/* wc-metadata.sql -- schema used in the wc-metadata SQLite database * This is intended for use with SQLite 3 * * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== */ /* * the KIND column in these tables has one of the following values * (documented in the corresponding C type #svn_kind_t): * "file" * "dir" * "symlink" * "unknown" * * the PRESENCE column in these tables has one of the following values * (see also the C type #svn_wc__db_status_t): * "normal" * "server-excluded" -- server has declared it excluded (ie. authz failure) * "excluded" -- administratively excluded (ie. sparse WC) * "not-present" -- node not present at this REV * "incomplete" -- state hasn't been filled in * "base-deleted" -- node represents a delete of a BASE node */ /* One big list of statements to create our (current) schema. */ -- STMT_CREATE_SCHEMA /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE REPOSITORY ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, /* The root URL of the repository. This value is URI-encoded. */ root TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, /* the UUID of the repository */ uuid TEXT NOT NULL ); /* Note: a repository (identified by its UUID) may appear at multiple URLs. For example, http://example.com/repos/ and https://example.com/repos/. */ CREATE INDEX I_UUID ON REPOSITORY (uuid); CREATE INDEX I_ROOT ON REPOSITORY (root); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE WCROOT ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, /* absolute path in the local filesystem. NULL if storing metadata in the wcroot itself. */ local_abspath TEXT UNIQUE ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_LOCAL_ABSPATH ON WCROOT (local_abspath); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The PRISTINE table keeps track of pristine texts. Each row describes a single pristine text. The text itself is stored in a file whose name is derived from the 'checksum' column. Each pristine text is referenced by any number of rows in the NODES and ACTUAL_NODE tables. In future, the pristine text file may be compressed. */ CREATE TABLE PRISTINE ( /* The SHA-1 checksum of the pristine text. This is a unique key. The SHA-1 checksum of a pristine text is assumed to be unique among all pristine texts referenced from this database. */ checksum TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, /* Enumerated values specifying type of compression. The only value supported so far is NULL, meaning that no compression has been applied and the pristine text is stored verbatim in the file. */ compression INTEGER, /* The size in bytes of the file in which the pristine text is stored. Used to verify the pristine file is "proper". */ size INTEGER NOT NULL, /* The number of rows in the NODES table that have a 'checksum' column value that refers to this row. (References in other places, such as in the ACTUAL_NODE table, are not counted.) */ refcount INTEGER NOT NULL, /* Alternative MD5 checksum used for communicating with older repositories. Not strictly guaranteed to be unique among table rows. */ md5_checksum TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX I_PRISTINE_MD5 ON PRISTINE (md5_checksum); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The ACTUAL_NODE table describes text changes and property changes on each node in the WC, relative to the NODES table row for the same path. (A NODES row must exist if this node exists, but an ACTUAL_NODE row can exist on its own if it is just recording info on a non-present node - a tree conflict or a changelist, for example.) The ACTUAL_NODE table row for a given path exists if the node at that path is known to have text or property changes relative to its NODES row. ("Is known" because a text change on disk may not yet have been discovered and recorded here.) The ACTUAL_NODE table row for a given path may also exist in other cases, including if the "changelist" or any of the conflict columns have a non-null value. */ CREATE TABLE ACTUAL_NODE ( /* specifies the location of this node in the local filesystem */ wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES WCROOT (id), local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* parent's local_relpath for aggregating children of a given parent. this will be "" if the parent is the wcroot. NULL if this is the wcroot node. */ parent_relpath TEXT, /* serialized skel of this node's properties. NULL implies no change to the properties, relative to WORKING/BASE as appropriate. */ properties BLOB, /* relpaths of the conflict files. */ /* ### These columns will eventually be merged into conflict_data below. */ conflict_old TEXT, conflict_new