# FIDL: Language Specification This document is a specification of the Fuchsia Interface Definition Language (FIDL) syntax. See [FIDL: Overview](index.md) for more information about FIDL's overall purpose, goals, and requirements, as well as links to related documents. [TOC] ## Syntax The Fuchsia Interface Definition Language provides a syntax for declaring named constants, enums, structs, unions, and interfaces. These declarations are collected into libraries for distribution. FIDL declarations are stored in plain text UTF-8 files. Each file consists of a sequence of semicolon delimited declarations. The order of declarations within a FIDL file or among FIDL files within a library is irrelevant. FIDL does not require (or support) forward declarations of any kind. ### Tokens #### Comments FIDL supports C++-style comments. These go from `//` to the end of the line. They may contain UTF-8 content (which is of course ignored). ``` // this is a comment struct Foo { // so is this int32 f; // and this }; // last one! ``` #### Document Comments TODO(TO-504): We will generate online documentation from FIDL files. Perhaps the compiler can emit document contents together with the declarations in a machine-readable FIDL IR format that could be consumed by other tools. #### Reserved Words The following keywords are reserved in FIDL. ``` array, as, bool, const, enum, float32, float64, handle, int8, int16, int32, int64, interface, library, request, string, struct, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, union, using, vector ``` To use these words as identifiers, they must be escaped by prepending an "@". For example "interface" is a reserved word but "@interface" is an identifier whose name is "interface". #### Identifiers FIDL identifiers must match the regex "@?[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z]\*". The "@" prefix, if present, serves to distinguish identifiers from reserved words in the FIDL language. The "@" prefix itself is ignored for the purposes of naming the identifier. This allows reserved words in the FIDL language to nevertheless be used as identifiers (when escaped with "@"). Identifiers are case-sensitive. ``` // a library named "foo" library foo; // a struct named "Foo" struct Foo { }; // a struct named "struct" struct @struct { }; ``` #### Qualified Identifiers FIDL always looks for unqualified symbols within the scope of the current library. To reference symbols in other libraries, they must be qualified by prefixing the identifier with the library name or alias. **objects.fidl:** ``` library objects; using textures as tex; interface Frob { // "Thing" refers to "Thing" in the "objects" library // "tex.Color" refers to "Color" in the "textures" library Paint(Thing thing, tex.Color color); }; struct Thing { string name; }; ``` **textures.fidl:** ``` library textures; struct Color { uint32 rgba; }; ``` #### Literals FIDL supports the following literal types using C-like syntax: bools, signed integers, unsigned integers, floats, strings. ``` const bool BOOL = true; const int32 INT = -333; const uint32 UINT = 42; const uint64 DIAMOND = 0x183c7effff7e3c18; const string STRING = "a string"; const float32 FLOAT = 1.0; ``` #### Declaration Separator FIDL uses the semi-colon **';'** to separate adjacent declarations within the file, much like C. ### Libraries Libraries are named containers of FIDL declarations. Each library has a name consisting of a dot-delimited identifier. Library names appear in [Qualified Identifiers](#qualified-identifiers). Libraries may declare that they use other libraries with a "using" declaration. This allows the library to refer to symbols defined in other libraries upon which they depend. Symbols which are imported this way may be accessed either by qualifying them with the library name as in _"mozart.geometry.Rect"_ or by qualifying them with the library alias as in _"geo.Rect"_. ``` library mozart.composition; using mozart.geometry as geo; using mozart.buffers; interface Compositor { … }; ``` In the source tree, each library consists of a directory with some number of **.fidl** files. The name of the directory is irrelevant to the FIDL compiler but by convention it should resemble the library name itself. A directory should not contain FIDL files for more than one library. The scope of "library" and "using" declarations is limited to a single file. Each individual file within a FIDL library must restate the "library" declaration together with any "using" declarations needed by that file. The library's name may be used by certain language bindings to provide scoping for symbols emitted by the code generator. For example, the C++ bindings generator places declarations for the FIDL library "fuchsia.ui" within the C++ namespace "fuchsia::ui". Similarly, for languages such as Dart and Rust which