//===- EditedSource.cpp - Collection of source edits ----------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Edit/EditedSource.h" #include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h" #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "clang/Edit/Commit.h" #include "clang/Edit/EditsReceiver.h" #include "clang/Edit/FileOffset.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace clang; using namespace edit; void EditsReceiver::remove(CharSourceRange range) { replace(range, StringRef()); } void EditedSource::deconstructMacroArgLoc(SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation &ExpansionLoc, MacroArgUse &ArgUse) { assert(SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(Loc)); SourceLocation DefArgLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc).getBegin(); SourceLocation ImmediateExpansionLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(DefArgLoc).getBegin(); ExpansionLoc = ImmediateExpansionLoc; while (SourceMgr.isMacroBodyExpansion(ExpansionLoc)) ExpansionLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(ExpansionLoc).getBegin(); SmallString<20> Buf; StringRef ArgName = Lexer::getSpelling(SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(DefArgLoc), Buf, SourceMgr, LangOpts); ArgUse = MacroArgUse{nullptr, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation()}; if (!ArgName.empty()) ArgUse = {&IdentTable.get(ArgName), ImmediateExpansionLoc, SourceMgr.getSpellingLoc(DefArgLoc)}; } void EditedSource::startingCommit() {} void EditedSource::finishedCommit() { for (auto &ExpArg : CurrCommitMacroArgExps) { SourceLocation ExpLoc; MacroArgUse ArgUse; std::tie(ExpLoc, ArgUse) = ExpArg; auto &ArgUses = ExpansionToArgMap[ExpLoc.getRawEncoding()]; if (llvm::find(ArgUses, ArgUse) == ArgUses.end()) ArgUses.push_back(ArgUse); } CurrCommitMacroArgExps.clear(); } StringRef EditedSource::copyString(const Twine &twine) { SmallString<128> Data; return copyString(twine.toStringRef(Data)); } bool EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs) { FileEditsTy::iterator FA = getActionForOffset(Offs); if (FA != FileEdits.end()) { if (FA->first != Offs) return false; // position has been removed. } if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(OrigLoc)) { SourceLocation ExpLoc; MacroArgUse ArgUse; deconstructMacroArgLoc(OrigLoc, ExpLoc, ArgUse); auto I = ExpansionToArgMap.find(ExpLoc.getRawEncoding()); if (I != ExpansionToArgMap.end() && find_if(I->second, [&](const MacroArgUse &U) { return ArgUse.Identifier == U.Identifier && std::tie(ArgUse.ImmediateExpansionLoc, ArgUse.UseLoc) != std::tie(U.ImmediateExpansionLoc, U.UseLoc); }) != I->second.end()) { // Trying to write in a macro argument input that has already been // written by a previous commit for another expansion of the same macro // argument name. For example: // // \code // #define MAC(x) ((x)+(x)) // MAC(a) // \endcode // // A commit modified the macro argument 'a' due to the first '(x)' // expansion inside the macro definition, and a subsequent commit tried // to modify 'a' again for the second '(x)' expansion. The edits of the // second commit will be rejected. return false; } } return true; } bool EditedSource::commitInsert(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs, StringRef text, bool beforePreviousInsertions) { if (!canInsertInOffset(OrigLoc, Offs)) return false; if (text.empty()) return true; if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(OrigLoc)) { MacroArgUse ArgUse; SourceLocation ExpLoc; deconstructMacroArgLoc(OrigLoc, ExpLoc, ArgUse); if (ArgUse.Identifier) CurrCommitMacroArgExps.emplace_back(ExpLoc, ArgUse); } FileEdit &FA = FileEdits[Offs]; if (FA.Text.empty()) { FA.Text = copyString(text); return true; } if (beforePreviousInsertions) FA.Text = copyString(Twine(text) + FA.Text); else FA.Text = copyString(Twine(FA.Text) + text); return true; } bool EditedSource::commitInsertFromRange(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs, FileOffset