#!/bin/sh #- # Copyright (c) 2016 Devin Teske # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD: head/share/examples/jails/jib 295546 2016-02-11 21:28:34Z dteske $ # ############################################################ IDENT(1) # # $Title: if_bridge(4) management script for vnet jails $ # ############################################################ INFORMATION # # Use this tool with jail.conf(5) (or rc.conf(5) ``legacy'' configuration) to # manage `vnet' interfaces for jails. Designed to automate the creation of vnet # interface(s) during jail `prestart' and destroy said interface(s) during jail # `poststop'. # # In jail.conf(5) format: # # ### BEGIN EXCERPT ### # # xxx { # host.hostname = "xxx.yyy"; # path = "/vm/xxx"; # # # # # NB: Below 2-lines required # # NB: The number of eNb_xxx interfaces should match the number of # # arguments given to `jib addm xxx' in exec.prestart value. # # # vnet; # vnet.interface = "e0b_xxx e1b_xxx ..."; # # exec.clean; # exec.system_user = "root"; # exec.jail_user = "root"; # # # # # NB: Below 2-lines required # # NB: The number of arguments after `jib addm xxx' should match # # the number of eNb_xxx arguments in vnet.interface value. # # # exec.prestart += "jib addm xxx em0 em1 ..."; # exec.poststop += "jib destroy xxx"; # # # Standard recipe # exec.start += "/bin/sh /etc/rc"; # exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"; # exec.consolelog = "/var/log/jail_xxx_console.log"; # mount.devfs; # # # Optional (default off) # #allow.mount; # #allow.set_hostname = 1; # #allow.sysvipc = 1; # #devfs_ruleset = "11"; # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP # } # # ### END EXCERPT ### # # In rc.conf(5) ``legacy'' format (used when /etc/jail.conf does not exist): # # ### BEGIN EXCERPT ### # # jail_enable="YES" # jail_list="xxx" # # # # # Global presets for all jails # # # jail_devfs_enable="YES" # mount devfs # # # # # Global options (default off) # # # #jail_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/fstab.{name} # #jail_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow hostname to change # #jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" # Allow SysV Interprocess Comm. # # # xxx # jail_xxx_hostname="xxx.shxd.cx" # hostname # jail_xxx_rootdir="/vm/xxx" # root directory # jail_xxx_vnet_interfaces="e0b_xxx e1bxxx ..." # vnet interface(s) # jail_xxx_exec_prestart0="jib addm xxx em0 em1 ..." # bridge interface(s) # jail_xxx_exec_poststop0="jib destroy xxx" # destroy interface(s) # #jail_xxx_mount_enable="YES" # mount /etc/fstab.xxx # #jail_xxx_devfs_ruleset="11" # rule to unhide bpf for DHCP # # ### END EXCERPT ### # # Note that the legacy rc.conf(5) format is converted to # /var/run/jail.{name}.conf by /etc/rc.d/jail if jail.conf(5) is missing. # # ASIDE: dhclient(8) inside a vnet jail... # # To allow dhclient(8) to work inside a vnet jail, make sure the following # appears in /etc/devfs.rules (which should be created if it doesn't exist): # # [devfsrules_jail=11] # add include $devfsrules_hide_all # add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic # add include $devfsrules_unhide_login # add path 'bpf*' unhide # # And set ether devfs.ruleset="11" (jail.conf(5)) or # jail_{name}_devfs_ruleset="11" (rc.conf(5)). # # NB: While this tool can't create every type of desirable topology, it should # handle most setups, minus some which considered exotic or purpose-built. # ############################################################ GLOBALS pgm="${0##*/}" # Program