have their own module system, each FIDL library is compiled as a module for that language. ### Types and Type Declarations #### Primitives * Simple value types. * Not nullable. The following primitive types are supported: * Boolean **`bool`** * Signed integer **`int8 int16 int32 int64`** * Unsigned integer **`uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64`** * IEEE 754 Floating-point **`float32 float64`** Numbers are suffixed with their size in bits, **`bool`** is 1 byte. ##### Use ``` // A record which contains fields of a few primitive types. struct Sprite { float32 x; float32 y; uint32 index; uint32 color; bool visible; }; ``` #### Enums * Proper enumerated types; bit fields are not valid enums. * Discrete subset of named values chosen from an underlying integer primitive type. * Not nullable. * Enums must have at least one member. ##### Declaration The ordinal index is **required** for each enum element. The underlying type of an enum must be one of: **int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64**. If omitted, the underlying type is assumed to be **uint32**. ``` // An enum declared at library scope. enum Beverage : uint8 { WATER = 0; COFFEE = 1; TEA = 2; WHISKEY = 3; }; // An enum declared at library scope. // Underlying type is assumed to be uint32. enum Vessel { CUP = 0; BOWL = 1; TUREEN = 2; JUG = 3; }; ``` ##### Use Enum types are denoted by their identifier, which may be qualified if needed. ``` // A record which contains two enum fields. struct Order { Beverage beverage; Vessel vessel; }; ``` #### Arrays * Fixed-length sequences of homogeneous elements. * Elements can be of any type including: primitives, enums, arrays, strings, vectors, handles, structs, unions. * Not nullable themselves; may contain nullable types. ##### Use Arrays are denoted **`array:n`** where _T_ can be any FIDL type (including an array) and _n_ is a positive integer constant expression which specified the number of elements in the array. ``` // A record which contains some arrays. struct Record { // array of exactly 16 floating point numbers array:16 matrix; // array of exactly 10 arrays of 4 strings each array:4>:10 form; }; ``` #### Strings * Variable-length sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters representing text. * Nullable; null strings and empty strings are distinct. * Can specify a maximum size, eg. **`string:40`** for a maximum 40 byte string. ##### Use Strings are denoted as follows: * **`string`** : non-nullable string (validation error occurs if null is encountered) * **`string?`** : nullable string * **`string:N, string:N?`** : string with maximum length of _N_ bytes ``` // A record which contains some strings. struct Record { // title string, maximum of 40 bytes long string:40 title; // description string, may be null, no upper bound on size string? description; }; ``` #### Vectors * Variable-length sequence of homogeneous elements. * Nullable; null vectors and empty vectors are distinct. * Can specify a maximum size, eg. **`vector:40`** for a maximum 40 element vector. * There is no special case for vectors of bools. Each bool element takes one byte as usual. ##### Use Vectors are denoted as follows: * **`vector`** : non-nullable vector of element type _T_ (validation error occurs if null is encountered) * **`vector?`** : nullable vector of element type _T_ * **`vector:N, vector:N?`** : vector with maximum length of _N_ elements _T_ can be any FIDL type. ``` // A record which contains some vectors. struct Record { // a vector of up to 10 integers vector:10 params; // a vector of bytes, no upper bound on size vector blob; // a nullable vector of up to 24 strings vector:24? nullable_vector_of_strings; // a vector of nullable strings vector vector_of_nullable_strings; // a vector of vectors of arrays of floating point numbers vector:16>> complex; }; ``` #### Handles * Transfers a Zircon capability by handle value. * Stored as a 32-bit unsigned integer. * Nullable by encoding as a zero-valued handle. ##### Use Handles are denoted: * **`handle`** : non-nullable Zircon handle of unspecified type * **`handle?`** : nullable Zircon handle of unspecified type * **`handle`** : non-nullable Zircon handle of type _H_ * **`handle?`** : nullable Zircon handle of type _H_ _H_ can be one of: `channel, event, eventpair, fifo, job, process, port, resource, socket, thread, vmo`. New types will be added to the fidl language as they are added to Zircon. ``` // A record which contains some handles. struct Record { // a handle of unspecified type handle h; // an optional channel handle? c; }; ``` #### Structs * Record type consisting of a sequence of typed fields. * Declaration is not intended to be modified once deployed; use interface extension instead. * Reference may be nullable. * Structs contain one or more members. A struct with no members is difficult to represent in C and C++ as a zero-sized type. Fidl therefore chooses to require all structs to have nonzero size. ##### Declaration ``` struct Point { float32 x; float32 y; }; struct Color { float32 r; float32 g; float32 b; }; ``` #### Use Structs are denoted by their declared name (eg. **Circle**) and nullability: * **`Circle`** : non-nullable Circle * **`Circle?