/* * Copyright 2008 Oliver Ruiz Dorantes, oliver.ruiz.dorantes_at_gmail.com * Copyright 2008 Mika Lindqvist, monni1995_at_gmail.com * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KitSupport.h" #undef B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT #define B_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT "RemoteDevice" namespace Bluetooth { // TODO: Check headers for valid/reserved ranges static const uint16 invalidConnectionHandle = 0xF000; bool RemoteDevice::IsTrustedDevice(void) { CALLED(); return true; } BString RemoteDevice::GetFriendlyName(bool alwaysAsk) { CALLED(); if (!alwaysAsk) { // Check if the name is already retrieved // TODO: Check if It is known from a KnownDevicesList return BString(B_TRANSLATE("Not implemented")); } if (fDiscovererLocalDevice == NULL) return BString(B_TRANSLATE("#NoOwnerError#Not Valid name")); if (fMessenger == NULL) return BString(B_TRANSLATE("#ServerNotReady#Not Valid name")); void* remoteNameCommand = NULL; size_t size; // Issue inquiry command BMessage request(BT_MSG_HANDLE_SIMPLE_REQUEST); BMessage reply; request.AddInt32("hci_id", fDiscovererLocalDevice->ID()); // Fill the request remoteNameCommand = buildRemoteNameRequest(fBdaddr, fPageRepetitionMode, fClockOffset, &size); request.AddData("raw command", B_ANY_TYPE, remoteNameCommand, size); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_STATUS); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST)); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_COMPLETE); if (fMessenger->SendMessage(&request, &reply) == B_OK) { BString name; int8 status; if ((reply.FindInt8("status", &status) == B_OK) && (status == BT_OK)) { if ((reply.FindString("friendlyname", &name) == B_OK )) { return name; } else { return BString(""); // should not happen } } else { // seems we got a negative event return BString(B_TRANSLATE("#CommandFailed#Not Valid name")); } } return BString(B_TRANSLATE("#NotCompletedRequest#Not Valid name")); } BString RemoteDevice::GetFriendlyName() { CALLED(); return GetFriendlyName(true); } bdaddr_t RemoteDevice::GetBluetoothAddress() { CALLED(); return fBdaddr; } bool RemoteDevice::Equals(RemoteDevice* obj) { CALLED(); return bdaddrUtils::Compare(fBdaddr, obj->GetBluetoothAddress()); } // static RemoteDevice* GetRemoteDevice(Connection conn); bool RemoteDevice::Authenticate() { CALLED(); int8 btStatus = BT_ERROR; if (fMessenger == NULL || fDiscovererLocalDevice == NULL) return false; BluetoothCommand createConnection(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_CREATE_CONN); bdaddrUtils::Copy(createConnection->bdaddr, fBdaddr); createConnection->pscan_rep_mode = fPageRepetitionMode; createConnection->pscan_mode = fScanMode; // Reserved in spec 2.1 createConnection->clock_offset = fClockOffset | 0x8000; // substract! uint32 roleSwitch; fDiscovererLocalDevice->GetProperty("role_switch_capable", &roleSwitch); createConnection->role_switch = (uint8)roleSwitch; uint32 packetType; fDiscovererLocalDevice->GetProperty("packet_type", &packetType); createConnection->pkt_type = (uint16)packetType; BMessage request(BT_MSG_HANDLE_SIMPLE_REQUEST); BMessage reply; request.AddInt32("hci_id", fDiscovererLocalDevice->ID()); request.AddData("raw command", B_ANY_TYPE, createConnection.Data(), createConnection.Size()); // First we get the status about the starting of the connection request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_STATUS); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_CREATE_CONN)); // if authentication needed, we will send any of these commands // to accept or deny the LINK KEY [a] request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_LINK_KEY_REPLY)); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_LINK_KEY_NEG_REPLY)); // in negative case, a pincode will be replied [b] // this request will be handled by sepatated by the pincode window // request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE); // request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, // OCF_PIN_CODE_REPLY)); // [a] this is expected of authentication required request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_REQ); // [b] If we deny the key an authentication will be requested // but this request will be handled by sepatated by the pincode // window // request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQ); // this almost involves already the happy end request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_NOTIFY); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CONN_COMPLETE); if (fMessenger->SendMessage(&request, &reply) == B_OK) reply.FindInt8("status", &btStatus); if (btStatus == BT_OK) { reply.FindInt16("handle", (int16*)&fHandle); return true; } else return false; } status_t RemoteDevice::Disconnect(int8 reason) { CALLED(); if (fHandle != invalidConnectionHandle) { int8 btStatus = BT_ERROR; if (fMessenger == NULL || fDiscovererLocalDevice == NULL) return false; BluetoothCommand disconnect(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_DISCONNECT); disconnect->reason = reason; disconnect->handle = fHandle; BMessage request(BT_MSG_HANDLE_SIMPLE_REQUEST); BMessage reply; request.AddInt32("hci_id", fDiscovererLocalDevice->ID()); request.AddData("raw command", B_ANY_TYPE, disconnect.Data(), disconnect.Size()); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_CMD_STATUS); request.AddInt16("opcodeExpected", PACK_OPCODE(OGF_LINK_CONTROL, OCF_DISCONNECT)); request.AddInt16("eventExpected", HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE); if (fMessenger->SendMessage(&request, &reply) == B_OK) reply.FindInt8("status", &btStatus); if (btStatus == BT_OK) fHandle = invalidConnectionHandle; return btStatus; } return B_ERROR; } // bool Authorize(Connection conn); // bool Encrypt(Connection conn, bool on); bool RemoteDevice::IsAuthenticated() { CALLED(); return true; } // bool IsAuthorized(Connection conn); bool RemoteDevice::IsEncrypted() { CALLED(); return true; } LocalDevice* RemoteDevice::GetLocalDeviceOwner() { CALLED(); return fDiscovererLocalDevice; } /* Private */ void RemoteDevice::SetLocalDeviceOwner(LocalDevice* ld) { CALLED(); fDiscovererLocalDevice = ld; } /* Constructor */ RemoteDevice::RemoteDevice(const bdaddr_t address, uint8 record[3]) : BluetoothDevice(), fDiscovererLocalDevice(NULL), fHandle(invalidConnectionHandle) { CALLED(); fBdaddr = address; fDeviceClass.SetRecord(record); fMessenger = _RetrieveBluetoothMessenger(); } RemoteDevice::RemoteDevice(const BString& address) : BluetoothDevice(), fDiscovererLocalDevice(NULL), fHandle(invalidConnectionHandle) { CALLED(); fBdaddr = bdaddrUtils::FromString((const char*)address.String()); fMessenger = _RetrieveBluetoothMessenger(); } RemoteDevice::~RemoteDevice() { CALLED(); delete fMessenger; } BString RemoteDevice::GetProperty(const char* property) /* Throwing */ { return NULL; } status_t RemoteDevice::GetProperty(const char* property, uint32* value) /* Throwing */ { CALLED(); return B_ERROR; } DeviceClass RemoteDevice::GetDeviceClass() { CALLED(); return fDeviceClass; } }