# zx_thread_exit ## NAME thread_exit - terminate the current running thread ## SYNOPSIS ``` #include void zx_thread_exit(void); ``` ## DESCRIPTION **thread_exit**() causes the currently running thread to cease running and exit. The signal *ZX_THREAD_TERMINATED* will be assserted on the thread object upon exit and may be observed via *object_wait_one*() or *object_wait_many*() on a handle to the thread. ## RIGHTS TODO(ZX-2399) ## RETURN VALUE **thread_exit**() does not return. ## SEE ALSO [handle_close](handle_close.md), [handle_duplicate](handle_duplicate.md), [object_wait_one](object_wait_one.md), [object_wait_many](object_wait_many.md), [thread_create](thread_create.md), [thread_start](thread_start.md).