`** : nullable Circle ``` struct Circle { bool filled; Point center; // Point will be stored in-line float32 radius; Color? color; // Color will be stored out-of-line bool dashed; }; ``` #### Unions * Tagged option type consisting of tag field and variadic contents. * Declaration is not intended to be modified once deployed; use interface extension instead. * Reference may be nullable. * Unions contain one or more members. A union with no members would have no inhabitants and make little sense in a wire format. ##### Declaration ``` union Pattern { Color color; Texture texture; }; struct Color { float32 r; float32 g; float32 b; }; struct Texture { string name; }; ``` ##### Use Union are denoted by their declared name (eg. **Pattern**) and nullability: * **`Pattern`** : non-nullable Shape * **`Pattern?`** : nullable Shape ``` struct Paint { Pattern fg; Pattern? bg; }; ``` #### Interfaces * Describe methods which can be invoked by sending messages over a channel. * Methods are identified by their ordinal index. Ordinals must be stated explicitly to reduce the chance that developers might break interfaces by reordering methods and to help with interface extension and derivation. * Method ordinals are unsigned values in the range **0x00000001** to **0x7fffffff**. * The FIDL wire format internally represents ordinals as 32-bit values but reserves the range **0x80000000** to **0xffffffff** for protocol control messages, so these values cannot be associated with methods. * Each method declaration states its arguments and results. * If no results are declared, then the method is one-way: no response will be generated by the server. * If results are declared (even if empty), then the method is two-way: each invocation of the method generates a response from the server. * If only results are declared, the method is referred to as an *event*. It then defines an unsolicited message from the server. * When a client or server of an interface is about to close its side of the channel, it may elect to send an **epitaph** message to its peer to indicate the disposition of the connection. If sent, the epitaph must be the last message delivered through the channel. An epitaph message includes: * 32-bit generic status: one of the **ZX_status_t** constants * 32-bit protocol-specific code: meaning is left up to the interface in question * a string: a human-readable message explaining the disposition * **Interface extension:** New methods can be added to existing interfaces as long as they do not collide with existing methods. * **Interface derivation:** New interfaces can be derived from any number of existing interfaces as long as none of their methods use the same ordinals. (This is purely a FIDL language feature, does not affect the wire format.) ##### Declaration ``` interface Calculator { 1: Add(int32 a, int32 b) -> (int32 sum); 2: Divide(int32 dividend, int32 divisor) -> (int32 quotient, int32 remainder); 3: Clear(); 4: -> OnClear(); }; interface RealCalculator : Calculator { 1001: AddFloats(float32 a, float32 b) -> (float32 sum); }; interface Science { 2001: Hypothesize(); 2002: Investigate(); 2003: Explode(); 2004: Reproduce(); }; interface ScientificCalculator : RealCalculator, Science { 3001: Sin(float32 x) -> (float32 result); }; ``` ##### Use Interfaces are denoted by their name, directionality of the channel, and optionality: * **`Interface`** : non-nullable FIDL interface (client endpoint of channel) * **`Interface?`** : nullable FIDL interface (client endpoint of channel) * **`request`** : non-nullable FIDL interface request (server endpoint of channel) * **`request?`** : nullable FIDL interface request (server endpoint of channel) ``` // A record which contains interface-bound channels. struct Record { // client endpoint of a channel bound to the Calculator interface Calculator c; // server endpoint of a channel bound to the Science interface request s; // optional client endpoint of a channel bound to the // RealCalculator interface RealCalculator? r; }; ``` ### Constant Declarations Constant declarations introduce a name within their scope. The constant's type must be either a primitive or an enum. ``` // a constant declared at library scope const int32 FAVORITE_NUMBER = 42; ``` ### Constant Expressions Constant expressions are either literals or the names of other constant expressions. ## Grammar A modified [EBNF description of the fidl grammar is here](grammar.md).