/* * Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mkfs_msdos.h" #define MAXU16 0xffff /* maximum unsigned 16-bit quantity */ #define BPN 4 /* bits per nibble */ #define NPB 2 /* nibbles per byte */ #define DOSMAGIC 0xaa55 /* DOS magic number */ #define MINBPS 512 /* minimum bytes per sector */ #define MAXSPC 128 /* maximum sectors per cluster */ #define MAXNFT 16 /* maximum number of FATs */ #define DEFBLK 4096 /* default block size */ #define DEFBLK16 2048 /* default block size FAT16 */ #define DEFRDE 512 /* default root directory entries */ #define RESFTE 2 /* reserved FAT entries */ #define MINCLS12 1U /* minimum FAT12 clusters */ #define MINCLS16 0xff5U /* minimum FAT16 clusters */ #define MINCLS32 0xfff5U /* minimum FAT32 clusters */ #define MAXCLS12 0xff4U /* maximum FAT12 clusters */ #define MAXCLS16 0xfff4U /* maximum FAT16 clusters */ #define MAXCLS32 0xffffff4U /* maximum FAT32 clusters */ #define mincls(fat) ((fat) == 12 ? MINCLS12 : (fat) == 16 ? MINCLS16 : MINCLS32) #define maxcls(fat) ((fat) == 12 ? MAXCLS12 : (fat) == 16 ? MAXCLS16 : MAXCLS32) #define mk1(p, x) (p) = (uint8_t)(x) #define mk2(p, x) (p)[0] = (uint8_t)(x), (p)[1] = (uint8_t)((x) >> 010) #define mk4(p, x) \ (p)[0] = (uint8_t)(x), (p)[1] = (uint8_t)((x) >> 010), \ (p)[2] = (uint8_t)((x) >> 020), (p)[3] = (uint8_t)((x) >> 030) struct bs { uint8_t bsJump[3]; /* bootstrap entry point */ uint8_t bsOemName[8]; /* OEM name and version */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct bsbpb { uint8_t bpbBytesPerSec[2]; /* bytes per sector */ uint8_t bpbSecPerClust; /* sectors per cluster */ uint8_t bpbResSectors[2]; /* reserved sectors */ uint8_t bpbFATs; /* number of FATs */ uint8_t bpbRootDirEnts[2]; /* root directory entries */ uint8_t bpbSectors[2]; /* total sectors */ uint8_t bpbMedia; /* media descriptor */ uint8_t bpbFATsecs[2]; /* sectors per FAT */ uint8_t bpbSecPerTrack[2]; /* sectors per track */ uint8_t bpbHeads[2]; /* drive heads */ uint8_t bpbHiddenSecs[4]; /* hidden sectors */ uint8_t bpbHugeSectors[4]; /* big total sectors */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct bsxbpb { uint8_t bpbBigFATsecs[4]; /* big sectors per FAT */ uint8_t bpbExtFlags[2]; /* FAT control flags */ uint8_t bpbFSVers[2]; /* file system version */ uint8_t bpbRootClust[4]; /* root directory start cluster */ uint8_t bpbFSInfo[2]; /* file system info sector */ uint8_t bpbBackup[2]; /* backup boot sector */ uint8_t bpbReserved[12]; /* reserved */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct bsx { uint8_t exDriveNumber; /* drive number */ uint8_t exReserved1; /* reserved */ uint8_t exBootSignature; /* extended boot signature */ uint8_t exVolumeID[4]; /* volume ID number */ uint8_t exVolumeLabel[11]; /* volume label */ uint8_t exFileSysType[8]; /* file system type */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct de { uint8_t deName[11]; /* name and extension */ uint8_t deAttributes; /* attributes */ uint8_t rsvd[10]; /* reserved */ uint8_t deMTime[2]; /* last-modified time */ uint8_t deMDate[2]; /* last-modified date */ uint8_t deStartCluster[2]; /* starting cluster */ uint8_t deFileSize[4]; /* size */ } __attribute__((packed)); struct bpb { uint32_t bpbBytesPerSec; /* bytes per sector */ uint32_t bpbSecPerClust; /* sectors per cluster */ uint32_t bpbResSectors; /* reserved sectors */ uint32_t bpbFATs; /* number of FATs */ uint32_t bpbRootDirEnts; /* root directory entries */ uint32_t bpbSectors; /* total sectors */ uint32_t bpbMedia; /* media descriptor */ uint32_t bpbFATsecs; /* sectors per FAT */ uint32_t