TEXT, conflict_working TEXT, prop_reject TEXT, /* if not NULL, this node is part of a changelist. */ changelist TEXT, /* ### need to determine values. "unknown" (no info), "admin" (they ### used something like 'svn edit'), "noticed" (saw a mod while ### scanning the filesystem). */ text_mod TEXT, /* if a directory, serialized data for all of tree conflicts therein. ### This column will eventually be merged into the conflict_data column, ### but within the ACTUAL node of the tree conflict victim itself, rather ### than the node of the tree conflict victim's parent directory. */ tree_conflict_data TEXT, /* A skel containing the conflict details. */ conflict_data BLOB, /* Three columns containing the checksums of older, left and right conflict texts. Stored in a column to allow storing them in the pristine store */ /* stsp: This is meant for text conflicts, right? What about property conflicts? Why do we need these in a column to refer to the pristine store? Can't we just parse the checksums from conflict_data as well? rhuijben: Because that won't allow triggers to handle refcounts. We would have to scan all conflict skels before cleaning up the a single file from the pristine stor */ older_checksum TEXT REFERENCES PRISTINE (checksum), left_checksum TEXT REFERENCES PRISTINE (checksum), right_checksum TEXT REFERENCES PRISTINE (checksum), PRIMARY KEY (wc_id, local_relpath) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_ACTUAL_PARENT ON ACTUAL_NODE (wc_id, parent_relpath, local_relpath); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This table is a cache of information about repository locks. */ CREATE TABLE LOCK ( /* what repository location is locked */ repos_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES REPOSITORY (id), repos_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* Information about the lock. Note: these values are just caches from the server, and are not authoritative. */ lock_token TEXT NOT NULL, /* ### make the following fields NOT NULL ? */ lock_owner TEXT, lock_comment TEXT, lock_date INTEGER, /* an APR date/time (usec since 1970) */ PRIMARY KEY (repos_id, repos_relpath) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE WORK_QUEUE ( /* Work items are identified by this value. */ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, /* A serialized skel specifying the work item. */ work BLOB NOT NULL ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CREATE TABLE WC_LOCK ( /* specifies the location of this node in the local filesystem */ wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES WCROOT (id), local_dir_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, locked_levels INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY (wc_id, local_dir_relpath) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The NODES table describes the way WORKING nodes are layered on top of BASE nodes and on top of other WORKING nodes, due to nested tree structure changes. The layers are modelled using the "op_depth" column. An 'operation depth' refers to the number of directory levels down from the WC root at which a tree-change operation (delete, add?, copy, move) was performed. A row's 'op_depth' does NOT refer to the depth of its own 'local_relpath', but rather to the depth of the nearest tree change that affects that node. The row with op_depth=0 for any given local relpath represents the "base" node that is created and updated by checkout, update, switch and commit post-processing. The row with the highest op_depth for a particular local_relpath represents the working version. Any rows with intermediate op_depth values are not normally visible to the user but may become visible after reverting local changes. This table contains full node descriptions for nodes in either the BASE or WORKING trees as described in notes/wc-ng/design. Fields relate both to BASE and WORKING trees, unless documented otherwise. For illustration, with a scenario like this: # (0) svn rm foo svn cp ^/moo foo # (1) svn rm foo/bar touch foo/bar svn add foo/bar # (2) , these are the NODES table rows for the path foo/bar: (0) "BASE" ---> NODES (op_depth == 0) (1) NODES (op_depth == 1) (2) NODES (op_depth == 2) 0 is the original data for foo/bar before 'svn rm foo' (if it existed). 