# zx_timer_set ## NAME timer_set - start a timer ## SYNOPSIS ``` #include zx_status_t zx_timer_set(zx_handle_t handle, zx_time_t deadline, zx_duration_t slack); ``` ## DESCRIPTION **zx_timer_set**() starts a one-shot timer that will fire when *deadline* passes. If a previous call to **zx_timer_set**() was pending, the previous timer is canceled and **ZX_TIMER_SIGNALED** is de-asserted as needed. The *deadline* parameter specifies a deadline with respect to **ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC**. To wait for a relative interval, use **zx_deadline_after**() returned value in *deadline*. To fire the timer immediately pass a *deadline* less than or equal to **0**. When the timer fires it asserts **ZX_TIMER_SIGNALED**. To de-assert this signal call **timer_cancel**() or **timer_set**() again. The *slack* parameter specifies a range from *deadline* - *slack* to *deadline* + *slack* during which the timer is allowed to fire. The system uses this parameter as a hint to coalesce nearby timers. The precise coalescing behavior is controlled by the *options* parameter specified when the timer was created. **ZX_TIMER_SLACK_EARLY** allows only firing in the *deadline* - *slack* interval and **ZX_TIMER_SLACK_LATE** allows only firing in the *deadline* + *slack* interval. The default option value of 0 is **ZX_TIMER_SLACK_CENTER** and allows both early and late firing with an effective interval of *deadline* - *slack* to *deadline* + *slack* ## RIGHTS *handle* must have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**. ## RETURN VALUE **zx_timer_set**() returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure, a negative error value is returned. ## ERRORS **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle. **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* lacks the right **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**. **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** *slack* is negative. ## SEE ALSO [timer_create](timer_create.md), [timer_cancel](timer_cancel.md), [deadline_after](deadline_after.md)