeChangedNotification attributeNotification(node, name, B_ATTR_CHANGED); StatChangedNotification statNotification(node, B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME); error = transaction.Commit(&attributeNotification, &statNotification); } else error = transaction.Commit(); } *_cookie = cookieDeleter.Detach(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_close_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie) { return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_free_attr_cookie(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie) { AttributeCookie* cookie = (AttributeCookie*)_cookie; delete cookie; return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t* _length) { AttributeCookie* cookie = (AttributeCookie*)_cookie; switch (cookie->fileCookie->openMode & O_RWMASK) { case O_RDONLY: case O_RDWR: break; case O_WRONLY: default: RETURN_ERROR(EBADF); } return cookie->attribute->Read(pos, buffer, *_length, *_length); } static status_t checksumfs_write_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t* _length) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; AttributeCookie* cookie = (AttributeCookie*)_cookie; switch (cookie->fileCookie->openMode & O_RWMASK) { case O_WRONLY: case O_RDWR: break; case O_RDONLY: default: RETURN_ERROR(EBADF); } if (pos < 0) RETURN_ERROR(B_BAD_VALUE); if ((cookie->fileCookie->openMode & O_APPEND) != 0) { pos = -1; // special value handled by Write() } bool sizeChanged; status_t error = cookie->attribute->Write(pos, buffer, *_length, *_length, sizeChanged); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // update the node changed time and send out a notifications (don't fail, // if any of this fails) Transaction transaction(volume); if (transaction.StartAndAddNode(node) != B_OK) return B_OK; if (transaction.AddNode(cookie->attribute) != B_OK) return B_OK; cookie->attribute->Touched(NODE_MODIFIED); // commit the transaction if (cookie->attribute->ParentDirectory() != 0) { node->Touched(NODE_STAT_CHANGED); AttributeChangedNotification attributeNotification(node, cookie->name, B_ATTR_CHANGED); StatChangedNotification statNotification(node, B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME); transaction.Commit(&attributeNotification, &statNotification); } else { // attribute has been removed -- no notifications needed transaction.Commit(); } return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_read_attr_stat(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* _cookie, struct stat* st) { AttributeCookie* cookie = (AttributeCookie*)_cookie; // not many fields needed ATM st->st_size = cookie->attribute->Size(); st->st_type = cookie->attribute->AttributeType(); return B_OK; } static status_t checksumfs_remove_attr(fs_volume* fsVolume, fs_vnode* vnode, const char* name) { Volume* volume = (Volume*)fsVolume->private_volume; Node* node = (Node*)vnode->private_node; if (volume->IsReadOnly()) return B_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; // start a transaction Transaction transaction(volume); status_t error = transaction.StartAndAddNode(node); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // check permissions error = check_access(node, W_OK); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // get the attribute directory Directory* attributeDirectory; error = get_attribute_directory(node, NULL, attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); NodePutter attributeDirectoryPutter(attributeDirectory); error = transaction.AddNode(attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // look up the entry uint64 blockIndex; error = attributeDirectory->LookupEntry(name, blockIndex); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // get the attribute node Node* attribute; error = volume->GetNode(blockIndex, attribute); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); NodePutter attributePutter(attribute); error = transaction.AddNode(attribute); if (error != B_OK) { volume->PutNode(attribute); RETURN_ERROR(error); } // remove the entry bool attrDirEmpty; error = attributeDirectory->RemoveEntry(name, transaction, &attrDirEmpty); if (error != B_OK) RETURN_ERROR(error); // remove the attribute node error = volume->RemoveNode(attribute); if (error != B_OK) return