1 is the data for foo/bar copied in from ^/moo/bar. 2 is the to-be-committed data for foo/bar, created by 'svn add foo/bar'. An 'svn revert foo/bar' would remove the NODES of (2). */ CREATE TABLE NODES ( /* Working copy location related fields */ wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES WCROOT (id), local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* Contains the depth (= number of path segments) of the operation modifying the working copy tree structure. All nodes below the root of the operation (aka operation root, aka oproot) affected by the operation will be assigned the same op_depth. op_depth == 0 designates the initial checkout; the BASE tree. */ op_depth INTEGER NOT NULL, /* parent's local_relpath for aggregating children of a given parent. this will be "" if the parent is the wcroot. Since a wcroot will never have a WORKING node the parent_relpath will never be null, except when op_depth == 0 and the node is a wcroot. */ parent_relpath TEXT, /* Repository location fields */ /* When op_depth == 0, these fields refer to the repository location of the BASE node, the location of the initial checkout. When op_depth != 0, they indicate where this node was copied/moved from. In this case, the fields are set for the root of the operation and for all children. */ repos_id INTEGER REFERENCES REPOSITORY (id), repos_path TEXT, revision INTEGER, /* WC state fields */ /* The tree state of the node. In case 'op_depth' is equal to 0, this node is part of the 'BASE' tree. The 'BASE' represents pristine nodes that are in the repository; it is obtained and modified by commands such as checkout/update/switch. In case 'op_depth' is greater than 0, this node is part of a layer of working nodes. The 'WORKING' tree is obtained and modified by commands like delete/copy/revert. The 'BASE' and 'WORKING' trees use the same literal values for the 'presence' but the meaning of each value can vary depending on the tree. normal: in the 'BASE' tree this is an ordinary node for which we have full information. In the 'WORKING' tree it's an added or copied node for which we have full information. not-present: in the 'BASE' tree this is a node that is implied to exist by the parent node, but is not present in the working copy. Typically obtained by delete/commit, or by update to revision in which the node does not exist. In the 'WORKING' tree this is a copy of a 'not-present' node from the 'BASE' tree, and it will be deleted on commit. Such a node cannot be copied directly, but can be copied as a descendant. incomplete: in the 'BASE' tree this is an ordinary node for which we do not have full information. Only the name is guaranteed; we may not have all its children, we may not have its checksum, etc. In the 'WORKING' tree this is a copied node for which we do not have the full information. This state is generally obtained when an operation was interrupted. base-deleted: not valid in 'BASE' tree. In the 'WORKING' tree this represents a node that is deleted from the tree below the current 'op_depth'. This state is badly named, it should be something like 'deleted'. server-excluded: in the 'BASE' tree this is a node that is excluded by authz. The name of the node is known from the parent, but no other information is available. Not valid in the 'WORKING' tree as there is no way to commit such a node. excluded: in the 'BASE' tree this node is administratively excluded by the user (sparse WC). In the 'WORKING' tree this is a copy of an excluded node from the 'BASE' tree. Such a node cannot be copied directly but can be copied as a descendant. */ presence TEXT NOT NULL, /* ### JF: For an old-style move, "copyfrom" info stores its source, but a new WC-NG "move" is intended to be a "true rename" so its copyfrom revision is implicit, being in effect (new head - 1) at commit time. For a (new) move, we need to store or deduce the copyfrom local-relpath; perhaps add a column called "moved_from". */ /* Boolean value, specifying if this node was moved here (rather than just copied). This is set on all the nodes in the moved tree. The source of the move is implied by a different node with a moved_to column pointing at the root node of the moved tree. */ moved_here INTEGER, /* If the underlying node was moved away (rather than just deleted), this specifies the local_relpath of where the node was moved to. This is set only on the root of a move, and is NULL for all children. The op-depth of the moved-to node is not recorded. A moved_to path always points at a node within the highest op-depth layer at the destination. This invariant must be maintained by operations which change existing move information. */ moved_to TEXT, /* Content fields */ /* the kind of the new node. may be "unknown" if the node is not present. */ kind TEXT NOT NULL, /* serialized skel of this node's properties (when presence is 'normal' or 'incomplete'); an empty skel or NULL indicates no properties. NULL if we have no information about the properties (any other