bpbSecPerTrack; /* sectors per track */ uint32_t bpbHeads; /* drive heads */ uint32_t bpbHiddenSecs; /* hidden sectors */ uint32_t bpbHugeSectors; /* big total sectors */ uint32_t bpbBigFATsecs; /* big sectors per FAT */ uint32_t bpbRootClust; /* root directory start cluster */ uint32_t bpbFSInfo; /* file system info sector */ uint32_t bpbBackup; /* backup boot sector */ }; static const uint8_t bootcode[] = { 0xfa, /* cli */ 0x31, 0xc0, /* xor ax,ax */ 0x8e, 0xd0, /* mov ss,ax */ 0xbc, 0x00, 0x7c, /* mov sp,7c00h */ 0xfb, /* sti */ 0x8e, 0xd8, /* mov ds,ax */ 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* call $ + 3 */ 0x5e, /* pop si */ 0x83, 0xc6, 0x19, /* add si,+19h */ 0xbb, 0x07, 0x00, /* mov bx,0007h */ 0xfc, /* cld */ 0xac, /* lodsb */ 0x84, 0xc0, /* test al,al */ 0x74, 0x06, /* jz $ + 8 */ 0xb4, 0x0e, /* mov ah,0eh */ 0xcd, 0x10, /* int 10h */ 0xeb, 0xf5, /* jmp $ - 9 */ 0x30, 0xe4, /* xor ah,ah */ 0xcd, 0x16, /* int 16h */ 0xcd, 0x19, /* int 19h */ 0x0d, 0x0a, 'N', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', ' ', 'd', 'i', 's', 'k', 0x0d, 0x0a, 'P', 'r', 'e', 's', 's', ' ', 'a', 'n', 'y', ' ', 'k', 'e', 'y', ' ', 't', 'o', ' ', 'r', 'e', 'b', 'o', 'o', 't', 0x0d, 0x0a, 0}; static int getdiskinfo(int, const char*, off_t, struct bpb*); static void print_bpb(struct bpb*); static void mklabel(uint8_t*, const char*); static int oklabel(const char*); static void setstr(uint8_t*, const char*, size_t); int mkfs_msdos(const char* fname, const struct msdos_options* op) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat sb; struct timeval tv; struct bpb bpb; struct tm* tm; struct bs* bs; struct bsbpb* bsbpb; struct bsxbpb* bsxbpb; struct bsx* bsx; struct de* de; uint8_t* img; const char* bname; ssize_t n; time_t now; uint32_t fat, bss, rds, cls, dir, lsn, x, x1, x2; int fd, fd1, rv; struct msdos_options o = *op; img = NULL; rv = -1; if (o.block_size && o.sectors_per_cluster) { warnx("Cannot specify both block size and sectors per cluster"); goto done; } if (o.OEM_string && strlen(o.OEM_string) > 8) { warnx("%s: bad OEM string", o.OEM_string); goto done; } if (o.create_size) { if (o.no_create) { warnx("create (-C) is incompatible with -N"); goto done; } fd = open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd == -1) { warnx("failed to create %s", fname); goto done; } if (ftruncate(fd, o.create_size)) { warnx("failed to initialize %jd bytes", (intmax_t)o.create_size); goto done; } } else if ((fd = open(fname, o.no_create ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR)) == -1) { warn("%s", fname); goto done; } if (fstat(fd, &sb)) { warn("%s", fname); goto done; } if (o.create_size) { if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) warnx("warning, %s is not a regular file", fname); } else { if (o.disk_size != -1 && !S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode)) warnx("warning, %s is not a character device", fname); } if (o.offset && o.offset != lseek(fd, o.offset, SEEK_SET)) { warnx("cannot seek to %jd", (intmax_t)o.offset); goto done; } memset(&bpb, 0, sizeof(bpb)); getdiskinfo(fd, fname, o.disk_size, &bpb); bpb.bpbHugeSectors -= (o.offset / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); if (bpb.bpbSecPerClust == 0) { /* set defaults */ if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors <= 6000) /* about 3MB -> 512 bytes */ bpb.bpbSecPerClust = 1; else if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors <= (1 << 17)) /* 64M -> 4k */ bpb.bpbSecPerClust = 8; else if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors <= (1 << 19)) /* 256M -> 8k */ bpb.bpbSecPerClust = 16; else if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors <= (1 << 21)) /* 1G -> 16k */ bpb.bpbSecPerClust = 32; else bpb.bpbSecPerClust = 64; /* otherwise 32k */ } if (!powerof2(bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)) { warnx("bytes/sector (%u) is not a power of 2", bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); goto done; } if (bpb.bpbBytesPerSec < MINBPS) { warnx("bytes/sector (%u) is too small; minimum is %u", bpb.bpbBytesPerSec, MINBPS); goto done; } if (o.volume_label && !oklabel(o.volume_label)) { warnx("%s: bad volume label", o.volume_label); goto done; } if (!(fat = o.fat_type)) { if (!o.directory_entries && (o.info_sector || o.backup_sector)) fat = 32; } if ((fat == 32 && o.directory_entries) || (fat != 32 && (o.info_sector || o.backup_sector))) { warnx("-%c is not a legal FAT%s option", fat == 32 ? 'e' : o.info_sector ? 'i' : 'k', fat == 32 ? "32" : "12/16"); goto done; } if (fat != 0 && fat != 12 && fat != 16 && fat != 32) { warnx("%d: bad FAT type", fat); goto done; } if (o.block_size) { if (!powerof2(o.block_size)) { warnx("block size (%u) is not a power of 2", o.block_size); goto done; } if (o.block_size < bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) { warnx("block size (%u) is too small; minimum is %u", o.block_size, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); goto done; } if (o.block_size > bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * MAXSPC) { warnx("block size (%u) is too large; maximum is %u", o.block_size, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * MAXSPC); goto done; } bpb.bpbSecPerClust = o.block_size / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec; } if (o.sectors_per_cluster) { if (!powerof2(o.sectors_per_cluster)) { warnx("sectors/cluster (%u) is not a power of 2", o.sectors_per_cluster); goto done; } bpb.bpbSecPerClust = o.sectors_per_cluster; } if (o.reserved_sectors) bpb.bpbResSectors = o.reserved_sectors; if (o.num_FAT) { if (o.num_FAT > MAXNFT) { warnx("number of FATs (%u) is too large; maximum is %u", o.num_FAT, MAXNFT); goto done; } bpb.bpbFATs = o.num_FAT; } if (o.directory_entries) bpb.bpbRootDirEnts = o.directory_entries; if (o.media_descriptor_set) { if (o.media_descriptor < 0xf0) { warnx("illegal media descriptor (%#x)", o.media_descriptor); goto done; } bpb.bpbMedia = o.media_descriptor; } if (o.sectors_per_fat) bpb.bpbBigFATsecs = o.sectors_per_fat; if (o.info_sector) bpb.bpbFSInfo = o.info_sector; if (o.backup_sector) bpb.bpbBackup = o.backup_sector; bss = 1; bname = NULL; fd1 = -1; if (o.bootstrap) { bname = o.bootstrap; if (!strchr(bname, '/')) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/boot/%s", bname); if (!(bname = strdup(buf))) { warn(NULL); goto done; } } if ((fd1 = open(bname, O_RDONLY)) == -1 || fstat(fd1, &sb)) { warn("%s", bname); goto done; } if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) || sb.st_size % bpb.bpbBytesPerSec || sb.st_size < bpb.bpbBytesPerSec || sb.st_size > bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * MAXU16) { warnx("%s: inappropriate file type or format", bname); goto done; } bss = sb.st_size / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec; } if (!bpb.bpbFATs) bpb.bpbFATs = 2; if (!fat) { if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors < (bpb.bpbResSectors ? bpb.bpbResSectors : bss) + howmany((RESFTE + (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? MINCLS16 : MAXCLS12 + 1)) * (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? 