InsertFromRangeOffs, unsigned Len, bool beforePreviousInsertions) { if (Len == 0) return true; SmallString<128> StrVec; FileOffset BeginOffs = InsertFromRangeOffs; FileOffset EndOffs = BeginOffs.getWithOffset(Len); FileEditsTy::iterator I = FileEdits.upper_bound(BeginOffs); if (I != FileEdits.begin()) --I; for (; I != FileEdits.end(); ++I) { FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (BeginOffs == B) break; if (BeginOffs < E) { if (BeginOffs > B) { BeginOffs = E; ++I; } break; } } for (; I != FileEdits.end() && EndOffs > I->first; ++I) { FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (BeginOffs < B) { bool Invalid = false; StringRef text = getSourceText(BeginOffs, B, Invalid); if (Invalid) return false; StrVec += text; } StrVec += FA.Text; BeginOffs = E; } if (BeginOffs < EndOffs) { bool Invalid = false; StringRef text = getSourceText(BeginOffs, EndOffs, Invalid); if (Invalid) return false; StrVec += text; } return commitInsert(OrigLoc, Offs, StrVec, beforePreviousInsertions); } void EditedSource::commitRemove(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset BeginOffs, unsigned Len) { if (Len == 0) return; FileOffset EndOffs = BeginOffs.getWithOffset(Len); FileEditsTy::iterator I = FileEdits.upper_bound(BeginOffs); if (I != FileEdits.begin()) --I; for (; I != FileEdits.end(); ++I) { FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (BeginOffs < E) break; } FileOffset TopBegin, TopEnd; FileEdit *TopFA = nullptr; if (I == FileEdits.end()) { FileEditsTy::iterator NewI = FileEdits.insert(I, std::make_pair(BeginOffs, FileEdit())); NewI->second.RemoveLen = Len; return; } FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (BeginOffs < B) { FileEditsTy::iterator NewI = FileEdits.insert(I, std::make_pair(BeginOffs, FileEdit())); TopBegin = BeginOffs; TopEnd = EndOffs; TopFA = &NewI->second; TopFA->RemoveLen = Len; } else { TopBegin = B; TopEnd = E; TopFA = &I->second; if (TopEnd >= EndOffs) return; unsigned diff = EndOffs.getOffset() - TopEnd.getOffset(); TopEnd = EndOffs; TopFA->RemoveLen += diff; if (B == BeginOffs) TopFA->Text = StringRef(); ++I; } while (I != FileEdits.end()) { FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (B >= TopEnd) break; if (E <= TopEnd) { FileEdits.erase(I++); continue; } if (B < TopEnd) { unsigned diff = E.getOffset() - TopEnd.getOffset(); TopEnd = E; TopFA->RemoveLen += diff; FileEdits.erase(I); } break; } } bool EditedSource::commit(const Commit &commit) { if (!commit.isCommitable()) return false; struct CommitRAII { EditedSource &Editor; CommitRAII(EditedSource &Editor) : Editor(Editor) { Editor.startingCommit(); } ~CommitRAII() { Editor.finishedCommit(); } } CommitRAII(*this); for (edit::Commit::edit_iterator I = commit.edit_begin(), E = commit.edit_end(); I != E; ++I) { const edit::Commit::Edit &edit = *I; switch (edit.Kind) { case edit::Commit::Act_Insert: commitInsert(edit.OrigLoc, edit.Offset, edit.Text, edit.BeforePrev); break; case edit::Commit::Act_InsertFromRange: commitInsertFromRange(edit.OrigLoc, edit.Offset, edit.InsertFromRangeOffs, edit.Length, edit.BeforePrev); break; case edit::Commit::Act_Remove: commitRemove(edit.OrigLoc, edit.Offset, edit.Length); break; } } return true; } // Returns true if it is ok to make the two given characters adjacent. static bool canBeJoined(char left, char right, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { // FIXME: Should use TokenConcatenation to make sure we don't allow stuff like // making two '<' adjacent. return !