presence). TODO: Choose & require a single representation for 'no properties'. */ properties BLOB, /* NULL depth means "default" (typically svn_depth_infinity) */ /* ### depth on WORKING? seems this is a BASE-only concept. how do ### you do "files" on an added-directory? can't really ignore ### the subdirs! */ /* ### maybe a WC-to-WC copy can retain a depth? */ depth TEXT, /* The SHA-1 checksum of the pristine text, if this node is a file and was moved here or copied here, else NULL. */ checksum TEXT REFERENCES PRISTINE (checksum), /* for kind==symlink, this specifies the target. */ symlink_target TEXT, /* Last-Change fields */ /* If this node was moved here or copied here, then the following fields may have information about their source node. changed_rev must be not-null if this node has presence=="normal". changed_date and changed_author may be null if the corresponding revprops are missing. For an added or not-present node, these are null. */ changed_revision INTEGER, changed_date INTEGER, /* an APR date/time (usec since 1970) */ changed_author TEXT, /* Various cache fields */ /* The size in bytes of the working file when it had no local text modifications. This means the size of the text when translated from repository-normal format to working copy format with EOL style translated and keywords expanded according to the properties in the "properties" column of this row. NULL if this node is not a file or if the size has not (yet) been computed. */ translated_size INTEGER, /* The mod-time of the working file when it was last determined to be logically unmodified relative to its base, taking account of keywords and EOL style. This value is used in the change detection heuristic used by the status command. NULL if this node is not a file or if this info has not yet been determined. */ last_mod_time INTEGER, /* an APR date/time (usec since 1970) */ /* serialized skel of this node's dav-cache. could be NULL if the node does not have any dav-cache. */ dav_cache BLOB, /* Is there a file external in this location. NULL if there is no file external, otherwise '1' */ /* ### Originally we had a wc-1.0 like skel in this place, so we ### check for NULL. ### In Subversion 1.7 we defined this column as TEXT, but Sqlite ### only uses this information for deciding how to optimize ### anyway. */ file_external INTEGER, /* serialized skel of this node's inherited properties. NULL if this is not the BASE of a WC root node. */ inherited_props BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (wc_id, local_relpath, op_depth) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_NODES_PARENT ON NODES (wc_id, parent_relpath, local_relpath, op_depth); /* I_NODES_MOVED is introduced in format 30 */ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_NODES_MOVED ON NODES (wc_id, moved_to, op_depth); /* Many queries have to filter the nodes table to pick only that version of each node with the highest (most "current") op_depth. This view does the heavy lifting for such queries. Note that this view includes a row for each and every path that is known in the WC, including, for example, paths that were children of a base- or lower-op-depth directory that has been replaced by something else in the current view. */ CREATE VIEW NODES_CURRENT AS SELECT * FROM nodes AS n WHERE op_depth = (SELECT MAX(op_depth) FROM nodes AS n2 WHERE n2.wc_id = n.wc_id AND n2.local_relpath = n.local_relpath); /* Many queries have to filter the nodes table to pick only that version of each node with the BASE ("as checked out") op_depth. This view does the heavy lifting for such queries. */ CREATE VIEW NODES_BASE AS SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE op_depth = 0; CREATE TRIGGER nodes_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON nodes WHEN NEW.checksum IS NOT NULL BEGIN UPDATE pristine SET refcount = refcount + 1 WHERE checksum = NEW.checksum; END; CREATE TRIGGER nodes_delete_trigger AFTER DELETE ON nodes WHEN OLD.checksum IS NOT NULL BEGIN UPDATE pristine SET refcount = refcount - 1 WHERE checksum = OLD.checksum; END; CREATE TRIGGER nodes_update_checksum_trigger AFTER UPDATE OF checksum ON nodes WHEN NEW.checksum IS NOT OLD.checksum /* AND (NEW.checksum IS NOT NULL OR OLD.checksum IS NOT NULL) */ BEGIN UPDATE pristine SET refcount = refcount + 1 WHERE checksum = NEW.checksum; UPDATE pristine SET refcount = refcount - 1 WHERE checksum = OLD.checksum; END; CREATE TABLE EXTERNALS ( /* Working copy location related fields (like NODES)*/ wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES WCROOT (id), local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* The working