# From: @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93 # $FreeBSD: releng/10.3/share/doc/usd/11.vitut/Makefile 136910 2004-10-24 15:33:08Z ru $ VOLUME= usd/11.edit SRCS= edittut.ms MACROS= -ms USE_TBL= SRCDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../../contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/edit # index for versatec is different from the one in edit.tut # because the fonts are different and entries reference page # rather than section numbers. if you have a typesetter # you should just use the index in edit.tut, and ignore editvindex. #editvindex: # ${TROFF} ${MACROS} -n22 edit.vindex .include