(Lexer::isIdentifierBodyChar(left, LangOpts) && Lexer::isIdentifierBodyChar(right, LangOpts)); } /// Returns true if it is ok to eliminate the trailing whitespace between /// the given characters. static bool canRemoveWhitespace(char left, char beforeWSpace, char right, const LangOptions &LangOpts) { if (!canBeJoined(left, right, LangOpts)) return false; if (isWhitespace(left) || isWhitespace(right)) return true; if (canBeJoined(beforeWSpace, right, LangOpts)) return false; // the whitespace was intentional, keep it. return true; } /// Check the range that we are going to remove and: /// -Remove any trailing whitespace if possible. /// -Insert a space if removing the range is going to mess up the source tokens. static void adjustRemoval(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceLocation Loc, FileOffset offs, unsigned &len, StringRef &text) { assert(len && text.empty()); SourceLocation BeginTokLoc = Lexer::GetBeginningOfToken(Loc, SM, LangOpts); if (BeginTokLoc != Loc) return; // the range is not at the beginning of a token, keep the range. bool Invalid = false; StringRef buffer = SM.getBufferData(offs.getFID(), &Invalid); if (Invalid) return; unsigned begin = offs.getOffset(); unsigned end = begin + len; // Do not try to extend the removal if we're at the end of the buffer already. if (end == buffer.size()) return; assert(begin < buffer.size() && end < buffer.size() && "Invalid range!"); // FIXME: Remove newline. if (begin == 0) { if (buffer[end] == ' ') ++len; return; } if (buffer[end] == ' ') { assert((end + 1 != buffer.size() || buffer.data()[end + 1] == 0) && "buffer not zero-terminated!"); if (canRemoveWhitespace(/*left=*/buffer[begin-1], /*beforeWSpace=*/buffer[end-1], /*right=*/buffer.data()[end + 1], // zero-terminated LangOpts)) ++len; return; } if (!canBeJoined(buffer[begin-1], buffer[end], LangOpts)) text = " "; } static void applyRewrite(EditsReceiver &receiver, StringRef text, FileOffset offs, unsigned len, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool shouldAdjustRemovals) { assert(offs.getFID().isValid()); SourceLocation Loc = SM.getLocForStartOfFile(offs.getFID()); Loc = Loc.getLocWithOffset(offs.getOffset()); assert(Loc.isFileID()); if (text.empty() && shouldAdjustRemovals) adjustRemoval(SM, LangOpts, Loc, offs, len, text); CharSourceRange range = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Loc, Loc.getLocWithOffset(len)); if (text.empty()) { assert(len); receiver.remove(range); return; } if (len) receiver.replace(range, text); else receiver.insert(Loc, text); } void EditedSource::applyRewrites(EditsReceiver &receiver, bool shouldAdjustRemovals) { SmallString<128> StrVec; FileOffset CurOffs, CurEnd; unsigned CurLen; if (FileEdits.empty()) return; FileEditsTy::iterator I = FileEdits.begin(); CurOffs = I->first; StrVec = I->second.Text; CurLen = I->second.RemoveLen; CurEnd = CurOffs.getWithOffset(CurLen); ++I; for (FileEditsTy::iterator E = FileEdits.end(); I != E; ++I) { FileOffset offs = I->first; FileEdit act = I->second; assert(offs >= CurEnd); if (offs == CurEnd) { StrVec += act.Text; CurLen += act.RemoveLen; CurEnd.getWithOffset(act.RemoveLen); continue; } applyRewrite(receiver, StrVec, CurOffs, CurLen, SourceMgr, LangOpts, shouldAdjustRemovals); CurOffs = offs; StrVec = act.Text; CurLen = act.RemoveLen; CurEnd = CurOffs.getWithOffset(CurLen); } applyRewrite(receiver, StrVec, CurOffs, CurLen, SourceMgr, LangOpts, shouldAdjustRemovals); } void EditedSource::clearRewrites() { FileEdits.clear(); StrAlloc.Reset(); } StringRef EditedSource::getSourceText(FileOffset BeginOffs, FileOffset EndOffs, bool &Invalid) { assert(BeginOffs.getFID() == EndOffs.getFID()); assert(BeginOffs <= EndOffs); SourceLocation BLoc = SourceMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(BeginOffs.getFID()); BLoc = BLoc.getLocWithOffset(BeginOffs.getOffset()); assert(BLoc.isFileID()); SourceLocation ELoc = BLoc.getLocWithOffset(EndOffs.getOffset() - BeginOffs.getOffset()); return Lexer::getSourceText(CharSourceRange::getCharRange(BLoc, ELoc), SourceMgr, LangOpts, &Invalid); } EditedSource::FileEditsTy::iterator EditedSource::getActionForOffset(FileOffset Offs) { FileEditsTy::iterator I = FileEdits.upper_bound(Offs); if (I == FileEdits.begin()) return FileEdits.end(); --I; FileEdit &FA = I->second; FileOffset B = I->first; FileOffset E = B.getWithOffset(FA.RemoveLen); if (Offs >= B && Offs < E) return I; return FileEdits.end(); }