Global:8_DOLLARS = $$$$$$$$ Global:VAR = Var_Parse: ${8_DOLLARS} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF Global:VAR = $$$$$$$$ Var_Parse: ${VAR:D${8_DOLLARS}} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF Applying ${VAR:D...} to "$$$$$$$$" (VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF, none, none) Var_Parse: ${8_DOLLARS}} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF Result of ${VAR:D${8_DOLLARS}} is "$$$$$$$$" (VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF, none, none) Global:VAR = $$$$$$$$ Var_Parse: ${VAR:@var@${8_DOLLARS}@} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF Applying ${VAR:@...} to "$$$$$$$$" (VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF, none, none) Modifier part: "var" Modifier part: "${8_DOLLARS}" ModifyWords: split "$$$$$$$$" into 1 words Global:var = $$$$$$$$ Var_Parse: ${8_DOLLARS} with VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF ModifyWord_Loop: in "$$$$$$$$", replace "var" with "${8_DOLLARS}" to "$$$$" Global:delete var Result of ${VAR:@var@${8_DOLLARS}@} is "$$$$" (VARE_WANTRES|VARE_KEEP_DOLLAR|VARE_KEEP_UNDEF, none, none) Global:VAR = $$$$ Global:.MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d Global:.MAKEFLAGS = -r -k -d v -d 0 exit status 0