// File.cpp #include "AllocationInfo.h" #include "File.h" #include "SizeIndex.h" #include "Volume.h" // constructor File::File(Volume *volume) : Node(volume, NODE_TYPE_FILE), DataContainer(volume) { } // destructor File::~File() { } // ReadAt status_t File::ReadAt(off_t offset, void *buffer, size_t size, size_t *bytesRead) { status_t error = DataContainer::ReadAt(offset, buffer, size, bytesRead); // TODO: update access time? return error; } // WriteAt status_t File::WriteAt(off_t offset, const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t *bytesWritten) { off_t oldSize = DataContainer::GetSize(); status_t error = DataContainer::WriteAt(offset, buffer, size, bytesWritten); MarkModified(B_STAT_MODIFICATION_TIME); // update the size index, if our size has changed if (oldSize != DataContainer::GetSize()) { MarkModified(B_STAT_SIZE); if (SizeIndex *index = GetVolume()->GetSizeIndex()) index->Changed(this, oldSize); } return error; } // SetSize status_t File::SetSize(off_t newSize) { status_t error = B_OK; off_t oldSize = DataContainer::GetSize(); if (newSize != oldSize) { error = DataContainer::Resize(newSize); MarkModified(B_STAT_SIZE); // update the size index if (SizeIndex *index = GetVolume()->GetSizeIndex()) index->Changed(this, oldSize); } return error; } // GetSize off_t File::GetSize() const { return DataContainer::GetSize(); } // GetAllocationInfo void File::GetAllocationInfo(AllocationInfo &info) { info.AddFileAllocation(GetSize()); }