basename # # Global exit status # SUCCESS=0 FAILURE=1 ############################################################ FUNCTIONS usage() { local action usage descr exec >&2 echo "Usage: $pgm action [arguments]" echo "Actions:" for action in \ addm \ show \ show1 \ destroy \ ; do eval usage=\"\$jib_${action}_usage\" [ "$usage" ] || continue eval descr=\"\$jib_${action}_descr\" printf "\t%s\n\t\t%s\n" "$usage" "$descr" done exit $FAILURE } action_usage() { local usage action="$1" eval usage=\"\$jib_${action}_usage\" echo "Usage: $pgm $usage" >&2 exit $FAILURE } derive_mac() { local OPTIND=1 OPTARG __flag local __mac_num= __make_pair= while getopts 2n: __flag; do case "$__flag" in 2) __make_pair=1 ;; n) __mac_num=${OPTARG%%[^0-9]*} ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) if [ ! "$__mac_num" ]; then eval __mac_num=\${_${iface}_num:--1} __mac_num=$(( $__mac_num + 1 )) eval _${iface}_num=\$__mac_num fi local __iface="$1" __name="$2" __var_to_set="$3" __var_to_set_b="$4" local __iface_devid __new_devid __num __new_devid_b # # Calculate MAC address derived from given iface. # # The formula I'm using is ``NP:SS:SS:II:II:II'' where: # + N denotes 4 bits used as a counter to support branching # each parent interface up to 15 times under the same jail # name (see S below). # + P denotes the special nibble whose value, if one of # 2, 6, A, or E (but usually 2) denotes a privately # administered MAC address (while remaining routable). # + S denotes 16 bits, the sum(1) value of the jail name. # + I denotes bits that are inherited from parent interface. # # The S bits are a CRC-16 checksum of NAME, allowing the jail # to change link numbers in ng_bridge(4) without affecting the # MAC address. Meanwhile, if... # + the jail NAME changes (e.g., it was duplicated and given # a new name with no other changes) # + the underlying network interface changes # + the jail is moved to another host # the MAC address will be recalculated to a new, similarly # unique value preventing conflict. # __iface_devid=$( ifconfig $__iface ether | awk '/ether/,$0=$2' ) __new_devid=${__iface_devid#??:??:??} # :II:II:II => S:II:II:II __num=$( set -- `echo -n "$__name" | sum` && echo $1 ) __new_devid=$( printf %x $(( $__num & 15 )) )$__new_devid # S:II:II:II => :SS:II:II:II __num=$(( $__num >> 4 )) __new_devid=:$( printf %x $(( $__num & 15 )) )$__new_devid # :SS:II:II:II => S:SS:II:II:II __num=$(( $__num >> 4 )) __new_devid=$( printf %x $(( $__num & 15 )) )$__new_devid # S:SS:II:II:II => :SS:SS:II:II:II __new_devid=:$( printf %x $(( $__num & 15 )) )$__new_devid # :SS:SS:II:II:II => P:SS:SS:II:II:II case "$__iface_devid" in ?2:*) __new_devid=a$__new_devid __new_devid_b=e$__new_devid ;; ?[Ee]:*) __new_devid=2$__new_devid __new_devid_b=6$__new_devid ;; *) __new_devid=2$__new_devid __new_devid_b=e$__new_devid esac # P:SS:SS:II:II:II => NP:SS:SS:II:II:II __new_devid=$( printf %x $(( $__mac_num & 15 )) )$__new_devid __new_devid_b=$( printf %x $(( $__mac_num & 15 )) )$__new_devid_b # # Return derivative MAC address(es) # if [ "$__make_pair" ]; then if [ "$__var_to_set" -a "$__var_to_set_b" ]; then eval $__var_to_set=\$__new_devid eval $__var_to_set_b=\$__new_devid_b else echo $__new_devid $__new_devid_b fi else if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then eval $__var_to_set=\$__new_devid else echo $__new_devid fi fi } mustberoot_to_continue() { if [ "$( id -u )" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Must run as root!" >&2 exit $FAILURE fi } jib_addm_usage="addm [-b