//===- DependencyScanningWorker.cpp - clang-scan-deps worker --------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningWorker.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h" #include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h" #include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h" #include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h" #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningService.h" #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/ModuleDepCollector.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" using namespace clang; using namespace tooling; using namespace dependencies; namespace { /// Forwards the gatherered dependencies to the consumer. class DependencyConsumerForwarder : public DependencyFileGenerator { public: DependencyConsumerForwarder(std::unique_ptr Opts, DependencyConsumer &C) : DependencyFileGenerator(*Opts), Opts(std::move(Opts)), C(C) {} void finishedMainFile(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) override { llvm::SmallString<256> CanonPath; for (const auto &File : getDependencies()) { CanonPath = File; llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(CanonPath, /*remove_dot_dot=*/true); C.handleFileDependency(*Opts, CanonPath); } } private: std::unique_ptr Opts; DependencyConsumer &C; }; /// A proxy file system that doesn't call `chdir` when changing the working /// directory of a clang tool. class ProxyFileSystemWithoutChdir : public llvm::vfs::ProxyFileSystem { public: ProxyFileSystemWithoutChdir( llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr FS) : ProxyFileSystem(std::move(FS)) {} llvm::ErrorOr getCurrentWorkingDirectory() const override { assert(!CWD.empty() && "empty CWD"); return CWD; } std::error_code setCurrentWorkingDirectory(const Twine &Path) override { CWD = Path.str(); return {}; } private: std::string CWD; }; /// A clang tool that runs the preprocessor in a mode that's optimized for /// dependency scanning for the given compiler invocation. class DependencyScanningAction : public tooling::ToolAction { public: DependencyScanningAction( StringRef WorkingDirectory, DependencyConsumer &Consumer, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr DepFS, ExcludedPreprocessorDirectiveSkipMapping *PPSkipMappings, ScanningOutputFormat Format) : WorkingDirectory(WorkingDirectory), Consumer(Consumer), DepFS(std::move(DepFS)), PPSkipMappings(PPSkipMappings), Format(Format) {} bool runInvocation(std::shared_ptr Invocation, FileManager *FileMgr, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagConsumer) override { // Create a compiler instance to handle the actual work. CompilerInstance Compiler(std::move(PCHContainerOps)); Compiler.setInvocation(std::move(Invocation)); // Don't print 'X warnings and Y errors generated'. Compiler.getDiagnosticOpts().ShowCarets = false; // Create the compiler's actual diagnostics engine. Compiler.createDiagnostics(DiagConsumer, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false); if (!Compiler.hasDiagnostics()) return false; // Use the dependency scanning optimized file system if we can. if (DepFS) { const CompilerInvocation &CI = Compiler.getInvocation(); // Add any filenames that were explicity passed in the build settings and // that might be opened, as we want to ensure we don't run source // minimization on them. DepFS->IgnoredFiles.clear(); for (const auto &Entry : CI.getHeaderSearchOpts().UserEntries) DepFS->IgnoredFiles.insert(Entry.Path); for (const auto &Entry : CI.getHeaderSearchOpts().VFSOverlayFiles) DepFS->IgnoredFiles.insert(Entry); // Support for virtual file system overlays on top of the caching // filesystem. FileMgr->setVirtualFileSystem(createVFSFromCompilerInvocation( CI, Compiler.getDiagnostics(), DepFS)); // Pass the skip mappings which should speed up excluded conditional block // skipping in the preprocessor. if (PPSkipMappings) Compiler.getPreprocessorOpts() .ExcludedConditionalDirectiveSkipMappings = PPSkipMappings; } FileMgr->getFileSystemOpts().WorkingDir = std::string(WorkingDirectory); Compiler.setFileManager(FileMgr); Compiler.createSourceManager(*FileMgr); // Create the dependency collector that will collect the produced // dependencies. // // This also moves the existing dependency output options from the // invocation to the collector. The options in the invocation are reset, // which ensures that the compiler won't create new dependency collectors, // and thus won't write out the extra '.d' files to disk. auto Opts = std::make_unique( std::move(Compiler.getInvocation().getDependencyOutputOpts())); // We need at least one -MT equivalent for the generator to work. if (Opts->Targets.empty()) Opts->Targets = {"clang-scan-deps dependency"}; switch (Format) { case ScanningOutputFormat::Make: Compiler.addDependencyCollector( std::make_shared(std::move(Opts), Consumer)); break; case ScanningOutputFormat::Full: Compiler.addDependencyCollector(std::make_shared( std::move(Opts), Compiler, Consumer)); break; } // Consider different header search and diagnostic options to create // different modules. This avoids the unsound aliasing of module PCMs. // // TODO: Implement diagnostic bucketing and header search pruning to reduce // the impact of strict context hashing. Compiler.getHeaderSearchOpts().ModulesStrictContextHash = true; auto Action = std::make_unique(); const bool Result = Compiler.ExecuteAction(*Action); if (!DepFS) FileMgr->clearStatCache(); return Result; } private: StringRef WorkingDirectory; DependencyConsumer &Consumer; llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr DepFS; ExcludedPreprocessorDirectiveSkipMapping *PPSkipMappings; ScanningOutputFormat Format; }; } // end anonymous namespace DependencyScanningWorker::DependencyScanningWorker( DependencyScanningService &Service) : Format(Service.getFormat()) { DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions(); PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared(); RealFS = new ProxyFileSystemWithoutChdir(llvm::vfs::getRealFileSystem()); if (Service.canSkipExcludedPPRanges()) PPSkipMappings = std::make_unique(); if (Service.getMode() == ScanningMode::MinimizedSourcePreprocessing) DepFS = new DependencyScanningWorkerFilesystem( Service.getSharedCache(), RealFS, PPSkipMappings.get()); if (Service.canReuseFileManager()) Files = new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), RealFS); } static llvm::Error runWithDiags( DiagnosticOptions *DiagOpts, llvm::function_ref BodyShouldSucceed) { // Capture the emitted diagnostics and report them to the client // in the case of a failure. std::string DiagnosticOutput; llvm::raw_string_ostream DiagnosticsOS(DiagnosticOutput); TextDiagnosticPrinter DiagPrinter(DiagnosticsOS, DiagOpts); if (BodyShouldSucceed(DiagPrinter)) return llvm::Error::success(); return llvm::make_error(DiagnosticsOS.str(), llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode()); } llvm::Error DependencyScanningWorker::computeDependencies( const std::string &Input, StringRef WorkingDirectory, const CompilationDatabase &CDB, DependencyConsumer &Consumer) { RealFS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory(WorkingDirectory); return runWithDiags(DiagOpts.get(), [&](DiagnosticConsumer &DC) { /// Create the tool that uses the underlying file system to ensure that any /// file system requests that are made by the driver do not go through the /// dependency scanning filesystem. tooling::ClangTool Tool(CDB, Input, PCHContainerOps, RealFS, Files); Tool.clearArgumentsAdjusters(); Tool.setRestoreWorkingDir(false); Tool.setPrintErrorMessage(false); Tool.setDiagnosticConsumer(&DC); DependencyScanningAction Action(WorkingDirectory, Consumer, DepFS, PPSkipMappings.get(), Format); return !Tool.run(&Action); }); }