/* * Copyright 2003-2005, Waldemar Kornewald * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PPPoEAddon saves the loaded settings. // PPPoEView saves the current settings. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "PPPoEAddon.h" #include "InterfaceUtils.h" #include "MessageDriverSettingsUtils.h" #include "TextRequestDialog.h" #include // for max() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // from PPPoE addon // GUI constants static const uint32 kDefaultButtonWidth = 80; // message constants static const uint32 kMsgSelectInterface = 'SELI'; static const uint32 kMsgSelectOther = 'SELO'; static const uint32 kMsgFinishSelectOther = 'FISO'; static const uint32 kMsgShowServiceWindow = 'SHSW'; static const uint32 kMsgChangeService = 'CHGS'; static const uint32 kMsgResetService = 'RESS'; // labels static const char *kLabelInterfaceName = "Network Interface: "; static const char *kLabelOptional = "(Optional)"; static const char *kLabelOtherInterface = "Other:"; static const char *kLabelSelectInterface = "Select Interface..."; static const char *kLabelServiceName = "Service: "; // requests static const char *kRequestInterfaceName = "Network Interface Name: "; // add-on descriptions static const char *kFriendlyName = "Broadband: DSL, Cable, etc."; static const char *kTechnicalName = "PPPoE"; static const char *kKernelModuleName = "pppoe"; PPPoEAddon::PPPoEAddon(BMessage *addons) : DialUpAddon(addons), fSettings(NULL), fPPPoEView(NULL) { fHeight = 20 // interface name control + 20 // service control + 5 + 2; // space between controls and bottom CreateView(BPoint(0,0)); } PPPoEAddon::~PPPoEAddon() { delete fPPPoEView; } const char* PPPoEAddon::FriendlyName() const { return kFriendlyName; } const char* PPPoEAddon::TechnicalName() const { return kTechnicalName; } const char* PPPoEAddon::KernelModuleName() const { return kKernelModuleName; } bool PPPoEAddon::LoadSettings(BMessage *settings, bool isNew) { fIsNew = isNew; fInterfaceName = fServiceName = ""; fSettings = settings; fPPPoEView->Reload(); if(!settings || isNew) return true; BMessage device; int32 deviceIndex = 0; if(!FindMessageParameter(PPP_DEVICE_KEY, *fSettings, &device, &deviceIndex)) return false; // error: no device BString name; if(device.FindString(MDSU_VALUES, &name) != B_OK || name != kKernelModuleName) return false; // error: no device BMessage parameter; int32 index = 0; if(!FindMessageParameter(PPPoE_INTERFACE_KEY, device, ¶meter, &index) || parameter.FindString(MDSU_VALUES, &fInterfaceName) != B_OK) return false; // error: no interface else { parameter.AddBool(MDSU_VALID, true); device.ReplaceMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, index, ¶meter); } index = 0; if(!FindMessageParameter(PPPoE_SERVICE_NAME_KEY, device, ¶meter, &index) || parameter.FindString(MDSU_VALUES, &fServiceName) != B_OK) fServiceName = ""; else { parameter.AddBool(MDSU_VALID, true); device.ReplaceMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, index, ¶meter); } device.AddBool(MDSU_VALID, true); fSettings->ReplaceMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, deviceIndex, &device); fPPPoEView->Reload(); return true; } void PPPoEAddon::IsModified(bool *settings) const { if(!fSettings) { *settings = false; return; } *settings = (fInterfaceName != fPPPoEView->InterfaceName() || fServiceName != fPPPoEView->ServiceName()); } bool PPPoEAddon::SaveSettings(BMessage *settings) { if(!fSettings || !settings || !fPPPoEView->InterfaceName() || strlen(fPPPoEView->InterfaceName()) == 0) return false; // TODO: tell user that an interface is needed (if we fail because of this) BMessage device, interface; device.AddString(MDSU_NAME, PPP_DEVICE_KEY); device.AddString(MDSU_VALUES, kKernelModuleName); interface.AddString(MDSU_NAME, PPPoE_INTERFACE_KEY); interface.AddString(MDSU_VALUES, fPPPoEView->InterfaceName()); device.AddMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, &interface); if(fPPPoEView->ServiceName() && strlen(fPPPoEView->ServiceName()) > 0) { // save service name, too BMessage service; service.AddString(MDSU_NAME, PPPoE_SERVICE_NAME_KEY); service.AddString(MDSU_VALUES, fPPPoEView->ServiceName()); device.AddMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, &service); } settings->AddMessage(MDSU_PARAMETERS, &device); return true; } bool PPPoEAddon::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height) const { float viewWidth; if(Addons()->FindFloat(DUN_DEVICE_VIEW_WIDTH, &viewWidth) != B_OK) viewWidth = 270; // default value if(width) *width = viewWidth; if(height) *height = fHeight; return true; } BView* PPPoEAddon::CreateView(BPoint leftTop) { if(!fPPPoEView) { float width; if(Addons()->FindFloat(DUN_DEVICE_VIEW_WIDTH, &width) != B_OK) width = 270; // default value BRect rect(0, 0, width, fHeight); fPPPoEView = new PPPoEView(this, rect); } fPPPoEView->MoveTo(leftTop); fPPPoEView->Reload(); return fPPPoEView; } PPPoEView::PPPoEView(PPPoEAddon *addon, BRect frame) : BView(frame, "PPPoEView", B_FOLLOW_NONE, 0), fAddon(addon) { BRect rect = Bounds(); rect.InsetBy(5, 0); rect.bottom = 20; fInterface = new BMenuField(rect, "interface", kLabelInterfaceName, new BPopUpMenu(kLabelSelectInterface)); fInterface->SetDivider(StringWidth(fInterface->Label()) + 5); fInterface->Menu()->AddSeparatorItem(); fOtherInterface = new BMenuItem(kLabelOtherInterface, new BMessage(kMsgSelectOther)); fInterface->Menu()->AddItem(fOtherInterface); rect.top = rect.bottom + 5; rect.bottom = rect.top + 20; rect.right -= 75; fServiceName = new BTextControl(rect, "service", kLabelServiceName, NULL, NULL); fServiceName->SetDivider(StringWidth(fServiceName->Label()) + 5); rect.left = rect.right + 5; rect.right += 75; rect.bottom = rect.top + 15; AddChild(new BStringView(rect, "optional", kLabelOptional)); AddChild(fInterface); AddChild(fServiceName); } PPPoEView::~PPPoEView() { Addon()->UnregisterView(); } void PPPoEView::Reload() { ReloadInterfaces(); fServiceName->SetText(Addon()->ServiceName()); } void PPPoEView::AttachedToWindow() { SetViewColor(Parent()->ViewColor()); fInterface->Menu()->SetTargetForItems(this); fServiceName->SetTarget(this); } void PPPoEView::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch(message->what) { case kMsgSelectInterface: { BMenuItem *item = fInterface->Menu()->FindMarked(); if(item) fInterfaceName = item->Label(); } break; case kMsgSelectOther: (new TextRequestDialog("InterfaceName", NULL, kRequestInterfaceName, fInterfaceName.String()))->Go(new BInvoker( new BMessage(kMsgFinishSelectOther), this)); break; case kMsgFinishSelectOther: { int32 which; message->FindInt32("which", &which); const char *name = message->FindString("text"); BMenu *menu = fInterface->Menu(); BMenuItem *item; if(which != 1 || !name || strlen(name) == 0) { item = menu->FindItem(fInterfaceName.String()); if(item && menu->IndexOf(item) <= menu->CountItems() - 2) item->SetMarked(true); else fOtherInterface->SetMarked(true); return; } fInterfaceName = name; item = menu->FindItem(fInterfaceName.String()); if(item && menu->IndexOf(item) <= menu->CountItems() - 2) { item->SetMarked(true); return; } BString label(kLabelOtherInterface); label << " " << name; fOtherInterface->SetLabel(label.String()); fOtherInterface->SetMarked(true); // XXX: this is needed to tell the owning menu to update its label } break; default: BView::MessageReceived(message); } } void PPPoEView::ReloadInterfaces() { // delete all items and request a new bunch from the pppoe kernel module BMenu *menu = fInterface->Menu(); while(menu->CountItems() > 2) delete menu->RemoveItem((int32) 0); fOtherInterface->SetLabel(kLabelOtherInterface); PPPManager manager; char *interfaces = new char[8192]; // reserve enough space for approximately 512 entries int32 count = manager.ControlModule("pppoe", PPPoE_GET_INTERFACES, interfaces, 8192); BMenuItem *item; char *name = interfaces; int32 insertAt; for(int32 index = 0; index < count; index++) { item = new BMenuItem(name, new BMessage(kMsgSelectInterface)); insertAt = FindNextMenuInsertionIndex(menu, name); if(insertAt > menu->CountItems() - 2) insertAt = menu->CountItems() - 2; item->SetTarget(this); menu->AddItem(item, insertAt); name += strlen(name) + 1; } // set interface or some default value if nothing was found if(Addon()->InterfaceName() && strlen(Addon()->InterfaceName()) > 0) fInterfaceName = Addon()->InterfaceName(); else if(count > 0) fInterfaceName = interfaces; else fInterfaceName = ""; delete interfaces; item = menu->FindItem(fInterfaceName.String()); if(item && menu->IndexOf(item) <= menu->CountItems() - 2) item->SetMarked(true); else if(Addon()->InterfaceName()) { BString label(kLabelOtherInterface); label << " " << fInterfaceName; fOtherInterface->SetLabel(label.String()); fOtherInterface->SetMarked(true); } }