BRIDGE_NAME] NAME interface0 [interface1 ...]" jib_addm_descr="Creates e0b_NAME [e1b_NAME ...]" jib_addm() { local OPTIND=1 OPTARG flag bridge=bridge while getopts b: flag; do case "$flag" in b) bridge="${OPTARG:-bridge}" ;; *) action_usage addm # NOTREACHED esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) local name="$1" [ "${name:-x}" = "${name#*[!0-9a-zA-Z_]}" -a $# -gt 1 ] || action_usage addm # NOTREACHED shift 1 # name mustberoot_to_continue local iface eiface_devid_a eiface_devid_b local new num quad i=0 for iface in $*; do # 1. Make sure the interface doesn't exist already ifconfig "e${i}a_$name" > /dev/null 2>&1 && continue # 2. Bring the interface up ifconfig $iface up || return # 3. Make sure the interface has been bridged if ! ifconfig "$iface$bridge" > /dev/null 2>&1; then new=$( ifconfig bridge create ) || return ifconfig $new addm $iface || return ifconfig $new name "$iface$bridge" || return ifconfig "$iface$bridge" up || return fi # 4. Create a new interface to the bridge new=$( ifconfig epair create ) || return ifconfig "$iface$bridge" addm $new || return # 5. Rename the new interface ifconfig $new name "e${i}a_$name" || return ifconfig ${new%a}b name "e${i}b_$name" || return ifconfig "e${i}a_$name" up || return ifconfig "e${i}b_$name" up || return # # 6. Set the MAC address of the new interface using a sensible # algorithm to prevent conflicts on the network. # derive_mac -2 $iface "$name" eiface_devid_a eiface_devid_b ifconfig "e${i}a_$name" ether $eiface_devid_a > /dev/null 2>&1 ifconfig "e${i}b_$name" ether $eiface_devid_b > /dev/null 2>&1 i=$(( $i + 1 )) # on to next e{i}b_name done # for iface } jib_show_usage="show" jib_show_descr="List possible NAME values for \`show NAME'" jib_show1_usage="show NAME" jib_show1_descr="Lists e0b_NAME [e1b_NAME ...]" jib_show2_usage="show [NAME]" jib_show() { local OPTIND=1 OPTARG flag while getopts "" flag; do case "$flag" in *) action_usage show2 # NOTREACHED esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then ifconfig | awk ' /^[^:[:space:]]+:/ { iface = $1 sub(/:.*/, "", iface) next } $1 == "groups:" { for (n = split($0, group); n > 1; n--) { if (group[n] != "bridge") continue print iface next } }' | xargs -rn1 ifconfig | awk '$1 == "member:" && sub(/^e[[:digit:]]+a_/, "", $2), $0 = $2' | sort -u return fi ifconfig | awk -v name="$1" ' match($0, /^e[[:digit:]]+a_/) && sub(/:.*/, "") && substr($1, RSTART + RLENGTH) == name ' | sort } jib_destroy_usage="destroy NAME" jib_destroy_descr="Destroy e0b_NAME [e1b_NAME ...]" jib_destroy() { local OPTIND=1 OPTARG flag while getopts "" flag; do case "$flag" in *) action_usage destroy # NOTREACHED esac done shift $(( $OPTIND -1 )) local name="$1" [ "${name:-x}" = "${name#*[!0-9a-zA-Z_]}" -a $# -eq 1 ] || action_usage destroy # NOTREACHED mustberoot_to_continue jib_show "$name" | xargs -rn1 -I eiface ifconfig eiface destroy } ############################################################ MAIN # # Command-line arguments # action="$1" [ "$action" ] || usage # NOTREACHED # # Validate action argument # if [ "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then type="$( type -t "jib_$action" )" || usage # NOTREACHED else type="$( type "jib_$action" 2> /dev/null )" || usage # NOTREACHED fi case "$type" in *function) shift 1 # action eval "jib_$action" \"\$@\" ;; *) usage # NOTREACHED esac ################################################################################ # END ################################################################################