#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: head/release/picobsd/mfs_tree/stand/update 71703 2001-01-27 03:23:44Z luigi $ # script to edit and save some config file(s) thefiles=$* pwd=`pwd` dev="/dev/fd0c" echo "Updating content on ${dev}: " mount ${dev} /mnt if [ "X$?" != "X0" ] ; then echo "" echo "Cannot mount ${dev} read-write!" exit 1 fi if [ "$thefiles" = "" ] ; then srcs=`ls /etc` for i in $srcs ; do if [ -f /mnt/etc/$i.gz ] ; then echo -n "$i ..." gzip < /etc/$i > /mnt/etc/$i.gz fi done elif [ "$thefiles" = "passwd" ] ; then ee /etc/master.passwd pwd_mkdb master.passwd gzip < /etc/master.passwd /mnt/etc/master.passwd.gz else for i in $thefiles; do if [ -f $i ] ; then ee $i gzip < $i > /mnt/$i.gz fi done fi echo " Done." echo -n "Updating kernel parameters... " kget /mnt/boot/kernel.conf umount /mnt cd ${pwd} echo " Done."