16 : 12) / BPN, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB) * bpb.bpbFATs + howmany(bpb.bpbRootDirEnts ? bpb.bpbRootDirEnts : DEFRDE, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de)) + (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? MINCLS16 : MAXCLS12 + 1) * (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust : howmany(DEFBLK, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec))) fat = 12; else if (bpb.bpbRootDirEnts || bpb.bpbHugeSectors < (bpb.bpbResSectors ? bpb.bpbResSectors : bss) + howmany((RESFTE + MAXCLS16) * 2, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) * bpb.bpbFATs + howmany(DEFRDE, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de)) + (MAXCLS16 + 1) * (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust : howmany(8192, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec))) fat = 16; else fat = 32; } x = bss; if (fat == 32) { if (!bpb.bpbFSInfo) { if (x == MAXU16 || x == bpb.bpbBackup) { warnx("no room for info sector"); goto done; } bpb.bpbFSInfo = x; } if (bpb.bpbFSInfo != MAXU16 && x <= bpb.bpbFSInfo) x = bpb.bpbFSInfo + 1; if (!bpb.bpbBackup) { if (x == MAXU16) { warnx("no room for backup sector"); goto done; } bpb.bpbBackup = x; } else if (bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && bpb.bpbBackup == bpb.bpbFSInfo) { warnx("backup sector would overwrite info sector"); goto done; } if (bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && x <= bpb.bpbBackup) x = bpb.bpbBackup + 1; } if (!bpb.bpbResSectors) bpb.bpbResSectors = fat == 32 ? MAX(x, MAX(16384 / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec, 4)) : x; else if (bpb.bpbResSectors < x) { warnx("too few reserved sectors (need %d have %d)", x, bpb.bpbResSectors); goto done; } if (fat != 32 && !bpb.bpbRootDirEnts) bpb.bpbRootDirEnts = DEFRDE; rds = howmany(bpb.bpbRootDirEnts, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de)); if (!bpb.bpbSecPerClust) for (bpb.bpbSecPerClust = howmany(fat == 16 ? DEFBLK16 : DEFBLK, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); bpb.bpbSecPerClust < MAXSPC && bpb.bpbResSectors + howmany((RESFTE + maxcls(fat)) * (fat / BPN), bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB) * bpb.bpbFATs + rds + (uint64_t)(maxcls(fat) + 1) * bpb.bpbSecPerClust <= bpb.bpbHugeSectors; bpb.bpbSecPerClust <<= 1) continue; if (fat != 32 && bpb.bpbBigFATsecs > MAXU16) { warnx("too many sectors/FAT for FAT12/16"); goto done; } x1 = bpb.bpbResSectors + rds; x = bpb.bpbBigFATsecs ? bpb.bpbBigFATsecs : 1; if (x1 + (uint64_t)x * bpb.bpbFATs > bpb.bpbHugeSectors) { warnx("meta data exceeds file system size"); goto done; } x1 += x * bpb.bpbFATs; x = (uint64_t)(bpb.bpbHugeSectors - x1) * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB / (bpb.bpbSecPerClust * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB + fat / BPN * bpb.bpbFATs); x2 = howmany((RESFTE + MIN(x, maxcls(fat))) * (fat / BPN), bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB); if (!bpb.bpbBigFATsecs) { bpb.bpbBigFATsecs = x2; x1 += (bpb.bpbBigFATsecs - 1) * bpb.bpbFATs; } cls = (bpb.bpbHugeSectors - x1) / bpb.bpbSecPerClust; x = (uint64_t)bpb.bpbBigFATsecs * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB / (fat / BPN) - RESFTE; if (cls > x) cls = x; if (bpb.bpbBigFATsecs < x2) warnx("warning: sectors/FAT limits file system to %u clusters", cls); if (cls < mincls(fat)) { warnx("%u clusters too few clusters for FAT%u, need %u", cls, fat, mincls(fat)); goto done; } if (cls > maxcls(fat)) { cls = maxcls(fat); bpb.bpbHugeSectors = x1 + (cls + 1) * bpb.bpbSecPerClust - 1; warnx("warning: FAT type limits file system to %u sectors", bpb.bpbHugeSectors); } printf( "%s: %u sector%s in %u FAT%u cluster%s " "(%u bytes/cluster)\n", fname, cls * bpb.bpbSecPerClust, cls * bpb.bpbSecPerClust == 1 ? "" : "s", cls, fat, cls == 1 ? "" : "s", bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * bpb.bpbSecPerClust); if (!bpb.bpbMedia) bpb.bpbMedia = !bpb.bpbHiddenSecs ? 