# zx_timer_cancel ## NAME timer_cancel - cancel a timer ## SYNOPSIS ``` #include zx_status_t zx_timer_cancel(zx_handle_t handle); ``` ## DESCRIPTION **zx_timer_cancel**() cancels a pending timer that was started with **timer_set**(). Upon success the pending timer is canceled and the **ZX_TIMER_SIGNALED** signal is de-asserted. If a new pending timer is immediately needed rather than calling **timer_cancel**() first, call **timer_set**() with the new deadline. ## RIGHTS *handle* must have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**. ## RETURN VALUE **zx_timer_cancel**() returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure, a negative error value is returned. ## ERRORS **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle. **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* lacks the right **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**. ## NOTE Calling this function before **timer_set**() has no effect. ## SEE ALSO [timer_create](timer_create.md), [timer_set](timer_set.md)