Starting in 4.0 the keychain will be using content protection We will define 4 new classes for the keychain: Ak = non_exportable, uid_protection|pin_protection Ck = wrap_on_lock|unwrap_on_lock|non_exportable, uid_protection|pin_protection Dk = non_exportable, uid_protection Ek = wrap_on_lock|unwrap_on_lock|non_exportable, uid_protection|pin_protection A new attribute will be added to all keychain items allowing a caller to specify the content protection level. Caller will have a choice or class Ak, Ck, Dk or Ek protection for the items data. Consider whether or not to allow SecItemUpdate to change the protection class. Backup will no longer directly backup the keychain file, instead a new SecKeychainMigrate() SPI will be added which takes a keybag and a password and returns a keychain blob in which class A and C items are protected by the provided keybags A and C keys, and the class E key protected items will not migrate. Restore will pass the keychain file from an old backup or keychain blob returned by the new SPI and the backup keybag and password to securityd so items can be migrated back into the system keychain db. Class E items in the backup set will only get restored if they are decryptable (restore is to same device) otherwise they are discarded during the restore. Implementors notes: Migrate will take a db file needing to be upgraded or a keychain blob needing to be migrated into the system security domain.