0xf0 : 0xf8; if (fat == 32) bpb.bpbRootClust = RESFTE; if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors <= MAXU16) { bpb.bpbSectors = bpb.bpbHugeSectors; bpb.bpbHugeSectors = 0; } if (fat != 32) { bpb.bpbFATsecs = bpb.bpbBigFATsecs; bpb.bpbBigFATsecs = 0; } print_bpb(&bpb); if (!o.no_create) { if (o.timestamp_set) { tv.tv_sec = now = o.timestamp; tv.tv_usec = 0; tm = gmtime(&now); } else { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); now = tv.tv_sec; tm = localtime(&now); } if (!(img = malloc(bpb.bpbBytesPerSec))) { warn(NULL); goto done; } dir = bpb.bpbResSectors + (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs : bpb.bpbBigFATsecs) * bpb.bpbFATs; for (lsn = 0; lsn < dir + (fat == 32 ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust : rds); lsn++) { x = lsn; if (o.bootstrap && fat == 32 && bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && bss <= bpb.bpbBackup && x >= bpb.bpbBackup) { x -= bpb.bpbBackup; if (!x && lseek(fd1, o.offset, SEEK_SET)) { warn("%s", bname); goto done; } } if (o.bootstrap && x < bss) { if ((n = read(fd1, img, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)) == -1) { warn("%s", bname); goto done; } if ((unsigned)n != bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) { warnx("%s: can't read sector %u", bname, x); goto done; } } else memset(img, 0, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); if (!lsn || (fat == 32 && bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && lsn == bpb.bpbBackup)) { x1 = sizeof(struct bs); bsbpb = (struct bsbpb*)(img + x1); mk2(bsbpb->bpbBytesPerSec, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec); mk1(bsbpb->bpbSecPerClust, bpb.bpbSecPerClust); mk2(bsbpb->bpbResSectors, bpb.bpbResSectors); mk1(bsbpb->bpbFATs, bpb.bpbFATs); mk2(bsbpb->bpbRootDirEnts, bpb.bpbRootDirEnts); mk2(bsbpb->bpbSectors, bpb.bpbSectors); mk1(bsbpb->bpbMedia, bpb.bpbMedia); mk2(bsbpb->bpbFATsecs, bpb.bpbFATsecs); mk2(bsbpb->bpbSecPerTrack, bpb.bpbSecPerTrack); mk2(bsbpb->bpbHeads, bpb.bpbHeads); mk4(bsbpb->bpbHiddenSecs, bpb.bpbHiddenSecs); mk4(bsbpb->bpbHugeSectors, bpb.bpbHugeSectors); x1 += sizeof(struct bsbpb); if (fat == 32) { bsxbpb = (struct bsxbpb*)(img + x1); mk4(bsxbpb->bpbBigFATsecs, bpb.bpbBigFATsecs); mk2(bsxbpb->bpbExtFlags, 0); mk2(bsxbpb->bpbFSVers, 0); mk4(bsxbpb->bpbRootClust, bpb.bpbRootClust); mk2(bsxbpb->bpbFSInfo, bpb.bpbFSInfo); mk2(bsxbpb->bpbBackup, bpb.bpbBackup); x1 += sizeof(struct bsxbpb); } bsx = (struct bsx*)(img + x1); mk1(bsx->exDriveNumber, 0x80); mk1(bsx->exBootSignature, 0x29); if (o.volume_id_set) x = o.volume_id; else x = (((uint32_t)(1 + tm->tm_mon) << 8 | (uint32_t)tm->tm_mday) + ((uint32_t)tm->tm_sec << 8 | (uint32_t)(tv.tv_usec / 10))) << 16 | ((uint32_t)(1900 + tm->tm_year) + ((uint32_t)tm->tm_hour << 8 | (uint32_t)tm->tm_min)); mk4(bsx->exVolumeID, x); mklabel(bsx->exVolumeLabel, o.volume_label ? o.volume_label : "NO NAME"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FAT%u", fat); setstr(bsx->exFileSysType, buf, sizeof(bsx->exFileSysType)); if (!o.bootstrap) { x1 += sizeof(struct bsx); bs = (struct bs*)img; mk1(bs->bsJump[0], 0xeb); mk1(bs->bsJump[1], x1 - 