//===- ErrorHandler.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "lld/Common/Threads.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h" #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticPrinter.h" #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #include #endif using namespace llvm; using namespace lld; // The functions defined in this file can be called from multiple threads, // but lld::outs() or lld::errs() are not thread-safe. We protect them using a // mutex. static std::mutex mu; // We want to separate multi-line messages with a newline. `sep` is "\n" // if the last messages was multi-line. Otherwise "". static StringRef sep; static StringRef getSeparator(const Twine &msg) { if (StringRef(msg.str()).contains('\n')) return "\n"; return ""; } raw_ostream *lld::stdoutOS; raw_ostream *lld::stderrOS; raw_ostream &lld::outs() { return stdoutOS ? *stdoutOS : llvm::outs(); } raw_ostream &lld::errs() { return stderrOS ? *stderrOS : llvm::errs(); } ErrorHandler &lld::errorHandler() { static ErrorHandler handler; return handler; } void lld::exitLld(int val) { // Delete any temporary file, while keeping the memory mapping open. if (errorHandler().outputBuffer) errorHandler().outputBuffer->discard(); // Dealloc/destroy ManagedStatic variables before calling _exit(). // In an LTO build, allows us to get the output of -time-passes. // Ensures that the thread pool for the parallel algorithms is stopped to // avoid intermittent crashes on Windows when exiting. llvm_shutdown(); lld::outs().flush(); lld::errs().flush(); _exit(val); } void lld::diagnosticHandler(const DiagnosticInfo &di) { SmallString<128> s; raw_svector_ostream os(s); DiagnosticPrinterRawOStream dp(os); di.print(dp); switch (di.getSeverity()) { case DS_Error: error(s); break; case DS_Warning: warn(s); break; case DS_Remark: case DS_Note: message(s); break; } } void lld::checkError(Error e) { handleAllErrors(std::move(e), [&](ErrorInfoBase &eib) { error(eib.message()); }); } // This is for --vs-diagnostics. // // Normally, lld's error message starts with argv[0]. Therefore, it usually // looks like this: // // ld.lld: error: ... // // This error message style is unfortunately unfriendly to Visual Studio // IDE. VS interprets the first word of the first line as an error location // and make it clickable, thus "ld.lld" in the above message would become a // clickable text. When you click it, VS opens "ld.lld" executable file with // a binary editor. // // As a workaround, we print out an error location instead of "ld.lld" if // lld is running in VS diagnostics mode. As a result, error message will // look like this: // // src/foo.c(35): error: ... // // This function returns an error location string. An error location is // extracted from an error message using regexps. std::string ErrorHandler::getLocation(const Twine &msg) { if (!vsDiagnostics) return logName; static std::regex regexes[] = { std::regex( R"(^undefined (?:\S+ )?symbol:.*\n)" R"(>>> referenced by .+\((\S+):(\d+)\))"), std::regex( R"(^undefined (?:\S+ )?symbol:.*\n>>> referenced by (\S+):(\d+))"), std::regex(R"(^undefined symbol:.*\n>>> referenced by (.*):)"), std::regex( R"(^duplicate symbol: .*\n>>> defined in (\S+)\n>>> defined in.*)"), std::regex( R"(^duplicate symbol: .*\n>>> defined at .+\((\S+):(\d+)\))"), std::regex(R"(^duplicate symbol: .*\n>>> defined at (\S+):(\d+))"), std::regex( R"(.*\n>>> defined in .*\n>>> referenced by .+\((\S+):(\d+)\))"), std::regex(R"(.*\n>>> defined in .*\n>>> referenced by (\S+):(\d+))"), std::regex(R"((\S+):(\d+): unclosed quote)"), }; std::string str = msg.str(); for (std::regex &re : regexes) { std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_search(str, m, re)) continue; assert(m.size() == 2 || m.size() == 3); if (m.size() == 2) return m.str(1); return m.str(1) + "(" + m.str(2) + ")"; } return logName; } void ErrorHandler::log(const Twine &msg) { if (!verbose) return; std::lock_guard lock(mu); lld::errs() << logName << ": " << msg << "\n"; } void ErrorHandler::message(const Twine &msg) { std::lock_guard lock(mu); lld::outs() << msg << "\n"; lld::outs().flush(); } void ErrorHandler::warn(const Twine &msg) { if (fatalWarnings) { error(msg); return; } std::lock_guard lock(mu); lld::errs() << sep << getLocation(msg) << ": " << Colors::MAGENTA << "warning: " << Colors::RESET << msg << "\n"; sep = getSeparator(msg); } void ErrorHandler::error(const Twine &msg) { // If Visual Studio-style error message mode is enabled, // this particular error is printed out as two errors. if (vsDiagnostics) { static std::regex re(R"(^(duplicate symbol: .*))" R"((\n>>> defined at \S+:\d+.*\n>>>.*))" R"((\n>>> defined at \S+:\d+.*\n>>>.*))"); std::string str = msg.str(); std::smatch m; if (std::regex_match(str, m, re)) { error(m.str(1) + m.str(2)); error(m.str(1) + m.str(3)); return; } } std::lock_guard lock(mu); if (errorLimit == 0 || errorCount < errorLimit) { lld::errs() << sep << getLocation(msg) << ": " << Colors::RED << "error: " << Colors::RESET << msg << "\n"; } else if (errorCount == errorLimit) { lld::errs() << sep << getLocation(msg) << ": " << Colors::RED << "error: " << Colors::RESET << errorLimitExceededMsg << "\n"; if (exitEarly) exitLld(1); } sep = getSeparator(msg); ++errorCount; } void ErrorHandler::fatal(const Twine &msg) { error(msg); exitLld(1); }