# $FreeBSD: head/share/monetdef/en_GB.UTF-8.src 127474 2004-03-27 08:14:15Z tjr $ # # WARNING: spaces may be essential at the end of lines # WARNING: empty lines are essential too # # int_curr_symbol (last character always SPACE) GBP # currency_symbol £ # mon_decimal_point . # mon_thousands_sep , # mon_grouping, separated by ; 3;3 # positive_sign # negative_sign - # int_frac_digits 2 # frac_digits 2 # p_cs_precedes 1 # p_sep_by_space 0 # n_cs_precedes 1 # n_sep_by_space 0 # p_sign_posn 1 # n_sign_posn 1 # EOF