copy root can't be recorded as an external in itself so this will never be NULL. ### ATM only inserted, never queried */ parent_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* Repository location fields */ repos_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES REPOSITORY (id), /* Either MAP_NORMAL or MAP_EXCLUDED */ presence TEXT NOT NULL, /* the kind of the external. */ kind TEXT NOT NULL, /* The local relpath of the directory NODE defining this external (Defaults to the parent directory of the file external after upgrade) */ def_local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* The url of the external as used in the definition */ def_repos_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, /* The operational (peg) and node revision if this is a revision fixed external; otherwise NULL. (Usually these will both have the same value) */ def_operational_revision TEXT, def_revision TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (wc_id, local_relpath) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_EXTERNALS_DEFINED ON EXTERNALS (wc_id, def_local_relpath, local_relpath); PRAGMA user_version = -- define: SVN_WC__VERSION ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This statement provides SQLite with the necessary information about our indexes to make better decisions in the query planner. For every interesting index this contains a number of rows where the statistics are calculated for and then for every column in the index the average number of rows with the same value in all columns left of this column including the column itself. See http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html#stat1tab for more details. The important thing here is that this tells Sqlite that the wc_id column of the NODES and ACTUAL_NODE table is usually a single value, so queries should use more than one column for index usage. The current hints describe NODES+ACTUAL_NODE as a working copy with 8000 nodes in 1 a single working copy(=wc_id), 10 nodes per directory and an average of 2 op-depth layers per node. The number of integers must be number of index columns + 1, which is verified via the test_schema_statistics() test. */ -- STMT_INSTALL_SCHEMA_STATISTICS ANALYZE sqlite_master; /* Creates empty sqlite_stat1 if necessary */ DELETE FROM sqlite_stat1 WHERE tbl in ('NODES', 'ACTUAL_NODE', 'LOCK', 'WC_LOCK', 'EXTERNALS'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('NODES', 'sqlite_autoindex_NODES_1', '8000 8000 2 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('NODES', 'I_NODES_PARENT', '8000 8000 10 2 1'); /* Tell a lie: We ignore that 99.9% of all moved_to values are NULL */ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('NODES', 'I_NODES_MOVED', '8000 8000 1 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('ACTUAL_NODE', 'sqlite_autoindex_ACTUAL_NODE_1', '8000 8000 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('ACTUAL_NODE', 'I_ACTUAL_PARENT', '8000 8000 10 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('LOCK', 'sqlite_autoindex_LOCK_1', '100 100 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('WC_LOCK', 'sqlite_autoindex_WC_LOCK_1', '100 100 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('EXTERNALS','sqlite_autoindex_EXTERNALS_1', '100 100 1'); INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1(tbl, idx, stat) VALUES ('EXTERNALS','I_EXTERNALS_DEFINED', '100 100 3 1'); /* sqlite_autoindex_WORK_QUEUE_1 doesn't exist because WORK_QUEUE is a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT table */ ANALYZE sqlite_master; /* Loads sqlite_stat1 data for query optimizer */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format 30 creates a new NODES index for move information, and a new PRISTINE index for the md5_checksum column. It also activates use of skel-based conflict storage -- see notes/wc-ng/conflict-storage-2.0. It also renames the "absent" presence to "server-excluded". */ -- STMT_UPGRADE_TO_30 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS I_NODES_MOVED ON NODES (wc_id, moved_to, op_depth); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS I_PRISTINE_MD5 ON PRISTINE (md5_checksum); UPDATE nodes SET presence = 'server-excluded' WHERE presence = 'absent'; /* Just to be sure clear out file external skels from pre 1.7.0 development working copies that were never updated by 1.7.0+ style clients */ UPDATE nodes SET file_external=1 WHERE file_external IS NOT NULL; -- STMT_UPGRADE_30_SELECT_CONFLICT_SEPARATE SELECT wc_id, local_relpath, conflict_old, conflict_working, conflict_new, prop_reject, tree_conflict_data FROM actual_node WHERE conflict_old IS