# fidl grammar ## Modified BNF rules This is the grammar for fidl source files. The grammar is expressed in a modified BNF format. A nonterminal symbol matches a sequence of other symbols, delimited by commas. ``` nonterminal = list , of , symbols ; ``` Some symbols are terminals, which are either in all caps or are in double quotes. ``` another-nonterminal = THESE , ARE , TERMINALS , AND , SO , IS , "this" ; ``` Alternation is expressed with a pipe. ``` choice = this | that | the-other ; ``` An option (zero or one) is expressed with parentheses. ``` optional = ( maybe , these ) , but , definitely , these ; ``` Repetition (zero or more) is expressed with parentheses and a star. ``` zero-or-more = ( list-part )* ; ``` Repetition (one or more) is expressed with parentheses and a plus. ``` one-or-more = ( list-part )+ ; ``` ## Tokens Whitespace and comments are ignored during lexing, and thus not present in the following grammar. Comments are C++-style `//` until the end of the line. TODO(US-238): Eventually comments will be read as part of a documentation generation system. ## The grammar `file` is the starting symbol. ``` file = library-header , ( using-list ) , declaration-list ; library-header = ( attribute-list ) , "library" , compound-identifier , ";" ; using-list = ( using | using-declaration )* ; using-declaration = "using" , IDENTIFIER , "=" , primitive-type , ";" ; declaration-list = ( declaration , ";" )* ; compound-identifier = IDENTIFIER ( "." , IDENTIFIER )* ; using = "using" , compound-identifier , ( "as" , IDENTIFIER ) , ";" ; declaration = const-declaration | enum-declaration | interface-declaration | struct-declaration | union-declaration ; const-declaration = ( attribute-list ) , "const" , type , IDENTIFIER , "=" , constant ; enum-declaration = ( attribute-list ) , "enum" , IDENTIFIER , ( ":" , integer-type ) , "{" , ( enum-member , ";" )+ , "}" ; enum-member = IDENTIFIER , ( "=" , enum-member-value ) ; enum-member-value = IDENTIFIER | NUMERIC-LITERAL ; interface-declaration = ( attribute-list ) , "interface" , IDENTIFIER , ( ":" , super-interface-list ) , "{" , ( interface-method , ";" )* , "}" ; super-interface-list = compound-identifier | compound-identifier , "," , super-interface-list interface-method = ordinal , ":" , interface-parameters interface-parameters = IDENTIFIER , parameter-list , ( "->" , parameter-list ) | "->" , IDENTIFIER , parameter-list parameter-list = "(" , ( parameters ) , ")" ; parameters = parameter | parameter , "," , parameters ; parameter = type , IDENTIFIER ; struct-declaration = ( attribute-list ) , "struct" , IDENTIFIER , "{" , ( struct-field , ";" )* , "}" ; struct-field = type , IDENTIFIER , ( "=" , constant ) ; union-declaration = ( attribute-list ) , "union" , IDENTIFIER , "{" , ( union-field , ";" )+ , "}" ; union-field = type , IDENTIFIER ; attribute-list = "[" , attributes, "]" ; attributes = attribute | attribute , "," , attributes ; attribute = IDENTIFIER , ( "=", STRING-LITERAL ) ; type = identifier-type | array-type | vector-type | string-type | handle-type | request-type | primitive-type ; identifier-type = compound-identifier , ( "?" ) ; array-type = "array" , "<" , type , ">" , ":" , constant ; vector-type = "vector" , "<" , type , ">" , ( ":" , constant ) , ( "?" ) ; string-type = "string" , ( ":" , constant ) , ( "?" ) ; handle-type = "handle" , ( "<" , handle-subtype , ">" ) , ( "?" ) ; handle-subtype = "process" | "thread" | "vmo" | "channel" | "event" | "port" | "interrupt" | "log" | "socket" | "resource" | "eventpair" | "job" | "vmar" | "fifo" | "guest" | "timer" ; request-type = "request" , "<" , compound-identifier , ">" , ( "?" ) ; primitive-type = integer-type | "bool" | "float32" | "float64" ; integer-type = "int8" | "int16" | "int32" | "int64" | "uint8" | "uint16" | "uint32" | "uint64" ; constant = compound-identifier | literal ; ordinal = NUMERIC-LITERAL ; literal = STRING-LITERAL | NUMERIC-LITERAL | TRUE | FALSE ; ```