# $FreeBSD: head/share/misc/committers-ports.dot 168084 2007-03-30 19:08:33Z ehaupt $ digraph ports { # Node definitions follow this example: # # foo [label="Foo Bar\nfoo@FreeBSD.org\n????/??/??"] # # ????/??/?? is the date when the commit bit was obtained, usually the one you # can find looking at CVS logs for the access (or avail) file under CVSROOT. # # For returned commit bits, the node definition will follow this example: # # foo [label="Foo Bar\nfoo@FreeBSD.org\n????/??/??\n????/??/??"] # # The first date is the same as for an active committer, the second date is # the date when the commit bit has been returned. Again, check CVS logs. node [color=grey62, style=filled, bgcolor=black]; # Alumni go here.. Try to keep things sorted. adamw [label="Adam Weinberger\nadamw@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/16\n2006/09/25"] node [color=lightblue2, style=filled, bgcolor=black]; # Current ports committers go here. Try to keep things sorted. acm [label="Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez\nacm@FreeBSD.org\n2006/07/18"] ahze [label="Michael Johnson\nahze@FreeBSD.org\n2004/10/29"] alepulver [label="Alejandro Pulver\nalepulver@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/01"] clement [label="Clement Laforet\nclement@FreeBSD.org\n2003/12/17"] db [label="Diane Bruce\ndb@FreeBSD.org\n2007/01/18"] edwin [label="Edwin Groothuis\nedwin@FreeBSD.org\n2002/10/22"] ehaupt [label="Emanuel Haupt\nehaupt@FreeBSD.org\n2005/10/03"] erwin [label="Erwin Lansing\nerwin@FreeBSD.org\n2003/06/04"] flz [label="Florent Thoumie\nflz@FreeBSD.org\n2005/03/01"] gabor [label="Gabor Kovesdan\ngabor@FreeBSD.org\n2006/12/05"] garga [label="Renato Botelho\ngarga@FreeBSD.org\n2005/07/11"] jmelo [label="Jean Milanez Melo\njmelo@FreeBSD.org\n2006/03/31"] johans [label="Johan Selst\njohans@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/01"] josef [label="Josef El-Rayes\njosef@FreeBSD.org\n2004/12/20"] jylefort [label="Jean-Yves Lefort\njylefort@FreeBSD.org\n2005/04/12"] kwm [label="Koop Mast\nkwm@FreeBSD.org\n2004/09/14"] laszlof [label="Frank Laszlo\nlaszlof@FreeBSD.org\n2006/11/07"] lbr [label="Lars Balker Rasmussen\lbr@FreeBSD.org\n2006/04/30"] lth [label="Lars Thegler\nlth@FreeBSD.org\n2004/05/04"] mezz [label="Jeremy Messenger\nmezz@FreeBSD.org\n2004/04/30"] mnag [label="Marcus Grando\nmnag@FreeBSD.org\n2005/09/15"] novel [label="Roman Bogorodskiy\nnovel@FreeBSD.org\n2005/03/07"] pav [label="Pav Lucistnik\npav@FreeBSD.org\n2003/11/12"] shaun [label="Shaun Amott\nshaun@FreeBSD.org\n2006/06/19"] simon [label="Simon L. Nielsen\nsimon@FreeBSD.org\n2005/01/08"] tmclaugh [label="Tom McLaughlin\ntmclaugh@FreeBSD.org\n2005/09/15"] vd [label="Vasil Dimov\nvd@FreeBSD.org\n2006/01/19"] # Here are the mentor/mentee relationships. # Group together all the mentees for a particular mentor. # Keep the list sorted by mentor login. adamw -> ahze adamw -> jylefort adamw -> mezz adamw -> pav ahze -> shaun ahze -> tmclaugh edwin -> erwin ehaupt -> db erwin -> clement erwin -> gabor erwin -> lbr erwin -> lth erwin -> simon flz -> garga flz -> johans flz -> laszlof garga -> acm garga -> alepulver garga -> vd mnag -> jmelo novel -> ehaupt pav -> flz pav -> josef pav -> kwm pav -> mnag }