2); mk1(bs->bsJump[2], 0x90); setstr(bs->bsOemName, o.OEM_string ? o.OEM_string : "BSD4.4 ", sizeof(bs->bsOemName)); memcpy(img + x1, bootcode, sizeof(bootcode)); mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC); } } else if (fat == 32 && bpb.bpbFSInfo != MAXU16 && (lsn == bpb.bpbFSInfo || (bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && lsn == bpb.bpbBackup + bpb.bpbFSInfo))) { mk4(img, 0x41615252); mk4(img + MINBPS - 28, 0x61417272); mk4(img + MINBPS - 24, 0xffffffff); mk4(img + MINBPS - 20, bpb.bpbRootClust); mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC); } else if (lsn >= bpb.bpbResSectors && lsn < dir && !((lsn - bpb.bpbResSectors) % (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs : bpb.bpbBigFATsecs))) { mk1(img[0], bpb.bpbMedia); for (x = 1; x < fat * (fat == 32 ? 3 : 2) / 8; x++) mk1(img[x], fat == 32 && x % 4 == 3 ? 0x0f : 0xff); } else if (lsn == dir && o.volume_label) { de = (struct de*)img; mklabel(de->deName, o.volume_label); mk1(de->deAttributes, 050); x = (uint32_t)tm->tm_hour << 11 | (uint32_t)tm->tm_min << 5 | (uint32_t)tm->tm_sec >> 1; mk2(de->deMTime, x); x = (uint32_t)(tm->tm_year - 80) << 9 | (uint32_t)(tm->tm_mon + 1) << 5 | (uint32_t)tm->tm_mday; mk2(de->deMDate, x); } if ((n = write(fd, img, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)) == -1) { warn("%s", fname); goto done; } if ((unsigned)n != bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) { warnx("%s: can't write sector %u", fname, lsn); goto done; } } } rv = 0; done: free(img); return rv; } /* * Get disk slice, partition, and geometry information. */ static int getdiskinfo(int fd, const char* fname, off_t disk_size, struct bpb* bpb) { off_t ms = disk_size; if (ms < 1) { struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st)) err(1, "cannot get disk size"); ms = st.st_size; } /* create a fake geometry for a file image */ bpb->bpbBytesPerSec = 512; bpb->bpbSecPerTrack = 63; bpb->bpbHeads = 255; bpb->bpbHugeSectors = ms / bpb->bpbBytesPerSec; bpb->bpbHiddenSecs = 0; return 0; } /* * Print out BPB values. */ static void print_bpb(struct bpb* bpb) { printf("BytesPerSec=%u SecPerClust=%u ResSectors=%u FATs=%u", bpb->bpbBytesPerSec, bpb->bpbSecPerClust, bpb->bpbResSectors, bpb->bpbFATs); if (bpb->bpbRootDirEnts) printf(" RootDirEnts=%u", bpb->bpbRootDirEnts); if (bpb->bpbSectors) printf(" Sectors=%u", bpb->bpbSectors); printf(" Media=%#x", bpb->bpbMedia); if (bpb->bpbFATsecs) printf(" FATsecs=%u", bpb->bpbFATsecs); printf(" SecPerTrack=%u Heads=%u HiddenSecs=%u", bpb->bpbSecPerTrack, bpb->bpbHeads, bpb->bpbHiddenSecs); if (bpb->bpbHugeSectors) printf(" HugeSectors=%u", bpb->bpbHugeSectors); if (!bpb->bpbFATsecs) { printf(" FATsecs=%u RootCluster=%u", bpb->bpbBigFATsecs, bpb->bpbRootClust); printf(" FSInfo="); printf(bpb->bpbFSInfo == MAXU16 ? "%#x" : "%u", bpb->bpbFSInfo); printf(" Backup="); printf(bpb->bpbBackup == MAXU16 ? "%#x" : "%u", bpb->bpbBackup); } printf("\n"); } /* * Check a volume label. */ static int oklabel(const char* src) { int c, i; for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { c = (unsigned char)*src++; if (c < ' ' + !i || strchr("\"*+,./:;<=>?[\\]|", c)) break; } return i && !c; } /* * Make a volume label. */ static void mklabel(uint8_t* dest, const char* src) { int c, i; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { c = *src ? toupper(*src++) : ' '; *dest++ = !i && c == '\xe5' ? 5 : c; } } /* * Copy string, padding with spaces. */ static void setstr(uint8_t* dest, const char* src, size_t len) { while (len--) *dest++ = *src ? *src++ : ' '; }