error; transaction.UpdateNodeFlags(attribute, TRANSACTION_UNREMOVE_NODE_ON_ERROR); // if the attribute directory is empty now, remove it too if (attrDirEmpty) { error = volume->RemoveNode(attributeDirectory); if (error != B_OK) return error; transaction.UpdateNodeFlags(attributeDirectory, TRANSACTION_UNREMOVE_NODE_ON_ERROR); node->SetAttributeDirectory(0); } // update stat data attribute->SetHardLinks(0); node->Touched(NODE_STAT_CHANGED); // commit the transaction AttributeChangedNotification attributeNotification(node, name, B_ATTR_REMOVED); StatChangedNotification statNotification(node, B_STAT_CHANGE_TIME); return transaction.Commit(&attributeNotification, &statNotification); } // #pragma mark - module static status_t checksumfs_std_ops(int32 operation, ...) { switch (operation) { case B_MODULE_INIT: init_debugging(); PRINT("checksumfs_std_ops(): B_MODULE_INIT\n"); return B_OK; case B_MODULE_UNINIT: PRINT("checksumfs_std_ops(): B_MODULE_UNINIT\n"); exit_debugging(); return B_OK; default: return B_BAD_VALUE; } } static file_system_module_info sFSModule = { { kCheckSumFSModuleName, 0, checksumfs_std_ops }, kCheckSumFSShortName, CHECK_SUM_FS_PRETTY_NAME, // DDM flags B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_INITIALIZING | B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_CONTENT_NAME | B_DISK_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_WRITING, /* scanning (the device is write locked) */ checksumfs_identify_partition, checksumfs_scan_partition, checksumfs_free_identify_partition_cookie, NULL, // free_partition_content_cookie /* general operations */ checksumfs_mount, /* capability querying (the device is read locked) */ NULL, // get_supported_operations NULL, // validate_resize NULL, // validate_move NULL, // validate_set_content_name NULL, // validate_set_content_parameters NULL, // validate_initialize /* shadow partition modification (device is write locked) */ NULL, // shadow_changed /* writing (the device is NOT locked) */ NULL, // defragment NULL, // repair NULL, // resize NULL, // move checksumfs_set_content_name, NULL, // set_content_parameters checksumfs_initialize }; const module_info* modules[] = { (module_info*)&sFSModule, NULL }; fs_volume_ops gCheckSumFSVolumeOps = { checksumfs_unmount, checksumfs_read_fs_info, checksumfs_write_fs_info, checksumfs_sync, checksumfs_get_vnode, /* index directory & index operations */ NULL, // open_index_dir NULL, // close_index_dir NULL, // free_index_dir_cookie NULL, // read_index_dir NULL, // rewind_index_dir NULL, // create_index NULL, // remove_index NULL, // read_index_stat /* query operations */ NULL, // open_query NULL, // close_query NULL, // free_query_cookie NULL, // read_query NULL, // rewind_query /* support for FS layers */ NULL, // all_layers_mounted NULL, // create_sub_vnode NULL, // delete_sub_vnode }; fs_vnode_ops gCheckSumFSVnodeOps = { /* vnode operations */ checksumfs_lookup, NULL, // get_vnode_name checksumfs_put_vnode, checksumfs_remove_vnode, /* VM file access */ NULL, // can_page NULL, // read_pages NULL, // write_pages /* asynchronous I/O */ checksumfs_io, NULL, // cancel_io /* cache file access */ checksumfs_get_file_map, /* common operations */ NULL, // ioctl checksumfs_set_flags, NULL, // select NULL, // deselect checksumfs_fsync, checksumfs_read_symlink, checksumfs_create_symlink, checksumfs_link, checksumfs_unlink, checksumfs_rename, checksumfs_access, checksumfs_read_stat, checksumfs_write_stat, NULL, // preallocate /* file operations */ checksumfs_create, checksumfs_open, checksumfs_close, checksumfs_free_cookie, checksumfs_read, checksumfs_write, /* directory operations */ checksumfs_create_dir, checksumfs_remove_dir, checksumfs_open_dir, checksumfs_close_dir, checksumfs_free_dir_cookie, checksumfs_read_dir, checksumfs_rewind_dir, /* attribute directory operations */ checksumfs_open_attr_dir, checksumfs_close_attr_dir, checksumfs_free_attr_dir_cookie, checksumfs_read_attr_dir, checksumfs_rewind_attr_dir, /* attribute operations */ checksumfs_create_attr, checksumfs_open_attr, checksumfs_close_attr, checksumfs_free_attr_cookie, checksumfs_read_attr, checksumfs_write_attr, checksumfs_read_attr_stat, NULL, // write_attr_stat NULL, // rename_attr checksumfs_remove_attr, /* support for node and FS layers */ NULL, // create_special_node NULL // get_super_vnode };