NOT NULL OR conflict_working IS NOT NULL OR conflict_new IS NOT NULL OR prop_reject IS NOT NULL OR tree_conflict_data IS NOT NULL ORDER by wc_id, local_relpath -- STMT_UPGRADE_30_SET_CONFLICT UPDATE actual_node SET conflict_data = ?3, conflict_old = NULL, conflict_working = NULL, conflict_new = NULL, prop_reject = NULL, tree_conflict_data = NULL WHERE wc_id = ?1 and local_relpath = ?2 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format 31 adds the inherited_props column to the NODES table. C code then initializes the update/switch roots to make sure future updates fetch the inherited properties */ -- STMT_UPGRADE_TO_31 ALTER TABLE NODES ADD COLUMN inherited_props BLOB; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS I_ACTUAL_CHANGELIST; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS I_EXTERNALS_PARENT; DROP INDEX I_NODES_PARENT; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_NODES_PARENT ON NODES (wc_id, parent_relpath, local_relpath, op_depth); DROP INDEX I_ACTUAL_PARENT; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_ACTUAL_PARENT ON ACTUAL_NODE (wc_id, parent_relpath, local_relpath); PRAGMA user_version = 31; -- STMT_UPGRADE_31_SELECT_WCROOT_NODES /* Select all base nodes which are the root of a WC, including switched subtrees, but excluding those which map to the root of the repos. ### IPROPS: Is this query horribly inefficient? Quite likely, ### but it only runs during an upgrade, so do we care? */ SELECT l.wc_id, l.local_relpath FROM nodes as l LEFT OUTER JOIN nodes as r ON l.wc_id = r.wc_id AND r.local_relpath = l.parent_relpath AND r.op_depth = 0 WHERE l.op_depth = 0 AND l.repos_path != '' AND ((l.repos_id IS NOT r.repos_id) OR (l.repos_path IS NOT RELPATH_SKIP_JOIN(r.local_relpath, r.repos_path, l.local_relpath))) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format 32 .... */ /* -- STMT_UPGRADE_TO_32 PRAGMA user_version = 32; */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Format 99 drops all columns not needed due to previous format upgrades. Before we release 1.7, these statements will be pulled into a format bump and all the tables will be cleaned up. We don't know what that format number will be, however, so we're just marking it as 99 for now. */ -- format: 99 /* TODO: Un-confuse *_revision column names in the EXTERNALS table to "-r foo@", as suggested by the patch attached to http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2011-09/0478.shtml */ /* TODO: Remove column parent_relpath from EXTERNALS. We're not using it and never will. It's not interesting like in the NODES table: the external's parent path may be *anything*: unversioned, "behind" a another WC... */ /* Now "drop" the tree_conflict_data column from actual_node. */ CREATE TABLE ACTUAL_NODE_BACKUP ( wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL, local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, parent_relpath TEXT, properties BLOB, conflict_old TEXT, conflict_new TEXT, conflict_working TEXT, prop_reject TEXT, changelist TEXT, text_mod TEXT ); INSERT INTO ACTUAL_NODE_BACKUP SELECT wc_id, local_relpath, parent_relpath, properties, conflict_old, conflict_new, conflict_working, prop_reject, changelist, text_mod FROM ACTUAL_NODE; DROP TABLE ACTUAL_NODE; CREATE TABLE ACTUAL_NODE ( wc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES WCROOT (id), local_relpath TEXT NOT NULL, parent_relpath TEXT, properties BLOB, conflict_old TEXT, conflict_new TEXT, conflict_working TEXT, prop_reject TEXT, changelist TEXT, text_mod TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (wc_id, local_relpath) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I_ACTUAL_PARENT ON ACTUAL_NODE (wc_id, parent_relpath, local_relpath); INSERT INTO ACTUAL_NODE SELECT wc_id, local_relpath, parent_relpath, properties, conflict_old, conflict_new, conflict_working, prop_reject, changelist, text_mod FROM ACTUAL_NODE_BACKUP; DROP TABLE ACTUAL_NODE_BACKUP; /* Note: Other differences between the schemas of an upgraded and a * fresh WC. * * While format 22 was current, "NOT NULL" was added to the * columns PRISTINE.size and PRISTINE.md5_checksum. The format was not * bumped because it is a forward- and backward-compatible change. * * While format 23 was current, "REFERENCES PRISTINE" was added to the * columns ACTUAL_NODE.older_checksum, ACTUAL_NODE.left_checksum, * ACTUAL_NODE.right_checksum, NODES.checksum. * * The "NODES_BASE" view was originally implemented with a more complex (but * functionally equivalent) statement using a 'JOIN'. WCs that were created * at or upgraded to format 26 before it was changed will still have the old * version. */