/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ucl.h" // C++11 API inspired by json11: https://github.com/dropbox/json11/ namespace ucl { struct ucl_map_construct_t { }; constexpr ucl_map_construct_t ucl_map_construct = ucl_map_construct_t(); struct ucl_array_construct_t { }; constexpr ucl_array_construct_t ucl_array_construct = ucl_array_construct_t(); class Ucl final { private: struct ucl_deleter { void operator() (ucl_object_t *obj) { ucl_object_unref (obj); } }; static int append_char (unsigned char c, size_t nchars, void *ud) { std::string *out = reinterpret_cast(ud); out->append (nchars, (char)c); return nchars; } static int append_len (unsigned const char *str, size_t len, void *ud) { std::string *out = reinterpret_cast(ud); out->append ((const char *)str, len); return len; } static int append_int (int64_t elt, void *ud) { std::string *out = reinterpret_cast(ud); auto nstr = std::to_string (elt); out->append (nstr); return nstr.size (); } static int append_double (double elt, void *ud) { std::string *out = reinterpret_cast(ud); auto nstr = std::to_string (elt); out->append (nstr); return nstr.size (); } static struct ucl_emitter_functions default_emit_funcs() { struct ucl_emitter_functions func = { Ucl::append_char, Ucl::append_len, Ucl::append_int, Ucl::append_double, nullptr, nullptr }; return func; }; static bool ucl_variable_getter(const unsigned char *data, size_t len, unsigned char ** /*replace*/, size_t * /*replace_len*/, bool *need_free, void* ud) { *need_free = false; auto vars = reinterpret_cast *>(ud); if (vars && data && len != 0) { vars->emplace (data, data + len); } return false; } static bool ucl_variable_replacer (const unsigned char *data, size_t len, unsigned char **replace, size_t *replace_len, bool *need_free, void* ud) { *need_free = false; auto replacer = reinterpret_cast(ud); if (!replacer) { return false; } std::string var_name (data, data + len); if (!replacer->is_variable (var_name)) { return false; } std::string var_value = replacer->replace (var_name); if (var_value.empty ()) { return false; } *replace = (unsigned char *)UCL_ALLOC (var_value.size ()); memcpy (*replace, var_value.data (), var_value.size ()); *replace_len = var_value.size (); *need_free = true; return true; } template static Ucl parse_with_strategy_function (C config_func, P parse_func, std::string &err) { auto parser = ucl_parser_new (UCL_PARSER_DEFAULT); config_func (parser); if (!parse_func (parser)) { const char *error = ucl_parser_get_error (parser); //Assigning here without checking result first causes a if( error != NULL ) err.assign(error); // crash if ucl_parser_get_error returns NULL ucl_parser_free (parser); return nullptr; } auto obj = ucl_parser_get_object (parser); ucl_parser_free (parser); // Obj will handle ownership return Ucl (obj); } std::unique_ptr obj; public: struct macro_handler_s { ucl_macro_handler handler; ucl_context_macro_handler ctx_handler; }; struct macro_userdata_s { ucl_parser *parser; void *userdata; }; class const_iterator { private: struct ucl_iter_deleter { void operator() (ucl_object_iter_t it) { ucl_object_iterate_free (it); } }; std::shared_ptr it; std::unique_ptr cur; public: typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; const_iterator(const Ucl &obj) { it = std::shared_ptr(ucl_object_iterate_new (obj.obj.get()), ucl_iter_deleter()); cur.reset (new Ucl(ucl_object_iterate_safe (it.get(), true))); if (!cur->obj) { it.reset (); cur.reset (); } } const_iterator() {} const_iterator(const const_iterator &other) = delete; const_iterator(const_iterator &&other) = default; ~const_iterator() {} const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator &other) = delete; const_iterator& operator=(const_iterator &&other) = default; bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { if (cur && other.cur) { return cur->obj.get() == other.cur->obj.get(); } return !cur && !other.cur; } bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); } const_iterator& operator++() { if (it) { cur.reset (new Ucl(ucl_object_iterate_safe (it.get(), true))); } if (cur && !cur->obj) { it.reset (); cur.reset (); } return *this; } const Ucl& operator*() const { return *cur; } const Ucl* operator->() const { return cur.get(); } }; struct variable_replacer { virtual ~variable_replacer() {} virtual bool is_variable (const std::string &str) const { return !str.empty (); } virtual std::string replace (const std::string &var) const = 0; }; // We grab ownership if get non-const ucl_object_t Ucl(ucl_object_t *other) { obj.reset (other); } // Shared ownership Ucl(const ucl_object_t *other) { obj.reset (ucl_object_ref (other)); } Ucl(const Ucl &other) { obj.reset (ucl_object_ref (other.obj.get())); } Ucl(Ucl &&other) { obj.swap (other.obj); } Ucl() noexcept { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_NULL)); } Ucl(std::nullptr_t) noexcept { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_NULL)); } Ucl(double value) { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_FLOAT)); obj->value.dv = value; } Ucl(int64_t value) { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_INT)); obj->value.iv = value; } Ucl(bool value) { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_BOOLEAN)); obj->value.iv = static_cast(value); } Ucl(const std::string &value) { obj.reset (ucl_object_fromstring_common (value.data (), value.size (), UCL_STRING_RAW)); } Ucl(const char *value) { obj.reset (ucl_object_fromstring_common (value, 0, UCL_STRING_RAW)); } // Implicit constructor: anything with a to_json() function. template Ucl(const T &t) : Ucl(t.to_ucl()) {} // Implicit constructor: map-like objects (std::map, std::unordered_map, etc) template ::value && std::is_constructible::value, int>::type = 0> Ucl(const M &m) { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT)); auto cobj = obj.get (); for (const auto &e : m) { ucl_object_insert_key (cobj, ucl_object_ref (e.second.obj.get()), e.first.data (), e.first.size (), true); } } // Implicit constructor: vector-like objects (std::list, std::vector, std::set, etc) template ::value, int>::type = 0> Ucl(const V &v) { obj.reset (ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY)); auto cobj = obj.get (); for (const auto &e : v) { ucl_array_append (cobj, ucl_object_ref (e.obj.get())); } } ucl_type_t type () const { if (obj) { return ucl_object_type (obj.get ()); } return UCL_NULL; } std::string key () const { std::string res; if (obj->key) { res.assign (obj->key, obj->keylen); } return res; } double number_value (const double default_val = 0.0) const { double res; if (ucl_object_todouble_safe(obj.get(), &res)) { return res; } return default_val; } int64_t int_value (const int64_t default_val = 0) const { int64_t res; if (ucl_object_toint_safe(obj.get(), &res)) { return res; } return default_val; } bool bool_value (const bool default_val = false) const { bool res; if (ucl_object_toboolean_safe(obj.get(), &res)) { return res; } return default_val; } std::string string_value (const std::string& default_val = "") const { const char* res = nullptr; if (ucl_object_tostring_safe(obj.get(), &res)) { return res; } return default_val; } size_t size () const { if (type () == UCL_ARRAY) { return ucl_array_size (obj.get()); } return 0; } Ucl at (size_t i) const { if (type () == UCL_ARRAY) { return Ucl (ucl_array_find_index (obj.get(), i)); } return Ucl (nullptr); } Ucl lookup (const std::string &key) const { if (type () == UCL_OBJECT) { return Ucl (ucl_object_lookup_len (obj.get(), key.data (), key.size ())); } return Ucl (nullptr); } inline Ucl operator[] (size_t i) const { return at(i); } inline Ucl operator[](const std::string &key) const { return lookup(key); } // Serialize. void dump (std::string &out, ucl_emitter_t type = UCL_EMIT_JSON) const { struct ucl_emitter_functions cbdata; cbdata = Ucl::default_emit_funcs(); cbdata.ud = reinterpret_cast(&out); ucl_object_emit_full (obj.get(), type, &cbdata, nullptr); } std::string dump (ucl_emitter_t type = UCL_EMIT_JSON) const { std::string out; dump (out, type); return out; } static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { return parse (in, std::map(), err, duplicate_strategy); } static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, const std::map &vars, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, macro_handler_s, void * > > emptyVector; return parse ( in, vars, emptyVector, err, duplicate_strategy ); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { return parse (in, std::map(), macros, err, duplicate_strategy); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, const std::map &vars, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { //Preserve macro_userdata_s memory for later use in parse_with_strategy_function() std::vector userdata_list; userdata_list.reserve (macros.size()); auto config_func = [&userdata_list, &vars, ¯os] (ucl_parser *parser) { for (const auto & item : vars) { ucl_parser_register_variable (parser, item.first.c_str (), item.second.c_str ()); } for (auto & macro : macros) { userdata_list.push_back ({parser, std::get<2>(macro)}); if (std::get<1>(macro).handler != NULL) { ucl_parser_register_macro (parser, std::get<0>(macro).c_str(), std::get<1>(macro).handler, reinterpret_cast(&userdata_list.back())); } else if (std::get<1>(macro).ctx_handler != NULL) { ucl_parser_register_context_macro (parser, std::get<0>(macro).c_str(), std::get<1>(macro).ctx_handler, reinterpret_cast(&userdata_list.back())); } } }; auto parse_func = [&in, &duplicate_strategy] (struct ucl_parser *parser) -> bool { return ucl_parser_add_chunk_full (parser, (unsigned char *) in.data (), in.size (), (unsigned int)ucl_parser_get_default_priority (parser), duplicate_strategy, UCL_PARSE_UCL); }; return parse_with_strategy_function (config_func, parse_func, err); } static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, const variable_replacer &replacer, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, macro_handler_s, void * > > emptyVector; return parse ( in, replacer, emptyVector, err, duplicate_strategy ); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const std::string &in, const variable_replacer &replacer, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { //Preserve macro_userdata_s memory for later use in parse_with_strategy_function() std::vector userdata_list; userdata_list.reserve (macros.size()); auto config_func = [&userdata_list, &replacer, ¯os] (ucl_parser *parser) { ucl_parser_set_variables_handler (parser, ucl_variable_replacer, &const_cast(replacer)); for (auto & macro : macros) { userdata_list.push_back ({parser, std::get<2>(macro)}); if (std::get<1>(macro).handler != NULL) { ucl_parser_register_macro (parser, std::get<0>(macro).c_str(), std::get<1>(macro).handler, reinterpret_cast(&userdata_list.back())); } else if (std::get<1>(macro).ctx_handler != NULL) { ucl_parser_register_context_macro (parser, std::get<0>(macro).c_str(), std::get<1>(macro).ctx_handler, reinterpret_cast(&userdata_list.back())); } } }; auto parse_func = [&in, &duplicate_strategy] (struct ucl_parser *parser) -> bool { return ucl_parser_add_chunk_full (parser, (unsigned char *) in.data (), in.size (), (unsigned int)ucl_parser_get_default_priority (parser), duplicate_strategy, UCL_PARSE_UCL); }; return parse_with_strategy_function (config_func, parse_func, err); } static Ucl parse (const char *in, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { return parse (in, std::map(), err, duplicate_strategy); } static Ucl parse (const char *in, const std::map &vars, std::string &err) { if (!in) { err = "null input"; return nullptr; } return parse (std::string (in), vars, err); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const char *in, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { return parse (in, std::map(), macros, err, duplicate_strategy); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const char *in, const std::map &vars, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { if (!in) { err = "null input"; return nullptr; } return parse (std::string (in), vars, macros, err, duplicate_strategy); } static Ucl parse (const char *in, const variable_replacer &replacer, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { if (!in) { err = "null input"; return nullptr; } return parse (std::string(in), replacer, err, duplicate_strategy); } //Macro handler will receive a macro_userdata_s as void *ud static Ucl parse (const char *in, const variable_replacer &replacer, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string /*name*/, macro_handler_s, void * /*userdata*/ > > ¯os, std::string &err, enum ucl_duplicate_strategy duplicate_strategy = UCL_DUPLICATE_APPEND) { if (!in) { err = "null input"; return nullptr; } return parse (std::string (in), replacer, macros, err, duplicate_strategy); } static Ucl parse_from_file (const std::string &filename, std::string &err) { return parse_from_file (filename, std::map(), err); } static Ucl parse_from_file (const std::string &filename, const std::map &vars, std::string &err) { auto config_func = [&vars] (ucl_parser *parser) { for (const auto & item : vars) { ucl_parser_register_variable (parser, item.first.c_str (), item.second.c_str ()); } }; auto parse_func = [&filename] (ucl_parser *parser) { return ucl_parser_add_file (parser, filename.c_str ()); }; return parse_with_strategy_function (config_func, parse_func, err); } static Ucl parse_from_file (const std::string &filename, const variable_replacer &replacer, std::string &err) { auto config_func = [&replacer] (ucl_parser *parser) { ucl_parser_set_variables_handler (parser, ucl_variable_replacer, &const_cast(replacer)); }; auto parse_func = [&filename] (ucl_parser *parser) { return ucl_parser_add_file (parser, filename.c_str ()); }; return parse_with_strategy_function (config_func, parse_func, err); } static std::vector find_variable (const std::string &in) { auto parser = ucl_parser_new (UCL_PARSER_DEFAULT); std::set vars; ucl_parser_set_variables_handler (parser, ucl_variable_getter, &vars); ucl_parser_add_chunk (parser, (const unsigned char *)in.data (), in.size ()); ucl_parser_free (parser); std::vector result; std::move (vars.begin (), vars.end (), std::back_inserter (result)); return result; } static std::vector find_variable (const char *in) { if (!in) { return std::vector(); } return find_variable (std::string (in)); } static std::vector find_variable_from_file (const std::string &filename) { auto parser = ucl_parser_new (UCL_PARSER_DEFAULT); std::set vars; ucl_parser_set_variables_handler (parser, ucl_variable_getter, &vars); ucl_parser_add_file (parser, filename.c_str ()); ucl_parser_free (parser); std::vector result; std::move (vars.begin (), vars.end (), std::back_inserter (result)); return result; } Ucl& operator= (Ucl rhs) { obj.swap (rhs.obj); return *this; } bool operator== (const Ucl &rhs) const { return ucl_object_compare (obj.get(), rhs.obj.get ()) == 0; } bool operator< (const Ucl &rhs) const { return ucl_object_compare (obj.get(), rhs.obj.get ()) < 0; } bool operator!= (const Ucl &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<= (const Ucl &rhs) const { return !(rhs < *this); } bool operator> (const Ucl &rhs) const { return (rhs < *this); } bool operator>= (const Ucl &rhs) const { return !(*this < rhs); } explicit operator bool () const { if (!obj || type() == UCL_NULL) { return false; } if (type () == UCL_BOOLEAN) { return bool_value (); } return true; } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(*this); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); } const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(); } }; };